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One of the leading scientiflc publications stntes that many people are now using the microscope to discover tho real causo of diease in tne system, and to detect adulterations of food and medicines. This wouderful instrument has saved many a life. A inicroscopical test shows, for instaneo, the presenco of albumen, or tlio life of tlio blood, in certain derangements of the kidnoys, hut medicino does not teil us how far udvanced the derangement is, or whether it shall prove fatal. The microscope, however, gives us this knowledge: Hright's disease, which so many people dread, was not fully known until the microscope revealed its characteristics. It greatly aids the phy.sician skilled in its use in determining how far diseaso has advenced, nnd gives a fuller idea of tho truo Btructnre of the kidney. A notod Germán Bcholar recently discovered thnt by the aid of the microscope the physician can teil if there is a tumor forming in the system, and if certain appearanees are seen in the fluida passed it is proof pos-itivo thut tho tumor is to be a malignant ono. If any derangement of the kidneys is detected by the microscope the physician looks for the developement of nlmost any disease tho system is heir to, and any indication of Bright's disease, which has no symptoms of its own and cannot bo fully reeognized except by the microscope, he looks upon with alarm. This disoaso has oxisted for moro than 2.0ÜD years. It is only until recently that the microscope has rovealcd to us its universal prevalonce and fatal cliaracter. ons who formerly died of what was eallod general debility, nervous breakdown, diopsy, paralysis, heart disease, rheiimatism.upoplexy, etc, are now known to have really died of kidney disease, becausp, had there been no disorder of the kidneys, tho chances aro that the effects rom which they died would nover have existed. As tlio world bccomei better acquainted vith tho importanco of the kidnoys in the ïuman oconomy by the aid of the microcope, there is greater alarm spread hroufch the communities concerning it, and this accounts for the erroneous belief that it is on tho increase. As yetneitherhomeopathist nor allopathst is prepared with a cure for deranged cidneys, but the world has long siuce recognized. and many medical gentlemen also recognize and prescribod Warner's safe cure for those derangements, and adinit that it is tho only specidc for the common and advanced iorms of kidney disorders. Formerly the true cause oL death was discovered only after death. Today the microscope shows us, in the water we pass, ;ho dangerous condition of any organ in .he body, thus enablincc us to treat it jromptly and escape premature death. Asihf microscope in the hands of laymen has revealed many diseasos that tho nedical men wero not awaro of so that nreparation, like many other discoveries n medicine and seienco, was found out y lay men, ou tido the medical codo; consequently it comes very hard for medical men to indorse and prescribe it. Nevertheless. Warner's safe cure continúes to grow in popularity and the evidencesof its effectiveuess are seen on overy hand. Some persons claim that the proprietors should give the medical profession the formula of this remedy, if it is such a "God-send to hunianity," and let the physicians and public judge whether or not it be so recognized. We, however, do not blamethem for not publishing the formula, even to get the renoimition of the medical nrofession. The standing of the men who manufacture this great remedy is equal to that of the majority of physicians. and the reason that some doctors giye for not adopting and preseribinp; it - vlz. ; that tliey do not know whrtt its ingredients are- is absurd. Mr. Warner's statement that many of the iugredients are expensive, and that the desire of the unscrupulous dealer or proscriber to realize a large profit froni its manufacture by usinj; cheaj) or in.jurious substances for those ingredients would jeopnrdize its quality and roputatlon ; aud that VVarner's safe euro cannot be made in small quantitifis en account of the expensive appartitus nrco.-sarv incompounding these ingredients- seems to us to be a reasonablo and sulüeient one. 'J'he universa! testimony of our frionds nnd neighbor:?, and the indinputatle eviilcncc tliht it nnd it alone, has completo mitei'y over all diseases of the kidnoys, is gu Sleten t explanation of its extraordinary reputntion,anl conclusive proof that it is. ïierhaps the most beneficeut discovery known to scientific medicine since the microscope revealed to us the all importnt nature of the organs it is desiguud to reaoh and benefít.


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