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THE GERMANIA HOTEL. riORNER WASÍTINÍÍTON AND SE'OND J strccts. IVin. L. Krank. p--oprletor. i-am ple rooms for traveüng men. Every room h: ated by 6teara. BOODRICH HOUSE. AH. GÖODRICH, Proprietor, corner Anu and Fourth streets, opposite the Court House Square. Everything in firstclass order. Ivewly furnished. Barn accoininodations. J. R. JOYNER, TICENSED AUCTIONTíR, is nowpre -Li pared to rcnder nis services to all desiring them. When you wish to sell anything at auction givo him a cali. He may íe found the first door west of Nat Droke's p.ace, Huron street. P. M'KERNAN, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collections A promptly atended to. Money to loan. Houses and lots or sale. Office in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Main Street, opposite the postofflce, dealer in Fresh, Smoked and Salt Meats of all kinds. Lard in any quantity. MRS. N. H. PIERCE. MAGNET1C IIEALER. Cure Without Medicine. Chronic Cases a Spncialty. Acute cases yield at once. Will answer calis. Business honrs: 9 a. m. to 0 p. m. 39 l'ontiac Street, 5th Ward, Ano rbor. Micli. FOLLETT HOUSE. WH. LEWIS. proprietor, Ypsilantl, Mlch. House heated with steam. dp:an m. tyler, m. d. PHYSICIAN AND SUQEOX. Omce and resldence over postofflce, firsc floor. UNION HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS in all respecta. Evervtuinf dcw. Fine rooms, well Iurnlshed. Terms, $1 per day and upwarfls. Special rates to wpekly boarders. Meals, 25 cents. John Schnelder, Jr., Proprietor. Corner of WashngtoQ and Second streets, Ann Arbor, Mlch. N1CHOLS BROS. W. W. & A. (J. NICHOLS, D. U. 8. Dental office Masonic Temple Bloek, over Saviuga Bank, Apn Arlior. JOSEPH CLINTON, fERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over Wines & ill Worden'a. All work euaranteed or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNFY ATLAW. ü. Oflice, nos. 3 and 4, Grand Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mlch. E. B. NORRIS, 4 TTORNEY AT LAW. Does a general law A collectlon and conveyauce business. A moderatu patronage is resuectfully sollcitcd. Office in the court house, Ana Arbor, Mlch. O. C. JENKINS. SU15GEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 South Main Street, opposite the First National Bank, Ann Arbor, Mlch. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS and Gravesuines manufactured from Tcnnessee and Italian Marble and Sotoca and American Granite. Shop cor. Detroit and Catharlno eU., Ann Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM HEitZ, HOUST5, 8IGN, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. Gilding, Calclmlnlns, Glazing and Paper Haniring. All work done in the best stvle and warrantcd to give satisiaction. Bhop, No. 4, West Washinstou streut, Ann Arbor, Mlch. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Orxaaizcd 1SS9, udr th( Ueneril Banking La ir ttiUitaU hu now, induaiiijt capital SIíoX tte,, te, orxo $soo,ooo amsbtm. Butinna mn, Guardian, Trustee, La4lM tui flher persons will find thia Bank a SAFE AND C0NVENI1N7 rlao at wUh to make DpoiU aad do bualul, nteristi Allowed n All Savings Depotltt 3f $1.00 and upward, occording to tne rul( tú Ib bank, and intsrot ccr.pounded ituii-iua Jly. Mony to Loan In lumi of $26 t B,OOO, corad bj Cnlasttmber! Kaal Kitat ui iood loenrltln. DIBBUTORS- Chrlitlaa Maok. W. w. wtn ff. D. Barrlnas, VTlUUm Dtublo, DTid Rüocr. Oaalel HlMckas W B. Cotllk. UfllCIES aniuu UHt, rrwtdenti W. i Winti. Vlce-Pril4Bt: C S. BlMook. Oukldr SODA BestintheWorTJ.


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