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Real Estate Transfers

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Geo. Mast to Wm. J. Knapp, Chelsea, $1.200. Andrew Birk to August Birk, city, 14,000. Wru. Yager to Mary A . Yacer, Lima, $5,000. lieuben Kempf to Jas. Clancy, city, $5,000. Matthew Alber to E. J. tlatch, Sylvan, 82,100. Jno. J. Kobiaon to Clemie Downer, Loai, $8,600. Alfred Smith to Hiram Markham, Augusta, $800. Horace M. Gallup to W. A. Weeks, fpsilanti, $300. Horace M. Gallup to Willis A. Weeks, Ypsilanti, 3300. Jno. Miller to Jennette Gillet, Ypsianti city, $775. Carlton D. Hendrickson to August T. Sinke, city, 5400. F. E. Parsona to Wealtby E. Pope, Pit.tafiplrl. ffifi.nnn. Josoph L. Rose to Reubea and S. A. Kempf, oity, $2,500. A. H. Goldamith to Watson Snyder, fpsilanti city, $700. J. H. and R. W. Shaw to Mack 4 Schmid, oity, #1,000. Chas. H. Richmond to the M. C. R. R. company, city $2,500. Mary and Burton Pryer to Wm. A. Vilber, Augusta, $560. G. A. Bruegel to Paulina Reichert, Manchester village, $1,500. Hiram Markham to Edivard and Mary Gotte, Augusta, $800. Wm. Humphrey, by administrator, to Jno. J. Robison, Lodi, $9,000. Seth O. Arnold, et al., to AIodzo H. Goldsmitb, Ypsilanti city, $450. Rose and Catharine Gonaty to Wm. .1. Knapp and H. JM. Woods, Chelsea, f300.