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BRÖWISTS RON BITTERS IVILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTIÓN B1LIOUSNKSS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS FROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS tirkd feeling genkral debility PAIN in the BACK & SIDES LM PUR KB LOOD CONS TI PATION I FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA EIPNEY AND LIVER TROUBLLS FOR SALE HY AI.L DRUGGISTS The Genuine hu Tr.u'.t Marl: and cross td Red Lines on wrnppcr. TAKE NO OTHER. Iu nttcmiithig to edter the canal at Kenashd, Vis., a MU-pound sturgeon t;iounilfl(l on a sand bar uuil was captured, A prtidi-ni man is like a pin, his head prevent-i him from goinji ton far. To prevent a cottli from goin;,' to far, we should say: Use Dr. Billis Uough Syrup. Fifteon cowsbaddlestogetber in a northiTn Paclfiocntto keep from (reezing to ileatb, and n freight train came through and killed all of them. Hcnry Irving snys his ansuooeatful attempt toestnblish the rosdrred seat fiystem in tlio pit of his l„omlon Lyceum theatre him $15,01)0. John Good, an inventor, who a few years ago was a diiy laborer in a Brooklvn cordage factory, uow hai au inconie öf $150,OUO a year. Sarah Hernlmrdt bellove-s that touching the shoulder of a humpback perron briugs good luck, while Fatti wül not sigu a contract on Tuesday. In a large cako of ioe reeently ent in tho Illinois PÍT6T nt'iir Ottawa, the dead body of a man was foand imbudded. lt was Joseph Johnson of Peru. Quick work.- To do a tliint? quickly anJ at tho taino time thoroaghly will tiufailtngly Becure attention. 'l'his 5s aaid o{ Sul vation Üi!, the great rheumatie remedy. The snow is go hord and deep at Bear Lake, Idaho, that people travel nrounrt regardless of fences, which ore buried far ont of sight. Cartcr's Little Liver Pilis will be foand an e x cel I ent remedy tor mc!; hendache. Thonsanda of lot fcera r om poopta who havo used them prove thlsf act. Ask yoor drug gist for them. A Polk country. Ga., man is living pleasantly with his eightli wife. A Popular Soienoe Mcmths writor says monkeys liave oonTersatioD. There is a ftswspapw iu Dakota for every 1,200 population. They kill olaim jumpers in the westera part of Kansas. Tiiro.vt DiSBA8ia ooiomencea with a Cough. Cold, or Sore Thro t. "tirovm' Bronehial Trocha " gjve immedïate relief A gray eaicle shot at. Fort Pierre, D. T., had a jack rabbit in N talons. To Eogulata tho Etomaih, Liver, and bowels. t ike Carteh'9 Liïtle Livkk Filia Miss Rose Eliz!ib(!t.b Cleveland ia hard at work upon a now novel, which she hopes to have ready for pnbli ation in the early spring. The scène of tlie story is laitl in and around Holland Tatent. ?! "í- it? SIp ííV t$ LTDIA E. Ï'INKHAM'S VEGETABLE O O GOMPOUND Isa Posltive Cure For Fnulo 1 ompllnl. and Vnluisti 10 eoismOD to nr befcl fojo pcpahUom It -will cure entirely the wout form of Female ComplAints, all Ovarían troublea, Inommatioa nd THcration, PallinjE id Displaoeaacnta, and tho eonsequünt Spinal weakacM, aad 1 pirtioujarly adaptcd to tko Chanse of Ufc. It v.