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Far up the dizzy Alpine beights. above the line of perpetual frost, where the hrilliant glitter of lus snow under tho midday snn se mus only to intensifv tlie cold. the Ic kimt woufd teem to hold undisputed swny. Hut even hero there is at times a little humidity in the atniosphere of the more sheitered nooks. Tho dry &now oftens a little, the wind catches it up and tosses it aliout, and the stirlike flakos are rolled into a tiliv buil tbnt the foot.-teps of a hild might enily crush. Than cernes tlie mde lilast from the mountain top and drives the hall ap and duwn the high valley and acro-s tlio vat track'ess fie ds of show and ice. It gathers size and strenRth at every turn : hugh rocky boulders mid mobntatnsof ice are imliedilod in the now sfowly moving avaluiK'ho, wb ch sooner or later desceñís with frightful vclocity to the valley be'ow. The luckless villngo in its pat.hwny is doomej! 'Ihe air is thick with the falling snowl An awfnl rush! A roar reverberates through the mountain, and the little Swisjj h inilet is swept away ! The foregoing is so applioable thnt we nse it as an iliustration. As the wind catchcR ur the snow partirles en the mountain tops so ihe heart catchos up the blood as it passes from the kidneys and ether organs, and sends it coursinc throueh the system. As it rushes alone it drops the uric acid that tho unhealthy Uil neys have left in the blood in the form of insoluole rrvsti'ls. o:using enlnrgenient of the oints and intense iniammation in the syetom whi'h is of ten called r.cnte rhenma tism. Eventually the joints enlnrged by these crystal8 heroïne stift" an! painful. lf these crystnls aredropped In the liver thcy are called gnllstmes ff in tbe kiilneys gravel, if in the bladder caloulus or stone. If tliis orle acid or kidney poi -on remaing In solution in the blood it clrculates throuphout the systom, ratisin? irritation, which produces, according to thelocatinn of the irritation, pneumonía, consumption. haskinv oou 'h, henre disease, inflamma tlons and fevers. skin disorder-, paralysis, anoplexy, and makes the system su-ceptible to rolds.chills.imd al! theotherconimon disorders of whieh uric acid is the principal e. The little chlld upon the mountain top can crush in its tiny han I tlie first forma tion of the rushing nvnlanehe. So, too, the cil'imitous reults noted enn be as re ilily preyented if the right moans are ussd at 'the right time. "But howi" our readers may ask. Listen and we will teil you. It is a fact of medical tcience thnt tlie kidn-ys are the chief blood puriflerof the s.vstem: the chief blood poisoner is uric acid which the kidneys alone can expel. If the thou and little hair-like se wer tubes of the kidnevs. throngh whioh the entire blood supply Sasses. the same s through the heart. urn iseased they cannot separate and expel this poisonous waste matter from the blood Now, as another nntterof scientiflcfact. dise se of these liftle sewer tubes is more common than nny other delicate part of tbe body, and it is because Warner's safe cure, eent e i nd natural in ts action, has such wonderful power in preventing; and curinar diseasp of these all iiuport.-.nt t il os that it is re ognized as a great scientirtc specific - :i power posses ed bv no other Buch remetí y on earth. Wli.'ti Ihe kidneys. the only blootl purifying orsan , bfcomf inactive ml diseased, nnv disorder to vhith th.-system is most li.tble may be expecle.l. Then it is that trnuHs l egins, and the doctors fnil miscrably lecmse they can only treat theffee'- the oauee ia bevond thir power! Henee it is that the proprietors of Warner'a sfecure claim to cure so mnny npparpntly diiTerent diseises- it and it alone reaehes and cures the cause, BDd then. of the etfcoti disappear. We incline to the belief that t'ieir theo ry is correct and so reo"L;nietl ly scientists who have given the subject much Btudv. Thi; friïhtful disorder is dcpnpnlating our hoines fas ter th n we ore aware of. Like the avalanche of the monntaio. it Is eausini; the death of a!l with whom it come-i in contact. It di es not sweeii away an entire vilano or hamlet nt once. Int one bv ono the p-opl" raccamb