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Pages Árnica Oil The best aire In the worM for Hum. Wounds and sores of all kinds. Boils, Felona, CiiUblalns, Frozen Keet, Piles, Hurber1 iuh, Sore Kyes, Chuppcd lliuiiifi, bore Tliroat, Snala lieaü. Pimples ou the tuce, and all skin dtseases. Kor Mver Complalnt. Btck Heaiache, Conatipation use Paire' Mttiidralíi! IMlls. Above remedies sold by Urutigistw or sent hy mail for 2B centa by C. Vf. Bunir Co„ STracuse. N. Y. "Said Aaron to Mcog Let's ent ofï our nosus." Aaron must liavs been a sufTcrsr from catanii. Th de p-ration wliicli ca arrh produooi N oft. n sulliclent to mnko people IXJ mid do mauy ra h tliinas, and raiiiiy continue raffering ust as if no such cure as Dr. Sufe's Catarrh Remedy existed. It curoí every caso from the simple t to the most compile ted, and all the conequences of catarrb. Á person once cured by Dr. Saga's Cata rh Remedy Will not be apt to taks co! again, as it le:ives the miioousmembraneshealthy and btrong." By dmggUti. Miss Mollle (arfield, danghlcr of the late President Garfleld, hxs finlshed her studies. filio talier than her mother. "I Don't Jinow What Ails He," says mnny a snUeror. "I havo tho 'blues' frtghtfully; I am troubled with hend'iebe and dizzine s: 1 have 1 at my appetite; there is a bad taste in my mouth coustantly. What is the mitter with me!" AVe will tellyou: yon aro bilious."' Get a bottlo of Dr. Piei'C-1' "(Jolden Medical I iscovery," n o it faithfuily rnl yon will soon be a new man ngain. All drugglst] have it. There is more or less monoy In Bnglista politica for pcopie, Mr. Schnadhoret bavlng jnst been presentod with L10,000 in recognitlon of his servicos to the liberal party. TTse the surest reraedy for catarrh- Dr. Sage'B mtj KOR IkSfctohl Sick Hsadache. fifeP1 Constipation, vliiP Dysp3psia. Nftvr when the oud1 bepln toshow, TH time for ol I an I rouns t know That Fewra, LaMituw, soa all TlO IN at Indigettion's culi, With rvery tronble, a"he or pala. That follow in the BilUnu train, Will si alter like the tltloves of nitiht, Beforo a draught o stl.T.EIt i.rlKhtlydia e. pinkkam's Vegetable Qïïmpöïïhd Ha8 bV-xkI the teetof twenty yoara aaltcmody for Femólo DiscaBcs, relioving periodical pains, promoting a healthful rcgularlty ot scasona and curinff wealtnesa, back-acho and consequent nervoxis distress. lyiTSPUItPOSKISSOLKLTronTnSLIomaiATBIIEALmaOF 1ILKABK ASI) TUK KICI.IEF OFPADf. lï IS TROM1T IX ACT1ON. BEE HHAX OXK WOBA.V SJ.TS OF BS ïïttirt. Pittsburg, l'a., Nov. 6th, JÜK-'i. Mr. Lydla E. rinknara: "Asisfrcqncntiythccape withniothcre wlio have rcared Inrge families, I havo been agreat BuCtercr for ycarsf rom coraplaints incident tomarried life. I have tricd tho tkill of a number of physiclana and the virtne of many medicines without relief, aud as an experiment I concluded to try yonrs, I can nsenre yoa that tho bencfiu I have derived from it c;ime not of any falth ) had in it. ior I had btit ellght hope of any permanent good. I ain not a sceker after notoriety bm 1 want to teil you that 1 have ban, uonderfully benefit ted by your medicine. 1 am now usingmy fourth bottlc nnditwould take batlittle argnmen topersnade me tlitit my health is fulhj restored I enonld likc to widoly circnlato the fact of iti wonderfiil cnrative powers." I'IIKBA C. EOOP 1HE SEIHEST DxraOlST WItL StPTlï ÏOC. PBICE 1. 