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The funeral services for Henry Ward ■ Beecher were he d in Urooklyn on the llth : inst. The public offices were closed busines was entire y su.-] omJed and memorial services wero held inal.rgo numbi r of churolies in the vi inity of Piymouth church. As early sh .-even o'c.oek the streets were thronped with pto 'Ie hnrrying in the direotiou of plynio th churcli. l.ines of poico were st.-itioncd at the ends i of Ihj block ou whieh the ibur' h_i. nti'il and no one was alloweil to pass tliroush the linea unless he had atiCKi-t. The sidestrcets wera p.u keil with peop e who hung nronnd hoping tüat they mibt be al 'Ie to got in witliouc á ticKot While the vast crowd of reople were gathering cutsido of the church the huiy membors of tlio congregation were dre-sing tlie pnlplt and casket with Howér-i. ïhe whole interior was tnrncd into a ] orfect Bower ganhn mul the iragraat jwrfumeof the roses pervaded the air. l'he wals, gatleries and organ were coveivd with ever, ïeen-, p ilms and cnlla li'ics. The reading desk was covered with rosea and viiies as was nlso the chair in whi h Mr. lïeecher snt fur so many years. In the cenierof the organ lolt was a ('oral erali'ein in the shape of a ti'iangle on the top of whicli were perched two white doves wtth white ril bons in theirbll. The facade of the gallery was covered witli potted planta. The pulpit was loaded down with itowers aud floral emblems sent bv iriends and different organization-, 'ihe casket was placed on a cat ifalque of whito roses, white carnations and smilax dlre t ly in front of the reading desk. Thecttiket wns covered with lilies of the vslloy, cucharis roses, smilax. niaiden hair terns, tu e roses and French moss. Not a vestige of the black cloth eovering of the oaket cou d be seen. Tbere :s notbing to indicato the oresence of deuth. The chtirch had more the appearauco of n wedding than a funeral. The doors of the church wero thrown open about 10 o'clock. Mr. Bteciior's family were not pre ent, and pew was fi.led' with flowers. Mrs. Heeclier was in the crurch for a few momentsheforetho doors were opened, but lelt with her gons ha. ore the crowd entered. After music Kev. Dr. Hall read the opening sentences of the Protestant Kpi copal buiial .-.ervieo-. At the clo e of the lesson, Dr. Hall delivered lus oration, and during its delivey thero was not a dry eve in tha huu e. In" ilosing his sermón Dr. Hall taid: A brave nnd weary heart is here at rest; bravo of oíd to daré brutal forcé and defy tho vio'ence of niobs and ruiTans in speaking for the sla ve ; bravo to accept the murmurs and doubts of his politica] friends when conscience prompted to part from them; bravest to wrestie alone with a great POrTOW when bo conld find no earthly heli) honor him for tbe courage of bis l' acts; wc love him and wonder at him for the calm, sweet. gent. e resignatión ol these last yenrs. (cd i believe. has led him stop by "step to sj en. his last dayg anionjj us witfa a wisdom gained from the crq-s; i tender, gentíe. soberer wisdom, whicb bèlped, him to e.e ;he Captain of our salvation who was made perfect through sulïering tliat we may all b of one ind the great suffe. er not ashan.od to cal us brethren. On his last Sundayevoningin thisplnce, two weeks ao. after the congregation