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A single fact is worth a ship load of ] gument. This may well be applied to Bt. Jacobs Oil, whlch is more efncacious than all other linirnents. Mr. John Gregg, u ' well known eitizen of Watsonville, fornia, found it to be indispensable ns a ! cure íor rheumatism. Price, fifty cents. John Manniug, keeper of tho Monteagle i hotel Ht Miagara Kalls, is a brother of ! Secrotary Manning. Lord Tennyson's eyesight is failing him to snch an "extent as to cause sorious alarm anión; his friends. A diamond weighing a carat and a half was recently found in a gravel mine in California. Mrs. Gladstone has consented to becoine "lady president" of the new liberal league. A resident of Chester, 111., has a pet crow thattalks quito as well as any parrot. The death of two New Yorkslims during the past week is ascribed by physicians to ! the excessive use of cigarettes. An ounco of discretion is better than pound of knowledge. Why not spend twenty-fivo cents for a bottle of Red Star Cougu Cure, und save a largo doctor'sbilH The latcst London beauties are Miss Edith Chester and Mri. lilanche Horlock, actresses._ A Hiraenlons Escapo from the Grave. I have been in poor health with a I oased gtomach and livor, causing a j I kcreil mouth continually for ten years. I kept about my house until a year ago last June. For three years prior to that time I had a severe pain in the región of my heart, at times seeming past endurance. It alFeeted my shouldcr. toon all strength from my arm ; could get no relief only by i poulticing. My stomach being so diseased, i my food caused me great distress. My age also seemed to be in the way of my i recovery, and uotthe least of my sickness. I omployed the very best medical i anco I could get while in Caro, this state, bat little encouragement could I get. Was movod to Vassar Oct. 1, 18S5, on a bed, giving me every ten minutes a teaspoonful of brandy and ic with only a teaspoonful of nourlshmeut at a time. I commenced bloating toon after arriving here, every ap]earance of dropsy. We called our Caro physician to come here, and ho said mv conïlition was worse thau when in Caro." On the 27th day of May last we called a council of doctors from Vassar, "throe iu number." All of them pronounced my case incurable. I had with the rest inflammation of the bowels, and I lay almost lifeles, and one of the leadlng physicians said if I could berestored to a sane mind again it would b all my husbancl might expoct, and anything that would soothe me was all that could be done. My husband got me som medicine at Johnson & Williamsou's, druggists at Vassar, and commenced giving it to me, and in three weeks' timo thoy began to put me in an easy chuir, "for a short time each day," at which timo I had no use of my lower limbs and my back was numb: it was a little more than two months before I could walk without crutches. 1 am now a well woman, havo walked one and a hnlf miles within a í month, can eat all kinds of food and anjoy it, have eained from 83 pounds, since last ; May, to 116 now, could say more of sickness, putdelicacy prevents. I want to say to my friends that Hibbard's Rheumatfo Syrup and Hasters are the mediciues that caréame. I used four piasters with th first live bottles; have used ten bottles in all and am well. If any one who reada this has any doubt as to the authenticity of my statement, it will afford me pleasuro to refer them to my neighbois all about bere, as they are allastonished at my reOOVery. Itis a groat famüy remedy. Very truly, MltS. CnÈSÏER (jAQE. Vassar, Mich., O:t. 11, 1886. This is to cortify that I have known Mr3. Gage since sho camo to Vassar, und knol the facts set forthin her .stiiU-mont abore tobe true. Verf truly. Geo. E. U ii.i.iamsos, Of tho flrm of Johnson & Williamson, druggists, Vassar, Mich. J. K. Delbridge, Conductor ou the Chicago 4 West Michigan Kailroad, Becoine Heir to a Larg Fortune. I have suffered more thun lnnguage can expresswithïciaticrlieiiniatiim fortwelv '■ vears. und have expended hundreüs of dol: lars for medicina. I hae nover found ■ anything that has done me ns much good as Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and plas! ters. They are truly a rheumatic speciflc, j and I take great pleasure in reeommendlne them to my friends. Yours truly, J. K. Delkuidob, 23 Pleattnt street, I Grand Hapids, Mich. A eitizen of Xorth Rtrahave. Pa., hai an excellent set of teeth, nll doublé, with which he can easiiy, it is said, crack a walnut, bita n two-penny nail in two. or lifo a quarter of beef. "I s-ee a stm-. Eve's first born, in whoso train" Como tlic damp twllight that bringeth pain. For tiches of head, neuralgia, cut and brui -.o, Try Salvation Oil, these will vou lose. In Montana duringthe winter cowboys malee a living by killing mountain lions, for which a bountiy of $S per head is paid. The animáis are ferocious and somo are very largo. JIrs. W. K. Vanderbilts is "emerging." She now appears nt small affairs, whero not more than two hundred are expected, and black tulle and diamonds may be regarded as "half mourning. T' A London letter writer says wo are not likt'lv to mach more of the prince of Wales' Mttcntion to American ladics. His gallantries in that lino have caused too much talk alieady. Whistling is in very much demand in Boston. A rertain protty girl who is said to have "acharming mouthfor whistling," is making rather a erood little income whistling for private parties. "There mny be some virtuo in all of them" he sniu, "bntfor actual worth and rapidity of effect, I know that nothing made can excol Dr. Buli's Cough Byrup." In Nuevo Loon, Mexico, a woman recently gave birth to five children, threo boys and two girls. John Rnskio rises to remarked wrathfully that civilization is putting its best iron into "Ironolada and stink pots." Mkn look BloTOnly wlth run-over hecls. LyonTi IIccl Stllfenen i'.ecp boots straight; 'oc. :i palr. The Chief Bienal offleer lias decided to establish a st:ition in Alasita. Bronchitis is cured by rrequent small doses of Piso's Curo for Cohsumption. A Carlisle dog committed suicide by pushing his head undor a gate and choking to duutb. Fon Dysi'eí'sia, INDIGESTIÓN, Depression of Spirits and General Debility, in their varioiH Corma nlso as a preventivo against Fevcr nnd Aguo, and other ínter mittent Fevors, tha "Ferro-Phospuokated Elixir of Calisaya," made by Caswell Ilazard & Co., Now York, and sold by nll Drugglsts, is the best tonic; and for patienta recovering from Fever or othor ickness. it has no equal. The Indiana on the Puyalluf roservation in Washington territory, want to organizo a Kniglits of Labor asiomblyt If sick headoche is misery, whatare Carter's Litt'.e Uve? Pilis if tliey will positively cun' it ' People who have used them speak fraukiy of their worth. They are small and easy to take. The statue of Gen. Burrssido at Proyidenco, K. 1.. is linished, and will be public!y unveiled in the spring. Invalnablo for All Forms üf female weaknes!, Cakticr's Ihon Pills. Mr. Labouchere lcclare3 that its costs the Britih people $,500 a year to feed the phcasants in tho royal parks.


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