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World's Dispensary Medical Association

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:';i;:i:: '."'":■: i.-i:1' .i-.....: :.. :-'■ . .... r ■-'- The following words, in pralso of Dn. Pikrce's Fayoiute Prescription as a remedy for thoso delicate discases and weal nesses peculiar to wonicn, must bo of interest to evcry sulTerer from gueli miiladios. Tliey nro fair samples of tlie spontancoul expressions with whlch thousands give uttcranco to llieir scuse of gratitude for the inestimable boon of health which ha been rcttorcd to them by th6 use of this world-famed medicine. ■- - -■ John E. Sf.qar, of Sfüleribeek, Va., writcs: rTÜ?ÍTr7ü!m Sor-niA F. Bostteli White Cottaje.O QllAA "Jly wilo hud been sufforiug for two or thrro HREW 11WAÏ Wlits: " I took .-leven bottlca of your ' Fa iDAvU ycars with femalo woaknrss, Rnd had pnid "■! ""' vorito Prescripi ion and one botóle of your „__. ..... out ono hundred dollare to pliysicians witüHER 'Pellets.1 1 ani doing my work, and have been I KRDWN AWAY out relief. She took Dr. Picrco's Favorito O.."". for some time. I have had to employ help fpr u "' Prescription and it did her more good thim bllPPORTER about slxteen ycara before I eommenced tak■-■- - - all tij(, mt-uieine given to her by the physiwiiiuh. lnsr vollr mCdlelno. I have had to wear a ciana during the three years they had been practicing upou her." 7 supporter moet of tho time; this I have laid . Mr. Gfougk Heroeii. of West-field, N. Y., and fecl M weU l ever did-" Tur PornTOT wntes: "I wasa greatsuffererfrom leucor■ ui Mrs. Mat Gleason, of Hunica, Ottawa Co. Int UntAltol rheo, beanng-down pains, and pain continT nnRlS Mlch., writes: "Your 'Favorito Prescripüon' r.__ n.. ually across my back. Three boules of your ■ has workcd wondere in ni y case. LARTHLY BOON ' Kavorite Prescription ' restored me to perWílMílFB Again she writes: "Havi'ng taken several bot■""""' "■ fect honlth. I treated with Dr. , for nUnUtna. tlcs of the 'Favorito Prcscrlption I have ro- Dne moiitha, without reeeiving any benefit. "1 " ■"■ gained my heaith wonderfully, to the astonishThe Favorlte Presciiiition' is the greatcst earthly boon to uu inent nf myself and l'riends. I can now be oñ my fcet all day, poor sufferine women." attendiug to tho duties of my houschold. TREATING THE WRONG DISEASE. Many times women cali on thcir family physieiang, suffering, as thoy imapine, one from dyspepsia, another from heort discaBe, nother from liver or kidney diseasc, auother from nervous exhaustion or prostratlon, anothcr with pain berc or tlurc, and in this way they all present aliko to thcmsclvcs and thcir easy-goini? and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, separate and distim discases, for wliloh ho prescribes hls pills and potions, assuming them to be such, wlien, in reality, they are all only symptnms caused by some womb disorder. Tho phj'tsician, ignorant of the causo of suffcring, encourrisreñ his pnictice until large bilis are made. The sufferinjr Íatient gota no bettor, out proliably worso by n-ason of the drfay, wrong treatrnent and consequent complicntions. A proper medicine, lite Dr. Pieroe's Favorito Pi-pscríntlon, directed to the cutiic would have eutirely removed the diaeaso, thereby dispcliiag all thoss distressingr symptoms, and instituting comfort instead of prolongcd misery. 3T"T Mrs. Tl. F. Moroan, of Nn. 71 Lexinatnn St„ " a ninruoinno r,,.. irra r T Qmxnmi PHYSICIAHS Kast Hoston, Ma., mya: "Five ycars ago 1 .Clinil? of 'Cnsfal V?" wkés'I J itroiibled wh& ïlll Cn r.?vianr?vdrortfCrtC1rISmMUtÍnth0UÍÍC8EiLÜUS fernaiewekk;1 leueo'rVhea1 and8 fali'ing'of tho I 3K Wpg. !LuanPdhiö DOCTORS. EfcfiS JSWfiÍ ?&L&%L alone. I began talffí rpSSipÏÏSn' 'of monev butife'éTinerfmVuslZI using the local treatment recommendcd in his 'Common Sense Sorsumlo'd rao to trv voor C irino which Í wil Tonth to iÓT rfüi ÏSLiïASriï? at nCeh,„ J? tlirC? SS3ÏÏS2 I &S2dfádr agaí'ñst" Ulem'and1 to? docísaS m ífo o i?S? Perfectlu curca, and havo liad no trouble since. I they w0llld do 'me n0 Koodf j flna]ly tld my husband that u wrote a letter to my fainily paper, bnefly mcntlonlng how my hp would rrt mp somp nf mnriifinon fm„H ,_„ ,k,_ hoalth had been rostorcd, aiid offering to send tho f uil particularg annst thn,lric of n"y phys"an He öt me sTx bottíííof tS to any one writing me for them, and enclosina a slampcd-en"vorité Prescripción } Sso tix ottlea fot the ' Disco vérv' fo? veiope for replu. 