Real Estate Transfers
Geo. Mast to Wm. J. Knapp, Chelsea, $1.200. Andrew Birk to August Birk, city, 14,000. Wru. Yager to Mary A . Yacer, Lima, $5,000. lieuben Kempf to Jas. Clancy, city, $5,000. Matthew Alber to E. J. tlatch, Sylvan, 82,100. Jno. J. Kobiaon to Clemie Downer, Loai, $8,600. Alfred Smith to Hiram Markham, Augusta, $800. Horace M. Gallup to W. A. Weeks, fpsilanti, $300. Horace M. Gallup to Willis A. Weeks, Ypsilanti, 3300. Jno. Miller to Jennette Gillet, Ypsianti city, $775. Carlton D. Hendrickson to August T. Sinke, city, 5400. F. E. Parsona to Wealtby E. Pope, Pit.tafiplrl. ffifi.nnn. Josoph L. Rose to Reubea and S. A. Kempf, oity, $2,500. A. H. Goldamith to Watson Snyder, fpsilanti city, $700. J. H. and R. W. Shaw to Mack 4 Schmid, oity, #1,000. Chas. H. Richmond to the M. C. R. R. company, city $2,500. Mary and Burton Pryer to Wm. A. Vilber, Augusta, $560. G. A. Bruegel to Paulina Reichert, Manchester village, $1,500. Hiram Markham to Edivard and Mary Gotte, Augusta, $800. Wm. Humphrey, by administrator, to Jno. J. Robison, Lodi, $9,000. Seth O. Arnold, et al., to AIodzo H. Goldsmitb, Ypsilanti city, $450. Rose and Catharine Gonaty to Wm. .1. Knapp and H. JM. Woods, Chelsea, f300.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
George Mast
William J. Knapp
Andrew Birk
August Birk
William Yager
Mary A. Yager
Reuben Kempf
James Clancy
Matthew Alber
E. J. Hatch
John J. Robison
Clemie Downer
Alfred Smith
Hiram Markham
Horace M. Gallup
Willis A. Weeks
John Miller
Jennette Gillette
Carlton D. Hendrickson
August T. Sinke
F. E. Parsons
Wealthy E. Pope
Joseph L. Rose
S. A. Kempf
A. H. Goldsmith
Watson Snyder
J. H. Shaw
R. W. Shaw
Charles H. Richmond
Mary Pryer
Burton Pryer
William A. Wilber
G. A. Bruegel
Paulina Reichert
Edward Gotts
Mary Gotts
William Humphrey
Seth O. Arnold
Alonzo H. Goldsmith
Rose Conaty
Catharine Conaty
H. M. Woods