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Thos. Keene May 4 at the grand. Tuesday morning, April 26, rain and a little snow. D. W. Amsden has resigned from the pólice torce. There will be several Buloons lsss after the lst of May. People at Stony Creek now receive their mail at Urania. W. C. Ayres ia again running the Ayres house at Milan. Henry Storms has gone to Jackson to work in a maride shop. Kev. Dr. Ramsey ofliciated at the funeral of David Preston, Tuesday. The American express offise has been moved to the Masonic temple block. John Baumgardnar has one of the ünest collectious of coins in the city. April 24 nearly one inch of snow, and a slight fall of the beautiful Monday. The Ann Arbor base ball team will plav the Ypsilantians again to-morrow. Judge Kinne and Hon. E. B. Pond liave been in Coldwater for several days. Ëxinger & Boes will open their hotel with a grand ball next Thursday eveuing. üommiesioner Imus i safter those persons who viólate tlie fisli and game laws. David Preston, of Detroit, died suddenly Sunday morning of diabetis. The oldest violin in this county is supposed to be the one now owned by Prof. Frank Minnis C. W. Maroney, of Chelsea spent a portion of last week, with friends on Fountaiu street. Sunday evining the city was left in total darkness owing to some break at the electrical works. Tüe water company has published new regulatious relativo to the use of water for sprinkling purposes. Thos. P. McMaster, of the wide-awake Ludington Record favored The Dbmocbat with a cali Alonday. Malcom McDoiigal, the old democratie war horse of Bridgewater, was in the city londay and Tuesday. The stone culvert on North Main street has been completed by the Walker Bros. Contract price $290. Many persons from our neighboring cities attended the J. K. Emmet entertainment, Saturday evening. A livery stable on the north end of Main street, lost a quantity of oats Monday night. They were stolen. L. H. Frink is a new corner to Ann Arbor, but he is now running a boardiDg house next to Zion church. Thos. McNamara, of Chelsea, who backed Ryan for $1,000 in the foot race, was in the city Sunday and Monday. A. W. Ringier, a member of the senior medical class, died Baturday night of pneumonía. He was 25 years of age. Young Stabler, who hns been a clerk in the post office for several months, has gone to the northern part of the state to lócate. The citizens of Brighton have warned the saloon-keepers of that place that they will prosecute all violations of the liquor law. Jacob Laubengayer's wheat was so poor that he turned hís sheep into a 12 acre field to nibble what little that made lts appearance. Christopher Mattbews, who has been Tvorking for the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R., at Toledo, has been visiting bis old home Hor several days. Jas. Kitson is back from Ëngland. W. S. Hicks was in Chicago yeaterday Senator Gorman was in the city Tnes day. N. H. Drake is able to be arouni again. Change of ad. in to day's paper for Ed Dnffy, tbe grocer. P. Sukey, the horticulturist, has a fine new delivery wagon. Messrs. Brush, Snow aud Baxter are doing the hack business. Mrs. GE. Smith, of Detroit, is the guestofMrs. W. A. Haten. Bdrs. E. B. Gidley and daughter Lena paid Toledo a visit Tuesday. Geo. Buil, of the fifth ward, killed a mad dog in bis yard Saturday. Jap liiius, jr., is happy. He is the father of a 17 pouud baby boy. Col. Dean delivered an address at the Brighton camp-üre Wednesday. Lew Cowan, of Ann Arbor township, is dead. Diphtheria was the cause. Prof. Baur has returned from a visit to bis son in Bay Port, Hnron county. Miss Paulina Andrés is visiting her sister Mrs. C. B. Lewis, in East Saginaw Lester V., yonngest son of D. and Lorinda Amsdeu, was buried Saturday. A valuable dog owned by C. O. Brush, was killed by the cars Wednesday noon. Hon. James. G. Blaine passed through this city Tuesday evening, en route for Detroit. Mrs. Louis Bhtz bas returnod from Detroit after a two weeks, visit with friends. Sarah E. Murphy, of Salem township died April 22 at the age of 80 years and 5 months. Jacob Walfhalf, a prominent Germán of Sharon, aged 5 years was buried Wednesday. During the mouth of April the remains of 16 were received at the Forest iill cemetery. There was a concert at Beethoven hall Tuesday evening. The programme was very interesting. Wm. L. Wilson, S. D. G. R. of R. A., 't. Huron, attended the funeral of comade Frank Hangstsrfer. Will Donahue leaves soon for Coloado, having purchased a $50,000 