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Not aman in jail Wednesday. t J. M. Stafford wan in Detroit Wednesaay. Paul Schal!, jr., broke his collar bone, Saturday. Joe T. Jacobs' new store will be a little beauty. Judge Grant, of Marquette, spent Sunday in the city. Albrecht Gwinner was in Toledo Tuesday and Wednesday. Thos. D. Kearney was admitted to the bar Tuesday night. There was a festival Tuesday evening at the Baptist churoh. Company A will take part in the observance of memorial day . There are extra good prospecta for all kinds of fruit in this county. Mr.andMrs. J. Buell, of Brighton, were in the city Wednes lay. Bom to Mr. Frank and Mary Loomis, a little daughter, last Sunday. A chango of advertisement for the live clothiers, Blitz & Langsdorf. Mrs. Ambrose Kearney is yisiting her aon, Kobt. E. Costello, in Chicago. Mr. Bert Wade, of Manohester, spent Sunday with relatives in this city. The contemplated improvements to the opera house and stores, will require an expenditure of a $1,000 or more. Ten new recruits can become members of company A before the annual enoampment. Mrs. Lorenzo DaviB visited with Mrs. D. W. Noyes, Wednesday, on Millar avenue. Mrs. W. M. Van Camp, of Pt. Huron, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Bourke. Dr. and Mrs. Chapoton, of Detroit, attended the funeral of il re Lottio W. Bandall. The Good Samantans give a sooial next Tuesday evemng for the beneüt of the lodge. Miss Lena Moloney, of Fountain st, spent a portion of last week with f rienda in Chelsea. Jas. Bentley, who drew the revolver on Miss Lockwood, the school marm, is out on bail. G . N. B. Benwick, of Salem, says that wheat will go up lOcts a Dushel within the next 60 days. Bro. Allison, of the Chelsea Eaho, has purchased the Herald, and will consolídate the two papers. Fred Felton & Co.'s combination will plav in the prinoipal Michigan cities, commencing June 6. Mr. Wm. C. Stevens and granddaughter, Miss Birdie Breakey, are expeoted home todav. Lew Cowan, a notice of whose death appeared in a city paper last week, was around as usual to-day. Mrs. Will J. Stimson, Mrs. N. J. Kyer and Mrs. S. S. Blitz, speat Tbursday with f rienda in Detroit . Mrs. Jacob Werner and Mrs. Jos. Wagner, who have been seriously ill for several weeks, are on the mond. A yonng lady called at the rcsidence of M. J. Bourke at an early hour Saturday. Mother and child doing well. Chas. H. Lewis, of Ypsilanti, has sold his famous trotter, "Little Joe," to Geo. W. Armstrong, of Boston, for $4,000. Dr. Kose, E. M. Southard and Fred Stimson caught 55 black bass and piokerel Tuesday at Foater's Station. Bev. K. B. Tupper, of Grand Bapids, lectures at the Baptist churoh one week from to-night. Subject, "Be a Man.' There was a barn raising 40 x fiO 'eet in size, Wednesday, at Adolph Jedele, in Soio. There was pleuty to eat and drink. Jno. Beahan, jr., celebrated his 13th birthday Tuesday. He was presented with Webster's dictiouary, and a $5 gold piece. Mr. Hauser attempted suicide at the county house, Tuesday. by severing an artery in his arm with a razor, He is thought to be insane. The old hook and ladder company reorganized Tuesday night. The boys will make a proposition to the aldermen at their next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Anderson, of Tecumseh, and Mr. L. Lewis, of the D. & C. 8. N. Co., were present at the funeral of Mrs. Lottie W. llandall. Brush seems to be doing all the business in the bus line, and because he is doing it, a liveryman on North Main etreet threatem to run a free bus. Jacob Neithammer, aged 76 years, 6 months and 10 days, died Monday. He was the father of Aid. Neithammer. The funeral was largely attended. Decoration day will be observad in this city. Judge Cooley was home the first of the week. Albert Sorg, the artist, has 24 men in hia employ. Maok & Sohrnid will buy wool in Manohester. Airs. Fred. Maynard has returned to Grand Rápida. Prof. TenBrook is apending a few weeks in Detroit. Mrs. Prof. Deloa Fall, of Albion, ia the guest of D. O. Fall. Geo. MoGaughna was in the city Satunlay and Sanday. Take The Demoorat for newa. It is the looal paper in the city. Temperance lecture at Cropsey's hall Sunday at the usual hour. David Wardle, of Milan, was visiting friends in the oity Monday. Bev. Jno. Patohen will flll the Presbyterian pulpit the coming year. W. D. Ohuroh, of Zaneaville, O., spent Sunday with friends in the oity. The spring fair prnmises to a be great succesa. Dates May 31 and June 1-2. Peter McNalley haa the fineat lot of game ohickena to be found in the state. Large ahipmenta of flour from the city milis af ter Mr. N. J Kyer. arrived home. Bev. Dr. Earp held divine service in St. Jamea', Dexter last Sunday af ternoon. During Maroh 17 persona were buried in Forest Hill cemetery, and 16 in April. Tony Schiappacasse expecta to open hia new place of business sometime next week. Capt. Janes addressed the temperanoe meeting in Cropse y's hall Sunday afternoon. Mias Byan, who has been visiting Mrs. A. Kelley Voight, has returned to her home. Lyman S. Hulbert will buy wool for Mack &. Schnaid in the vioinity of Manchester. Mrs. Volz, of the town of Ann Arbor, will hereafter mnke her home with Jno. Muehlig. Six ohildren were babtized at St. Andrew"s, last Snnday evening, by Rev. Dr. Earp. Nathan Nixon has been seriously ill for a week or more with inüammatory rheumatism. A young farmer named Thompson, near Honey Creek, is one of Mrs. Chas. Boot's pupils. The Italian orcliestra rendered most excellent musio at ibe grand ball last Friday evening. David Allaby, of Chicago, was ín the city over Sunday, the guist of his brother, Wm. Allaby. Thos. Blake and Wm. Allaby left for England Monday night. They will be absent several months. A. V. Robison sprinkles the streets. He has a contract with the prinoipal business men of the city. Prof. Morris, the fampus animal trainer, at the Grand with his dogs and horses to-night and to-morrow night . Brown's place is crowded every night byold and young persons, to sae the standing of the base ball olubs. Mrs. Susie A. Murray died Thursday last. Bhe resided in Detroit. Bemains brought to Ann Arbor for burial. The Manchester Enterprise thinks tbat cows should be prevented from running at large, in the village. Kight. Rev. Jos. Niethammer, of Laporte, Ind., has been in the city the past week, the guest of his brother, Aid. Neithammer. Frank Schmid is feeling well over the arrival of a young tailor that put in bd appearanoe at his residence Sunday night. Lotta W., wife of Frank Randall, of Detroit, died May 7, aged 32 years. The remains were brought to this city for interinent. Geo. Peters, in the employ of the central milis, is taking a vacation for a few days. He will spend his vacation with his uncle in Scio. At a meeting of the school board of the township of Ann Arbor held on the 7th inst. Richard Bilbiy was eleoted chairman of the board of inspection. The funeral of Wm. Wagner, who died in Dexter township last week, was largely attended Sunday. The remains were brought to thi3 oity for interment. If the council feels too poor to erect a fountain on the court yard square, a few shilhngs mvested in oups, hung on th town pump, the people would take a drink. Miss Lulu Hangsterfer and Mr. L. T. Lampert, of Oheboygan, were quietly marned Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. S. Earp. No one but relatives wer present. J. U. Clough's horse and carriage was stolen from in front of the M. E. church Sunday night, and Monday the property was found in Brighton. Tne ihiof escaped . In another column will be found the advertisement of Geo. Olp, agent for the Buckeye mower and reaper. The machines ean bc seen at his livery barn, corner of Huron and Second streets. A sketch of Mrs. Logan is contributed to the June number of The American Magazine by Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton. The article includes some lively anecdotes of the period wheu General Logan was serving in the fleld. Wm G . Dieterle, late of this village, Manchester, has purchased tüe fiirniturs stock of John .Muehlig, of Ann Arbor, leased the building for three yeare, and will hereafter condnct the business. The Enterprise wishes kim success. W. G. Doty, grand junior warden, eminent commander W. W . Nichols, and past eminent commander Jno. K. Miner, attended the annual conclave of the grand commandery of K. T., in Grand Rapids, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Ball. of Webster, has presented to the Pioneer society a musket that did service in the revolution and also in the war of 1812. Secretary Davis is gathering in a large number of relies of the days long since gone by which are highly vaïued by him . Mrs. R. C. Whiting, of Ann Arbor, who purchased the Albert Case farm in Manchester about a year ago, and who has been attending thelaw department of the university, was admitted to the bar after a two honra, examination by Judge Joslyn, which she passed very creditably. - Manchester Enterprise. Services in St. Andrew's church next Sunday as follows: 7:30, a. m., Holy Oommunion ; 10:30, a. m.. Morning prayer, litsny and sermón; 12 m., Sunday school; 12 m, Meeting of confirmants; 7.30, p. ra., Evening