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In Wallingford, Conn., There Is Said To Be A

In Wallingford, Conn., There Is Said To Be A image
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wotnan T."i ye&rg rf M{6 wbo lias ralsed a famih of Sfteen chlldiën umi liad sx husbands, the lady having been a bride three times Bince her elxtleth birthday. She uow livei alone on the Snutb plalns, h&vlojt provlded herself with a coffiu and complete barlal outtit, which Is kept in tbe bouse rcady for use. A teacber's life iü Alabama is tbus partij described by a committecmau in a letter to an eastcru íríend: "Sbo tries to make everytliin as pleasant ai she can. She doesn't mlnd work. She takes tbe ax nnd cuts wood - went to the woods oneevenlnp; after school and lielped to saw oft two cuts after i o'elock. Tbe peocle are very wull tatiáfied witb her." It bas been proven that Arab horses are not more fleet of foot tban tbose of any other country. A bfllef that they were the fasti'st nagi Iiasalways been entertaiutd tlll latély. The Arab horse, however, catino doubt stand more hai'd.ship tban any other glmllar animal In other countrles, and can keep up lonsjer on short ratious than any other horse anywhere elie. The editor of a Georgia paper says: ''WithIn a few days the publlsber of The Clipper will mount a noble charter and onetrate every nook and corner in the country.. He wants to see and meet the good people of old Warren at tbeir homes and whlle out-h will be alile to write a Rood doal about them, besldes securiug uu unlhnited number of new subscribers." lne coraïn'ssionur empioyeu to taKe a census of the CinaMUa Indians find the followiug to be the translation of some of thelr natnes: MRuush aud Nolsy," namss of two bors; "Tree ■haken by wind," "Cry all the time," the names of women; "One who starts to go one place and then poes auotber," "Giizzly bcar Itepptng on a hill," the naiDM ol men. The names of four womeu translated lu Enslish were: "Ilattlliig whlle ruiming," t'Dresslng whlle running," "Afraid of a Yankee, and "l'lnow a leg over tüe moon." Editor Graves of The Jaclcouville (Pla.) JTerald, is entirely too gooj to be an editor. lio went to see a slugariu match one evcnln? rccently, as bc says, "in a thoughtless and entirely ca=ual way," bul he has repented of it, and in a personal card in bis paper saya: "The fact that many of tho best reputable citliens ! of Jacksonville were amonjr the spectators doe not justlfj me, in view of my church lations, for beiug present. I frankly repi-nt i the thoughtles error, and shall make my j cuse where they re better duo."


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