had' retirad from it. the organist and one or two otl ers were practlelDg the h) ma: 'Heai d tho voice of Jesus say : 'Come unto Me ahd rest.' '' Mr. Bee her, doubt'ess with tbat tire tlint follows a pastor's Sund iy work. remained and lu-tened. Twa street urchins w(ire pronipt?d to wander into the bmld ing nnd onu of theiH was bt mding in thu position of tlie boy wbora Raiaelbas m mortalied. gazing up at tho organ. Iho oíd man. laying hisluinH on theb jy's heid, tui nod his face upward and ki.,íed him, and, with bis arm aliout tlie two. left tnis scene of bis triuninlis. his trials and liis forover. it was a fitting close to a grand life, t b oíd man of cenius and jame sbiéldtng the little want'erevs, pro:it inbrcting traditional way.sand i rejidices, greut also in tho ture, so like him. that re ognized, as did tlie Master, that tlie humblest and tho poprest were his brethren- the proat preafhcr lod out into tho njsht by the little ntme ess vnifs. But we bid him hert lave welt; and to mo úftenett will come tho visión of his passing out of, yonder door with his armsabor.t the boys, pasing on to the city of God, where. he liears again the fami iar voice of tbe raaster snying. ui sucu is tno Kingaom ot lie 'ven." Dr. Hall pronouncerl thebenedictioriand tho vast audience slowly fikd out of the church. After the conclusión ot the services at the Plymouth. ctinrch ihe public was pdmitted to view tl e body. In a short linie the lina extendí d for two blocka, and two hours after the doors we. e throwu op 'n the line was nearly a quarter of a mile 1'ong. Tiie other ohurches in which servirei were held were all crowded to tho utmost est nt of their eapaiity; It is etiniat d th-it fully 2yxm psople attended er i ín in the vaious i hurt'lies nul ful. y twii-'e ihat n umi. er were gatbéred: ín the Rtresta in Uie nciglil orhyod of Myiuouth chuii-h. .Vil Important DpcixlOn. The suprema court of Toiiiiossoe lias deciJe.l twiicasoi. against tlié bucker shops ín that stit. wliipil will havo a serious effOL-t óu thom, as oiany suiti: L the sanie naUirO are now pendiíí undur a statute ofüWJsLi 1 in.fprce. Paiiie may sue for tlie recovery of any niontiy lo-t un' a WaRer of' any kind within nincty d ivs 1Í ha does nöt,1 his wife' inay Sü'e in! tho lollowlnk twelve inontlis.' 'lf shv to siie. any ere l.itor of the jiarU' nmy sne in tlic next snccL'c.üii twolVü urtiuths". Ii:il.'i' C'alilwell dlivereJ tlie opinioii in tlie imSö of Mij T. liimn. !.v nekt friml, vs. Stanley H. Hél! et' a!.. bvérruiii) a'll exceptions. conSTmlng tho report of the cliancellor. This was a lironght liy Mr. Dunn tó ï'ecover nlonev 1.0t by hor husbaudby wagoiin w:th tiie defendimt ui on margina on the rise and fali of jn'icea orcertaln cómmojty?. The C'aptirei. Col.Ayres, comniandins tho second artillery al St. Francis' -Uarracus. I Ij., luis ïuade.a.repurt to lbo .war i'.up irtmiíit concerning the Apacho pilsouers at ort Manon, in whii'ii lm s ïyi tiiat tbeir mimher on March lst win 4fT. Three children have been hom ainée that dato anJ four Indlalisbáve died, Ieaving44ti in confinemBut-veighty-tyo men, 2 (i women and 158 chi.dren. 'ilie 'Indiana generally have behaved woll. About t.fty cnüai'en 'arè mder lnstrUOtioh ny tlm ' bnitlvr of M. Jo.