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1.571 studente have registered. J. E. Ball was in Detroit Friday. Work in all the departments began Puesday. Prof Morris and children were in Deroit Saturday. F. G. Howard retiuned from Chicago Viday morning. Profs. Wood and McLuohlan were in )etroit last week. A meeting of the Hoburt gnild was leid last evening. Prof. Denison visited friends in Chiago, during the vacation. A new large sized picture of Prof. 'almer, adorna Randalfs window. Pres. AngelĂ­ returned on Friday from a meeting of the Cleveland alumni. "The Ladies' Battle" will be given next Triday evening by the dramatic olub. W. A. McAndrew, President of the class of '85, called on old friends last iYiday. The Kirmess goes bravely on, al.hough there are several vaoanoies yet o be til led. Bishop I larri? was in the oity Saturday, making arragernenta for the opening of Hobart hall. W.H. Walker and C. V. Nafe spoke on prohibition at Parker's school house, one evening last week. Prof. Morris read the service at St. Audrew's church last Friday afternoon he Reotor being out of town. Louis Boyle and some young ladies, are reheareing a farce, called "The Mouse l'rap" which they hope to give in the near future. The law students took special delight watching the elections and pioking up 'pointers" for practical use in a few years henee. Judge Cooley and Prof. H. W. Rogers are among the corps of editora of the 'American Law Register,'' published at Philadelphia. To judge by the number of law students that attended the prohibition meetings one would think that they were irime factors in the cause. Some of the members of the bioycle club put in the time during vacation y riding to the neighboring towns. Some good time was made. There is some doubt as to what orches;ra will play for the dramatic olub when hey give their plays. Last year the Chequamegons were engaged and this year the university orohestra was ohosen as the olub's orchestra, henee the diffloulty. A university student was down here Duesday to ascertain the prospects for ocating an association library; on acoount of our good district library he oonoluded that it would not pay him to ipnd the time to work it up, - Milan Lieader. Some of the laws and medios are enthusiastic spiritualists and give seances every now and then. A few evenings ago two Alpha Delts visited them and so completely "rattled" the would-be wondere that they were unable o accomplish anything. Doubtless on that evening the spirits were not feeling well. The university glee club bas returned from thfcir western tour, well pleased with the reception they met with in the different oities in which they sang. At Dubuke, Iowa, and other places, they were handsomely entertained by the residente and have had numerous recep;ions tendered them. As the boys have never sang in Anu Arbor, they have decided to give a ooncert in University hall, Thursday eveniug, April 14. Show your appreciation of their talent, by iving them a f uil house. The glee club returned Wednesday morning from their trip whioh was very pleasant as well as prosperous. Conoerts were given at Miiwaukee, Dubuque, Joliet, Hyde Park, Uak Park, Madison and Racine. One of the best concerts was at Miiwaukee, although the audience was not what it might have been. There are a great many U. of M. men at Hyde Park, oonsequently there was a large house. The olub cleared about $80, and this, with the amount of fun they had, makes the trip a deoided succesa. It is to be hoped that since the buil has been Btaited it will be kept rolling and tbat the club will be able to take trip a annually. Now let the bal! olub follow euit. Hoburt hall will be opened Tuesday evening, the l'Jth, the exeroises beginning at half-past seveu. Tea will be served, in the hall at six o'clock, to those coming f rom a distance, admission to whioh will be by tioket. The following is the order of exercises: Anthem, lesson, liymu 424, oreed and prayers, hymn 190, inaugural address by the Bishop ot Moihigan, hymn 323., Addresses by the Bishop of Western Michigan, and the President of the university, hymn 277, prayer and benediotion. The exeroises are entirely public and all are cordialiy iuvited to be present. During May uader the auspices of the Guild lectures will be delivered by Judge Campbell and Pres. AngelĂ­ and very likely by Dr Mosea Coit Tyler and ex. Pres. A. C. White of Cornell college. As the ability of these geutlemen is unquestioned there will doubtless be a large altendance a1 all the lectures.


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