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In 1885 Taxes Were Paid On 3,510,898,588

In 1885 Taxes Were Paid On 3,510,898,588 image
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I be lena 113 fluwer of fashion In London at prese t I tbe (laltodiL The )i test F.nglish fad Is to stand and walk iritis your hands lo your poekets. A Seprtfi hrn distinguislied herselí tbe otber day by laying two eggí at onc time. In an oran?e prove ncar Apopka, Fia., a few days ago was found a pipe of beatn gold. Over th ree bundred pounds of wild boney vras latcly found in a hollow tree ncar Utica, Pa. A colt boro neac Ward, Ark., a few days airo carne iuto the world without any forelegs. Otherwise it Is perfect. "To Som Hole Sail Llcker delar Clnclnnatla oblo," was tbe adJrer 3 on a post nl-card latcly received at tbe Cinucinnatl postoflke A íashionable lady of Baltimore, Md., 1 sald to boast of baring won enough inoue at eards durlug an occan trip to pay her pa9mee. "Hnny," a3kd the fond wife of her sick liusbnno:, "would you not like to see somebodyï" aml be falutly responded, "No, I'm not seasick." Most of tbe palm branches now used in northern Catbolic cburches on Palm Sunlay come from pal:uctlo trees on the sea islauds of South Carolina. Farmers who ralse turkeys In Leblgh county, Pennsylvanla, drive them to inarket as they would sheep. Sometimes flocks of two bundred are tlms driven along tbe public roads. A New York faalilon editor glves the followIne advice to society people: "Do not slt In tbe blue plush and gilt chalr in tbs par'.or unlesi you wisli to eire your fashlouible hostess ervouf prostratloo."


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat