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TJHTIMELY DEATH. Teare of Sorrow Turned to Smiles of Eejoioing. H(!iii:stkii. Auc. 31. 1836. FAitiiEE Mi;!)i( ink Co.- Genti.kmkx: I am now seventy-three yearj old, and until I was seventy I was nhvays strong and healtby : bi:t tlie ainount oL suffering I havo eiidured since that time, I feel to be sufïicicnt ior n life time. I had asevere attaclc of scia'ic rheumatism, whieh completely pros tra ted me: my limb.s and feet and in fact my uhole body, was so drawn out of ehape '.i t it was Impossible tomove without : -.-! i trifc. I was unable to straighto.i my limlis or to step on my feet formore thnn a year and my life was despaired of. Chiidren ar.d friends wero callod in to seo me dio. I was treated by threo ood physicians, and they and my friends id all tney could to relieve my suffering -but with no avail. My hi]is were blistered, and my limUs rubbed, bathed and banduged, but nothing thpy could do afforflei nu' even teruporary reliof. Tongue cannot de-cribo mv sviU'eiing. I urged them to lot me try ï)r. Pardeo's Remeily, as I had read o much about it.and of tlioso who had bee:i c-urod by its use, that it cave me confklfnoe in it. although I confess I had Uttle or no faith in so-called patent medicines. I cominenced using tbe Remedy as dirocted, and after taking it a short time could see that it was helpinf ïae. I began to porspiro freely, and aa tho perspiration increased the pain decreased. butmy clothing and bedding was a sight to behold, boing neaiiy as "yellow as sufïron." I had taken the Remedy but a sl.ort time, when I oould sleep like a child, and rolish my food like one. Thnnk God it has eured me, and I arn as he;ilthy and strong as before, and can walk and have as free use of my liftibs as over. I lmve recomniended yonr Kemedy to very mnny who were atliicted, and I do not know '.f :i case that it has not cured. 1 arn eoafldent th:it it will cure young people, if it will cure at my age. You are at liberty to use my name, if it will bo the menu of inducing any poor suffeier to use your excellent Remedy. I ara vervgratefully vours. Mrs. JAKE A FLACK, 300 Jell'erson Avenue, Kochester. N. Y. The sale of Dr. Pardee"s Hemady for the past threo months in Western New York has eiceöded that of any remedy known. iiy cures whoUy unprecedenteil in the history of medicines it hasppovan its right to tho'titlo of "Tiif i r-'it s' ISlood Hvrifltr" ever offered to the afliicted. We challenge any medicina to show an appreoiation at home, or whorever used, liko that which has been poured upon Dr. Pardoe'a Remedy. The permanent cures it has effected have made tor it a reputatlon that no other remedy has been ab!e to attain. Sendfor pamphiet. PARDEE MEDICINE CO., Rochester, N.Y. If afflicteíi with sore eyes, use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eve Water. Druggists sell it. 25c. In Paris tliere are 460, OM unmarried mon and only 880,000 married, while there are 416,000 numarried women. ITCKINC and Irrltatlons of tho skin and Bcalp, bnrns, scaldg, piles, ulcers, poisons, bites of Insi'cts and all skin diseases, qulckly cuied by 'oie'x arbollMalvo, the great skin remedy. Ü5 aud 50 cents, at Vruggiütü. Ninety per cent of the travolers to I ern poiuts from Butte, AI. T., purebase secoud-class tickets. Prompt in Action tut Not Burningffröm Red Pepper. Cahter's Litti.e L:ver Pills. There are .11 active volcanoes in Japan. This account; for the niultitude of hot springs in that country. Are You Making Moneyt There is no reason why you should not make large sums of money if you are able to work. AH you need is the right kind of cmploymentor business. Write to Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and they I will send you free. fuü Information about work that you can do and live at home, wherever you aro located, earning there by from $5 to $2" per day and npwardg. Capital not requirod: you are started free. Either se.x : all ages. Botter not delay. Georgo W. Childs is now peimitted by bis physieian to spend one hour every other day in his ofifce. Ax Extended Popclaritt. Buown's BuONCHlAl TROCHES liave lieon beforo tho public many years. Korrelioving Coughs and Throat Troublea thoy are superior to all othor articles. SvM on'i in ' Cheyenne, Wy. T., has a $10,030 saloon which it claims is the finet in the west. The Strongest Man in Oñio is said to be Oeorge C. Arnold of Cleve land. O., who leastnanone yearngo. owing to chronic liver troubles and Bright's diseasc of the kidneys. weighed less than ninetv live poonds, bat by using Dr. Har ter's Iron Tíinic has galned iustrength and weight nn til now he is admitted to be the giant rt Ohlo. A man in Brusela lia been arrested for cutting and sla.hing women's coats ant wraps in t!; 'forfnn." Some Folks have inucii diflkully in swallowing the hugo, old-fa-hioned pill. hut anyone can take Dr. Pierce'a 'Pleasant Purgativo Pel Iets," which are composed of hlghly oon centrated vegetable extracta. For dis eases of tlie liver and stomach, sick an billioua boadocho, etcM thoy Imvo no equal Their operation is attended with no dis comfort whatever. They are sugar-coatec and put up in glass TiaU. Former Mende of Lord Colin Campbel are said to become very near-?ighted whon he looms upin London. Itis a Fact well establlshed that oonanmption if attended to in its fir.-r stages can be cured There is, ho wever, no truc and rationa way to cure this diaoase, which is really scrofulous ulceration of the lunzs, excepl througli purifylng the bloo. Keep the liver in perfect order and pure blood wil Ijo tlic result. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medi cal lüscuvoi-y,1' a pnrely vi-gi-table com pouud, does n 11 this and mort.-: wliile i purifles the blooil it also builds up the sys tem, strenctliening it ngainst future attacks of disea e. Ask for Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery." Take no other. Of druggists. Rosa Bonheur has longed for a wil horse. One that wns latüly captured in the west lias baon sin;-; Declino 9f Man. Mental or organic weakness, nervous de bility and kinored delicate diseasos, how ever induced, epeedily ñnd porraanently curecl. Por fargre, llui-trated book of par tienlars endose 10 cents iu stainps and ad drewWorld's Dipensary .Medical Asso ciatioe, 6;: Main Btroet. Bu ff alo, '. Y. Tho walls of Anti fh, alternately be sieged and defended by the Crasaders, are being demolished for building materials.


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