-eph aotdenly and have nrade (re Some kindly dis ■ w.i:in have licisi Lnsti;ucting the men during the past montli in the element. of the Knglikli languago. DIsHppoIntmont Killed Hhn. John B. Luce of Arkansus, a oí Rear Adiniral Luce, died in Washington a fowdaycago of central debllityand exhaustion supp"si;il t' lnvo resulted from his long strusfcie in alvooacy of the celo brated unoetaw claim, lio nau loon ho-ivily Interested in claim in-c 1%VJ, sud conumed all bis private foilune to its prosecutinn. Home months ngo the sapreme oourt rende: o. 1 a jadgmeat la favor of the claimants, lmt the 1; s " oonj gresi refused lo apjiropriate the amo -nt -inoro tii - muí it is beliored tbat tliis last rever.-o ha-.tenod the deatta of Mr. Luce. _ Frtrmrr-:, iï'v:ir;! Another new ewindlo is beiug practiced in various partí of the Two rojuea watcu the popera foretfav notiocs, wheQ ouo of them coca anti loóles at the animal. Of courso on 'ppliontion, the larmer shows the least in 1 the fel ow decides it is not his; theu )io to his partner and describen 11 minutely to bim. .N'o. 'i goos to the farmer, and aftel' provlnm by a tliorotili dexcriptlon that he is ti.e . owner of the animal says he cadnot tmke it away, and offers to sell it at a tmrgain. Tho farmer buys, and in a ewdays the rightlul ownor claims the nniimü, and of course the farmer is out Jut that mucli. rractlcal Próli!lltin. The Sultan of Morocco has prohibiled the sale or imrchase of intoxii auts of al kin Is aml nbolished the state tobáceo monopoly. The Moorish tobacc i and saui!' siiops h'ivo bo6n c(st'; Jjirge quantities oí leaf tQbaoco were pub.l nurned by the Kuitau's o'rdtor. öeveral Moor have lieen sfripped and flopted turough tbe itreéts for kmoklng In i v tiam:eoi theSultnn'. order, 'i lm pcftulacs ol'MoioO'jo can seo no 661136 ia II16&U] tan's coniniaud -. They aro unjiv at liis laterferenoo with tbeir habitj anJ r ert that prohibition enforced ónly Mgahul the poor. Lncjr is Mart. Lucy B. Parsons, the wife of tbo condemned anarchist, was refpcfid a ha 1 by the locnl milita y oompnny st Columbua, Ohio. wherenpon -he ciil ed upon the rriayor to protest. Tlint olltcial was of the time mimi ns the mi'it-iry nnd politely told liev Mie roulcl not lecturo in that city. Thft ma e her angry.and she became so abusivo that it was found ne.essary to loik lier up. Mi-, l'iirsons was rean In her co'l and statëcl that tliis is an e!!ort to muzle freo speech; thit -hu h is lecrrrcd In evcntL-ea httiie nnd tliisis tb 'fir.-t time she lias ever been moiitcd. Later she sont the following le.egram: " A. R. l'ar.-ons, County Jail, Chicago: Arr tedto prevent njy speaking. Ad all right no w. Is'otify press. LUCY. 'X"le A!i-....uits Approprlatcd. The fcotings of tho nppropri ition billa pa-seáby thuiüth congres are us lo.lows. Agricltuie. tl.'&)i,T.9O.: arniy, ï-;i,7'J4,7l8, and consolar, ll,4l,W2 Dijtrict of Coluiul.i.i. Í4!ij6,ljao, IndlaQ, tS,aw.8E7; légUlative, fa, 701,331; military acáctrinv, 4l8,VSd; navy, i.ó.T.ïi.lüö; pen iou-, JM,:!;.2,; iostofllce. Íj5,Wl4,eftO; sunáry civil, $'22.:i.',r.iü; Mexiedil pension deliciency, jüi,'.OJ,OJU; public priiiung deficien?v. SlUT.OihJ; mi.cGllftnGOlls piia"imis (etimáted), $;),JU,UOO. 