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Estáte of Thomas Walker. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O ss. At a gession of the Probate Court f or the county of Washtenaw.holden at the probate office In the city of Aan Arbor, on Saturday, the and day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven. Present, WUUain D. Harriman, Judge f Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Walker, deeeased. Wilhani C. Murray, executor o? the last wij and testament of said aeceased, coinés into court and represente that he is now prepared to render his final account as auch executor. Thereupon, it 18 ordered, that Wednesday, the 9th day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asaigned for the examining and allowing such account, and that the heira-at-law of said deceased, and all othor persons Interested in said estáte, are required to appear ata session of said court, tnen to be holden at the probate offlce. in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show causa if any there be, why the said account shoukl not be allowed. And it is further ordered, that said executor give notico to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Dekockat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county three succeesive weeks previous to said day or hearing, WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. Atruecopy. Judge of Probate. William O. Dott. Probate Register lotice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw O ss. Notice is hereby given that by an order of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, made on the 12th dav )t April. K. D. 1887, six months f rom that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against th estáte of Johanna Sullivan, late of said county, deceaaed, and that all creditors of said deceased are rsquired to present their claims to said probate court, at the probata offlce in the city of Ann Arbor, for examïnation and allowance, on or before the 1 -t h day of October next. and tbat such claims will be heard before said court , on Tuesday thel2thday of Julyandon Wednesday, tha lïth day of october next, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon of each of said days. Dal 9d, Ann Arbor. April 12, A. D. 1887. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. Judge of Probate. Notice to Creditors . STATE OF MICHIQ vN, County of Washtenaw ss. Sotice is hereby given, that by an order of the probate court for the county of Washte naw, made on the 25th day of March, A. D. 1887, six montos from hat date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estate of Johanna O'Xeil, late of said county, deceased. and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said probate court, at the probate offlce in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the Mth day of September next. and that such claims will be heard before said court on Saturday, the 25th day of June, and on Monday, the 28th day of September next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated Ann Arbor, Maren 25, A. D. 1887. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judsre of Probate. EBERBACH & SON. AND PELARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DEALBJW IN- Medicines, Chcmicalw, Dye tuir, A.rtist's and War Flower Materials, Toilat Articles, Trusses, Etc. Poro Wines ai Liunors ! Special attontion paid to the furnlshlng of Pbyslclans, Chemlstg, Schools, etc , with philosophical and; Chemical Apparatus, Bohemlan Chemical Glassware, PoreeUIn War, Pure Reagents, etc. Physlctans' PrecriptlenB Carefully Prepared at all hours. EBERBACH & SON. F red. Brown ! At Clabkbn's Old Plaob., FI 11 ! Xic3_-uLO3rs a3D-dL Cigars. HOT LDNGH EYEBY UI BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTR ATED. This Magazine portrays American thoaght and lifo from ocean to ocean, la fillcd with pure highclass litcraturc, and can be safely wel. comed in any family circle. PRIOE 28c. BR $3 A YEAR BY MAIL. Sample Copy of uitrent number malled upo n celpt of 25 et.; back numbtrt, 15 cti. Premium List with Ither. Addrêisi B, T. BITS2 & SOIT, Publisïeri, 130 & 132 Pearl St., X. T. I HIS Artn'til! Newipaper AdTerltwI3LTtRAèoil.wtttexl&u. Estáte of Frederick Stollsteimcr. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ano Arbor, on Friday, he lat dar of April, In the year one thousand eiKht hundred and eighty-seven. Present, VVilUaui D, Uarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Frederick Stnllsteimer, deceased. Un reading and niinc the petition, duly veriled of ( 'liristinu Catharina StollBt -inier praying hat administration of said estáte xnay be granted to John G. Feldkamp, or some other uitabte person. Tlureuion it is Ordered, That Monday, the 2nd day of May next, at 1 o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petiion, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all othnr persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, hen to be holden at the Probate Offlce, in the sity of Aid Arbor, and show cause, if any there e, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is turther ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons Inerested in said estáte, of the pêndency of said petition, and the hearing thereof by causlng a coDy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Democrat. a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAMD. HARKIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm, Q. Dore. Probate Register. Estáte of James M. HUI. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holdsn at the Probate offlce n the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the 2nd day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. Present, William D, Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of James M. HUI, decoased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifïed, of Comstock F. Hill, praying that Mary E. I It 11. executrix of the last wilt and testament of said deceased may be authorized and directed by decree of this court to mike, execute and deliver to said petitioner a conveyance of certain real estáte in said petition described. in pursance of a certain contract. Thereupon U fa Ordered, That Saturday, the 7th dayof May next, at 10 o'clock in assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law uf said deceased, and all other persons intereeted in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouM not be granted ; And it is furtner ordered, that said oetitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estate, of the pêndency of said petition and the hearingthereof. by causing a copy of Lhis order to be published in the Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulated ín said county four successive weeks previous to said dayof hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atrue oopy.) Judgeof Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Josepb Keodle. QTATE OF MIOHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, O ss. At a seasinn of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday the 26th day of March, in the year one thou sand eight hundred and eighty-seven. Prestmt, William D. arriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eatale ol Joseph Keedle deceased. Jesse A. Keedle, the administrator of aaia es tate, comes into court and representa that he ia now preparad render nis final account as such administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the 27th day of April next, at ten o'dook in the forenoon, be assigned for examinin am allowing such account, and that the heirs a larf of said deceased, and all other persons in terested in said estáte, are required to appear a a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Offlce, in the city of Ann Arbor, in sak county, and show cause, if any there be, wlii the said account should not be allowed. And it Is further ordered, that said admintstrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pêndency of said account, and the hear ing thereof, by cauning a copy of this order to be published ín Thb Ann Arboh Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said coun ty, three successive weeks previous to said day o hearing. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, [A true copy] Judgeof Piobate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register Estáte of John Goraght y. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court fo the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probat offlce In the city of Ann Arbor, on Thuraday the 31st day of March, in the year one thou sand eight hundred and eighty seven. Present, Willam D. Harriman, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of John Qeraghty deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly veri fled, of Hannah Geraghty, praying that admin istration of said estáte may be granted to her self or some other suiuble person, Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, th 23th day of April .next. at tea o'clock il tbe forenoin, be assigned for the hearing o said petition, and that the heirs at law of sai deceasnd, and all other persons interested i said estáte are required to appear at session of said court then to be holden at the probate offlce in the city of Ann Arbor and show cause if any there be, why the praye of the petitioner should not be granted: And i is furtner ordered, that said petitioner giv notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendencj of said petitioi:, and the hear ing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published ín the Ann Arhor Denuïcrat. a newspaper printed and circulated in said coun ty, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss. In the matter of the eitate of Agnes Koch, Walter F. Koch, Clara L. Koen, and Grover Cleveland Koch. Notice ia hereby given, tbat in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned guardián of said minors, by the Honorable Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the 'Mi day of Maren. A. 1) 1ÖS7, tnere will be sold at public the highest theeast front do 3r of the cour t house, in the city of AnnArborin the county of Washtenaw In said state, on Tuesday, the üfith day of April, A. D, 1887, at ton o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eneumbranees by morteage or otlierwise existing at the time of the sale) all the right. title and interest of Raid minora in the following described real estáte, towit: The northwest quartir of section twelve, in the townsblp of Aun Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan; excepting ten acres heretofore sold to , Julez Banghart and thirty acres heretofore sol d to Adam Miller, the balance supp sed to be (120) one hundred and twrnty acre, more or less. Dated Mareh 9, 1887. GEOEGE APRILL Ouardlan. Notice to Credltors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O as. Notice is hereby given, that byan order , of the Probate Court for the Oounty of Washt naw, made on the 5th day of April, A. 1). 