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Michigan Matters

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For tlu-i report returns have Deen reelved trom 1.000 correspondente, representing T4 7 townsuips. Sis hundred and slxty-four ot these returns are from 182 townsntps in the Southern foiir tiers of couutles; and 182 reporta are from 163 townships in the central counties. Correspondente very generally agree that it is vet too early to actually report upon the conditiou of wheat, The weather during Maren was extremely unfiivorttble, and warrants the expectatlon that the erop has gaffered severely. The Belde look "liare and brown." Correspondente are yet hopeful, however, that the root is nol serlously Injnred. As usual wheat on elay and uiidrained landfi and high knnlls. has suffered most. The veather siiiee April 1 has been warmer, bul it is ye dry that the plant has made little if any. growthu Keports have been received of tlie quantily of wheat marketed by farmers daring the month of March at 218 elevatora and milis. these 181 are in the Southern four tiers of COUntleS, wliich is 42 per cent., and 29 are in the fiflli and sixth tiers of countlea, wliich is 31 per cent. of the whole number in these sccüons reapectively. The total number of bushels reported marketed is 80S.254, of whlcb 275.420 imshols were marketed in the first oï Southern tier of countlea; 21 T.eoii bushels In the Becond tier, 107,210 bushels in the third tier, 168,808 bnshela in the fourth tier. 87,757 bushels in the fifth and sixth tlera anti 2.:}50 bushels in the northern eounties. At 31 elevators and milis, or 17 per cent. of the whole Qumber from whlch reporta have been rei eived, there was no wheat marketed duriiiK the nionth. The total number of bushcls of wheat reported marketed in August. September, October, November, December, Jannary, Kebruary and Maren, is 10,788,001, or about 41 per cent. of the erop of 1880. The number of bnshels reported marketed in 1SS5 and 18S6 was 12,024.524 or 89 per cent of the erop of 1885. Kor these iiionths in 1885-6 reporta were reoeived t'roin about 4." per cent. and in 1886-7 trom about 51 per cent. of the elevators and milis in the southern four tiers of eounties. _ Kclioes from the Klflctlon. The banner prohtbitlon county of the state is Van Buren county. while Ilillsdale followa close as second. The lower penInsula, outslde of Wayne county, gnve 28,i 00 tor prOhJbltlon, and the adverse majoiity in the upper península was 0.104. Nearlycvery county has been heard from iltely, and the adverse majorlty does ai vary materlally from :i,ooo. Gathered From Our Exchanges. Another Ras well is being sunk at Port Hu ron. A building association has been organizci! in Lcblii'. Wexfordeonnty has decided to build its ail in Cadillac. Au effort is being made to enforce the "blue iaws. ' in Ann Arbor. Several cases of opium smuggling have occurred in Port Huron recently. Isaac Mcl.inn, a resident of Texas, Kalamazoo eounty, since 1830, is dead. John K. Dewey, for nearly 60 years a resident at Waterford, Oakland eounty, is dead. President Angelí of the university has i een made a doctor of law by Columbia college. A Canada Sault storekeeper was flned L5 and costs for selliag live cents worth of ranily on Sunday. L. F. Wrlght and James Farrand of Alliin are under arrest for selllng liquor without government llcense. The wife of ex-Gov. Blair was stricken with paralysison the 12tli inst. No hopes are i Dtertalned of her recovery. Au Easi Saginaw (irm has just finished ft Corllssengine, said to be the finest one Bvei manufactured in this stat Population considered, Macomb eounty gave a largei majority against prohlbitlon Ultlll ílll HUIl I KUUULj III Mil" .