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Howell Scorched

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About midniehfc on tho lith i:ist., lire was discove:w! In F. N. Momou's hardware storo in Howel), a rul in a short time the entiro row of busir.e s b'.oeks on Grand Rlver street, 1 etween WJnans avenue and East street, iL._j blocks on Winans hvenuo añil a row of wooden buildings on Kast street were a iría'-; o' fumo-. Tho fortúnalo crashing in of the walls of tho Greenawav hlock, insta:l of falling outward, was a'l t'nnt naved tho remainderof the buine3 part Ot tho rown. Mr. ALonroe is cli:iirnan of tho county proliibition party conimitlee and a hard worker fo1 the amendinent. and auout March 1 received tho following lette-, which Bome prohibitloniBts think expluins the probable cause o: the lire: Dbtboit, February 2a, 1887. F. N. Monroe. Howoll. ilich: Sin- 1 wish to in.ormyon that jou must stop ytiUr work in the prohibitivo eau e or we will burn you out root and branch. You may repare for tha worst n wo are on your lra-1;. Man Y SAi.onXKKKi-Eits. As the fire engir.e was driwn upon the ground a voico in tho court yard, which is .lust opposite Monroe'8 said, 'Torn Clark,'' and ndiloj somo kind of ronnrk and a postol shot jastgrazed Night Watchman Ciark s clothes, struck the engine and Klancing in dl Flghbeok's collar bone. A; revo'ver with one empty chnmber wa.-afterwarda piel e ! np in ti.'e court yard. This (iie oominft bo soi n aftsr ihe iucendiary Rre les than two weeks bsTorè, hs thrown tho city uto a fever of ecitement. ISngines .rom Jjaning and Ann Arbor tent for and came to tho ronud anl gave vaii; ib'c ,i-t istai.c in checking the proffre b of the Barnes. The losses all told og r gate nearly Í2O3, 000, for the mosl part covereO by ininrance. although a nnmbèr whosa inovable properly was destroyo.l were unprotected. Another Fatal J. H. Gibbs's shinKo mili, two mlle-i and a ba'f from Edmore, was lilown up by tlia explosión oí tlie loi er in tha lutb inst. ' The manager, Lute Uibbs. was liling a s.iw nnd droj'pod in an elevator trouyb snd escaped unbarraed. Chus. Water-, Broman, was fouud with tbe entire lire box lying on him. BIn head was atncned toa pulp; one arm was gone and hls b.nvel j were protmding. l'ennie Sherlock. 14 j years oíd, who attended amachine) was struck in tho head and back by a fn'ling timber. end died sliortly. Thomas I loo't, brother of tho latió:-, bas a 1) ■! scilp ; wound, and fears ara entertfainea that he is injured interaiiy i.nd will die. John Barlow and John j Brown, pacUei's, are both , ly injured about tho sho.ilctcrs in 1 fayo. Simon Kobson, a teumster, bad huthijïh broken. Ho was driviug a te tui of oxen, i 25 feet fr.'in the raill. A section of Iwiler I killed buth oxen, tho section neighed about two tons. John I'ought and otiiers were soverely shaken up, Kcmght being thruwnííO íeet and hindingalongsitie a circulnr saw, narrowly escaping rieath. Daniel Ustramler h::d three rlbs broken and was scalded from the liips down. the Hesh, peeling from the bones. Be cannot i cover. lo cause is given for its explosión. enty-fivo ponnds of stearn v.:s the bui o on and the boiler cont:üned tuieo ! gaugo-i of water. An eXaminatioo sliowi i no'flaw in the boiler. The owner, J. H. Gibbs, wag out of town at the time of tho : explosión. He arrived at the miil a few hours later. A Vouthfiil Taster. Tl;orc is livii'r atïl'omatown township, I Süi.tiaw couiiiy, a ;.i 1 of aloiit i: years of agí. [ilzzie Mnrphy, daunter of Mirhaol Murphy. who has taten neithr foo l n r watior for foriy n ue dnys. It lus ljie;i over eeven woèka incewiefir-t refu-ed ti partake of food and at first little notice w:. staken of the inoiler, unler thu impresVion t!'