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THE GKRHAHIA HOTEL. CORNER WASHIUttTON AND SECOND strets. Wm. L. F 'ank, p'O rletnr. t-am ye ro mis fo" trayeling mm. Elery room b.ated bv eteam. BOODRICH HOUSE. AH. GOODRICH, Proprietor, romer Arm and Kourtk streets, opposite the Court House Square. Everything in tirstclass order. Newly furuislitsd. Baru aoComniodations. J. R. JOYNER, TICEJïSED AUCTION2SR, is now pre IJ pared to render his services to all desiring them. When jou wish to sell anytbing at auction give liim a cali. He may e fuund the flrst door west of Nat Drake's p.-ice, lluruu street. P. M'KERXAN, A TT O R N E Y-A T-L A W. Collections "■ promptly atended to. ïloney to loan. and lot or sale. Oilice in Court Uouse. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Main Street, opposlte the postofllce, dealer in Fiesh, Sinoked and Balt Meata of all kinds. Lard in auy quantity. MRS. N. H. PIERCE. MAGSETT! HBALBR. C'urp W'itliout Medicinn. Chroi-ic ÚUH a Specialty. cute cases jield at once Will answer rails. Bu-inesi hours: 9 a. m. to fi n m. 39 Poutiac Street, 5th Ward, Aan .rbor Ulch. FOLLETT HOUSE. ry H. LEVVIS. proprietnr, Ypsllantl, Mich. TI Hnnga hcuted w, th team. DEAN M. TYLER, M D. PHYS1U1AN AND SUOEON'. Office and residcnce over postoftlce, flrst flour. ÜK. JAMES C. WOUD. OFFICK corner Hurón and Main Btre6ts. Iíp.cidence No 6. Suuth División street. Ofllce f rom ï to i ainl 7 to 8 p. ra. TelepluimNo 111 UKION HOTEL. T?IRST-CI.A8S In all respect. Evervthlnq X new. Fine room, well lurnishcd. Terms, tl per day and upuaras. Special raten to wceklj borders. Meals, 25 cenU. John Schnvlder, Jr., Proprieiur. Coruer of Washnj{Un and Second streets, Ann Aroor, Mich. NICHOLS BROS. W. W. A. C. NICHOLS, D. D. 8. Dental office Masonic Temple ülock, overSaviuga Bank, Anu Anor. JOSEPH CLINTON, MERCTTANTTAILOR. Shop over Wines & Worden'. All work. truaranteed or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNFY ATLAW. Office, dos. 3 and 4, Grand Opera House, Ann Arbor, Micb. E. B. NORKI8, A TTORNF.Y AT LA W. Does a eeneral la A collectlon and convpyaLce business. A moderate patronage is resiK-ctfully soliclted. Office iu tlie court house, Ana Arbor, Mlrh. O. C. JENKINS, Qb'HC.KON DENTIST. Room No. 10 South IO Main Street, opposite the First National Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS and GraveMones mnnufactured from Tinucssee and Itallan Marble aud Sctocb and American Granlt. sh -i cor. Detroit and Catharlae tu., Ann Arbor, Midi. VV1LLIAM HEKZ, HOUSK, 8IGN, Ornamental and Fresco Palnt-r. 0 Iding, Calciminlns, Glazins; and Paper 1 1 an .: i 1 1 tí All work done in the best stvle and warrant] toglve satistavtion. 6bop, No. 4, West Washiuton street, Ann Arbor, Mk'h. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Cr uiUd 1M9, uadf the (JearrjU Buikini I. k Uin iu.M tau ut, ineluauc capital b%et, TB $SOO.OOO AMSETÊ. ButDffH mm. GuurdlAn Trustee, La41 and Ahr pertoiu wil! flnd t&is Bank a SAFE AND C0NVENI1NT rc at wklk to Mak e Dapoaiu and do tmliiiw. .nterst t Allowed on All Savings Depastt Df %.0 and upw&rd, aecordiBC to the rul al ÉM kult, and iiltml cempounded auii-uuM Ujr. Meny t Loan in lumi of 120 t letr0 7 ülBuabr Kal Eilu ud OS ! mutuw DIRIUTORS- TbriMi.. Maok, W. W. Wlnx ir. D. Hartman, ITlli'aa Dauklc, Dand Ruikt. Daala) BlMuak aa TT k. Katltk OTPIOMRS- CkrlMUa luk. rrwldent: W. II Wla. ric'Praaiaf. C. . Hlaeoaa. .klr


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