-ül disaolvc r.nd cipcl tumcra from the TTterus In anoarlyctigoofdovelopmcut. r.ielendcucyto cáncerom Uumora thoi-o ia cliockcd vory speciily by ita uao. It nmorea faintnwa, Batnlencr, dastroya all crnrlne for tlnniiant-, and rellevca weakneasor i ). mu.dlii ir Itcurea Hl.jatni'-. ReadacLe, .-.,.us Pro rat! ma .JJebl ity, I l and J ligestloD. Tnat feelinyof tta]-!ny down, cauirif Jïaln, weic-ljt mul ■w"Je,lalwaypenaanntly eareaEjltsunTltirill at nll times and undi-ralli ._ ■♦ iu iiarniüiiT VMthtuolawHtliaDKvern tii.: Femóla sy:(tin. For the cnro of Kldncy Complninte of cither en thla Compouud is uosiu-paiicd. Frica P. Kix bottlcs lor Si. No famlly shonld bo without LYDIA E. pmKnAXS LIVEIt riLLS. Thcy cure constipation, blüousncss ana torpidity of tho llver. Í3 cents a box at all dmggista, á&áí&áfeá&í '&!!!'- ■■■ vV. fe t{. ip Wit ! 'i? 'íí- tfi'ï SfFií? i? NS(CapcinE1O porouMaster TTtgTiext Airorrf o? Mtdats in Kurújieuml America t, ntHokest, MfOft aid i-üt pnwcrfui remedy knnwn for Hh(Mimniiii'.ï1tiHir -y. Neuralgia 1-uiubïiso. Bnckí'he, V. uknc -. c'(H 'ín ihe chust andallu-bps mi'1 ■ n'm. B-iii i " Physl pian an I Jrüv'-'i -i - üf thofatfcfaet rep te. Bonson'fl prurtt pt (;■ r.-li mi i coro wlifre other pía o--, :- grrn v Rnlve'S Mninva ; nul lotions, areabHolutety u ole m Beware oí tniUatlonsandei similar nourKiinp minie ■ roo i 'Cptlcnin.' 'Capiiciu,'' 4Cftpsl 'i ■■" ;i thov ure uttorly wortbhs and n'i'n :ni (4t 'ir , y . A -K i oí: BBN8 'Ns a h takk v tHHr;!.-. A 1 nr -f.'--i t SI'AIÍUHY& JOJINXíN. 1'i P -■i-toí-. Nrw York. TffE GRAJÍD UAPIDS IIERD Holstein-Friesians. '■'t'Z-'Mt&K About 100 HEAD of both sexen and all aos. Soveral íimtl of BULI.S READY for SERVICE Up to two yesrs oIH. (-fioicc Cows and Heifers breci 'o my pr2e service butls Prins Midlurn and Jonge Carré, Who h;ive no superiors. A spcialty of youns pairs not nkin for foundation stock. E-cry ïfead JieíjisterPii and Guarantced Pure-Iíred. Write for C:talognc and prices, and síatc age aod sex desir"(1, nr come and sec the herd. M. L. SWKKT, Br-.!er and ImpO'tt-r, ÍMENTKJNTHISI'AI'LK. ( irJ' T?HTÍdi. MIrh. WIZARD QIL iKwBf::=;:;=;:g'f 'iflMCERY Hnvo been enjoyed bycltircns of every townond city in the L'. s. bfarreíoaa Curen bava iummi wltnosaed by thousöiidïs ir pooplo, who can teatify to THE WOXIiMtl I 1. I Ï F; A 1 . 1 N ( ! J'ü'EIt OF Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Neuralgia, Tccihache, Headache, Earache, Catarrh. Croup, Sore Throat, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords, RHEUMATISM, Sprains. Bruises, Bnrns, Fever Sores, Wounds. Oíd Sores, Chilblains, Frost Bitcs, Sore Nipples, Caked Breasts, and All Aches and Pains, aro fjutckly rel.ered b ibi.' uuxlcui remfdy. Try it once nini y m wilt novef bs without it. ir sale by lrui;j„'iMs' l'rkf1..fO. OurSoN; IltiOK freí' toali. Address WtZAHD OIL COMPANY. CHICAGO. WE WANT YOÜï iïLlliZiïS prMltaMo wiiployinent to r-]t' .rut us in Tery tri $7Spnrmontli aiwl exprosc, or lanre (xmuiíln rred. SUit tapia, Üvcrv . tflt ail panivnlan Vrer. . 8TA.NUAÍÍU BILVEKWAÈB CO, BOSTON, J1ASS. EfTONIC ! J[ Will purify the BLOOD reralate ILPfiTOiiF th HEALTH andVIOldl OR of YOUTH ])yirii,Wwl V of Appetit?, Iiuiicpstion.Lack of ml Btrfnf'th and Tired Feeling ab .. L solutelr cured: Boim, muiCj . cloa ond nerven receiTe nw Bk forro. Enliven the mlnd Hlfc n.ij Hnpplie Brnin Power. LADIES KïFI-SiiS TOÏTIO n snf :ind peedjcir. Glvranclenr, beal. thy comploxton. Frequent nUemttt at couutcrfeltlnitonlradcl to Hib j.opulftrily of th oriirinal. Lm noteiperimont- it tle Oiuoinal AND BEST, (Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS .V Cure Constlpation.Lilver Coroilaint and SickM Headache. Samplo Done and Dream BookB malled on roeelpt of twoconlsin po.tagc. f Addrets UB. HABTZB KEDICDlg CO., St. Loull, M. Th Graftt Nursery of PERGHERON HORSES. ul 200 Imported Brood Mares riEv Of CiioiceBt Families. X '?■ BBw liARGK MJII1KR8, ffidH EkSMw AUAges, botbSexsa, r IN STOCK. 300 to 400 i.uroirrKi awïalï.y from Fmncft.all ïvoordeU wiihextfnded pcllgrtrsin th Hreheron Stml Bcofcl. Tbo l'crcht-ron istheonly draft bi. U of K rauco jOf -cpiitvi a Atud book that has tb upport and endorsement of tíu Prencb Government. Bfiul fur 120-pau Ciiftlotfue, illustrations hj Hmém UoMhcar. M. DUNHAM, Wsyne, DuPgge Co., Illinois '}'' tl íTrado ííarfe.) ' IMI'KKTATKGOFOOnwiinnrjïolyincrcaiiö ■Cggprodactlon Btrengthen veak :inrtrtrri.ini:fnwl8, promote thetaealthy r wth and djivelopemeiit of all varietirM f ponlrry and eiiHUre timt rntulitlon nii'l Bmooüi plnmaro. Thia is n) fon'iníí procreas; ■i'ply give thcm t f cbem oils to mitke ck, nt a ooM i tlian one cent a wi : tor e ich titwl. We mail packavea for S i and 1. '" 1b. u 1b and K 1b ■ -a dei t e red to fretght orea proa Co. for ïMJO, dftï.n respect Ively, Ak your lf-il trmlea man ur writo to V. C.NTVR'fFVAXT, Hartford, CL One Af:ent(MorchantOnly)wan'e(l iu evcry town for Thet'Tsn'tXsP-n h1 Bo ct'ür la Tnlly np toall Ji and more thau .u rjcommend Ir to be. Nfy cmftr H tradebasfully doubled. 'm huil soos want more. . nBn. J. iiK'inN, ir ee t.Edina. Mo. Addruss R. W. TAXSIJ-L A CO., Clilcago. THE WINNER INVESTMfNT CO. OF R.WSAS (ITÏ, MO. A REAL ESTÁTE TRUST COMPANY, AVith Asscts of Slt3!$lr987.S0. Offers invetorn an opportWilty to place from tl ,000.00 U$io,0OU.OO n ii Real Bstatesyndl ite sothat it wili pay (.TI-r 100 per cent. pur tihimnion the inrestment. fnil inforraatloD faniifthed on appitration. Beference, all murcauiiiu aKcncies and the t'aTik-. in KanMU iiy. Pages Árnica Oil The bept salve the worUl for Burn;, Wounds and BOrei of all kinds. Boila," Kclon. Cullblains. Krozen Veet, PiluS, Barher's lt.h. tíoru Eyts, CtiappwS ilaniis. Mire Throat, Scald lleml, l'ltuple.' on tU Face, and all ekiu diseaSes. For LtTer Compla'nt. Stek Ilea lache, Constipatlon xie Paice'H Macdrake lill. Above reine? sold ly DrugKiHM or m.ii by mail fur 2i cents byC'.W. Snow & Co.. Syruf ;ift, N. V. Pjitfl CAT ARRH. r SSS HEADACHE, E TATAHS. ASTHMA, S3 6S NEURALGIA, ?ulckly relievfd bv nlny Cnihniniri Menthel nhaler and ly continuad a-e tffeot a irure. Sti fsetion (fii:ir.nt( ed or inonoy rt-finid -1. Iclantsfrom lix mcntliï (o one yi-ar. J'rico S0 cent; by mail or at drmfirist. Offcolan ma. led n Applicitioo. H. D. CUSHMAN, Th ree Rivera, Mich. ErPpAYSthfFREICHT Jflfc. W 5 Ton Vasfln Sealca, APSeCmL Titre Bcam and l!--:in Box for JfljPtVgBHpJ Eer.T Ize Sc1e. Fr-r fr.