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Bnlil eo'or cornbinatlons sneh as sky blue and ïii'iuvc, scurlèt :.iu! palé blue. heliotro] o aml orango, aro madö to fraternizo in late Fren h evening íoilets. The RusMfin Imii.ï. u?arly straight, and only süplit y cur'.ed ander at tho euds. is ihe accepted arrangement of the front hnir of little peoplo and young girls. Tho mogiüal effeota of St. Jacobs Oil Ín removing soreness and fitifTness makes it invaluabío it all ti ne. Klioumatisra and Neuralgia promptly yio'.d to it. Some bonnets have the trimming so high and witli so pronouncedoutline thit they resemble the helmets worn by tho Hessians who surrendered at Yorktown. Sorae yonng ladies in a western town have Organizad a "husrging club." No honorary membership for us. We want to ba an active member oL that club or nothinj. Palo blue and rosa pink cashmere, trimmed with mos green plnsh. make protty party frocks for young girls. The poetess who can make "roa't beet" rhymo With vegetal)les is the kind of a poetess the world is waiting to orown as queen. Large plaids in vanishing effects of blue and lirown are combined with golden brown plush for young girls and little chlldren'a frocks. A bolero hat of dark blue astrakhan is trimmed with a cluster of looys of faille ribbon of the same tint, among which are two ye low wlngs( The aii))io)iriations macte by congress brom Ifcfl i to date for the erectión and remodelimt of the United States capítol, amonntto ? ir., 000,000. Girdlos of jet, ruby. pearl, crystal aud cashmero Iead9, corresponding to tho triniminfr of i.o, irowns. nri wnrn with ton. gowns and reception toilets. The rare mauuecripts in tlio great Paris librnry are to lie photographed so that they may be re-produced ïf de&troyed. ïvvo yatormeloii8. fr;sh f rom the vino, were shipped from Laurinburg, N. C, last week to a congressman at Washington. Glossy beaver liats aio worn by young ladies with dressy afternoon toilèts as well as with tailor-madesuitsin the morning. In England glacé l;id gloves are suporseding thoe of peau de Suede for full dress. It is oven announced that white kid gloves are to be restored to favor. Dr. Gross, physioianatst. Vlnoent's Hospital Baltfmore, Md., consiilers lied Star Cough Cure pjrfectly ha' mess, lieiug purely vegctaolo and entirely freo from opiaten, poisong, and other narcotice. Uthcr professionals also endorse it as prompt, saro and suj-e. Price, t.weutyfive cents a bottlo. Plushand volvot, with dots of contrastins color, are much usedfor millinery purI'O es. A PITIABLE SIGHT. & Littlo Child Scarcely Three Years Oíd Drawn out of Shapo by Inllammatcry Rhenmatism. lio, ni:sri:it, N. Y., May 18, 1836. Pardee Medicine ('o., Gbstlbmbx :- We desire to expross our feclings of gratitude for tho great blessing rereived at your in restoring to U8 in perfect hoalth, our littlo three-yenr-old son, v.ho for weeks has been a very great snfferer with inflummatory rheumntism. Hi-; littlo bands and arms were badly in. flumsd and so drawn out of shape that we feared he would never agaiu have the use of them; but thanks to Dr. Pardee's excellent remedy, he is now sntirely f ree f rom pain and has free use of lus hands and arms; in fact is in better health than ever betore. We feol that your remedy has porformed a'most a miraele, and believo it to be the best ou earth, and recommend it to any aftiieted with rheumati.m. We are very truly jours. Mr. & Mrs. H. KLEEHIMER. Inflammatory Rhenmatism Cnred. Rome, N. Y. Gentlemen :- I willingly give the following testimonial : Ihave used Dr. Pardee'a Rheumatic Rr:nedy and 1 c:in truthfully say it is the lirst n tliat I have cvoV taken. 1 ui i doctors and niany preparatlons, bui. tli v t ií.1 me no good. ïnia is the remedy tha1 has cured ras of iuüanimatorv iheamatiBm. [ wonld liko to teil thObO who are troubled vvith it, that this is the surest and chenpest cure for them to buy. Vours respectfuilv, BËNJ. J. BASENFELDER. John Adama of Kngine House No. 3, Rocliester, N. Y., was conflned to his bed with inflammatory ihoumatisni. Ho used three bottles ot Ur. Pardee's Kemedy and is now able to be about. Can walk without crutch or cane. He tajrs: "it is the bo t remedy on earth. I om recommsnding it to every one I see that is alllictod with rhcumatism." Ask your ilvuggist for Dr. Pardee's Remedy, and t ike no othcr. Price ?1 per bottle, 8iz bottles, Sü. Pardee .Medicine, Co., Rocliester, N. Y. Thero ar as mnny ways of using fur as a dre's accessory for warmth or ornament as there are different Uinds ot fora. A EemavkaMe Care of a Siseased Stomacli whicn the Doctor3 had Pronounced Incurable. Bead This. Jacksost, Micii., Dee. 29, IS. Jiheumatic Symp Co.: Gentlemen.- For over twenty years I havo been a great sntïerer trom the eifects of a diseased stomach. For rnonths at a timo I have been unable to woik and for three years past have most of the time beeu anuble to do any business, hardly able to move about. 'jTwo years ;igi my cae was pronouncqd by tho best fhedical skill incurable. With all the rest of my troublss rheumatism in it.s worst form set in, and for two years pat I have not boen able to lay on my back. I visited different water cures and tried di Verent climatos, lut all to no good. a June I began using llibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Piasters, and at once began t; foei botter. I have usftd thirtean bottles and nma wel! man, to the ntter surpri-e of all who knew me and of my long continued sickness. To thoso who may be sulïering from sickness of the nature of my disease 1 want to say to them get this : sme ly and takelt and they will never regret it. Very truly yours, Edward Baker, Master Mechanic and Hlaeksmith, 202 Jackson Street, Jackson, Mich.


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