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Ihe Peoplo of Oakland OoTinty Wild With Excitement Pontiac, Mich., March 16, 18S7. On the lOtta of December, 1S6, I cerne from Orion to Pontiac, to visit my par I euts, and was taken sudrlenlv ill. Dr. Galbieith of this place was Valled and I after making a careful examination of my case, de ired council, and nanied as eouncillor, Dr. McUraw of Detroit. They met in council December lfllh, modo a eareful ezaniination, and prunounced my di a Cáncer of the Liver, and stated that there was no hope for me, as it was impossib'.e to cure me. The pain was verv severe and Dr. Galbreith coutinued hi visits, administering quieting jiowders. A swelling or bunch had formed under ray rigrlit rib"i al most as large as my hond, and I had given up all hopes of recovery. But having betird of Hibbard's Kheumatic ' Byrnp.I sentFebruary lst 17, andbought a hottle of the syrup from Mr. Peter Schmitz, a druggist of tiiis placo, and tooi it sdireoted. About Mareh lst bomething broke and the swelling commeneed to go down, nntil it had almost disappenred. Up to this date I have taken two nnd onelialf bottles of the syrup and have so far rerovered as to lie able to vlsit my neigh hors. and I am truly re.ioicing that I am fust heilig relieved fromsuchter ïble pain, and desiring to ncknowledge the benefit I have received in using your syrup. 1 send you tliis statement, hoping you will use it so that others who are afílicted may be i enefited and relieved from pain as 1 have been. Very Truly, CHARLES A. SPIER, Of Orion, Michigan. Poxtiac, Mich., Mar .-h 1887 This is to certify that Jir. Cli res A. Spier, my son. has made a correct statement of his case. tn 1 have watched by bis bed8ide during his entire lllneas. JOHN SPIER. The nndersigned rertify that i bey are well ac 'U-intoJ with Charles A, .Spier, wuose ilgnatOM appears above, and we h ive no ba iration in saying (hat any tatem nt made by himraube relied upon a beingtrue in evéry particular. BEKRIDGE& BERRIDGK. Druggi-its, Orion, Mich. J. A. NE AL. Editor Weekly Review and Jutice of the Peace, Orion. Mich. J. S. K1TCHRR, Postmaster. Oniox, Mich., March 19th, 1887. Life: Lottais now worth over a million dollars. Phew ! That's a Lotta money for so littie awoman. ■ Now York Morning Journal: Prince Bismarck wants too much Grevy with his meat. Boston Bulletin: No parties or balls ex. cept flsh balls now for the boüevers in Lcnt. Puck: Although not talkativo at all, the oyster is a very pleasant companion at dinner. A Profitable Investment can be mado in a postal card. if it is used to send your addi es on to Hallett & Co., Portland. Maine, who can furnish you work that yon can do and live at home, wherever you are located ; a few there are who cannot earn over $5 per day, and some have made over f59. Capital not reqnired; you are started free. Elther sex; a'.l ages. All particularsfree. Washington Critic: Congress is always biggest at the tapper end. If aflli ted with eore pvoe. ii-e Dr. Isaac Tfcom; ton't. Bye Water. Drupgists scll it. 2öc Whitehall Times: It is a wise resolution that kuows its own father. How to Qet Strong. Dumb-bells and horizontal bars, Indian clubs and the trapeze are valuable under certain couvlitions, but they are detrimental rather thau beneficial if the blood is noor and thin and poi-soned with bile. U-e