00. SSMEöALSAWARDtaTOl B WÊr Cnrei PlearUy, H A ■ EBar Bheamfttl8int LuinUjo, ft 9HF mt BrU., Weknea, CoU ín 1 & the Clictt anil tl Aches aadHtiking. j_g_J 5! Bowaiaof Imitatlona uDderelmDr VB B i eounitlnif name, Aik rom ■ Bl 1 BBHSOH'B 1NDTAER NOA H B PIastüR ;THEBLSTINIHEWORLDBvcesTh8OriginaI KI2ELáf W. aas v LI I I Lt 'L"$& vlvSJWvo LI VER BEWARE OP miTATJOSS. AX.WATS ASK FOK J)R. PIERCE'S PELZETB, OU Í1TTLE SVGAR-COATEJD PILIS. Bcilie ciillrcly vegetable, they opéralo without disttirnance to tlio systcm, dict, or occupation. Put up in claas vials, hermetically scalcd. Always fresh and reüable. A a liixiiüvc, aliiiiitivc, or pui-gattvc, these little Pellets give tho most perfect Kitisfaction. SM HEMCHE. m, Itilious Mcadachc, L T Dizziuetü, Constipa Jb tlon, lnd i CKt ion, K-f TffL Biliou AltakN,aii(lall i Tv ffjMrderanïoinonts of the J Jf& ach and bowcls, are Êk Bly ly relicved and jermancntly M currd by tho use of Dr. Picrco's Picana it Purgativo Pellets. In expianntion of the remedial power of these Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it may truthf ully be said that their action opon the system is universal, not a (rland or tissue escapinfï their sanativo influenee. Sold by drugRists, 25 cents a vial. Manufacturad at the Laboratory of World's Uispensai! y Assoclation, Buffalo, N. Y. 3500 Ww flBSS' 's offcred by the manufaeturfy ' ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kr v s i Kcinedy, ior a case of . 'A. ? Chronic Nasal Catarrh whieli V'% M;' thcy cannot cure. SV3IPTO7IS OF CATARRH.-Dull, heavy hendacho, obstruction of tho nasal passages, discharges falling from tho head into tho throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thiek, tenacious, mucous, purulcnt, bloody and putrid; the eyes are wcak, watery, and inllamed ; thero is rinjrin(r in the eare, deafness, haektng; or cotigliiiiK to clear the throat, expectoratlon of offensivr matter, tojifether witn 6caïs Irom ulcera; tiie voice is chanfred and has a nasal twang ; the breath is offenslve; smell aml taste nro Impaireii; thero is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking couííIi and general debillty. Only a few ol tho above-named flymptoms aro likely to be present in any one case. Thousands of cases annually, without manifceting linli' of tbe above symptoms, reBult in consumption, and cnl in tlie grave. No discasc is 80 common, moro deeeptive and dangcrous, or loss understood by pliysicians. By lts mild,8oothinur. and beallng proporties, Dr. Sapc's Catarrfa Keniedy cures the worst cases of Catarrh, "cola lu tho liead," Coryza, aml Catarrhal Kcadaclic. Sold by druggists every whorc; 50 centa. "l'ntolil Agony from Catarrh." Prof. W. Haüsner, the famous mesmerist. of lthaca. N. 1', writes : " Some ten years ago I Btiffered untold agony from chronio nasal catarrh. My famiiy physician gave nie up a.incurable, and said I must die. My case wa 6uch a bad one, tbat every day, towards suneet, my voico would bocomc so noarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the morolDg my coughirjg and clearing of my throat would ahnost stranglo me. Hy the uso of Dr. Sagc'b Catarrh Itemed}, in three montiis, I wasawell man, and the cure has been permanent." "Coustantly Ilawklnc and Spittliig." Thomas J. Rusihno, Ksq., S003 Pine Street, St. jLouiSy Mo., writes: "I was a gre;it suiferer from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathc, and was constant ly hawking and spitting, and for the last eignt montlis could not brcatho through tho nostrils. 