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Democratic Ward Caucuses

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The ward caucuses, to elect delegates to the county and judicia! conventions, will be held Friday evening Feb. 25, 188", 7:30 o'clock, local time, at the fouowing places: First ward Chaa. King's shop Second ward Franklin House Third Ward Court House basement. Fourth ward Engine House. Fifthward Engine House. Sixth Ward ; Engine House. By order of Ward Committees. J. Y. SCHUH, Chairman. ThbDemocbat's statements, last week, were based on rumors that were correct, if they were detrimental to the hospital and university, and demanded investigation at onoe, even if they wereexaggerated as claimed by the parties in the hospital . Enoufth was found, however, to show that there was strong grounds for complaint. It is generally understood thafc from now on the hospital is to be watched by the proper authorities, so that similar complaints can not be made on any reasonable groundl üf this tbe public may be assured. The democratie state convention to nomínate candidatos for regents and supreme court judges, is to be held in the city of Detroit, March 1. Eaoh oounty isentitled to one delégate for each five hundred votes cast for governor at the last general eleotion. m i Of the demócrata whose ñames are mentioned in oonnection with the nominations for judges of the supreme court, are Daniel P. Foote, S. S. Fallas T. A. E. Weadock, H. J. Hoyt, IVm. P. Wells, Dallas Bondeman, H. Wade Bogers, Thos. M. Orocker, Judge Baldwin, and Geo. M. Huntington. ■ i ■ Kbüpp, the celebrated gun maker of Essen, Germany, employs ten thousand man ín Ytia rnvlra Vnf. Via Tnnrit.VlIv na V roll is not so large as ttaat of the ! gir Bros., at Pittsburg, Pa., who employ six thousand meD, which shows the i eronce in the wages of mechanica iu Germauy and this country. Three huiidred and seventy-five oars are required every day to draw the raw and fimshed : ial used by Carnagirs' mili, or a tram more thaa two miles in length. To do the business of this one flrm for a year would require a train six hundred and thirty miles long, or suflicient to reach nearly from Detroit to New York. The Carnagir works cover nearly two hundred thousaud acres- a pretty good showing for men who carne to this oountry poor boys, from Scotland, not forty years ago. Thkbe ís no doubt about the senous ilkioes of Mr. Parnell. He is the victiui of coasumption and Bright's disease. His friends are alarmed and urge him to leayu parliament for n time and attempt to recupérate in the south of France. His death would be an irreparable loas to the Irish cause. He has the qualitiea of a great statesman. By his sonnd judgment and marvelous tact he has made the cause of Ireland popular with common people of England - protestants and catholios thowing to the win d their prejudices and animosities, and marohing side by side in the wake of this leader. For the flrst time in history Ireland has secured an impartial hearing by the English parliament and the English public, and it is all owing to the wise leadership of Parnell. The death of this leader may retard the triumph of the Irish cause, but can not defeat it. Viotory will come at last, and when it doei come - aa McUarthy said at umversity hall- the most honored place upon the monument whioh oommemoratej it, will be given to tbe ñames of Parnell and Oladstone. History will link the ñames of this great Insuman and Englishman as the true leaders in the emancipation of Ireland. The postal law makesit larceny to take a newspapei and ref use to pay for it. A newspaper in Illinois recently brought a suit against forty-three men who would not pay their subscriptions, and obtained judgment in each for the full amount of the claim. Of these twenty-eight men made affidavits that they owned no more property than the law allowed them, thus greventing attachments. Then they, un'der the decisión of the Supreme Court, were arrested for petty larceny, and bound over in the sum of $300 each. All but six gave bonds, whioh six went to jail. As it is flgured Europe must now have on hand about 14,000,000 mobiliznble troops. Germany, including all the reserves.has between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000; Franco has about the same available number; Italy could put 2,000,000 in the field; Austro-Hungary, 1,077,000; Turkey about 800,000 and Russia probably about 6,000,000. What an enormous dram of money the maintenance of t'iese armies uecesBitates the countries named best know. But so long as one of the Powers continúes to keep up its great standing army none of the others will dare to do lens. No demonslration by members of the clergy has probably ever produced in the minds of nnuentiy moral persons more mortiflcation than the república q senators must feel over the action of the colored Bishop and his twenty-one fellow-pastors, who have just thanked Mr. Cleveland for bis nomination and recommendatiou ot Mr. Matthews to office, and who have condemned the rejectiou of his name by the republican senators as due wholly to prejudize of race. Proteatations of this sort from representative colored meu addressed to a democratie president must make our repubhean senators teel doubtfnl of their identity. - New York Times,


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