of iho muclea necessitates waste as woll as induces growth. If the blood does not carry sufik'ient nutritiva material to repiir the waste, loss of strength nocessarily folio wg. and growth is out of the question. Purify and enrich your blood with Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" and then ezercise will develop and not eonsunie your physique. Mrs. Ppnaior Stanford will never live in the Nob Hill palace of her hu-band, because it did not cost as much ai the HopUins palnee, and i not located as bigh upon the hill_ A Peok of Peas (Pi). Here are a Peck of Peas, sweet Peas, if you will. Perseverance, Patienee, Promptne-s, l'roficiency. Push and Politeness. Add to these Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pi llets" and you will get well through the world without much trouble. The Pellets prevent constipation and surp'us of bile which lead to many different complaints. Jnlcosed in glass, always fresh, entirely vegetable, prompt, and perfectly hiirinless. Any druggist. New Haven News: When a man goas out on an extra spree his wife can indulge in a sigh clone. Dr. Sage's Catairh Remedy surpasses all. Whitehall Times: It is a mistake to expect to find a $l,0Ü0 angel in a $1 week servant. For Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Depression of Spirits and General Debility, in their various forms also as a preventivo against Fever and Agüe, and other ínter mittent Fevers, the "Ferko-Phosphoiiated Elixir op Calisaya," made by Caswell Hazard & Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic: and for patients recovering from Fever or other ickness, it has no equal. Washington Critic: I always suspicion the patriot that is eager to save bis country fer nothin'. MORE WOBDS OF PP AI -E. Ilheumatiam a Blood Dixease entlrely Cured. Rocitester, April 1, 18S6. To Uie Pardee Medicine Co., Gents: - Allow me to say a few words in umi -e of Dr. Pardee'sRheumatic Remedy; and if what I have to say will induce others who are afllicted with neuralgia or rheumatism to use it, I shall feel that I have been the means of doing some littie good to my fellow men. December 27, 1885, wbile at work In the shop, I was taken suddenly with sharp, piercing, pains, nd was coupelled to leave the shop. The next morning I was imable to rise, and I srew worse daily althoagb I was under the best medical treutment. But I obtained no relief until I began using Dr. Pardee's Remedy, whirhl did March 17th, and after using it three days, I oould walk about the house. I continued to use it and improved rapidly every day. I am now at work and entirely free from pain, and have gained five pounds in wcight, but I shall continue the remedy until I fee sure the poison is out of my blood, for I uu certain that rheumatism is a blood disease. You are at liberty to use my n:me or refer any one to me, for I shall only be too glad to recommend it to any one who is sud'ering as I was. I know it will cure any case of rheumatism, If used as dirccted. I am, very truly yours, GEORGEDOANE. Foreman at Goodger & Nayloy's shoe factorv, 05 South St. Paul street; residence, 6 Griflith St. Forty Ycars a SuffererMr. E. W. Howell, of No.2 Collega street, writes that h has suffered with rheumatism in his hips, knees and arms, for forty years, and that he has not kuown what it was to be free from pain until he began the use of