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The Sngrinaiv Coui ier reeently published n deiuilcd stntement of the fuinber nnd sliinylti produeüon of Uicbian milis in ISsC, witli compnrisons. ïlie total aggreate production were as (ollows: 4GÜKEGAÏE PBODDC7TIOX. Lumber feet. Shingles. Ssginaw RiTer milis 798,826,231 227,4(5,000 Tawas and East ïawas bl,974,375 9,280,000 Au Sable and Oscoda 221.04,333 10.070,120 Al)ena 15ï.4WS,:W3 4,7(iO,0OO Miscellaneous Hur.,n sliore milis BÏ.S49.OO0 6,120.000 Clietioygan 87,. 100,000 Ü.O.W.OtlO ItanictM 2n."..'.v, sor,;j."oo i.ll.illl-lOll ÏU'-AKMUU 11S.1Ö1.7.JÜ M nskegon 630,334, 104 458, IW,(XK) White J.ake 7o,34r,ü4S &O.ito,UÜÜ tri and H;iven and Spring Lak.... 73,003,069 124,670,000 (ir.-iiid Xtapiils & Indiana K. R... 307,0?2,251 408,9!H),750 Chicago & West Michi-anH. K. . . 90,537,703 110,017,000 Detroit, IjMiising & Northern KK.. 104,S93,937 4?3,02y,500 Flint & l'ere Marquette U3,Si,410 141,5155,330 Jliihiffan Central ïlaekiuawlMv'n. 118,710,447 58,100,000 Hisceüaiieousl.owerl'enmsiilaimlU 90,370,821 60,023,000 Ureen BajrOlsti'iotC Upper Península, 303,132,678 85,6Síi,450 Misopllaneous UpIieriuüU 295,360,S43 95,158,000 Grauil total 8,984, 1 1 7. 175 3,989,124,220 18S5 3,578, 13S.44'.) 3,574,676,9C0 STOCKS ON HAND DKCXMBIK 1, 18S6. Lu m bei feet. Shinc;!e8. Bagin'wKiv'r milis, 815,039,050 18,Mi;.ihjo HuronShore milis. 144,980,001 2,Sls,U0O Chehoygnu 24,200,000 300,000 I-iidincou '.I.SOO.MX) l.!.":.250 Manistee 35,703,650 24,!HX),C03 Muskegon 131,878,651 2i,4iio,WO M'liiteLiike l?,3Sö,361 4.ÜU(J,U00 Brand Haven and Spring ik.... ?4,936,29S 35,S70,230 G. fi. &Jod. K. K. muis 199(544,187 47,87],000 C. & Wevt Mlch. K. R. inilU 5G,1,G'J3 16,234,250 Detroit, l.Ktisiüf;& Ncrtu. R. K.... 61,290.00) 51,2ö7,r,00 Fluit & Pera ilarqiiette 39,285,297 14,400,000 Itifii. Central, Mao kinaw div 86,645,805 3,OÍ5,O00 I Mis. 1iiver 0,2U(J,OOÜ ll.'i41,000 J (jmen Bay, Mich , U. J'. initls 91,300,761 20,745,000 Misx-ellnneous U. P. milis 97,274.0! 9,685.15o Total 1,354, 101,861 2.S:!.83,WK) Deo. 1, 1888 1,952,942,251 ll.as600 Yery líenevolent. The will of Dr. Edniund C. Rogers, a brother of Randolph Hogers, the sculptor, who died ut Quiney. i'eb. 19, of paraly sis. luis 1 et'M filed. Jt " i dated at Chicago Feb. 1, 1883. He leavessi.i MI to tho children of Kandolph Rogéis, aud $1,000 cach to two sistc rs to be divided amorío tlieir cliildren at death. Tbe children of two brothers and one sister, det'eased, receive i ii each famüy $1,()CH), aud nine other re:a tives receive $1,000 each. Tho re idue of the personal nroperty and reil estáte is to le diposed of. and tno exeeutor shall distribute llie próceedi amonft any six wommen liaving araiiies whose husbands are diunkiirds. The execuiors have power to distribute as they plea-e, but tbe numher of diftributoes uust ruinain six as loug as tho funds last. State News Condense;!. A howling blizzard prevalled throughout the upper península on the aoth uit. Kour enpines were derailed while fighting snow drifts near Marquettee. Miss Iola B. Smith of Alma, Gratiot county, has sued Max Pollaskey for $10,000 damages for breach of promise. There are 89 logging railroads in Michigan, with a mileage of 475 x{, and equipped with ia locomotives sndÍ578 ears. There was presented to the state board of auditors ut the last meeting, a claim of ex-Goy. Begole for attorney'H fees. They werc lncarred at th" time" Uncle Josiah bad liis amniing match with Dr. WiUon of the institution for the deaf and dumb, on the rafusal of the latter to obey tho commands of the ehief exocutive. The exgovernor wants S1.0U0. The Twenty-siTtli Hichigan Veterans will "renne" :■' Ma Legon, April 6. A lJ-yeur old named Feltzer of Grand Kapids, was fatally injurod while riding down a toboggan slide. A splintered board was run clear through bis bladder. Prof. Olney's remains are to be interred at Kalamazco. The Kliut & Pere Marquette Railroad has iust uonipleted tbo purchase of two halt blocks oí residences in Bay City, and will probably utilize it for switches. The purchase was made through the strategy of private emmissaries, and ia a great surprise to the fornier owners, who were led to believe that a private entorprise would be erected, aud it was coaaequently sold at a Iúw figure. The Clare opera house was badly damaged by fire the otber night. About200 people were in the building at the time, uut fortunately no accident occurred. Another rwlndllng game is being sprune upon the verdaut granger in many localities. A strenger calis at the larmer's house and represente himself as one that is working in tho interest of the farming community, and is desirous of giving the farmer two bushels of a new variety of oats. He binds the farmer to sow tbe grain on a good piece of land, take the iiest of care of them nd when thre-.hed in the fall to give the stranger one-half the farmer raises. The stranger gets from twenty to forty bushels oi oats for two. Look out for uiinl The fourth annual convention of the women's relief corps, departmeut of Michigan, will be held in üraud Kapids, March 17 and 18. Alouise Crousie was found frozen to death on the street in Port Huron the other morniug. He wns a heavy drinker and was drunk the night before. As ho lived alone and had no reliitives, it is not positively jut how his death came about. He was ü." yeara old. Mrs. M. M. Tuttle of Ann Arbor has just received word from her attornevat Cleveland that the suprcmecourtreaillrmed the det-ision of the lower court uwarding her fl.O'KJ damages against the Lak e Shore raiiroaa tor benig put out of tbo train at fcandusky in the winter of 1888. Hhe bad not a ticket but offered to pay her fare. Inis is the third trial and she bas been awarded damages eaeh time. Devello Goodrich, a well-known citizen of Hint, üuicidod by shooting the otlier day. He has beon of unsouud mind for lome time. A rcligious canvass of the university was rccently made, and out of ],1S0 studente who nswered 7:M are professie cbristians and 507 church memljers. This ought to efiectually put a stop to talk about infldelity at the university. There are 3t5 members of the Youug Men's Christian Association. Wexford county, for the year lSSfi, cut 68,411,286 foet of lumber. 31S,ÜO) lath. and 16,695,000 shingles. ïhere was on hand at the beginning of 1887, 50,890,277 feet of lumber, the shingles and lath all haviiiR been shipped oüt. Nearly all the lumber business of the country is done in Cadillac. The Nonesuch copper mine at Ontonagon Is to be aindoned. Mrs. Bates, a Saginaw City woman who became in im on account of religious eicitement has been sent to the Pontiac asylum. Three otber ladies in the city are sutrerin irom dementia brought on by tbeir religious fervor. Mrs. Eber of Adrián, well known in Southern Michigan, is dead. Warren ftreen, for half a century a resi deut of Summit, Jackson county, is dead. B. Woodruff, the oldest pioneer in Osseo, llill-d.-ile county, is dead, aged 91. Ue ser ved In the war of 1S12. Alex. Park of Tecumseh, who drives one C. E. Williamson's egg wagons, is clmrged with an act of horrible cruelty at Petersburg a few days ago. It is said he became drunk and wbile ín that condition drove his team so furiously that one horse brok ití les. Ho still continued to drive, it is further charged, until tbe animal l'ell with both front legs broken just abovo the fetlock joints. It was allowed to suffer severa! Doura before being hot.


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Ann Arbor Democrat