ranch near Glenwood Springs. Larry O'Toole, who bas taken rooms n the Masonic Temple block, is the gent for the White sewing-machine . In Grand Rapids the state milihamen are drilling for the coming exhibitiou nd competition at Washington. What re they doing here? J. W. Main, who bas been suffering rom a severe attack of intlammatory tieumatism, is able to work at lus trade gain - barrel making. Aaron Sanford, of York, was attacked y bis dog Sunday. In order to get oose he was obliged to cut the dog's eek with his pooket kuifo. The Ann Arbor co-operative savings ssociation elected the following diectors Saturday evening: J. A. Gates, G. Luiek, Jno. E. Flinn, E. fiberbach nd E. Hom. A . V. Robwon, who bas the contract or sprinkling tbe streets, gives the best f satisfaction to his numerous cusmers. For sevewl years Mr. RobisoD las done the work. Frank Minnis thought he would try lis luck, Monday, and the large pickerel ie caught, which weighed 2)% pounds, ie oíd to Daniel Brownell for thre ■ )ushels of red wheat. Geo. Aprill, of Scio, will build an adition to bis eider and jelly works at a ost of several hundred dollars. At the onvention held in Toledo recently he eceived the first prize on eider jelly. General Edward Clark, who bas been onfined to bis house for the last six nonths is not improving. 1 Ie seems to e growing weaker, and it is feared may ever regain his health. He is now 80 ears old. Thos. D. Laue, of Salem, who was lected supervisor of tbat towuship, was irowu from bis carri;ige a few davs nee and so injured tbat he was unable o go on with his assessment, and the ;own board appointed another mau. Jos. Donnelly, the telegraph operator, ied at the re.-údence of bis pareuts on .nn street, Wednesday night of perotoïtis. He was a brotber of Chris. )onnelly, who has been for so manv 'ears with the American express om pan y . Wm. G. Dieterle bas pnrehased the no. Muehlig stock of furniture, and ednesday he left for Chicago to purliase new goods. On his way back he will take in Grand Rapids, look through ie furniture faetones, and purchase more goods . We were happy on Tuesday last to see ie face and shake the hand of our old riend, John Geddes, of Ann Arbor towu. [e is now 85 years of age ; was born larcb 19tb, 1801. He bas been very ïck during the winter, but is now enoying comfortable health. No lady interestedin sewing-machines nd sewing-machine work should ai! to see tbe art display at 38 South ilain street, commoncing May 2ad, and continuing during the week. The exhi)ition cost $10,000. It is is tbe work of ie Domestic sewing machine. The calendar for the May ttrm of the ircuit court, ■bieb con venes next Tuesay, contains 57 cases in all, divided as bllows: criminal 4; issues of f act 43; ïses of law 1; imparlance 2; cbancery - st class 2; chancerv - 4tb claas 5. The ury is caüed for Tueday, the ürst dav f the torm. A protective tariff is avowedly hostile o foreigu trade. Six years ago the alue of the cheese exported from this ountr was $l(i,00i),000; last vear it was ;ii,50,),0J0. In l80 we exported 39,330,000 pounds. Lard exported six years go amounted to $35,000,000 ; last year $2-3,000,000. Services in St. Andrew's cburch next 3unday as folio ws; Ï:3'J a. m , Moruing i'rayer and Litany; 10:30 a. m., Holy jommunion and Sermón; 12 m., Lecture n Contirmation, and Sunday School ; :30 p. m., Evening Prayer and Sermón, 'he Bishop of the diocese has appointed he evening of the I5th of May for Conrmation. The law case of Lenawee co., vs. Washenaw co., for the case of the Kittridge amily who removed to Adrián some our yearsi ago, which was to have been ried yesterday at Manchester, was discontinued by the superintendente of the oor of Lenawee co. Ex-superinteu[ent Davis, who was a witness m the case, was so instructed by telephono on Wednesday. People who have a tooth for oanned hicken will not be pleased to learn from he Utica Press tbat calves from one ïour to three days old are being slaughered in Herkimer county, N. Y , for the ohicken canners. Between the supply of "bob" veal and winter erop of jack abbits, cbickens are being crowded out of tin cans of comtnerce. But cacklmg against the imposition will not emanate rom the hen roosts. E. W. Wallace has decided to ereot a rick building on his vacant store lots on the east side of south Ann Arbor street, and work has already been commenced with that object in view. The building will be one story high and divided into four store rooms, in size 1(5x40 feet. Three of the rooms have already been