-c pri Ut I fL BSï"l a'tÍ0rPÍI'ÍÍfl!uiÍT0rHl,Í ixj i"5ll'LitivrJycurodiii6O daysbyür. liSiiWWr f a JaIIürnerti:ic'trMucnítIclleU■B2jjtc' Jj1jT " ' ' ' Ouarantetüth tg&ÊOÈlCsitmgMSSr n ' y "1c '" ''c WO1' Kcncr.itiDV yljwKflBp? aronünnous Electric & Magnetii Sclentlfle. PowerfuT, Duiulile, Lfrff Coxxif )vtiMQ and EffectlT. Avold frauds. ( ir-: BendStunp f'"i ïmnnihleU AJ.k ELEC line 11 E LTS FK IIhi;asj;s. 0. HOftNE, iMVENTOff. 191 WABASH AVE. CHICAGO iJOSEPHGILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOUD ViEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION-1878. I THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS g A S T H IVfACURED!! ■ ' a iirimrUiuie reiiela the worst cac. tcsurc cüiu-H ■ fortabic itoop; Bflboti eurcji Itera sil ether (UL 1 l'n'r!,' eemillMA U4 moor xUotivii. I TJCT "( et ■ lodl ■ ifl.ttO, ot DrtlfdflU or mail. Sarri [!..■ FltKK forH [star .ip. IHÍ. IC. sf'UU'FMAN. t. l'ut, Mlnn-g CURES WHÍRE ALL LLSEFAlLSrTr m Beat Coucli Syrtip. Tastesgood. Use B In flpia. Soïd by drncgiHtA, PONSUMPJION tbouf.i::di of faiui of tb wont kind nd of lonr t-ndinc bae ben cr.rcd. fad-d. o wtrottiC U MJ falth in t'a cfücacr, that I WlU HBd TWi) DOTTLU FBES, toi'hfr with VAL UABLK TKEATtSB on tlila dUaa,to any lufferar. Oir K prat ad r. O. ddrut. DC T. 6LOCÜH, 181 i'rl St., W.X. _- FACE, HAXDS, FEET, ÍotS an(ï a" tii'-ir imperfect ions, includinpr Wm J9Ls=5S9 IlevelbpmcnC, Ilairnnd Sf-alp, Supcp51 (I fluooa ïlair, plrUl W arts ii'iT Moth, Wcruni, R'1 Koe, Ane, Black jöüyliA H' ■■'-■'. iScars, i'lCÜng niutthrir tiratmcnU refl,4theditlon. r.J.ll.o'lt.urT.r..r';nisu.Ailiny,'b'dlS7tt, SÜff g nVBVIlHlIIII nttafomntlnn. Sendfol CO., PlMSIOM ATI0SSII8, OUICIOO. ILL, UA I LM I ixniniiKT in O.S. Patent Offlca I ft I kil I w s. r.iiMi.i'li'lorsKetcli fnrl'reo opinión whethsr ratent c:m i ecored. New iilok on patenta t'rro. Hpfi-ronpcsrCnnimluslontT of Pmt rany other nfitrl.-i! of the U. & Pateol Office. E. B. STUC&INGi Attoraey. il 1 tst.. A nsUintlnn, 1). :. Made from QuilR Thcbenwblpm tlie woriiï. As yourdpnlcr fcirthcm iinü tako no ülher. Fur tale evcrywlHTo. HÖMÊ TREATMËfJTc, remierj biirrmsc from Orfranic faknes. N.rrom or Cl ronlo Ailnnt?. KhunUl write to DR. WILLIAMS, 189 Wis. St.. Milwaukea, Wis.f for a fil-piifre bootc. giving Um u-aal tneut in full. an-l th m '-o.l anMltrT. ' U IIKrn ''I at i lom e. Tri'attnenl Mlllll notit on trial and NOl'AV akei IHW until yuu ai tí heiictlted. Tt;riuslx} III Duwt Btaedy Co., Lai'weiK, Ind. KIPPERS PASmiES.:;;rfll: ■HBBHffSSKÜWö"' ■' '-JWIW baj-lcstoHD. Mau. UMIE ■Tl'DY. Book-keeiilnK,Biilnesformi, numc Peomantthip. Artthmetic, Shcrthand, etc., thoroiT -iiiv cnifiit hv mail. Clfonlar ftee. BKTA.vrs cui,ij:e, r. Y. UlAnlf ''"""' s:io " "'■'■' nii.l IMle HVBEKK pni1. Odtlit iv.irt'i .". ind parthilara WW UflIV frec. P.O.TICKKRT,ADCUStaJfalaa JATFNTy"r i-.-t,nts. Washington I H I Uil J W D '■■ s -n.l for Circular. il" F tó fü ir fiv. RnmplesworthSI VIKUKK. I.tne Tk"S not umlTtliPhiTse1 fp(t. Wrlio Brewttm'i Pvr M Belu "■ AAIUtI and Morpilne IIhIiII nrol in 10 to II DUIM Oiláv. KH.rln KKiDpalivnlidirwl VID BWnfi Pi'. M:.rsh. tti'.iücy.Mich. TEl CrPáDUV I.npn her ind nra fel.t.wKMr'n I Rood pay. SitnMionifurnlshed. Writo Vulrutln Bro.. J:mejTllU.WIa. W.N.j.D.-5--IO nnHtU Morphln Ilnhlt iired In ! I P 1 1 1 M duy.. o puy M' Cin.d. 1


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