--lULC U'. i íH,UOO fire on the 14th ;:,l. and the same day S10, 000 worth of prpperty lo NUes went up ín smoke. The prosecutlüg attorney of Jackson connty saya there Is not enough evidence to warrant a trial of the Crouch case. Pioneer village, I-Iillsdale connty, has avalled iteelf oí Ita local option rlghta and cast the saloon out of the Corporation. B. J. Sawyer of Menomlnee takes first piize tor rough-coated St. Bernarda, at the International bench show at Pittsburg. The ladlea of Saglnaw City are organizIng to bulld a general hospital, about loo of them being already lnterested in the project. The St. Joe valley boating and fishing club has been organized atThree Blvers to aid the game warden in the enforcement of the laws. A 5-years-old child of John Lehman, Uaple Grove township, Barry county. feil backwarda trom a wagon the other day and broke its Deck. The Ropes gold mine, which is produciiig S4.000 in bullion monthly, is to be equlpped with machlnery to increase the product 50 per cent. Daniel O'Connell, brakeman on the Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon railmail, was torribly crushedat Michigamme, umi uiuti nvii iiiiuia uwi! A barn betocglug to John Bean of MuskegOD was destroyed by fire the otlier day, and four horses, four cows and a quantity of hay and grain were eonsumed. Detroit prohibitlonista have liled with the Wayne county board of auditors a protest as to the marmer in wbicb the votes cast at the recent election were counted. Tlie report of the chief of the Bureau of Statlstics for the month of March shows tliat the exports of breadstuffs trom Detroit nmounted to 533,121; and frora Port Hurón S-41, ■::.. Robert Shields of Menominee has been Birested ön charge of ballot box stuffing. It is alleged that when a person did not care to vote on the amendment he put a "no" ballot into the box for hhn. Krvin Coates, a 12-year old deaf mute, wbile lishinK at tlie Michigan and Ohio bridge over tlie Kalamazoo rlvei In Battle ('reek, was struek by the day express, hls SKull crushed and he was hurled into the river. Clara, the 2-years-old daughter of John Parmenter of Charlotte, was drowned in the cistern the other night. She left the house unnoticed whlle the i'amily were rerelvlng nuests at the marriage ceremony of a brother. The St. Clair River tunnel on the Canadiaii side is now 280 feet trom the shaft, and the wenk is being poshed and is making Ratlsfaetory progresa. Work on the Michigan shaft bas not been resumed, the timbor not baving come to hand. Frank Smith found the dead body of a [w -days-old boy behind .a stump in Big Raplds the other day. The Infant was w.ii dressed and a wound in its head indicated il luid been killed before being abamloiied. An invesiigalion is pending. Don Seymour, aged 17, son of W. B. I Seyinoiir of Ypsilaiiti was accidentally truck on the head witli a base ball bat while watchlng a game between the Ann Arbor and Normal school teams. He died the ncxt day from the effects of the blow. The salt manufacturéis of the St. Clalr river are reported sick, and a number of them will not opcrute their works this usmmer. Cual at S-i per toa and salt at only 51 cents per barrel is not calculated to put much vim into the salt manufacture. B. F. Emerson, agent of the Copper Falls mine, Lake Superior, who severely Injured last season and flnally was taken to Boston in a special car and slung in a bammock, for treatment, died in tliat city receutly. He was greatly esteemed. Mrs. Kate Mattoon, the oldest pioneer of Lapeer county, died at Attica a few days siiice at the age of 80 years. She came to Michigan in 1827, and resideil for a time at Fort Gratiot, where she helped the builders of the lighthouse there, and afterwards at Almont. Clark H. Thomas of Coldwater has been arrested charged with attemptednmrder in hlringone WalterC. Coleto strangleor suffocate one Charles Davis, aged 74 years, and llved with Thomas. Thomas held a polloy of $2.000 on Davis' life in the Old l'eople's Ufe insurance company. Geo. W. Phelps, a capitalist from Mt. : Morris, N. Y., has offered to construct In ('aro a complete system of Holly water works, provided the village will take a certain number af hydrants for fire protection at an animal rental of 850 per hydrant. Capt W. L. Coffinbury of Grand Rápida has been appointed one of the vice-presidents of the proposeil centennial celebrat on df Ohio. whicli will oi'cnr at Marietla, Ohlo, in April, 1S88. He helped them celébrate their senii-centennial there (ifty years ago and they haven 't forgotten 'a. Teter Gruet, a half-breed Indian (armar i on Swan Creek, ten miles from Saginaw City, was in town the otlier day and taincd some liquor. He starled for his home in a canoe, whlcn capslzed in the l iiituciwiird", min (umi T U.