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Northern Brewery H. HARDINGHAUS, PROPRIETOR. I am now prepared t deliver to my custornera, or otbers in want of BEER! A First-Class Article, positively manufacturad of only Hops Malt ! EQUAL TO ANY IMPORTED BEER. Give it a Tnal and be Convinced. H. HARDINCHAUS. NoSideShow 'o " m L ■ TO co +_. co JL Ai a. mi; HAT6 STheLatestShapes SA Business s Coili And wíth it comes JB U BC HFI ELD TIE MERCHAKT TAILOR With a Beautiful Line of New Goods of Allthe LeadingStylesand Designs Which he proposes, as hererofore. to make lower than any man in the city, and with aflrst class cutter and the best workmen, will guarantee the Hest Fitting and Most Styllsh Suits in the city. Come and see our stock and our vork, and satisfy youraelves. We are also making up the Winter Suitings and Ovorcatings at Cost, to make room for Spring Goods. Tobdggan Suits made on short notice. All Repairing, Cleaning and Dyeing, done on short notice. Don't be af raid to come in ; we take no offence if you don't buy. It is a pleasure to show our beautiful stock. Romember the place, No. I O East Huron Street, four doors west of the Cook House 1. D. STIMSON. W. V. STIM8ON. STIMSON & SON ! - DEALERS IN - Jc lllC liFOCGFIGS XRY.XHE!. W Eastllof the Post-OffiCo. Palace Grocery ! STIMSON BROS., Proprietors. Everythinja: in Stock is New and SVesli. A Full Line of Dry and Wet Croceries; also Fine Assortment of Crockery. Remember the hace, No. 9 North Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE ARLINGTON HOUSE (Formerly Goodrich hotel,) Corner Ann and Fourth Sts. Terms, 3.OO Per Ia,y. In oonnection with the hotel is THE ARLINGTON LIVERY TURNOÜTS F1RST-CLASS. When in want of anything in this line m GHVJE US A. CALL. THE MICHIGAN FURNITURE CO., Ann Arbor, Manufacturera of Cherry, Ash, Oak, Aotique and Wamut BED nOOM 8ÜIT8. Salesroom No. 82 South Maln-st. PENSION & CLAIM ACENCY 0. L. MATTHEWS ! Ann Arbok, Miob. AU applications properlr made. Thousandn of dollars have been lost because applications were not correctty made. No charges unless suocessful. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICE aorner Huron and Main streel. Residence No. 8. South División street. Office hours from 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Teleplione No. X14. Tfk inifCDTICC ""l meel wilh successr. I U ■Uf Elf I lOC quircs a knowledgc of lh vahie of newspapers, and 3 correctly displaycd advt. To secure such infornialion llinininilCI V aswülenableyoKtoadvertisedUUIblUUOLf consult LORD & THOMAS MEWSPAPEH ADVERTIsmC, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.


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Ann Arbor Democrat