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Flowers At Funerals

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Archbishop Lynch of Toronto, has Issued a pastoral letter lo the clergy of tha archdiocese, warning Catholles against extravagance at funerals in the shape of magnincent cofims and heaps of flowcrj shaped into ludlcrous aud uusocuily Usigus. Eneüsh capitalista are con9ldcrlnL a project for tlie bnlUUug of raüioad tbrouifb the pieturesque lake district írom Wnidermere to Ambltáiiic - a rreat resort for suimiier elers. Cnsey counly, Kcntuckv. is said to be overran ly rats. A sort of CRt-cbolere lias k lled .-51 atl tile cats, aud the rats are havlng tbing their own way. Cats are away up above par ihere. A manganee mine has bef;n difcovered on a tarm near Koanuke, Va. The depusit !s nineleen feet thicii. The oh ner Is said to have ' fused an offer of $10C,000 for the miue, desirlug to further dvelop it b-foie fixing a priee. A trial of an unprecedentod iiatine took ! place in Kinston, N. C, last weck. A young ' Indy teaclier was lusiiHeá and the school ! turbed by a young rirl l:i the school. Among other tMngs she callcd the teacher a "popeyed fooi." 8he was fined $20. Washington has a new cruze - black pajes In I ful! livery. CloiheJ In gav colors the little ! nugroes are to be seen evcnwhere aliout tlie ! city, following thuir mistresses on shoppinit tours or cali Dg excursions, aml otfaerwlso ! ientiiiLí a m:iríeLl figure lu social life. An 'ndian at Crescent City, Cal., demonsirated the fact tliat tlie nuble red man s idly becoininj; civilizad by v:sitinr the editor of The lircord, a feiv days, and tlireaten-' ing t scalp him for pubüshin li is name in ! tbe paper as gettiug drunlc aml raisiiu a row. "1 say, oíd man, you know Miss Green very well. Doos abe keep leut?" "Keep Itl Wliy my dear fellow, she's a raost notorioua goseip; and she never keeD3 anythiug; alia gives ercrytliiiig awav." ''Mamma!" exclalmed llttle Mabel Mt'wll. liirt'u, "you said tbey bad measleü at McC'orkle's. Well, I was tbere and I looked all around and didn't see a single meusel." CoaeteriKitlon of Mabel'fl motber. A story ís told oí the Importanee with wlilch the condition üf the sultan of Turkey is Tlewed by his people. A Turkish ] lurnal (Jravely printed one moruing: llis majesty U HtcUtly indisposed, bavlug beca bitten by mosquito last nlghL" Tbe fai-üiers of Alameda county, California, are i rylnt; to keep their ciopa f rom bein totally destroyed by dueles and geese by' burniiiíí liere aud there caudles, whcli are pro te cted from the wind by sacks. It Ís suid tbe devlce works satisfactorily. In the studio of a Washington artlst Is the war-borse of "Stouewall J.ickson." Tbe work of baving tlie animal mounted is paU for by RIcbmoud, Va. Tbe studed Bure of tbe fumous horse is placed Ín au atlitudc of attcntion, witb head and ears erect. At Rotterdam, N. Y., tbe other day an englneer slippei as be stepped from the cab aud íell on the long, siiarp po;nt of bisoil caá, whicb peuetrated bisleft eide between tbe elgbtb aud nineth r!bs to tbe dapth oí two luches. He Is not exaected to live.


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Ann Arbor Democrat