1 thought nothing eould he done forme. . Luckily, 1 was advfied to try Dr. atarrh Kemcdry, and J :un now a well man. I believe it to be the only suro for oatarrh now manufacturad, and ono has only to (,'ive it a fair trial to experience astounding resulta and a permanent cure." Three Dottlcs Cure Catarrh. Eli Iíobhijís, liunyan P. O., Columbta Co., Pii„says: 'My dauphter bad CQtarrh when eho was flve years old, very badly. I saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kotncdy advertised, and procured a bottlo for her, and Boon caw tbat it helped her; a third bottle effected a permanent cure. Phe is now eighteen years old and sound and hearty." PATEWTSobtainM'byTxra1Ba?g(r&Co.,At toruuyï, Wtuhiogtoii,D.C. Em'J 1884. Advict tnt. UflUC STTTDY. SacnreaBvulnessErtucationby !■.. lU mai]iruIuBuYAT'8COLLïai;BulIlIo,i(.T. TfLECR APH Y Í,.b.T..!?.4,72 1 nfalietl. Wnle Vulentluellroa., 'unv.viüe.wia. ft RUI BC Morphlnt Ilni.ll und la 1O UI I V Hl Da. J. Stuiiui, Lat, u. OW. AüllIBfl ""' MrpMn Ilabl „r.d In 10 tó lililí ml Kiij-. iiriwi.i '." rwtlantiieand Ui IVlfï Jiialita Br.Kar Uuincy.Mkh. tfP lotKntlntj. Snmplcsworthfl.SOKHF.K. Unes Twi uoiuiuiertlietiorsu' feel. Writo lircwaer'3 iW Sneij. Hein Holder f., 7y. .1 f" A fl Ail Oon -innKjs ltlver, Va., in Claremonl I Hl I III Uj.f, MANCHA t, VoJ 'áTrNÍX' Patento, washinotox, ; M I fc.ll 1 O D.C, Bt-mlfor Circular. Cu abt? 1 a tvim writiiiüiwou?''" nOKI ! SAÏYlJby mail ■' poiïoninT. Öltuatlon3 t rocured n w- wlien romiit end : . '. S. 1 UAPRV Tli Copreionaent, in S-pe iTlrtJXrtl .i:i,ci-, derote'1 to marrla'-fe, conta'M aliout liiM) r-'!'1" t in fU"h insno for ccrri-aponlont. Ko charge f or axlvertiging, Mailel i nifiiu. for IO. bilvcr. Adilrosa TUK CuOBsaroxuKaT, L.n.iiinjtl.Ohl.. ■■■■BK JHIHHHH ■ pnr9 1 ttTmH ■■■■BK-. J9BBCbuici uiwa. Mud HMl IKl Curcd u Hoi. Tratmeul [■■■ pent (in trifti and NOPAY asked ■ ■■" until yciuareliencfitert. Turras J.ow ■ II Uuauuo Kemedy Co.. J.ul'ai eltt. IaL MJ I I U H I U tm anl cure at jour ni r I nPhi..ii, wnd for ■ ■ffi I VIlHDr l.A.Khprmani Circular oí iastrucUuus. asi Urod . uj, ow Vuib bui róofingY:'é ESTAB.i88s.W.H.FAY&C0.Can en.N.J.o AUo Kt. I.orlS. UIN.NKAI'OJLIM. OMAHA. K PREPÁREO PRESCRIPTI' !S ! trïïï Rerrooi Deblllty, Ac Tri:il l'ackasc and 04 page Imnk ol' [ntttractloiu. irec on receipt of 25 cents LoMage. .Wlross, 'J'llï: PERTI ('HEMlr.lL ., v l Ihviitiki-i', '.VlM-diiahi. IIUP, WIM. WATER n I.K.lllMM; i'iloii? IRON ROOFING for atiy kind of Vitr or Furo Itulliline. Wrlte uit ti-stimonial from your fltftte. Addreu l'OUTEU IKON UOOF1NU CO., t'lnclnmtl, Obl. U 9 F" IS! examiner In U.S. PatentOIBw i n I Ulï I V? Bend model oraketuli lor liee ipinion whether patent ei n be b cured. New 1 ■ k -.'i patent Irrr. ReferncetiO mmlMloner of Pat .1 -nny mliiTonVliilijf thoU. S. Patent Omce. E. U. STOCK ING, Altoraey, 1 1 FSt., Wahlpgton, !). ( . DETECTIVES Wantflil in rverr Comity. f hrewd tnen to art under our int'.rurtu'nsin ourSeerrt Serrirc, Eiperiencenol nffCr■arr. Sendutamnforirli.-.ulurfl. (ïliANNAN DETEO T1VE IiURilAU.44 ircaUe, Ciuciiiiiuii. O. UUnO rnCtMn iiüs,I';,[,t, Works o Art Catftlogn6? - 1 I e3 to cvery onfl Bt o ing a." lienta i i ba 'Inename and a drds: I i--tted Inoui i: rOKV. Pubiished raunth■ líjjíí pubilhers, bookelle BiL-il deali . I 1. Vou u il . vrortb of ch ' RE '. j conlaÏDtng yotirnamcfree. AdJic PüüL : OlïIIIC, ïloxïZi. ISrlffhi . l'aiU.,111. Piso's Rexnedy for Catarrh is tho fl ■ Bost, Ëaaieet to XJbe, Rnd l'iicapest. ■ 8oll by drriireists or Bont by mail. ■ 50c. E. T. ilazoltino. Warren, Pa. CSTERBRÖQIP"S l.eadinffNos. : 14,048, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBRÖOK STEEL PEN CO., orks : Camdeii, N. J. 26 John St., Mew York. AGENTS WANTED for the AUTHORIZED LIFE OF LOGAN With lniroduction by MRS. LOGAN. The most ttirllllng military and civic biography everwritten. Bplendldly llhistrated with portraita and biitiie sccne. Tho uceen of agenta who hare begun work nn tht? book has had nc parnliel cxcept In cuso or Grwnt' "Memnlrs." ' ts t Bonanxa. For terme. AUdress C. B. BK ACH & CO.. Ciucaxu. 1U. CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS The Original and Only Genuino. Bateandalwaya Reliabte. Beware of wortiiU imit. [tont. [Adie& uk your lrmjiil"t for "Chiheter' Kii3TlIh' atiil takt; no otilar, or Inclon 4.'. (htaini) to na for particulai's in Mtfr ly Mum mnll. S'ahjt PAPSB. CIIH HKM'EH (HKJIKA CO., 2.11.; UadlMn Squuii-, l'l.ilM.hi. i. Solil by 7rnsurUt -a iry nere Aak (r "Clifchea tcr' EacUüh" i'L-iiiij rojtil 1'IIIh. Titkeno other. IMPXKIAL Ko FOOD will larcrelylncroMe T-ppproi1uctinn.etrfn2tlifnweakHtH)'lHorinííff-vI, tetbehOíhby trr wth nnd de.etoi emei t of i!l viirlotics of ptnil'ry and ensnre ttnf rorvUtion iind smooth nliimano. ' This ts no f n r prooeM] vm slmply jrivt th'-in t!iB chn 111 Cils to nirkr era, t n pont 'if ]i's- than ono rent a week t'or eaoh fowl. We mnll paokaces for óoc and$l. fiP. i'ilbaii'12'tlb nflfliaBOSdelivered to froight oroxpren CO. f'r ?3.00, flffi.'Ö restiocMvfly. AhJc 7Q9L_wj t'adef norw,;,,,., r.fcWtKuU. Th Graat Huraer of PERCHERON HORSES. t 200 Imported Brood Mares jífra Of Ctioiccst Familie. j'r fïïb. uuge mjiiiehs, wSSfftik Sv6l All Ages, bot hSsxos, IN STOCK. 300 to 4OO LVI'OBTED ANWÜA1L"Ï Prom Fmnoe.ftll rfCorücU with extended niciiKis In th Percharon Stud Jiooks. The Pcrclicron isihoonly draf biteú of Frflii'O iiosseüsin; a sind book tliat lina th support and endorsemenfc of tC6 Frcnch Oovcrnment. Bend lor 120-patfe CatalotfUO, illustrutions hy ii-m UoUteuar. M. W. DUNHAM, Weyne, D-iPage Co., Illinoi. WITÜl ONLY TRÏÏfi IRON EïTONIC J Wlll purlfr the BLOOO gulat a ErSTOBE th HEALTH bhüVIO. Sa OR of YOUTH Hïreniu, n t Bk o( Ai'petitn. Ini1iiielion,Lckof r'. HL Stront'th an'i Tired FeellBi OX'.:1: WSk. aohiteij cured: Bor., muiHk ole ftnrt ncrvpd receiv nw H. o. r'iilivpüs thr mind ■ nI„l fmppllcs Bruin Poner. LADIESlSÜi TONIO n nf nud plycur. Gi" nclinr, bealIhjcomplmion. Frennent nttemptn t countrrfeitiMüontymM to the i oiralarily of the orir insl. 1 not experiment- ret t!ie Origina!, ANü BKST. (Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILL8 V Care Constipatlon.Llver Com-laint and ?10KB Hondache. Sample Doao and Dream BcoKB malled on recetpt of tivo cents In potage. f Addrem DB. HABTER MEDICINE CO., St. Lonla. Mfc W.N.U. 18 All UFARES Olí ;í;ive been enjoyeil nv tho cltizona of nearly erflrj ,vn and city in the u.S, and thousunds of peopl testify to the wonnerful healiiiK power 01 Mamlin's Wjzard OH. It Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, oadache. Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throal RHEUMATISM, Lnme Back, Sliff Joints, Sprains, Bruisct, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. Tlie miiny teitlmonlals recclvod by us more ma provo all tro cinim fur thls valuable remad;. It -ot only relieves tbo mot severo patnt, bul It Cures You. That's the Idea! Kor lale ')y all Drugk'fst. Prlcc, 5O cnt pl Dottle. (mr Rono Hooi; oialled f roe to errytxdA Address WIZARD UIL COMPANV, CHICAGO.


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