to its pitiless power. The fina! or terminating rause may be fiven another name and be sotreatedby various "nxperts," hut t1 e cause of all these effects, how manv soever tliey miy be, is the same, and for thit cai-e there is but oue rational form of trentment. jf you do not crush the avalanche as it Is forminc. in the manuer indicated, it will certninly crush you! Take your choice ! "The Nice EarthquaUe" is a headlng In an eichanse. A quarter to 8 is the popular time for luncheons iu London now. On an average of thirty thousand books a year are now published. A Stockton, Cal., bootblack carries a hoi i that Is covered with silvcrplate. Accorüing to statistici there are one thousand "bucket-shops" in thia country. New York bunker are said to be hoklln? 800,030 trmie dollarê for spcculaüve purposes. Barrel Clakelv was arrested at Houston, Tei., Wedocsüay for a murdcr committcd iu 1873. A school for the prisoners bas been established in the state prison at Guauajuato, llciico. A 41-rear old colorod woman in Greeno county, Georgia, ís tbe mother of fourteen chlldren. The latest gustatory achievement in WashiDgton is a conjuuction of steamcil oysters with curry. Arbor day was eelebrated at Montgomcrv, Ala., YVeduesday. for the flrst time in the hiatory of the city. A Nashvllle younar man slnco Dec. 1 18S6 bas cleared over $30,OOJ In real estáte spcculatlous In tliat city. A bear was found with hls tonprue frozen to mouUey n-neli near Duifeu's Mül, Moutana, odc d;iy recuntly. The new ladles' club at Boston is called the "Monoyaph," and its chief inteilcctual diet will be modern blslory. The e!dest man iu tlie Yale fieshman class Is 30 years and 3 mooths old and the ypungejt 15 years and 10 muntlis. A bcheme is saiJ to be on foit to establish a ] daily newspuper at Reno, Nev. It is to be started with $100,000 capital A eigp.rette-smokinï match took place in Brooklyn, N. Y., a fcfdnys ago: One of the coutestantg smoked fifty cigarctts in one bour; anolher, forty-five. In Wolf Pit townshlp, N.C., tbe otber day, a woraan, anjry at her husband, thiew a poker at liini as he sat Iu a chalr with their baby In his arm, and It bit the little one on the heail, klUIng it instantly. A blll before the New York assembly places keg-dralners (Individuáis who go ahout emptlug wbat is left in the barrels and kers outsiUa of saloons) in the tramp list, and punishes them accordinglj'. Tlie first clar made In Connectlcut was put ap In 1S12. At that time 75 cents per tnousand was the price paid for their manufacture. They wero rudely rolled by tuc wom?n on tho farms and was usually exchanged for procerlea a the couutry store. N. O. Shelnutt, of Jackson countv, Georgia, wbo has been tnice h:inged and rescued, an d who ouht to know about it, saya that it is a great mlstaicc to think that death by han.jliir is painful. "i'here is no piin ahout it," he says, "and a man can die mighty easy." J. II. Neely, one of the most prominent cltIzens of ColamhU, S. CL, is o;i trial for cotnmittinï an assault on tlie 5 year-old daujhter of G. B. Moslcy, The cit zns are hljclily cxclted over the affalr and tbreateu to lynch Neely shoul.l he be acquitted by the jury. Lancaster, Pi., lost two of lts old'st inliabltants last week., Mi,s Charlotte Bruagard, hml made dresses for several generations of Lancaster woinen, and was 89 yeai3 old. The other. Miss Levan, was over 103 reare old, and was said to be the oldest peraou in the state. In order to obtain alaiijcr vertical angle of flluminatlon troin ihe are elcctrlc )igh!s used for lisht-bousi puruoses Sir Jame3 Doulass has inlroduced a flutetï carbon. Thlspiwciits the forrnation of a cráter, and thurefore g ves a steadlcr and more unlforinly distributed Uglit. The records of the treasury department show that eieren persons on its payroll havu died Slnce January of thls year, a greater nuiuber ,than íor a like perlod of any previous year. It is clahned that seviral of these dealhs resultcd from the bad saniUry conditiou of tbe building. Free Advlce on Family Soap Making:. Send your uddn ss for 43 pa e took. Red Seal Lvê Co., Ü4 Híh 8rd Su, Philaüa., Pa.


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