Dr. Pardee's Remedy. He has j used ten bottles and has not feit any rheumatic pains or symütomssinee. Ask your dmggist for Dr. Pardee's Remedy, and tike no other. Price ti per bottle; six bottles, (5. Pardee Medicine Co., Rochester, X. Y. Boston Bulletin: Apretty woman'sbang is somelhing to a door. Ton can Secare Strength And refrcshing sleep by using Carter's [BOS Pi;,i,!4. Boston Transcript: A iecei ving teller - th.1 newspaper interviewer. PILES, Itchlng or Bleeding, relleved and : permaneutljr curert by voX i salvo. Gat the Genuine. 25 and 50 wnts ut drngglsta or by mail. J. w. COLE & CO., ' Proprletors, niuck üiver rails, wís. Louisville Courier Journ-il: Tho Dal;ota repulilifans are deterinin 'd not to eo to chiirch if they can help it the nvserable s nners ! 'A most extraordinary nnd absolute u for rheamatlsm and otber bodily ailiii mts is St. Jacoba 011," taya Hun. James Harían i-Vlce-Chancellor, Louisville, Ky. j Uncle Broek in the Centnry: The silent may Le overlooked now, but he will eet a hearing by and by. Phttadelpbia Times: The new seeretary ' of agricultura should be enjoined from (OWlng any political seed. l'hiladelphia News: This winter may be a freak, anyhow, and hae two back bones in sound working order. Harper's Bazar: liet ween Scylla and is no longer ] opular. It is between St. Paul nd Minneapolij. Whitthall 'limes: Job was the most patiënt man of bis day, but he lived bufore editors pecan fasliionaU. Dr. Morse, pbyslclan at Marine Hospital, Baltimnre, lid., fou:id Heel Star Cough Cure a harni'e s and most effective reinedy in the cure ofcougha lic recommends it especial'}' tor cliildren, who are irritable and obstinate, b pleasant to take and prompt in its effect. Price, twenty-flve C'OlltH. Jlerehant Travelor : The nnthems of the Kas companies are never seen in short meter. Cases of Weak Stomacb, Indigestión, Dyspepsia, relieved by Caktek's Little Nerve Pu.r.s. Boston Pot: A son of a gun is apt to be a bore. A Hnsbasd'a Qreatest Blcüing. is a healthy, vigorous wife, with a cear handsonie complexión. Thesecan all be f.CUired by UMng Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic. Whitehall Times: The devíl woarg a very comfortable saddle. Irox'g Patent Heel Stlffener Is the only luren tlon that uinkusulü boots straight :i new. Mules are more popular than horses for elegant equipages in Rio do Janeiro. If you had taken two of Cartor's Little Liver l'ills beforo retiriug you would not have had that coated tuugue or bad taste in the mouth thi uiormng. Keep a vial with you for occasion:il use. Lowell Courier: Jn t n w Nice is not now nioe, as a piare to lio in. Fon COU9H8 and Tiiuoat Disorders use Beown'8 Uhonxiii.u. Tkochk. "Have never changed my mind respecting them, except I thiiik better of that which I legan thinking well of."- Km. Benry Ua,d Itcechrr. Sold only in boxes. PrioeSS ets Uncle Ksek in the Centmy: The hear gets weary but never gets old. IW" BEST TÖNIC. ? This medicine, comlihiing Imn with pure vegetable tonics, quiclcly and completeiy Cure Dyxpepila, Iniliprtdoll, Wraknesn, Iilood, jllalrla, ('liills and Pevfrs, and Neuralgia. Itisan onfkllltig remedy r.jr biscases of the Kldnry and Llrer. It is invahiablB for Díseases peculiar to Womcn, hihI all who lead sedentary lives. ItdoesiiDt injure theteeth,cHuveheadache,or produce constipation - ether Iron medirfnrit do. It