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Union Labor Party

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The mass convention of the Cincinuati Union and Labor party niet in Lanslng on the 15th inst. Á, A. Griflln of Saglnaw, was chosen chairman, and K. S. Grece Becretaxy. F. D. PllUlJps of l'ort Huron, W. Q. Baird, Bay City, and Jlilo II. Dakin, Saginaw, were cliosen as a committee on qrganizatlon and rules. A platform oommlttee was constltuted as follows: A. J. Chipman, Wayne; Abel X. Howe, Jackson; Mis. J. Culbertson, St. Joseph; W. A. Berkey, Kent; L. E. Lincoln, Sanilac; L. E. Backus, Montcalm; W. G. Baumgardner, Manlstee; John Kies, Bay; P. 11. Burns, Iron. a recesa was taken, and when the eonventlon reassembled the committee on permanent organization reported in favor of J. w. Banmgardner for permanent chairman, Lewis 1'. Granger of Jacksou for Becretary, and George Callahan of Bay for asslstant secretary. Mr. Baumgardner declioed and tho temporary ohalrmao was made pennanènt. Albcit J. ('hapman, chairman of the committee on resolutions, submltted the report of that committee. It reafflnned tho Clneinnatl platform, whleh, briefiy gummarlzed, is as follows: 1. A gradnated land tax to prevent monopoly in land. ;. i'he government issue of all money direct to the people without the Intervenlion of banks, the same to be legal tender for all debts public and private. 8. Government loans to the people at a m rate of interest. 4. Government ownership or control of all rallroad lines and means of transportation. 5. Arbitration and co-operation. 0. Woman sulfrage aiul the enforoement of labor reform as au aid to temperance. The committee In addltlon to the Clneiñnall platform reported the following wuicu was aaopteu: We further recommend the passage of the bilí iinw pending in our legislatura, house file 133, to provlde for a competent Inspector of mines In eaeh county possessIng mines and providing for his dutics. We demand this in he Interest of a arge uumbiT of cltlzens whoearna livelihood in the mines and who shoiild be protected. This bill is one introduced by Mr. Breen and is now on general order in the house. Nominations for justice of the supreme e.ourt being In order O 'Br ten S. Atkinson was nominated by acclamation. After considerable discussion about the shortcomings of the democratie, republican and greenbaek parties, called forth by the romarks of some speakers In uppositiou to Mr. Atkinson 's nomlinalion. the following resolution was submitted: Resolved, by this convention. That beÖause botb republicana, democrats, and greenbackers have heretofore rendered allegiance to Jesus Christ, therefore we wili iiot recognize liim. This was ruled out of order, and the motion (o nomínate ü'Brien J. Atkinson was carried by about a three-fourths vote. Mr. YVhitwam proposed Albert J. Chapman of ■■1H! for judge for tlio long term, bat Mr. Chapman positively rofused the use of his name. Mr. Grece proposed John C. Blanchard of lonia, who was supported by L. E. Backus and unanlmousty nominated. The nominatlons for regent gave rise to another genera! discussion of the parties. Tlie name of W. H. Miller of Otsego was proposed, and he was nominated unanimously. Fnr second regent W. G. Baumgardner, of Manistcp. was nominated, and accepted In a pleasant little speech. The following state central committee was tpppinted: . Chalrman, John M. Potter of Ingham; first district, Ileiiry A. Robinson of Detroit, ffm, Bailey of Tren ton; second .lolm O. Zable of Monroe; tliird. George S. Wllson of jackson and 1'. H. Barnes of Calhoun; fourtli, Daniel Johnson St. Joseph and R. Baker of Kalamazoo; fiftli, Samuel Stowell of lonia and Louis L. Lannier of Kent; sixth, 13. H. Daniels of Ingham and James Sweeoey f Clinton; seventh, Wm. O Connor and J. W. Andcrson of St. Clair; elghth, S. T. Wheeler of Shlawassee and Ij. E. Backus of Montcalm; ninth, George W. Hopkiixs ni' Manistee and Cllffori) 8. Gamble of Muskegon; tent!!. Jesse M. Miller of I!:iy and P. M. Angus of Arenac; eleventh, 1'. 11. Bnrns of Menomluee and Tilomas Btatly of Baraga. x ne nou. .jonn v. lanchara, senator Ralrden oí Detroit, and othcrs made brief addresses, and the convention adjourntd.


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