rented, and the other will probably be spoken for before ready for occupancy. - Saline Observer. Tramp, tramp, tramp. Mr. Davis, the governor-elect of Rbode Island and the captain-general-elect of Providence plautations, a democrat, will be inaugurated on the 24th of May. It is thirty odd years since anytbing of this dessription has oc3urred in that state, and if the people do not think that May '24 will le a great day for democrats let them watch and see. Every band ia the state bas been engaged, and negotiations are m progress for a few hundred drums, jiigles and gans in Boston. Mr Wm. C. Stevens is in northem Michigan. A goodly number went on the excursion Tuesday. The corrected markets will ba found in to-day's paper. A change of ad. for W. O. Burchfield, in to-day's paper. David Henning was in the city last Friday and Saturday. A. Wilsey has furnished a piano for the Chelsea town hall. riio state teachers' meeting will be held in Lansing J uly 6-8. It is almost time for the aonual strawberry festivals to begin. Born to Dr. A. C. and Jennie Nichols, Monday, a little daughter. Miss Georgia Kathbone, who has been south all winter, has returned home. John M. Qould will remove his grocery store from Ann to Fourth street. A reunión of company A. fifth Michigan cavalry will be held in Fhnt June 8. The dress-stay factory in Ypsilanti is doing a liveiy business, and 73 persons are employed. Monthjy meeting of the Washtenaw pomological society, May 7th, in the basement of the court house. Edward Kraus, of Howell, died Thursday last, aged 21 years. He was a nephew of F. Kraue, of this city. Our thanks are due Gil R. Osmuu, secretary of state, for acopy of the Michigan annual for the years 1887-8. Next Monday evening, the Unity club will give its closing entertainment for the season, in the Unitarian ohurch. The annual encampment of the Michigan state troops, will be held this year at Orchard Lake instead of Island Lake. The April showers of yesterday were very much needed, and if we could have more of them vegetation wou ld rapidly advance. Allrnendinger, the celebratöd orgaD man, has f nrnishe i organs for the Methodist oliurches in Feedom and Sharon, the past week. An exchange advises girls to paste his in iheir hats: "Naomi was 580 years old when she got married, but she got ;here just the same." The state bomoeopathic medical society, will hold its annual meeting in Lansing, May 17-18. Gov. Luce will deiver the address of welcome. Irving K., and Allen B. Pond, sons of our worthy townsman, E. B. Pond, have opened an office for themselves in Chi jago. They are very successful archi;ects. Our citizens notioed that on Monday morning the beer wagons were not around colleoting empty beer kegs. It shows there is no drinking of beer on Bundays. in tho saloons. The members of St. George's society attendeá divine service at St. Andrew's on Suuday. Rov. Dr. Earp preached rom the text, "Bö ye sober-minded." an able and eloquent sermón. The Subject of the lecture upon Chnstian History at the Unitarian church next Sunday evening will be 'The Influence of the Eeformation upon Philosophy and Science." Miss Anna Donnelly, who has been pending the winter with her sister, ars. James Callaban, ot Chicago, was called home auddenly yesterday, on a elegram anuouacing the death of her jrother Joe. Henry VVagner, who killed his wife and hild in this city in 1872, and was sennced to life imprisonment in Jackson tate pnson, has been tranaferred from lic abo ve i u -ti tu t ion to the insana aaylum 'or crimináis at Ionia. Three thousand five hundred armed men daily and nightly patrol the streets of the city of New York. They are men n uniform - pohcemen who by the rules inder which they act are required to jrovkle themselves with revolvers. Kast Sagina v has a sad case of vagraney in the person of Chas. Lnm, aged 5. His father beat him so that he was rippled for life, shot his mother, served í term in prison and suicided; and the loy owing to his being a cnpple, is una)le to support himself . The new hotel of Exinger & Boes, oposite the Michigan Central depot, is not nly headquarters for railroad men, but hey are receiviug a liberal patronage rom the ctizens. In oonnectiou with be hotel are five sample rooms, and Irummers will n'nd it to their advantage o stop at the above house. The Holly Advertiser cives a new windling dodge the following free puff: Che scamps watch the papers for estray lotices, when one of them goes and ooks at the animal. Of course on apihcntiou the farmer shows the