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Here And There

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There are four thousand miles of canals In England. The newest craze in New Tork cltj la for white furniture. In Galt, Cal., all high-school girls play ball wlth the youuL men. Ripe stiaw bevries were picked in the gardens of Santa Rosa, Cal., last week. In the piovince of Ontario there are flfteen Toung Women'a Christian Temperance ssociatlons. A York state judge 11 wrcstling wlth the question iiether hatculng eggs la manufueturing ctickem. Therc are 1,350 flrms eogaged In the shoe trade In Boston; in New York, 230, and in Phlladelphia, 112. The larzest and most sueeejsfttl steain lauudry in Chico, Cal., Is owncd and ruo by acompany of boys and girl. A plalntiff Etied for $15 and the defeiulant got a verdict of $35 at Nackawick. New Iirunswiek, one day last week. A nativo paper under the control of the Hawaiian goverument has taken to publishing a column or so in Engllsh. CalifornUns are sending petltiona to Postmatter General Vilas that packages of seeds be consldcrcd as third-class matter. Brooklyu's republican general committee revied the bylaws Thursdav and rcducsd the number of irordi therein from 6,000 to 1,500. A cablegram from NewZealand aayi "AuclLland has gone wild over a sbow during whlch n woman is tired from a caunon and is caugbt in midair." A young man who recently advertiscd In s New York paper for aposition saidthat "mllkIng cows and taklnj; care of furnace" were hit chlcf quallflcations. At Lynn, Mass., a few days ago, a young lady was poisoned by the arsenlc washed on to her face from two stuffed birds on her bonnet whüe the was rldinz durinj a rain-storm. Sho is Etill uuable to leave her bed. Niágara falls are now holding thclr nsual winter transformation drama, iluge iciclcs, Ice-coated trees, and the scènes on the banks caused by frozen ppray are attracting raany visltors, who appreciate the wonders. Deacon Benjamin Farnum, of Concord, N. II., wlio is over 83 years of age, recently yoked nis tu bandsome oien and drow irom hls farm throngh Main etreet one of the largest los that h.i3 been eeen in that city for yeara. There are no fewer than four eocielles In Canada whose members are pledgcd to j'tM U MIS I ailimilM..n 1V Bill llll IIUI.11 UU MJOU4j them that be will uot pormit a prlest or preacher to accotnpauy a coudeinned man to the scaffold. A man in Lancaster couuty, Permsylvania, fired frora liis wagon into a llock of birdi whlle drlvina; home onc aftcrnoon rccently, and ever eince bis horso bas been deaf irom the effects of the shock uiven him by the report of the gun. Mrs. W. D. Howells says her husband ! writcs as a man saws wood. Senator-elect Reagan of Texas, will bf 60 years old next üctober. Theodoro Roosevelt and brido have taken a house in Washington. Bermuda is having a bigger run as n i winter resort than evor bofore. A wild deer was capturod in the streets of San Raphvl, Cal., a few days ago. Los Angeles county, Cal., is largor than Rhodo Hand and Delaware combined. Boys under 10 years of age can no longer buy tobáceo at Urasi Valley, Cal. Mrs. M. Frike of Mayfield, Cal., was bitten by a tarántula and died in six honra. ERTho three buil fights in Paris have duced tho gross receipts of 205,000 francs. Adolphe Houssaye wrltei from Pnris í that Albani, at 62, is singing grandly ns ever. It is again reported that Mrs. Langtry will marry her devoted admirer in June neit. Búllalo Bill is to take some society youths on a hunting expedition in the west. Cincinnati will be 100 years old next : year, and she wants both national ! ventions to celébrate her centennial. Everybody else muy strike it the dross" ! makers wilionly hold on, is the ferainine j edict in regard to tho labor situation. Stephen W. Dorsey has temporarily j serteí London, for the purpo.-e of peeping ; at the sights that Paris has to show.


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