enrlches and pui-ilim the blood, ■tlmnlatea tiic appetiio, aids tlic uslmllatlon of food, relievet Jleartburn and Belchlng, and Btreiiifthcns the m úseles and nerves. For Intcrmlttent Fever, Lassltndr, Lutk of Euergjr, etc, it hu no eqiial. VF" The genuine has aVove trade mark and trossed red Unes on wrapper. Take no other. ■ tdc onl.T lij BROWH C I1K1CII Ai. 10.. ril.TIÜOEÏ. HB Sulfering: Womanhood. Too much eCfortcannotbe made to bring to tbe attention of suffering womanhood the great value of Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Cornpound as a remedy for the diseases of women. Such an one is the wife of General Barriugton of Winston, N C, and we quote from the General's letter asfollows: "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Please allow me to add my testimony to the most excellent medicinal qualities of your Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Barrington was treated for several years for what the physician called Leucorrhosa and Prolap8Us Uteri combined. I sent her to Rlcninond. Va., where she remained for six months under the treatment of an emi nent physician without any permanent benefit. She was induced to try your medicine and after a reasonable time com menced to improve and is now We toattend to her business and considt hersel fully rrlieved." [General Barringi n is ths proprietor of the American Hotei Wins ton, N. C, and is widely knowu.] WÏZARD OJL Flave been enjoyed by the cltiien of nearly every town and city in the u. 8 , and tliounnnds of peoplo can testify to the wonderful ucalitig power o] Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Hcadache, Calarrh, Croup, Sore Throat, RHEUMATISM, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Bruisos, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. The many testimoniáis recelvert by ti ïtiore than prove all we claim for this valuable reuiedy. it not only relieve tbe most evere palns, but It Cures You. That's the Idea! For sale by ftll Dnuitfiflts. Prlro, O cent per bottlo. Our Song Book maileri free to everybody. Address WIZARO OIL COMPANY, CHICAGO ffiffjtest Atcards of Medalê ín Europe and America The nofitet. nnirkest, aafet and mopt power ful reraedy itnfwn for Khenmatism.lMTorsy, Neuralgia. Iaimhajro. Tlacknhe. Weakne--. roitts "nlhe chost and all ifbes nift palin. Bnrtorl by M'o Physlctftnsand OrnciAtRof Iho hiilin-t roTüto. Henoii's Piasters protnptty relieve uní cure wher other planters and srrcay shIto. lfnltmn! and lotions, are absouitetr iiseles. Beware nf i en l taf f ons under iiniiliir f=uch a "C-ipifiim." "CapQCtH' "Capst-in'.1' as tiiev are ntterly worthle.i and in'pndert to decpiv. AK fok BenSOX'S nd JUUNaOX,ProprIetorm New York. Dr-A1lttï ÏMPEHlAïi FOapoonwillliirffeTylncreae ' Rïpnvitu'tlo! ■ renjrthen weftlt and rtcxiptnefowls. P'omote thoho ilrhv tïr th und i'o oloponifift nf flll varletl11 of pnii'ry and ensnre f!no rondition nal Bmonth nlurnaffe. This is nf f 'roinï iroce; yon "tmpl7 irire thvm the rhAm c tls to niftkft c?(r. ■ t a wt of !