.;it it wonld last Imta ! day or two. lint a tlie day lenrthened J into weeks, the pareuts boJonie nlarnifd ! and sotight medical ar'. ■. ice. On niakin; a : diagno-os, the physiclan could notac' ount for t!:e Rtrange ueak. The pat. ut had not I been fcuffering from bdjt due'ise, and tho i pbysician s sldl! was oompletely bartled. No inducenientjB on thi pirt oí the parents or fríen 1 arell f ;.ny i.vail. Neltber force or per uosion :i:e of any us?. A i numlier of tiruee delicacie have been i placed within t o iva h of the rhtld, and the room vacitwl, luit tho result is alwavs the same; they are not di-tnrbed. T)ie i parents aro fe. n ful of i-.sing forre, 1 1 I _, 111(11. III ll i ' VI llv ' I C 1 - l T fj tf . 1 may ensne.'" Siie hss le"oti:e tenibíy ! em iciateil. and cannot survivo much luii er unlo 8 nourishment is in sume wuy i adm.niáti'ie 1. The c:i.e i - ti[y n remarkabln ono, and is creating considerable eicitemcnt.- Saiiume Coiirur. lïoware of Tyrotoxicon. Dr. V. C. VaUghn h atill f:cperimenting with tyrotoxicon, w resulta. He found poison rosep.iblinïï it in tho" bulk ovi-turs eat-n at Ciaiksvllle (lüiiatioii. He is now ende'avoring to trace the origin of the poison, :i'.:( In r; u ed it to one of three germs. He ; od to ui-inufaoture it artiticially frorn unilino, and lias ditOTered tV.t it li .is i-trong cxplo-ivo properties. Tilia ditoovery como neur costing the doctor hi {y3s. iïti waevaporatíng qnuntity of it by heating, bending cfose o ver' ft to wi-.t li it. .souie on carne to the door and whila he was talkini; to Ws vi.,itor. the hent reacbed the tyrotoxicon, wbicb eiplodfd witU tenilio iorce, breakiag the -ve.-.i-l in whjoli it-was contaiued. luto fra oient-s. lis eipjosiv torce Is greater i!it of gun powder, and. the doctor canse i o ir sparing the wits out of a reporter fclus lífSeítioon l'V oxploding some fpr bim. It explode by applyinghenttiM-r -'l'yri.c ixicoii very (iii.cily i decompo c u on ex the air, Tlie : poison obtniiiBü hm the auiiiae i much more de. diy lia i tiio onilina itelf. The dootor's experiment give fioraiseof valu■ ablo rtsult-i.- ' ei J'russ. l't miles for the Bnys. The iollowing s the ful! toxt of the law for the extortninationsof the Euglish sparrow: "Ev ry person DOing n: inhi'.bitant of this 3tatt, wbo hall kul an Euglisli sparrow in Bny i rganUe 1 town-hip, village or city in this state, sha'l ba entltled to receiVe a bountv of one cent 'or eaoh spari row thtis killed. Evir p i n npplyinj ■ for such bounty shnll talse ench sp irrow or the head thercof in lots of not ljss than 25 to the ierk of the. town-hip. v. llago or city, within whijh -ucii sparruw fhall nave been killed, who shail thereupon decide upon mch application. nnd if satlsfled with the corrootness of suc':: claim shall issue a certificatc statin? tl.o amount of l)ounty to wbicb such pplicant is entitled, and deliver the same to said apnlicant. and shall do troy the had of sucii sparrows. Kuch certlncatea may be iresented by the rlaim'nt or agent to the county treasurer of tl e county in wliich such sparrow or sparrows may havo boi-n killed who shall pay the ? ana,) out of tiie contingent fund of said couuty. S:a-o News Cond;'.nsed. Col. Worden, lr.nd gent at Reed City, liasgone to th upper península to lnvotitiatft tllft It'üivv tV:--l) l slll ' (in f tTApnnvAnf [and-i by lumbermeu, and fa ■ e; e t i h developinnnts. He has recent'y Ik'oh making it interesting for id Miiskepon lumbermen, who have preierroipayin;: di.mtgei to standing euit. A chüd was boni i.: iay City recéntly with two thumbs on eocq hanil, and on ono hand but turco fingen. E. H. Klwoo 1, the po tn clerk on tli, SR & I. rnilroa 1 who robled the uiaiU, has licon sont to the Detroit house of correction for two yeais. Uis home was nt Silvor Creek, Ind. Tuesday, Marcü 1. Davier Ivin of Whit Pigcon, au onlv son of Rob. S. ivin. 