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The secretary of the Northwestern lumbcr manufacturen' association has prepared a report, of the lumber on hand April 1 in the white pine belt and the decrease or increase as comparecí wlth last year, whlch was as follows: Total in 1888, 3.187,550,000 feet; in 1887, 8.840,911,000; decrease, S40,(53'J,000. Michigan showed a decrease of 859,848,000 f eet; Minnesota, 100,101. U00 feet, and Illinois 123,143,000 feet, lowa showed an increase of 28,350,000 feet, and Missouri 38,000 feet. An old Shell, whlch has been standing fox '2: years on the sideof Bolivar Heights. near Harper's Ferry, Va., one of the lew remaining relies of war time, was exploded a few days ago by two boys who were trylng with an iron rod togetpowder out of it. The force of the concussion dem lislied some small buildings and threw to the ground downs of people who had gathered around the spot, and pieces of the ghell scriously injured six persons. l'atrick II. Ilennessy, a prominent and fonnerly wealthy merchant of Galveston, acted as sergeant-at-arms of the state seniitc, which adjourned April 4. He was ilisniissed, chatged with forging sundry vouchers. He was indieted by the grand jury, convicted in the district court and sentenced to two years' imprisonment. Barnum's elephant Jumbo was killeden the Gl&nd Trunk road overa year ago. Suit for ,100,000 damages was brought agalnst the company. The matter has been nompromised and the suit withdrawn. The company has agreed to pay Barnum 86,000 cash aud haul the circus free for this season. The New Tork master builders have agreed wlth ttaebrieklayers' union. Wages are to he forty-live cents an hour for nine hours, except on Saturday. The joint arbitratlon committee is to meet on the thlrd Thursday evening ofeach month to settle all muiters of difference. Justus H. Schwab, one of the most violi'iit and virulent of the New York anarchists, pleads guilty to the ownership of S20.000 in government bonds. It Is not believed that Mr. Schwab really contemplates or intends an iinmediate uiiim ui uit ' ' r [ inútil i . J. K. Hurlbut, one of the most prominent business men of Des Moines, Xowa, lias been arrested for complicity In the nmrder of Constable Logan, who was killed whlle the latter was in the discharge of his dttty in the enforcement of the liquor law. A New York paper reeently published a sensational story trom Key West to the effect that an attempt was made to kidnap John Sherman and lus party, during their recent visit 'to Cuba, and hold them for a ransom. Sherman says the story is a pure fabrication. The president of the Irish national league of America has sent a letter to the various state delegates of the league, requesting them to furnish blm particulars of meetings held to voice the sentiment of Amerira in oppoaltlon to the tory coerción policy. During a storm the other night John Wright's tlwclling mar Windsor Station, Va., was torn to pieces by the tornado and the entire family killed. Another fannor in the vicinity was also killed,, and a number of dwellings were destroyed. James Craik of La Crosse, Wis., a cousin of the wife of Secretary Manning, is missing, nul DO trace of him can be found. LUs empty pocketbook was found the next day afler his dlsappeaiance. with marks of blood upon it. Foul play is suspected. Exercises in honor of the memory of the late President Arthur, were held in the Assembly Chamber in Albany, on the 2Oth iust. Gov. H i 11 presided, and speeches were delivered by Benj. H. Brewster, Hon. Chauncey M. Depew and others. Dr. F. Goetsch, a former citizen of Crestón, lowa, at the mature age of 69 years, has just been convicted of bigamy at Vinton, anti sentenced to pay a fine of 51,000 and Serve two years in the penitentiary atAnamosa, George Clarke, the largest landowner and hop dealer In New York state, has made an assignment. Liabilities S1.000,000. He owned vast tracts of land in Oneida, Otsego, Madison, Chenango and adjoining counties. President White of the Chautauqua Lake railroad, has presented the new theological school four acres of land at Bemus Point for its summer meetings. A large amphiteater and hotel will be erected at once. The commissioner of agricultura has lssued a circular stating that his department is very desirois of promptly stamping out the cattle disease, and urging governors and state legislaturas to aid in accompllshing this purpose. Lawrence Donovan, who some months ago jumped from the Brooklyn bridge, was arrested the other day while about to attempt the feat again, and later was held in SI, 000 bail to keep the peace for three months. The inter-state commerce commlssion has appointed E. L. Pugh of Alabama to the clerkship under that commlssion. Mr. Pugh is a son of Senator Pugh. This is the tirst appointinent by the commission. A Boston lady has contributed S10.000 toward the establishment of an American lnstitute of Roman Ilistory and Archxology in Rome. J)r. Warren of Boston has gonc to Rome to arrange matters tliere. The lladdock murder trial at Sioux City, lowa, entled ín a disagreementof the jury, 11 favoriiifj acqulttal and one for conviction. There are direct charges of bribery, and an Investigatlon will be ordered. Jas. II. Marr, ehlef clerk of the first ! assist-ant Postmaster-General, died at his residence In Washington, April 20. He ! liad been ctiief clerk to the first asslstaut Postmaster-Genenl slnce 1809. E. T. M. Slmmons, who was manager of the Hotel Del Monte at Monterey, Cal., until the hotel was destroyed by fire, has been arrested on a charge of arson in ! ing set fire to the hotel. The commUsioner of the general land . office lias recommended to the secretary of j the Interlot for approval for patent 381,899 acres of land In Xebraska, bclonging tothc i Dlon Pacific niilroad. Maj. W. F. Benlcenof theninthcavalry, recent ly sentenced by court martial to be dlsmlssed trom service, has had his sentence coiiiimited to suspension for one year on half pay. The operation of the inter-state law has compellêd the abandonment of business at Sprague'a box factory at Suanzey, N. H. The factory bas been turning out over 8,000 boxesdaily. W. S. Pcrkins, hts wife and daughter, are in prison at Burlington, lowa. The father la charged wlth incest, and the mother and daughter with strangling the latter'a babe. Judge Davis of the court of claims j cides that the Chlckasaw Imlians should be ciedlted by the government with S240,168 for Improper disbursements from thelr ' fund. ('ajenio, the famous Utc's Taqul chlef, was simt the othcr day at Modano, twenty miles from (iiayamus, A. T., by the Mexican a itlioiities. No particular received. A ricli veln of gold has been discovered in the mountains, nine miles from Maryville. Tenn. Tlie place is guarded night and ;!ay, as it is considerad extra rieh. A Plttsburgh paper claims that tho K. of L. general ollicers have declared a boycott against all labor papers which do not agrt'e with the present administration. The business portion of Sylvanla, Ohlo, was destroyed by fire April 20, at a loss of over 50,000.


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