beast, md the fellow decides it is not hia ; then ie returns to his partner and describes t minutely to him. Number two goes ;o the farmer and proves by a thorough lescription that the animal is his, savs :hat he cannot take it away, offers to ell it at a bargain. The farmer buys, and in a few days the riíht owner comea along and claims the animal, and of course, the farmer ia out just that mucb. The trial of Arensdorf for the murder of Haddock, at Sioux City, Iowa, ocouied nearly three weeks and termmated, rith a disagreement of the jury, eleven eing for acquittal and one for convicion. The jury was composed of farmers rom the immediate vicinity and comrised men of intelligence, and it is very svident that the prosecution has not got hold of the right man. The one obstinate juror, says he was offered a ribe to vote for acquittal, but hia bearng and his statements are so utterly absurd that it looks very much more ikely that he was a tooi of the proseou:ion, and the only one upon whom they could prevail to save them from defeat. - Adrián Press. The Young People's Society of the 3entral M. E. Ohurch gave the closing entertainmen t of their course to a welltilled house last b'riday night. It consisted of a lecture-poem from the pastor, Dr. Studley, on "A Reflected Yankee." We have heard Dr. Studley as preacher and editor before. It remainecl for Frigay evening to disclose his ability as a platform speaker and poet. In prose :he lecture would have commanded instant atteutiou as a remarkable record of keen observation of Yankee characterístics, and might easily serve as a model of our best American wit and humor; the production, however, in rhythmio measure gave it a unique charactei and !rce, and altogether made it one of the most delightful platform eflbrts we have ever listened to. An bour and a quarter of unñagging attention is a tribute ot no mean order to a poetio production, and Dr. Studley is to be congratulated upon so pronounced a auccesB in so difficult an undertaking. - Mich. (Detroit) Chns:ian Advocate. Rev. Dr. Studley will .ecture in the M. E. churoh, this city, Fridav evening Mav 6. taoutn Liyon Picket: Thos. D. Lane, the newly eleoted supervisor of Salem township met with quite a serious accident last Saturday. He was driviug along the town line road between Salem and Superior, when his horse became tnwrhtened at some ducks in the ro ad, and ran into the fence, throwing .Mr. Lane violently to the ground. lío bones were broken, but he was badly shaken up.- Many funny stories are told of persons who were interested in the recent boom at Sault Ste. Marie, but the best of all is the following: "A certain worthy divine who hal caught the fever. started out to preaoh one morning and after the usual singing, opened hia sermón as tollows: "iSrethren, you will flnd my text in lot 1, block 3, blank's addition to the city of Sault Ste. Marie." - Some one who has taken the trouble to flnd out liow far a farmer must walk to put in and oultivate forty acres of oorn, says: to plow the ground with a sixteen-inch three-horse plow, he travela 359 miles: to harrow the ground thoroughly before planting he will have to travel 100 milas; to cultívate it afterwards he will travel 350 miles, making a grand total of over 800 miles, besides the gathering. The oatholics of Freedom had a very festive day on Sunday, April 17tli, which will remain in the memory of old and youug, as it was the day of first holy communion, when fourteen children, ten girls and four boys, approached the table of the Lord for the first time. The girls were all tastefully dressed in white, with wreaths and fiowers, and the boys were dressed in black and all held a nicely ornamented candle. At 9 o'clock the procession took placo from the parochial residence to the churoh, where the first communioants renewed their baptiamal vows and the Apostle's Creed aDd different other prayers whioh have been performed in edifying uniformity. This showed that the children were well trmned. After the children had returned to their pews Rev. Fr. Stauss gave a sermón appropriate to the occasion, reminding them of their duties to their parents, their church, and towards all whom they may meet in their future life. During high maas the children received their first holy communion with great devotion. After maas their prayers were said and the services ended with Grosser Gott. The church was overcrowded with people from all around. - Mauchuster Enterprise


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