1 have received over four hundred Wers. te dolían Í T took thrS bottlcs oï ?Diseovery and Sur of ÍSHSlí; LiSSi deSír' mT f rtanii th? "t"1011' use(1; ' Favorita Prcsoription,1 and I have iSen aSund woman for fouï 5? Í r t earnest1 advispd them to 'do likewise.' From agreat yPare. i then gae t!le Díliance of tho medicine to my sister, who many I have received second letters of thanks, stating that they i,nH trnnhlcd ín tho nnmp wmr onrf ho immÁ hr.roif („ imtt loeal treatment so fully and plainly laid down therein, and were tuuch better already." THE OUTGROWTH OF A VAST EXPSRIENCE. The treatment of many thousands of cases cures nausea, weakness of Rtomaoh, In prepiiancy, " Favorito Prescrlptlon" of those chronic weaknessos and dlstrcssin? gestión, bloating and eructatious of gas. isa "mother's cordial," rclk ving nausea, ailments peculiar to femnlos, at the Invalida' A a soothlns; aiid 8treiip;tlieiiiiig weakness of stomach and olhcr distressinfr Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., nervine, " Favorito Prescription " Is symptoms common to that condition. If has afforded a vast experienee in nicely eiiunlled and is in allaying and its use is kept up in the latter months of adapting and thoroughly testing remedies subduing nervous excitability, irritability, pestation, it so prepares the systcm for defor tho eure of woman 's peculiar maladies. exhaustion, prostration, bystéria, spasms livcry as to greatly lessen, nnd manv tíraos Dr. Piorce's Favorito Preacription and other distreesing, nervous symptoms almost entircly do away with thesufferings Is the outgrowth, or rcsult, of this irreat commonly attendant upon fuuctional and of that tryingordoal. and valuablo experienee. Thousands of organic disease of the womli. It induces "ravoritclrecrtptioii,''whei1taken testimoniáis, reoeivod from patiënte and refreshinir sleep and relieves mental anxin eonneetion with the use of Dr. Pierce'a from pliysicians who havo tcsted it in the ietv and despondrncy. Golden Medical Discovery, and small lsxamore agSTaratod and obstinate cases which Br. l'icrce' Favorito Piescriptlon tive dosrs of Dr. Pieree's Purgative Pellets had bailad their skill, provo it to bo tho In a lcffitimale medicine, carcfully (I.ittlc Liver Pills), cures Livrr, Kidney and most wonderful remedy ever devised for ccimpounded by an experienci d nnd skillf'iil liladder dlsonsee. Their comtiincd use also tho relief and euro of suffering women. It pliysician, and adaptod to womnn's delicato removes blood taints, and abolishcs canls not recommendcd as a " oure-auV but organiation. It is purely ví'íretnble in its cerous and scrotulous humors from the as a most perfect Speciüo for woman's composition and perfcctly barmleai in its systfm. peculiar ailments. effeets in any condition of the pystom. "Favorito Presprlptlon" is the only As a powerful, iiivlcoratliisj tonlc, "FaTOrilo Presorlptioi1 ' i a postmedicine for sold, by druggista, It impart8 strength to tho whole systcm, Uve curo for tho most coi' olieatod and nder a positivo fjuaraiüóe, from the and to tho uterus, or womb and its apobstinate casos of leucorrhoL'. or "whltes," manufaoturers, iliat it will give satisfaopendages, in particular. For ovcrworked, ezOMdre flowing at monthly perlods, paintion in evrry case, or money will be re''worn-out," run-down," debilitatcd tcachful menstruation. unnatural suppressions, funded. This guaranteo has br n printcd ers, millinerg, drossmakers, seamstresses, prolapsus or fallin of the womb, wcak i on the bottle-wrapper, and fail 'ully car" 8hop-g:irl8," housekeepers, nursing mothback, "femalo weakness," antoverslon, reried out for many ycara. liar; boules ers, and feeblo womon generally, Dr. troversion, bearing-down sensations, chron(100 doses) $100) Oi ftix bottlcs for Pieree's Favorito Prescrlptlon is tho greatie congestión, inflammation and ulceration ?5.00. est earthly boon, bcinsr uneqnalled as an of tho womb, intlammation, pain and tenPST" Send ten cents in stampa for Dr. appetizin'i cordial and restoratlve tonio. It dernpss in ovaries, aecompanied with "inPieree's larve, Illustrated Treatise (Ifi8 nr, (liirpRti(n and ïissiiniiïit.icm of food. tcrnnl hpíit.." mires) on Disonses of V)men. A .... Na. !? TTTrïTi S'frpot, IfïPTA V. V.


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