'iota! actir'.l Pipproprintions, 8Íi7,8Ü7,144; 'fhe rivO.. anl harbor bilí which was ïiot sigued, apprup: iated S'JJliJÜJ, and tlie detlcieuey Eul, af,r:ud upon in con eience but noli passed, 'ijipiopriuti'il W.2í5,tti8. War Talk Teuipóvarily Stopped; Filé acüvity oí tlio various nat'ons in wnr preparations shows lint iliehillin rumora of war.Uonly temport ry. Aatboritie Ín Au tria estímate tlint :si-5.00J Kussiun so diera aro now concéntrate 1 on tha Austro Hun garlan froDtiar. .VovemMiti of troop.) trom the intor hive ceased, but .preparations have beun mado in two provinees hich 700,000 Ktnsiansoldtara ci n be u-el ;;t on;o nn t':é Houmnnian and Aostrian borden. '1 lio present tt ppage of war talle is su:d t be due to a dosiiv at thi'ee coni t ■ to givo n pe ice "ui aspect to the cnlebration of Emperor Wiliiaia's birthday. Turn fílm Over lo ! mlpo I-yncl. Daniel N. Stewart. who givo? bis age na 43,'rflsidenre New York City, huí oceupation a trnveler. bas been forsome time the li! ad and t.iil of a -o cíiüd privíilo detectivi' ageacy iti Toronto, khown as ;'Stewnrtrs pi'evenlive and detective iiiiion.'' Ha al-o adrertises aiv ' eniployment I ureau." and it is charged that he used his latter business for tlie purpo e of ) rocui iti;; glrli and consigning theiu to agonts in Chicago, BiiThIo. l'etrt'It. nnd severnl Cnnndi m cilios. Ho was nrrested in Toronto th& otliur day. Rttd eveval young girls who ■were fovmrt in Jiis royra have beau held as wit i rasse _ Jolin Brown'R Snntimpntí. John Browii. .Ir., son of Johu lirown oL Hari'firs Ferry, lias written n letter to Ida]. Heury K. Yonng u( -Cbarleaton warinly iipproving of tlie (li.-posltion made of bis recent contiibntion to the eavthqiiake fund. Mr. Brown'a money va turned oer t the (onfederale home. He say that whi_n tlie non -romliataiits of Iho war have passed away Hiere will be litlle leít of tbo "bloudy cliasm' aml that tlie .mea whofouglit esch other cutn now íully comP'-ehend th metming of the word fraternity. . ■ Slx Killed- '.inven Injurod. Anexp!n.ion of melinits, the new xplosive. o curred ou tho lOfh in the arsenal f n.if..r! 'l'h í-pi-idnt. h;!Ti)Giied in tho woi'k-liop wliere proji ctiles aro charged. Oueinan was blown tö pieces another'b headwiis torn olí', a third died wiihin ft few. minutes atter the explosión and tlivee otbers have sinco dieil. inukiiig a total of 8ix killed. Eleven wera injüred. The explosión was cauaed by the over heating of a shell. ■ Duke TVitlulraw. TheDnkeof Westniinster nnrt theDuko'of Argyil withdiuwn Ironi the uonorary couhciloi tDe AuHiii'iiiKxhiliitiön, owing to tui; m -wier in which their names are mentioneci in vl petitiou to the l'riuce oL Wales to accept the presidency óf th ooiincil of tin ' exhilution. and alsr, tbey state, bëcause they have Icarned that tha exhihitiou is mieiv a private speculatipQ. Tno Prince wlfl, "it is said, de'cllue. the presideutfy. A To.wii liuriiecl. ' The'priricip-.l pait óf thStt.'wii of I.urabertoli, Kobeson i'oaiifyi X. i'. wasdestroVed by fin; the otbdrday. Ai.out T5 ■buili'iiii-." iiu'luil.n stoi 68, and hotels, ivere burue4. Th ie wís no flre dspai inii-nt nnd tiie tire Lmrued i long as it nad anythlne to fe2 upoh ' Mañy families ai e iiKuie Houieleffl aun destitue. The court house, jail and raiiroad office wero saveii. . In Cfrciilation. The ciraulation of standard silvor dollar.s lSiUOW 5.7,244.510 out of a total co'na?e of í2a),47l,(H7. ïlie silver certificate-i in CiioulaUoh nniount to 8 iS','2'. O.'S'sZ dedu--tiu" whiolv iéav'ea inssM6ff.74.Vuet st-ahdird ■a!lnrs-in-the treasury. ïhego d coin and b illiou in the treasury. lo s $10il.