■■ than one con' a week for e;ich fowl. Wc mail vt-:-ps forWoan Ifl. 6 :. m lh and gackasrcsdoivort'd to fp'líh: or-vprei Co. for f-.fti, toit AmiKK repeotlTlf. Ask oyr localirade ■■ fe"SLT O PI ÜM gswsflffi ag&jt VriUiUDi.J. Inimw. L.!..uou, Ohl. Buffalo Courier: A typosettor is notneo rssü-iiy ill wh.n ho ceinulnins oL büing "out of ;orta.'' Ceac your coughing and tnioy refreshing shimter, wbic-hDr. Bull's Cough Syrup will insure yon. by promptly stopping th cough. Frice Ü5 ctsT New Orleana l'iciyune: Coa' watgbing for retail is apt to be a bhort wei 'li froin ti-ulh. Funny Talk: A metaphysical paradox - killiiig yourself with hard work to eet a living. Pretzel'8 Weekly: They had a german at Hans Schniidt's house the other nrght. It was a boy. Boston Transcript: The printer is a frer hearted l'ollow. He is always ready to set 'em up. lïo-ton Transcript: The ladies of the ballet never appearin public without thelr see-legs on. ('olumbus Dispatch: The last dark horse in the District of Columliia oilkial race is a Trotter. Uid me discourse. I will enr-hant thine ear with remarkable and a-tonishing tales of remarkablo and astoundins cures of all sorts of situering by Balvation OU. Sold iirj5ccnts. CAD IU Con '1""io Rlvcr, Vn.. in f'lnremont I Uil lY N : "l"y. llliislralrl fin 'Har Fret. I Hl 1 III Wj. r. M ASOIU ■ T. frrtvXaday. Snmpleswonbn.WKUüT!. Une Tk r:ot ini'it'ï tho Ihtko' tem. Write lirttcsler't JJ W Sufetu Jlein HoMtr Co., líoll, Micli. rul rlM I o( rau in, washinutoH I M I Uil I O D.C. 8.DCI for Circular. DEAf-A very IntiTustiru; 80 mijn book un Deafness, Nolsoelnthe huad, &c.How retleTed. M'.-it fioe. Adilress Nicnui. -on, 1,; UcOODgftl] M. N. ï. ■■■■SMOBMBIB 3nre rellpr i nmnu ■ KIMIFR'S PaSTII I CQ i"n.-.;x,:, JSTiro.L ■■BHBHBBHHflBB 'iivlüstowo Motta HftMF fTUD Y. Book-keeplDg, 1! utnen forras. nvint . - . . hncrtliand. etc. thoroiihly tanirht l.y mai . ree. BEÏAXiN COI.1.F.OF,, KuiTuIn, lï. T. U 1 1 U I U fW anl cur at ï"1" la ■ Vm lp homo, w.nd for ■ ■■ ■ W 11 ■■ Dr.J.A.ShHTnans Ircular ui lsstructluiis. ïji ürouawaj, .v Vork, ■ ■flDDHIKE-OPIUM Ilnhlt Plnl9Ml HS IKr ure] ut nome. Treatment IWbB-I slnt "" 'rinl and NO l'AV asked ■■■ anuí yon are bcneflted. Terras Ix ■ ■■ llansi Semedy Co., I.FreUe, Iad. PREPARED PRESCRIPTIONS ! ,5 Vi' [1. 1,1111 v, Ae. Trial l';uka-o and w pago uook of instructions, Ireo on receipt of 25 cents postngc. Addreas, TUK PJÍKU CHEMICAL CO., Ullwaukce, UK.mi.ln. Y U I F N I wnilnpr In C.S. Patent Offl I rl I Lll I VI Seiul model or sketch for freo opliiiftn wiu'thcr patent can bi Becurd. New twok on pat-nr-i frpi'. ReftTf ni-es:Cominifisfoner of Pat unta or any other official of the D. S. Patent Office. E. IJ. STOCKINi;, Att.irnoy, 1 1 FSt;, AValliiigtOni I). . CURES WHtltE ALl tLSt7lilLS?l8P ■■ Best Coiiiih ! Syrup. Tasteagood. Use E In time. SoU hy drocgist. JSf IJOSEPHCILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-I87Q. I THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS Pages Árnica Oil The best salTe In the world for Üuros, Wonnds and sores of all Kimis. Boils, Felouv Ciulblains. Fruea Feet, Pil", Uarber's luh, Sora Eycs, Cbappel Jtlands, hora Tliroat, Boftld IleaJ, Pliuples on tb Face, and all skin diaeuSüs. For LlverComplaint. Stek Ileaache, Constipfttlon use Pago'a Mandrukc 11113. Abore remc-eü old by Drutiiiistf r Kont by mail for 2r ceuts by C. T. Snovf Co.. SyranT. N. V. OQQCOLUMBUS UU -CsaiiMd MANURE SPREADER3 Jjk g& FARM WAGONS =ü t i'Hjnt 1 XJVTSnftJ h e cheapest típreadnr uut, and tbs 7tCsBljjgS5fiBfeL De attached to old fl 1 T5MBBn8MWiJmi wacona. AU ara jL J&JUffiKDLynBOTnrrafitcd. ïfKUÏEK iIACHl.L C(T, COLUMUÚS, O1HO. OneAKent(MerohantOoly)waned in every town fop We have huivMed your cipars for more than II yprirs. Vuur ' Taneürfl Punch' Is the beBt selling . n 1 most popular niok'-l cinr we hitvo Bold, and ti t-ull leatilng c. olgar. Johm 11. PORTBB A ('o.. TrueíTits, Rockford. 