'ÏZ years old, light complexión, d.ivi; h lir and yes, wearingdark pluh turban cup. light or brown overooat, left his falhcr'a homa, siiK e which timo he has not beon hearfi of, though thestreami and country h ive been carefully seaiched. Hinco a 'sickness of two months lat autumn hij mind ac times been troubled. Any Information conoerning him would bo gratefully received. A cooperativo building nssociutlon hal been organized iu Ann Ailor. üoorgo Melnotte Grummond, well-known among tlie newnpaper frutornity of tho state, suicided in (Jraml Rápida a'fewdnys ago. Everythlng is in rendiiisss to commenoê work üpon the Auiericnu sida of the tunnel under the St. Clnir. The eléctrica! Elant furni-ued will be capalilc of supjlyïltforty in-:indesc!iit lights. so arranved that woikmen can place thtm atanvpoint in the tunnel. Work has prosiesacd about forty fcot on tho direct tunnel on the Canadian tide. Cathrrine Pond of Cadillac, is ebarged with enticing Eat Saginaw p;irls into her mesln'S. The authoritie will pi-o-eeut the woman. A Battlo Creek man offers to bot that Blaino and Algor will bo the ropubliean ticket in J.888. Col. John Sobieski, the Polish orator, is stirrini up the temperahce sentiment In He u.'liton oount-. and it is pre licted that the aiv.endraeni will carry there by a large vote. Saginaw City's rocently issued bonils, amounting to J 0 f00, nnd bearing4} per rent interest, have b on so d to F. C. Stone at 1 14U per cent premium. The bonils run 15 years. A man named R. A. st was arrested in Detroit the other afteinoon while engag d in smuirgüng CO boxcvs of opium, worth fi0,003 across the river in a smalí boat. He as immediately arrnipnel beforê United Sta têi Commiñtioner Grave,, walred exainlnatlon, and waslooked uu in the county .ail in default of $10,01)0 bail. The nniveraity t;lee clnb loave durine th9 M r li recess on awesterii trip and will give eönceifi In Chi ago, Hacine. Milvvaake. Madison, Dubuquc, Ro-'k Island and other eitles. Tliey will return the flrt week n April. Louis EeklesdolTer of Be.lmont, Kent oounty. the mnrderer of Lena Obit-, has been lodgíd in iail In Grand itnpids, having beau ta!-O!i th re on a stretcher. Ths ])artiníí scène at home with his fnmily was extrpmely atrectiiii bis iigeil mother betng nca ly frantic with grief. He threatena to destroy himself yot. It is rumored that the famous Ashland iro.i mine at Ironwood, has been üoIJ to a New York synJioate. A reward of íl.'O) has been offered for capturo, of the psreon or persotu who startorl the HovKeÜ fii'iv Tlie Hoikins maniifHCtnring comjiany' Store in Bear Lül;e was burned the other siglit. and is a total loss. Tlio insurunc in $.:-!.0J0. Lym:in W. Baker, mi oldand well-known Citizen of Rome. and for forty years a lcading derapc.rat of Lcuavvce county, died on the lüih iust. T J J_ ï f l . Jl-. 