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Northern Brewery H. HARDINGHAUS, PROPRIETOR. I imiow prepared to dellver to my cutornera, or otbers In want of BEER! A. Firut-Class Article, positlvely manufactured of only Hops Malt i EQUAL TO ANY IMPORTED BEER. Give it a Trial and be Convinced. H. HARDINCHAU8. NoSideShow .E i Jp a. a. nm o Ï, HAT8 STheLatestShapes Sprii Bnsres is Coming And with H comes BURCHFIELD TIE MERGHAKT TAILOR Witli a Beautiful Line of New Qoods of AlltheLeadingStyles and Designs Which he proposes, as hererofore, to make lower than any man in the city, and wi th a fl rst class cutter and the best workmen, wiU guarantee the Best Fitting and Most Stylish Suits in the city. Come and see our stoclc and our vork, and satisfy yourselves. We are also makinf; up the Winter Suitingg and Overcatings at Cost, to make room tor Spring Goods. Tobdggan Suits made on short notlce. All Eepairing. Cleaning and Dyeing, done on short notice. Don't be af raid tocóme in; we take no ofTence if you don't buy. It is a pteasure to show our beautiful stock. Rememberthe place, No. IO E ast Huron Street, four doors west of the Cook House J. D. STIMSON. W. F. 8TIlIS0ir. STIMSON & SON ! - DEALERS IN - Fitte Groeerles XHY THEM. tW Eastüof the Post-Offlce. Palace Grocery ! STIMSON BROS., Proprietors. ICverythlngr in. Stook i Now and Fresh. A Full Line of Dry and Wet Croceries; also Fine Assortment of Crockery. Rememberthe hace, No. 9 North Main St„ Ann Arbor, Michigan. RINSEY k SEABOLT, No. e AIS Washingtonl St. Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Crocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Suears, In large araounts, and at CasIhL ZP3?COS And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they buy and sell, il good proof that In Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roost their own Coffees every week, and none out prime articles are used. Their Bakery turns out excellent Bread. Cakes and Crackers. CaU and see tbem. XHE MICHIGAN FURNITURE CO., A mi Arbor. Manufacturera of Cherry, Asb, Oak, Antique and Walnut bed room: suits. Salesroom No. 52 South Maln-st. PENSION & CLAIM ACENCY 0. L. MATTHEWS ! Ann Abbob, Mich. All applications properly made. Thousands of dollars hare been lose oecause applications were not correctly made. No charges unless successful. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFF7CE oorner Huron and Mafu streets. Kesidence No. 6. South División street. Office hours f rom i to 4 aud 7 to 8 p. in. Teleplione No. 114. TA ifllfEDTICC and meet with succes reI U AlllClf I Idt quires ■ knowledge of th value of newspapers, and a correctly displayed advt. To secure such Information nÍAACI V aswUlenableymitoadvertiseUlllwlUUdLl consult LORD & THOMAS HEWSPAPEK ADVERTISING, CHICAGO, 1LL1N0.


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Ann Arbor Democrat