111. Addres K. TT. TAXSIM. .V CO., Chican. CHICHESTER'S ENGL1SH PENNYROYAL PILLS The Original and Only Genuine. Srifn and always HvliaMe. Beware of worthU-ui JttiitJtltoiis. Ld'lies nuk your li-UKglit for "ChU lieAter1 Kncllnh" aud take no other, or Incluis 4c. (staiurw) to U3 for particulare In letter by return mail. mi VAPsa. ClIICIIKvrElt CHEMICAL CO., C81S Mulln Squurc, I'MhuJ. !. Bolil hy TniTKlt CM-rywhero. Ak for 'Chl'lictr' JLicUii" l'ennyruyal 1111. Takc no o tb er. nROTSV B TREATED FREE. Have trented Dropy and lts complk-ntions ïclth tht most wonderful roooMSi DSfl roffetabl rtmedies entiro. ly liarmloüs. Kcmovo all symptoms t r iini-y f:i rlffht to twenty days. Curepatients pronounced nopelea iy thebestof physictanH. Krom tlu1 tirsr doee the Bytnptonu rapidlydisuppear.and in lundays at lout two-tlürdnof all sy mptoms aro removed. Borne muy cry humbufr without knowinjp anythlng aboutit. Remeniljvr it (loca not, cost yon nnythiueta realizo thO merit of our treatment for yoi-Milf.V% are constantly curing casos of long standing- case tht have been tappod a number of tlines anti the paticntdeclarod uiiable tol i ve a wock. Olvea full liistorj of case, na me, ayo, t.ex, liow lonif afllictuil. &c. Send for freo pamphlct, contalnluff testimoníala, Ten dayatreat ment fnrnished FREE by mail. I f yon order trial tvmï 10 contsln stanipii to pay poattip1. Epllepey (Pll tlvely cured. (RTMontion this paper.) iE. H. GTIEKS A SONS. M. ls., 200 Marititta Street, Atlanta, Oa, THE GRAXD RAPIDS HERD Holstejn-Friesians. Abont 100 HEAt) of both sexos aud all apea. Scveral Head of BULLS READY for SERVICE Up to two years old. Choicc Cows and Uciicr bred '.o my prize servjcc bnlls Prins Midlum and Jongre Carre. Who have no superiors. A sp?cialty_ of youns pnirt not akin for foundation stock. E very Head Resistered and Guaranteed Pure-Bred. Wruefor Catalogue and prices, and state age and sex dísired, or come and sec the herd. M. L. SWKKT, Brccder and Impo'trr, Ímentionthis paper.] Grand Itapids. Mlch. 5tLE ONLT TRÏÏB IRON ËITONIC M Will ptirifT th BLOOD rtrnlat Van ih LIVER o"- KIDUEYS nd M EF8TOKF. theHFAI.THunilVia. agB I OR of YOC1H Dvmenm.W.nJ 3i & of AppetlU, Iuc!irlio.I.ck0I L2 & Strength and Ti red leelinííbHB tolntol? curfil: Poi . "" ■"-.■Si 1 olM and nerrn rec v nw ■. fon. Fnliífn thf miní 1 aníarr' Droln Power. LADIES SpS T0NI0 ufe nd tedT cur. C.itoiiclear. he.lthj complexión. Fremnt attanpt ' o';"'"1 insonlrartd to th. ,opulricr of th. original. Do noteiporiment-e:et the Oeioinal and Bït. AddreM DO. HAUTER MEDICIKE CO., St. Loali. M. W.N.U. D.-5--I5 _ I have used tv. 'E rTOriti D&lMV bottlcs of E'Wc:ñ"A} rnvSl Crean, Balm ' ■ Ro?ÍCRCS y" ' 1 con si der m yselj ■ SPoPL tADl cura!. 1 ■s.''''v'PjjivPFVrD'3 !g A so years trom "(i tJr6ÏMJ Jj tarrh and caar r ha EL, Wm hmdache and this ':Êf H tliat aforded last H HoRV ng relief. -D. TM WZK Ji 'i tr t'hsoh, r.gjQjyx u.m. Lake SI. AY.FEVER A partióle I nppHert intoetvh nnirHmii H rH Ible to use. PrlC60 Of.., br nvill or It rlruígllM. M?4kT. ' El'Y BKOT'TKRS DruMUt.


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Ann Arbor Democrat