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Our Lansing Budget

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Tho bul ullowing the. owners of stuam , boats to be sued and valid notice served ujiun tlicni Ín any county whcre the boats touch, bad passed tho house. The lill to extend and regúlate the liability of employers to makt; compensütion ! t'or personal inju ies sufVered by workmen in tlitir service pnssed the bo;ise a lew ia s as;o. Bocanso oL its great interest to all employei s we publish the provisión ol' the bilí iu full: The bilí enacta "That where after this act slKill talie effect, personal iujury is cauai (1 to a workman: 1. By renson ol any defect in the plan, conslruction, condition or state of repair loítheways, works, machlnery, buildings, npplianoes or piant connented witli or 11 el ín the busine s of the employer; or ; :'.. By reason f the negigeme oí' any Eersoñ in the service oL tl. e euip oyer who a. any superintendence intnistei to bjm i w hila t Id the t-xerciso of sin h suiíeriutondence: or . . By reason of tho neligent-e of any perron in the service of the einoloyer to : whose orders or direct on-; 1 ie workrnan at t e time of theinjury was l.omul to conform, and did conform, flfhen BUCO ;ury resultel from his having so conformed; or ; I. By reason ot the act or omission of nny ])érson in the ervice o! thu employer done or made in obedienet1 to the rules or by-laws of the employer, or in obedience to particular instructious tiven by any persou de'eg;ted with the muhority of tho employer in that I elialf : or .'. By ren s jn of the negligence; of tho emplo.ei', or bf any ptrson authoH. efl by hini to employ ordlscburge irn-n, in employing or ret lining in his s. fvice-care ess una incompetent workmen; o:ü. By reasou of thenegüf; üice oianyjperson in the service of the enip over who has the charge or control of any signal. points, switch, locomotiv- entine or train upon a raüway. The workman. or in case the in jury results in cie.itli, the legal representativo of the workmau lor the bene ut of the persons to hom his per onal property would descerní, or be aistribiited and iu áccordance with the i rovisions of au act entitied "Au net requirlng compensation for causing !■ ath Ly wrongf il ;ct i;elect or default,"' approveil t'ebrttary l', l-t-. and the améndmeiTts tliat have heen. or niüy hereafter be m de thereto, sttall have the sanie right o conipens tion end remedies against tl e er hs if the wprkman had not been a workman, nor in the service of the employer, nor engaged in hl-i , worx."' The secoud section reads: "A workman ah '11 not be entitled undei' thi act to any light of oni ensation or rene ly against theeni]ilo . iuany of the-following cases, th t is to say: 1. Undcr subdivisión 1, of woetion 1, unless the defect therein nientoneJ arose from. or had not 1 eon discovored or remedied, owinc to the negligen e of the employer or of some pergou in the Bei vic e of or uiuler contract with tbe employer, and intrusted by him with the duty of seeing that the ways, works. machinery. buil(t iugs. iippümicus or plant we. o in proper construction or in proper conditlön aud repair. '.'. Under -uhclivision 4. of section 1, le-s the inury reuslted from sorae imuropriety or defect in the by-laws or instruetious there 111 inentioned. :i. Ju any ca.-e wh. re the vvor&men knew of the defect or neligence wliich caused his injury, and faüeil within a re sonable time to gire, orcaus to begiven, information thereot to the employer. or some person superior to himselt in the service of the employer, unless he was a ware that tiie employer or such superior already kuew of the said defe:t or uegligence. The last section provides that the net shall have effect and be enlorced by every court. not withtanding any contract and agreement to evade or avoid liability, of its provisions. The house has devoted several days to the oonsideratiou of the li juoi' tax law, and this question is stiil the al!-im ortant one before that body. 'J he aniendmeuts to the tax lull alrendy alopted íiv a uni form tax of Ï5U0 upon nll déniers except Wholesale .dealers, wlio are to pay 1 100 B year. One of the principal questiops unaer debate was the one re'ating to druggit-. Several amendmrnts were ofiered and rejected, hut one wus adopted which ilni;csti to e liquor to minors, ijttozicated persons or persons addieted to intozicatiou, or to any persun whom the husband, vi e ja ent aardian or township official mny forbid, or to seil by the drink or gla s in soda lountnins or in any other decoction, undej peualties of fines trom U0 to $.0 with costs. and im]ii-:oiimoiit of from ninety days to one year for a tirst oit'ense. and for the second oiiönse to Ie sbsolutély debarred from seïling linuor in irav form. as a medicinal comnound or otherwise, for a period of nve years. The bouds required of a drug gist are $2,000. Amon! other amendments to the licuor tax luw now under discussion was one requirine a book : similar to a hotel register tobe placed unon all bars in which every customer should register his name, residfiici, age. kind of drink and cost be ore being sêrveS. The bartender is daily to make oath to the corroctness of the register and is mado subject to fine and itu prionment for giving or snlling beverages to unregistered customors. The amendment was ie ei'ted, as was on ■ re iiiiring s;iloons to lie in front rooms on the lirst Hoor, but no! la any bsi-ement, iind the view of the interior to be unobstructed by iiirtttins, colored, ground or ornamento glass or sci eens of any kind. The house railroad committee has reported favorably u bil] to make a uniform ra te oï two and a-half cents for first-ciass scügi'r tare on railronds. The bill paised by the house a few days ngo ia reliition to "stoiv pay' makes it unlawful for those owuiug or h;ving charge of milis, mine, shops or factories to py or te:der in pnvinont of wages or salaries lu íor labor perfornted any scrip. notu of obligation, certiticate or indebtedïu'ss in uy iorni whatevcr. OJ any store or otlier orders, but all wftges r s-ilarles shall be paid in lawful monèy of tlie United States. un!es otherwise aftreed upon be tween the partios in writing. Wazes are re uitred by the satne bill to be paid unce, at lenst, every tvo_ weeks, uniesa otherwlse agreed opon in writtng. l'ine not exceeding $100 are the penalty for violatiu; the terina of the bill and pro.ecuting attorneya ure charged to bring tutta in Uw name ( the peojile wbere couiplaiut is made. The committee of the whole has greed upon a bilt appropriat ing 1 1 18,! 59 for thu use of the reform school at Lansing. A represontative from lsabella county has a local oprion bill copied from one vva intrudiiceil in the Ohio leislature and tliere fai'ed. It for an eleotion in eacii county in November. IB88, ni tlie ubject of prohlbitingthellqnortrafflo in tbat county. The expression given at that eleetton i to st:iiid for at least two years, and if prohibition is ordered the county nuthorities are to ende avor to carry it out. If tho e'ection is not í risfactory and one-fourth iu number Of the voti'i'i at the last precediog ee.tion ask for the new deal, the board of supervisors are to kIIow auother vote to bc t.iken at the next general elootion. A bill is now before the hou e providing for the establishment of an iudei endent foreslrv ooramisiion. The meroberi of the state board of agrlcalture are consti tutedsucïi ii ïniiüssiou, to e ve without conipensation, but to Ijo ulluwed not to ezosed $l,uiX) lor exj)enscs of oollectlng iut'ormation, inquiry into the e tont to which the forests of Mic'aigan are bting de.stroyed by flres. used by wasteful cutting !or conumption for the purpose of e euring li.nd tor tillage or pasturaje. Also a-i to the effect of the cliniuuition of tho wooded surface of the land upon ponds, rivera and water power of tho state, and in dlsturblng and deteriorating the natural coudltionsof the climate, ulso aa to the protection of denuded región', stump and swamp liiinis. 'i'hey are to report to tho goveruor in time lor the facts to be laid before tlie next leiïislature. Supervisors nre direoted to lelp toe commission by etimatn- of tho amount of fon;st Und in thelr townsWpa and thenrfa of waste land wliich might Be ilnted to forest: aso, to report forest fires of more than one acre in e.t"iil occurrlng dnrlng the year, with particu'ars of the desti uction caused in timber and to fenees, bridges. buildings, if anv; tile cause of the lires and the best meaiis of checking them. The bill of Mr. Dnmon of Tincóla, for the appointnient of a state innr.-hïxl at a salara il Y1.00 a yesir, vith one depnty for eacl county in the state, to be $2 a da; and expenses, whose solé duty shall be ti briiifi befove the courts all offender gal nat the liquor luw han passed th house. The unly amendmentsof signilicanc to this bill require the btate marshall t divide the state into districts and to allo the deputy marshals to act in any county The idea is to give these dputy marshall roving cominissions, similar to those o Inited State i revenue o!ti eis, to loo after drup-gists and saloonkeepevs snt prompt'y bring them ti punishinent io any infraction of the law. The house struck out all after the f pari ing clause ' f the bill to reduce the test for oil iuspection. Gov. Luce has approved of the act creating fi new jury commisáioa of eleven persons for Wayne county. The meiubers of the jury commission at present, four in number, hold over. Th y are James M. Welen, V. S. Morey, Alanson Kheley and Ueorge II. Henry of Cantón. The new comraissioners appointed by the governor are T. C. Hherwood of Plymonth; David Fry, Levl L. Karbour and James L. F.dson of netroit, for six j'enrs: Walter H. ('oot and Frank Bleser of Detroit, for.r years, and 1 .y muil A. Xirant of Detroit two years. Got. Luce has appointed the followinj board of vlsitors to the ihchiKan military academy at Orchard l.ake: Luther S. Trowbridte, Detroit: Henry Seymour, Ste. St. Marie: Byron M, Cutcneon Manistee;A. J. Aldrlch, Coldwoter; Elliott ü. Ktevensou, fort Huron. The bill of Mr. Oviatt to restore the renwlty of death by hangin for the crime of muidor, was diseussed in tlie senate a few days ago. Hessrs. VV'estgate and VV. 1. liabcouk (avored the btll and Deyo and Fox oppo-ed it. A mot on by Mr. Giddings to strike out uil after tue enactins clause prevailed. A motion to reconsider the action was laid upon t e tab!o upun motion of Mr. Palmer, lv a vote of yeas 19. nays 12. The measure is, thereïore, irrevocably lost for this session. Senator Moon'a bill in reference to specific taxeá frora mining companies has pasfed the senate. A compromiso was mude where'iy the state is to rereive fourtifths, nnd the counties from whence the tux is derived, one fifth. Thi; is one of the best measures yetdevi ei for increasins the revenue of the state, auii c;edit is duo Sen Moon for successiully carrying it through. Many mensures huve been pagsed to dejilete tho treasury. This is about the only one to relieve in any degree the burdens of tbe taxpsjer. The neiv law jviU give to the state iti ,000 aunually. Gov; Luce has appointed Daniel U Case of Lansing a member of the board of control of the school for the blind, vice James M. Turner, whose term of ofllce hen expired. The speaker has appointed to the committee places made vacant by .Mr. Uakiu's expulsión: public lands. Mr. Wilsou; reform school, Mr. Baumgardner: rules and joint rules. Air. S. Uaker. A motion by Mr. Hubbell to reconsider the vote upon tho house concurrent resolution for an investigation of tiie Coldwoter public school w as lost in tiie senate. Bpeoiña charges against tbe management ot me school and the action ol tue board of control, signed by senators J. W. Bab cock lihd JJeyo, were offered in the shape of a preamble and resolutions. It u said thcit tho house will order an invetigation iiuk'poiuloutly, if the senate does not coopera te. The bill to pro vide all pupils in district schools with school books at the public ex pense failed to pass in the house. The bill of Mr. Bauingardner of Maniste to ongage the state in the lire insurance business was lost on its final pa-'sagd in the house. The bill appropriating Í2O,OO.') to complete the frescoingof tho capítol has pasxed both house. In the sennte it was aniended so as to reqnire that the contracto and men who work on the contract hall be citizens of the United ï-itate-. The governor's message in th Dutch and NorWëftlan lanuages has been printed. There is, however, little (Iemand for them. The bill of Mr. Houk of Oce;ina, appropriatiug ÍJÜ.ÜIX) for mouunient ui on tha nattlefleld of Gettysburg to mark the positions of Michigan troops in that most noted of the battles of the civil war. hni been placed upon the general order of the house. Tho comuiittee on ways and means are relüctant to reoommend it. Cn sectiou of tho biil requires the govornor to apiioint a commission of one offleer and ono so'dier from each of the reimenti, biitteries or csinpanies who took pa;t in the battle, vi., the First. Third. Fourth, ï'ifth, S'eventh, Sixteenth and Twenty'fourth Michigan Jnfantry, the E Irst, 1 iftii, Sixtli and Seventh Michigan Cavahy, the iS'inth Battary, I Michigan Artülery, and companies U, I and K, of the Kirst Regi mont of II. S. S., nnd Company B, t-'econd Hegimi nt of ü, S. ö., known as Berdan's Michigan Sharp Shooters. The Gettysburg memorial a sociation is to receive $5,0 0 of the amount appropriated for the aciiuisition, rcatoration and maintenrmce of iiii.iui't.'iMt. parts of the batt!e, inchiding tonstruc-tion, fencing and repair of avenues and other irapuovements.


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