(H !.O T -tfold certifícales in circulation, amunta . to %1ÏU,24'J,277. - t ÍCtcurglonlst All Kight. .j - Pi-oú.lent Depew of the New York C?ntral.-tayjj :that lii-i companv.has no delire ♦ ,-. tnfaanitñt I li . , info '..tntfl líltt'íh ft ner to drive the neole at larpe of the benelit rf-tonri't ;ue c r of the :ow.iat8 excursión-;, to wlifcrh tlvy have beenncrus.tomeil. l.o :il;es view of the .situ itioñ and s ivs that tlie lfiw expTe 'sly uuthórizcs tho "f excursión tickets. minister n Liberia. -C. IX. J. Tiivlor. n c. 1 10 1 man of.Kánta City. Vo.. Kis Been" ap'polnted minister tó Liberia. ' bit. Taylor is "A years oll, andior several yunr; lia ben n sk-cc sfiii lawyer ia ritv. and aince l&2 ass:ataat city attoinev of tjiat city. Ho wili s lil for lus now lied i f 1 bar as BOOll a he can arrange IÜS r i-J. CliUclre Boroed to Dcatli. Fire ilestr oi] lvorn's hotel in C.'imden, N. J., atwo end o hálf-stdiy t.u'rue itcuotare, anti thre childréü wer.' burnred to denth. Charles Frederick ml ldward ] aerle. ajred (rom aliOUt Í to. liiyeavs v.ore th ■ namis of the vi t nis. and ïho fathor and mutlirr ere sevcTflv üurnol in att'eraiting'tO reseñe tliem trom the flamea. Accident on the Elovated. Au accident occurred on the eleyated railway iu xew utü tha othcr moruing. In the CFUSb an.l wild rush tul1 tho street 10 nieu feil to ihe'it.oet below. a tUstaufO of uO feet.and threo ot them wero in-tantly killed. M ha otuers&vcii wore so Süerely iujuied that. it. is.leared they will dio. Brcartstillts Exported. The total varios of the exports of domftio bread-stuffs during t'ie monlh of l'cliriuii-v, lsftf?, amounted to $n,8a1.448 na ngnlnt Vil) 105,ir7 ior the same timo in 1Sï, and for eijit nionths omied 1 oijiuary ;. $.1)-(.O:ü.44í, uKainst $r2,461,?35 tor a corresponding period iu lSsö. The B. & O. Sc, 1,1. A syudicate headed by Alfred Sully of Now York, h;is fiurchased tho üaltimore ifc Oliio railroad line-. This i siiid t; be the 'argost deal or the Klim in uus couiury and posibly In the wortd. )t bas extended its line over 7,X)0 milos in the north, and 'J,CO.i miles iu the sonth. Killed Tlircp lïrothcrs. The boiler in a mili npr.r SIMdlelsland. not fnr from Alpena, i-xp'oded tho other mornin". 'l'lio boiler was a new. ono, weifrliiiiK about five tons. A largo section of if wns thrown over '_tKJ feet. Three brtithera. Enii rv. Euawie and Waldo Carr, were iustantly ktlled. Hand iu ..ur i'iissc. The central trafile associntion mot in Chicago tlie otlier doy nn.l decided thatall passes now out. otlier than exebanga liares isMied to railwuy oüi. luis iin.l to lts own employés and thoso of coiinecting Unes shall ba witbJrawu and nuuo theraaiter shall be issiud. McArthup" Resigna. Hon. Arthur McArtlmr, associate justice oL the supremo court of the lM8t -iet of Columbia, at presrl boldnfc tha criminal court, bas tendeifidhU resigntion to President Clovelouii. x tal eUect on April 1 nuxt. _ American HulUUng in Athrm. Walker Fe:irn. the United States consul geuüt:i of ('i'tc e. on the Kt!ii:ist. openöd tUa new Uuildii :■ Atüena by ttx Aiuerlian oei tj lor Ibd stiuly of classical arcbu;ology.


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