-5 Mivínimi. He was 35 years oíd and liis fatlier was one of the early settlers In the county. Charles Harrison of Inkster, Wayne oounty, died reeently, in his90thyear. All bis nine children but one attemled his funeral. Mr. Harrison was one of the oldest cltlzens of Wayne eounty, having settled there immediately upon the close of the war of 1812. He was apparently in good hcalth, smoked a pipe, fellasleep and neer woke. The late Jesse Hoyt, In his will, left to Kast Saglnaw$100,000 with whlch to bulld and furnlsh a public library, and donatlng a splendid picce of property for the site. Th money has been in the hands of trustees for sevcral years, but now plans ' have been secured for the building and work commenced on the same. A horrible accident occurred at the Sherwood manufactnrlng oompany 's iactory in Grand Iïapids the other day. John Gibson, a laborer aged 20. got caught in the main shaft and was wliirled around with great rapldlty. Both arms and one leg were i broken, necessitating the amputatlon of one arm and one leg. The right arm was torn into a thoiisand pieces. Deputy Railroad Commissioner W. C. Ransnm has been engaged for the past two (ir tlnee weeks collecting in different portions of the state facts which have a bearing on the proposed reduetion of the legal fare on railroads in Michigan to 2 cents a mile, in order tbat the legislatura may have as much light as possible in acting on the bill now pending at Lansing. Mr3. Wm. A. Mosley of Union City j rintlv rliprl at. the homfi of her daucrliter. '■ Mrs. C. W. Cracker, in Chicago. Iler i name before marriage was Miss Blngham, and she was the first white child born on the Sandwich Islands, her father, the Rev. . Hlratn Bingham, being amissionary there. She was a very worthy and estimable lady. The remains were buried in Union City. The pólice of Grand Rapids found Lillie ! Ketchum, 22 years old, sick in Smlth j ford's den and dying of starvation. She. had been lying uncared for for several weeks, and lier body has become so cmaciated that she is a verilable living skeleton. The girl's nourishmcnt in her illness Ims been raw onions and bread crnsts. Sanford has been arrested and the girl removed to the hospital. Hlchaél Reilly, a herdsman for Mr. D. C. Reed, an extensive stock raiser ol' Kalamazoo, was attacked by a buil that became Buddenly frenzied while Reilly was exerclSlng him. The animal pierred Reilly's leg entirely through and tore the ftesli in a terrible manner. Help was soon at hand and the poor man was cared for as well as possible, fout he died the next mornlng trom the effects of the injury. He leaves a wife and five ehildren. llaving learned that it will be almost or i quite Impossible for all the counties to get their returns in by April 22, the secretary ■. of state has decided to postpone his cali for a meeting of the state board of canvassers, orlginally made for that date, and will probably have to put it otf until nearly or qnlte the Iate8t day allowedby law, unless he finds that all the returns are in earlier ! than they now seem likely to be. May 20 is the latest date that the initial meeting of the board can be held, but it can be adjourned, if necessary. Mrs. A. S. Faltar of Grand Rap is, a member of the board of control of the state industrial home for girls in Adrián, while i t'i urn niy tiiMii ni imiLiai vían imu mi tbigb bioken through a defective platform at the Lake Shore depot. Retaining Bean ■ & Lane, she sued the company for 10,000 i damagcs. The suit was compromised i for S7.000, but she refused to pay her attorneys their bilí of í?:50 for services rendered. The lawyers brought snit to recover their fee. The case endett ia a verdict of S275 against Mrs. Fuller.


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Ann Arbor Democrat