1887. six months from that date were allowed for . creditors to present their claims against the est tateof Edmund C. Rogers, late of said county , deceased, aud that all credi tors of said deceased , are required to present their claims to said Pro, bate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allcwance, on or before the Sth day of October next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court. on Tueaday the 5th day of July. and on Wednesday , the Bth day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, April 5th, A. D. 1887. WILLJAM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. . , ( Estáte oí Willlain Humphrey. O TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waghtenaw, O ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate offlee in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the j 2ndday of April, in the year one tnousand ( eight hundred and eighty-seven. Present, WUliam D. Harriman, Judge of t bate. i In the matter of the estáte of Williara , phrey. deceased. Coinstock F. Hill, the admlmstrator of E said estáte, comes into court and L sents that he is now prepared to render his final account as such administrator. . Thereupon , ït is ordered, that Wed ñenday, the 4th day of May, next, at 10 o'clock in the , forenoon, be asaigned for examining and allowlng such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested In said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the ■ bate offloe, in the city of Ann Arbor,in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered, that said administrators glve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causíng a copy of this order to be published in The Ann A rlior Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three suecessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, A true copy. Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Dotï. Probate Register. CEO. OLP ! ' PROPRIETOR OF THE V New Livery Stable ' Boardina: and Farmers' Feed Barn. Ax Baxter' Oíd Stand, c 1 Corner Huron and Second Streets. rURNOUTS ALL NEW AND NEAT j Charges Reasonable. Telephone Connection. TAKÊTTHE OBI0GB1T. ; Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Huihvay. Time table goinz into effect Sunday Nov. 28th 18H6. Golng North. I Going South. I STATIONS. 6. 4 2. 3 5 Pass Ex. Mail Standard Time. Pass Ex. Mail p. m. p. h. a. m. L've.l Arr.l a. h. p. m. p. m 610 3 16 5 15 TOLEDO. 30 130 1130 7 44 4 00 6 05 Monrne Junct'n 8 45 12 48 10 at 8 02 4 10 6 .5 Dundee 8 32 12 33 10 32 8 44 4 1 6 g) Milán 8 Oti 12 13 10 1)0 9 40 4 52 7 00 Pittsfleld 7 .7 11 43 9 4C 10 03 5 10 718 ANN ARBOR 7 13 11 3U 9 30 10 30 5 8' 7 30 Lelanda'8 6 45 1112 9 10 p. h 5 45 7 48 Whitmore Lake A. M. 10 58 8 58 5 5a 7 55 Hamburg 10 51 8 53 6 28 8 30 Howell 10 20 8 15 7 20 9 30 Durand 9 30 7 20 7 45 9 52 Corunna 9 08 6 b8 7 55 10 0U Owousn 9 00 6 82 9 1511 23 II haca 7 4 5 15 9 33 11 45 St. Louis 7 7 4 57 9 41 11 53 Alma 7 21) 4 60 10 30 12 45 Mt. Pleasant 6 30 4 00 p. m. ". M. A. M. A. m. All passenger trains run daily excapt Sunday. Trains run on the South Lyon Dranch leave Anu Arbor at 10:03 p. m.,Leland's t 10:30, Worden' at 10:40, and arrive at South Lyon at 11:00 p. m. leave South Lyon at 6:30 a. m., tv orden's at 6:40 Li'land's at 6:1.' and arrive at Ann Arbor at 7:1! a. m. Connections at Toledo wlth rallroads dlverg lng. At Manhattan Junction with Wheelingö LakeErie R. K. At Alexis Junction with M C R. R. L. 8. R'y, and F. & P. M. R. R. At Monrot Junction with L. S. & M. S. R'y. At Dundee with L. 3. & M. S., and M. & O. At Milán with W.. St. L &. P. H'y. At Pittsfleld with L. 8. & M. 8. R'y., at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit Lansing & Northern R. R.. and . T. R'y. At Hamburg with M. A. Line División Grand Trunk R'y. At Howell with Detroit, Lansing & North ern R'y. At Durand with Chicago & Grand Trunk R'y and Detroit. Grand Haven & Millwau kee R'y. At Owosso Junction with Detroit Grand Haven & Millwaukee R'y and Mich gan Central R. R. At St. Louia witli Detroit, Lan sing & Northern R. R. and Sftginaw Valley & St Louis R'y. At Alma with Detroit, Lansing í Northern R'y. At Mt. Pleasant with Flint & Pere Marquette R'y. H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BENNETT, Oen. Superintendent. Gen. Passenger Agt. Estáte of William A. Gnthrie. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw O as. At a session of the probate court for th county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oñíce in the city of Aun Arbor, on Monday the llth day of April, in the year one thou sand eight hundred and eighty-seven. Present, WülUm D. Harriman, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of William A Guthrte, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly veri fled, ef Alsa Kniseley, praving tiiat a eer tain instrument now on file in this court, purport ing to oe the last will and testament of said de 2eased, may be admitted to probate, and tha John Q. A. Sessions may be appointed executo thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 9th day of May next, at ten o'clock ii the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing o said petition, and that the devisees, legatees and heir; at law of said deceasd, and all other per song interested in said estáte, are re quired to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitlone should not be granted. And it is f urther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the personi interested in said estáte, of the pendency o: said petition and the hearing thereof, by enns ing a copy of this order to be pubüshed in Tui Ann Arbor Dkhochat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, threesuccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wil. Q. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Jacob Schweitzer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw 0 ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the 13th day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. Present, William D. Harriman, judge of probate. In the matterof theestate of Jacob Schweitzer, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly verified, of MagdalinaSch weiter, praying that adminis 1 nitio.i of said estáte may be granted to William Aprili, or some other suitable person. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the 9th day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, ín the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause," if any there be, why the prayer oí the petitioner shuld not be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons iuterestd in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Dbmociiat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successiva weeks previous to said day of hearing, WILLIAM D. HARK1MAN', (A true copy) Judge of Probate W. Q. Doty. Probate Register. Comiuissloners' A o tice. STATE OF MICHia AN, County of Washtenaw. The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons against the estáte of Matthew Clarken, late of said county deceased, hereby give notice tbat six montlis f rom date are til ïowed by order of said Probate Court. for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of Asher A. Terry, in the city of Ann Arbor, in snid county, on Tuesday, the I2th day of July, and on Wednesday, the 12th day of October next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, April 12th, 1887. PATRICK O'HEARN, EDWARD DUFFY. Commissioners. Planing Mili. LUICK BROS.f Proprietors. We turn out all kinds of Mouldings, SASH AND BLINDS And do all kinds of Joiner's Work. We have not orders "three months ahead"; only wish it was so. Persons winning anythine done in our line of work can be accoicmodated. Send in your orders and Ihey wM recHve Iminediate Attenlion. LXJICK BROS., Cor. North and Fifth streets. Ann Arbor. Mich PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescription of o physldan who has had a life long experience In treatine f emale diseases. Isused monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladk s. Pleaaant, safe, cftectuaL Ladiea askyourdrugirist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or lnclose postagoforsealedpartlculars. Soldby all drugglsts, t per box. Address THBBDKEKACHEMICAIiCO.. Detroit. Mich. ET" Sold in Ann Arbor by Eberbach Soo. REMOVED ! I nave removed my MEATMARKET ! To more commodlous quarters at IVo. 1 , üotx-oit Street, Where I shall keep on hand Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. l'rices Beasonable. XAVER ZACHMANN, Abbob, Mich. Abstract of Title ! Aiiv person desirine to purchase real estáte or loan money.will flnd it to ttaeir ntcrst to cali at the REGISTER OF DEEDS' OFFICE ! And consult C. H. Manly's Complete and Compared set of Abstract Books, Now In charge of Jas. Kearn, Register of Deeds . I can pcsltWely say that, in my opinión, those who rely on the abstracta raade by Mr. Kearns, wlll not bo deceived C. H. MAMA Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, No 4 South Main atreet, Ann Arbor. The oldest aeêncy In the city. Established a quarter of a centufy ago. Representiug the following flrstolaas eompanies, with over $30.000.000 ass.-ts. Home Ins. Co., of N. Y.; Continental Ins. (o., of N. Y.; Niágara Ins. Co, of N. Y.: (iirard Ins. Co of Phlla ; Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford; Commercial Union of Loudon; Liverpool and London L#-Rates lo-. Losse liberally adjusted and promptly jMiid. '-'. H. MILLEN. Am Altor flrpn fforïs D. F. Allmendinser llanufaoturer and dealer in Kanos, Onais, AND MUSICAL ISSTHUMENTS. Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. Anvon calling at the worka, foot of Washington ' street, can examine goods and pne-rs. I can convince j'ou of the Great Bargains ! I ara offerlng. D, F. ALLJ1ENDINQEI!, ASN ABBOK


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Ann Arbor Democrat