1 _ M T A. Saginaw, who' fasteil for eight weeks, hns broken hor fast and is no-sv eating pre-di■ gcsted miü and sim lar light food. Stephen SearlS, proliably the oldést man in Berrian oorinty, ried in St. Jo-cph on the !"th inst. He WOB an oki resident there, : was born in 17V2, t1 ok an active part in 1 tho war öf !Siy, nnd ni v laoked a few ! of boiiis '■ ö.years o!d. Andrew Kester, a prominent farmer of ; Deerlio d I.npoer county, dropped dead j the otboi' day. A citizenC1 associatioñ of the Faginaw wns with f JüjhN) capital to purchnso is known as the Bauman farm, ! one mi e west of that city. nnd consisting of '( aeren, to bo impi'oved as a driving part, nnd on wliirh to hole! state, district or county fairs, etc. Tho thinl aimual s'ilo of the surplus shorthrn. Hc.eford and Holstin catilo will lip held ::t I !io tiyretiltural co Ieg6 1 ground-; -ii ih ■■ nfternoon of'March ::;i. A I total ot' tbicty-two l.oud of thoroughbreds ' will bo sold.'inciuding twenty-five shorthorns, six Herotords and one Holkfein. j The $100;000p.ubl!ebiiildin'i at Mnrquette 1 will bo push' d 'as i'aiiiiüv aa pjs-ible. The : plruis will beao;ie in aievfays and biils. i ior the.constriiftiou ü (ben be advertisod fir. TÍ)e Mnrk-cai coupler pattern shop3 at Fünt v:; l.;e ronuiv.-;! ni Cleveland, Ohio, iftbrt peopiëof the Micliinn twndo not i raiso a-i-'.ÜOJ bonus, fihqu dthe bonus be ! forthc miiiiK. O i íñe i.l'bu emploved at onno and 1,ÜJJ wiihin 8 year. Ilonrv lioiïnett," one of tlie óldost pion: eejrs of Jac kson ceuny., d.ied at bis home in I'ai'lna, rc.-.oitiy. Henry Flukeol t'oiicord.Jnckson county, tooit severa! do: es of 'Trof. Packard's !ittie doctor in (be bot'.le.'' Uut death lurked in (bal bale, too, and Hemy'a 1 fnnoial was iSvgoly iittoüfied. Kive hundred laborei's on the Sau!t ; branch of D: ö.'S. & A. ntilroad are on a The capita! stock oC Ann Arbor's coi opcralivo a-i-ociation is lirnitud to $3jO(OUU. '..'.' Work n the gis andoil woll at Royal Uci ab adóréa.' Jfic!is n ant - a cy-operative manufacturlng issociiition. The ftat ■ n o' sjiirit-aalfsta will hokt . n aanènl mVtftldg ar, Grand L'aptds Mavih ;('s,ï?, in occutt ROÍaoce hall. Tl'.e Inst da.-. SumiI.-i;-. wi I b ■ :i oeiil.T.'t.on of tlie :. t!i univ6-...iry oï modern spiritualism. Tlie Jacksofl wnjoncompany was nmong . the bidders for Indian mippliei to thogov eVument and has loen awarded the con tra;tof .0 wagons at 83t) e.-ich, 180 at $80 ecli. nnd SJ at S-'S each, all to Le delivered ; at Chicago. The Ronfea nnning.couijany be'.d its annual raefttinpron I th in.t,. at IslipeminR. and re slected Julius Ropés pVeslaent, witi W. 1'. hwift, -.Iii ius Hopi'.. 8. S. (Jnrry. ex-Máyoi' Ifoötl "nnd tV. T. (.'nryenter trustees. The socretary'a report sliowed $4S,iK,tl in go!d and siiver mined last ye-ir, i tho average vioid pr ten of rock beiug ' .0O. Tho Sotvtii western Miibigan fheep-breéders' as'O ïatión held their aññoal meeting at Ka!ama-oo recent. v. J-ifty persons ; from ten öonntié' Ave e present. The annual shoarliig v. i;) Ie hi-M at Kalama.oo, April tó. Ottjcers were cete 1 as follows: ' President. E. !■ .'t: I:. i'aw l'aw; vice: president, 8: B. Hmiiuinnd. Kala-mázoo; j secrotajyi and troiiUver, GeoreS. 1 ierson, [ Ealamazoo ; directors, E. S. Lawrence, ' Battle Ureok; liarney Voburg. Ga!esbuTg: A. Y. Mariog, Monddn; J. II. Sliibner Cooper: Kd. :is ellT Ki hlalurand Hobart Jackson, Galesburg. Several interesting papers wero read ;ind cliso. isstnl. Gcorpjo W. White, a well-k'nown travslIng heib doctor, died euddenly In Kalamazoo.tlie othor aay, aged IJ. Ann Albor has ducidod to ]ay tha Jlichian Centrui S."i.(.Oü ior the ruilroad briilgs , over J.'otroit street, . upon the railroad agreoing to keep ths foundations of the bridge in perpetual repair. A oonipany bas been formed in Jackson i to bore for natural gas.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat