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Thnusandsof wild plgconsarc bel tcred by the liuaters uear Giass Vulii-y, Cal. A profit of S,O0ü,O(X) florini was nette the natonal library of Austrla-Hungary lost year. Florida mcrehants are alrcady shi. lare quantltivs of new potatoes to Qortbi i ., raarkri-. Wedding cake has been Impprted Lndon for a marriage to takejjlaee lu New York next week. A áhrewd observcr bas learned tliat old luve ra ki-ss and fomlle eaU becausc tbey have whlalcera. A hospital to be devotcd entireiy to the treatmeut of dlpbtherla is Drojected by the medical incuof New York city. A brother wbo stammers arose In U's prayermci'ting and aid: "You knew - I can uot t-t talk, but- God can bles3 t-t-tears." A caaracter In one of Mr. Cable's lalest ! books Is made to remark tbat he will "progresa ' forwardly witb raplditive ■' A no;i() brouisht a trout Into Valdosta, tía., froni ludían poud sevcral days ago wbicb weigtied twelvc pounds aod eiglit ounces. Pastor - Well, wbat dld you younsr people ralite at your entertainment' Mèmber oí tbe i Commtttee- We have just reallzed that we aio (25 out. An English surgeon Is authority for tlio (tatement tbat tbe use of rocking-chairá is one of the causea of people's deafuess aud Qeartlgbtednest. Arrau;eiucnts are belng made by tbe Masouic. frateruity of California for au excursión to tbe Hawallan Islauds, to sailou the bteamer Australia, May 24. Sqrrowful ChlW to tbe Pastor-rr. B., motber Bent me to teil you that father ladead. Pastor- Is hi' ! Dkt you cali a doctor! Cbild -No, sir; be just died himself. Tbe membera of a fuinily Id McDuffie county, Qeorgla, bear the followiim' namaa: Lentj 1'. Iney, Adney Detney, Elkey lictuey, Malcby Ebney, aml Zebedee Rdley. "Mrs. Jones," saiil tbe pastor, "I bope you are obgerring I.ent.'1 "Ob, yes," was the anlmated reply, ''I am denylng myscll of all worldly pleasures. 1 have even giren up joinfj to chuich." Young Inoocencc- Papa, what diit (be mlnIstcr mean to-day wben be said that the race for ííoIiI was tiiinlnsr men froin Christl Wl.-e Papa- That he would no to nnotljcr chuich uuloss vc ralsed bis salary. It is related lu Buftalo, N. Y., that a faithful workman bo bad Injored bis baud while engaged I extra dangerous vork ñas baving it attended to by a surgeou whou the foieman hurried in and sald: "Sam what time was t when you got hortt" "About 4 o'clock. Why do you aski" "So I may know wben to dock you." Clergymen are called upon for odd services sometimeg. A lady up-town consulted hor pastor the othei day upon the trouuies 8he bad in ber kltcheo. He said Ín reply Ihat he thougbt there would be better feclloK between mistress and inaid lí they prayed.for pi otner more. "1 ara willink to be praved for," aid the lady, "but not to be pivyed nix)n." A little over three weeks ago Andrew Jacksou, of SprinefieM, O., set t liun vith llftc-ii eggs, wid last Monday tho liun carne offtho nest with seventeen chick3. Two of the eifgi prodnead two cbleka eaeti. and from one oí louWes ame two strong though smriil culcks of different species. One was a bult cochln and tbe other a Plyinouth rock, aud botb clearlj marked. American laborersdo well Ín not going to the Isthmus of Panama to work on the canal, according to tüe American consul at that place. Contrary to report there are large numbers of unemploycd men there who are UDable to secure work, aud laborera who íall slok are promptly dlsc'iarged by the contractors. There is a hospital in the localHy, but it charges $2 a day for patients. Acurious fact developed by the Rahway mystery is that there are a large nuinlj.T of young women missing from thelr hom "S both In the vicinity of New Yok city and in New Jersey undersuspicious clrcumstauces. NothIng has been left undoae by the pdiea to d s cover the whereabouts of the misslag maideng, but it seems their eflrts have been &1 fruitless as those made In the Rahway matter. A writeron the subject of p'.iysical training tor gli Is, In The Ui-;t sh Mtdlcal Journal, sav that for schnol-glrls he woul.l have at lenst two halfholidays a week devoted to games plared in a lare space in the open air. Among the exeicises he would have practiced :in; swimming, feucing, cricket, foot-bal!. flvoJ and tennis, mi I such gamed of sp te 1 and -udurüica as prisoners' base, erOiS-touch, ■■. lu 'Washingtoii a few ilays a i a little Irl, hfaiinr her mother sak of some friend as bplonglng to the Christian cbareb (the ur.e whi'Ii Gen. Garfleld attended), eagerly inquirel: "üon't we belong to that churcli, mamtna?" "No, der, we areEpiscopallaD," was the unthlnktng answer. U'iih a troubled look the little one heaved a long slgh as shr f jiiiilatfd. "Oh. dear, I Uid hope we were Cbristians. A little AVashington girl was interv ewing the preacher. "An't God good!" slie asked, earnestly. "Of couroe He ia, my child," ald the pastor. "And It isn't wrong to say so, f 3 It?" she continued. "Certainly noL" "Tüafi Wtaat I told mamma." "Why, my child," said the pastor in amazement, "your mamma OU nol say II" iras not good, did she." "N'o, sir; not ixactly; but at breakfast this niorlnng, wlien papa took a mouthful of Coffee, be eaiil 'OoO'l (iod,1 and mamma told h m thore wua no use in swearing, even if the eoffee v. the best in the world." The whims of speculators are Illuetiated l.y a story told by The Atlanta Constilulion ol some Georgians who were trading in co'.too In the New York market: "The markt, was fluctuatlDg without apoarent reaaoo, and they were speculating brlskly but blladly. Tlnv h'nally selected, so the story !L■, engine No. ii on the Third avenue elevated Upou roaehinc the office in the morning thej wnuld watch for that englne. If, wlien fiii seen, It was ioiug down-town, ihey woald sell, and if golng up-town when first geen tbev ironld buy. By followiaz this course they made


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