prayer and sermón by .bishop Harria, and the admiuistration of the Apostolio rite of Confirmation. Judge Joslyn, who has had something to do with the admission to the bar of all the law stuMents who have graduate:l from the university sinoe the organization of the law department, naya that the students of the last twu classes, owing to the quizzes now practicad, are better prepared than earlier students for the praotico of law by 25 to 50 per cent. - Ohelsea Herald . Judge Cheever delivered the addrexa of weloome at the opera house Friday evening on the opening of the intercollegiate prohibition convention. The response and address of M. T. Mills was a masterly efibrt. Rollo K. Bryan, of Lansing, entertained the audience with ïllunt rationa on the black-board. Saturday the meeting was continuad throughout the day. Speeches were made by Chas. Scott, president of Hope college, Walter Miller, of the university, Rev. E. B. Sutton, state organizer ofthe temporalice alliance. Prof. Dickie, of Albiou college, and Prof. Daniels, of Olivet college. Several hundred dollar were subscribed to carry on the temper ancework in Miohigan. All in all the two day's meetings were a success. Dr. Mead, of Dundee, visited f rienda in the city yesterday. The board of review, for this city, meets Monday, May 23. Mrs. L. W. S. Morgan died yesterday at the advanced age of 91 years. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pack, of Ypsilanti, were in the city Wednesday. The Knights of Maccabees paid Mrs. Hangsterfer that $1.000 last eveniag. Henry Lodholz, of Lansing, is spenda few days in the city, visiting frieuds. üarrey Cornwell's house is being elaborately fresooed by O. O. Sorg, the artist. Prof. Moses Coit Tyler delivered an address in Hobart guild hall last evening. Bishop Harris will administer the rite of confirmation at St. Andrew's Episcopal church Sanday. Hobart Roy, son of Geo . and Carry Green, died Tuesday, in the fourth year of his age, of measles. Henry Horn has gone out of the grocery business, and has a position in a hardware store in Detroit. Dr. Lupinski has not yet decided whether he will be a Grand Rapids health offioer, or reinain in this city. Ann Arbor is on the boom. Houses are going up on almost every street, and thousands of dollars are being expended in repairs. A. B. Close, of Whitmore Lake, died suddenly Wednesday, of inüammation of the lungs, aged 63 years. Funeral today at 10 a. m. Rev. Dr. Pitkm, who preaohed nearly two years in St. Andrew's, prior to Rey. Dr. Ëarp's ministry, died Alay 11 at his home in Detroit;, Harkins& Willis are manufaoturing their bread toasters by the thousand. They have orders from nearly every state and territory. G. A. Lindenschmidt and Fred. Wessenger, of Saline, are delegates to the state Germán workingmen's society, to be held at Ypsilanti next raonth. Dave Kay is putting the grounds about his residence in grand shape ; setting out trees, shrubbery, strawberriei, eto. In time it will make a fine place. S. & J. Baumgartner have purchased for $900 of Ii. Gruner, the lot on the outhwest corner of the old Maynard property, and they will erect a dwelling house. St. Clair & Sons have an advertisement this week about their wiud-mills and school furniture. They have recently reoeived orders as far away as California. O. W. Miller, librarían at Hobart guild, who is agent for the White Star line, Anchor line and State lines of steamers, sold within the last two weeks 13 tickets for Europe. Wm. Walsh advertised in this paper a span of work horses for sale. In reply to the query, he received 48 letters and postal cards, sold one of them and has still one animal remaining. J. E. Beal has been awarded the contract for printing 10,000 copias of the book ïllustrating Ann Arbor, for $332. K. Kittridge's bid was $411.70, and Beakes & Morton's, $436.50. C. H. Millen, agent for the Commercial Union Assuranoe co., of London, has settled the loss on Al. Stevens' hotel at Whitmore Lake, caused by lightning, the considera tion being 8362.80. Rev. R. h. Williams, for seven years pastor of the Presbyterian church of Baraboo, Wisconsin, has taken up his residence in this oity. He oomes here for the purpose of eduoating his sons. The toilet set designed by Mr. St. Clair, Ren., and which is being manufacturad by the firm of St. Clair & Sons, is a perfect beauty. Friday they turned out several paoking boxes, that are to be shipped to Japan. Kuebler is Gruner are running their furniture factory to lts fullest capacity, and still they are 60 days behind in their orders. Saturday they shipped a car load of furniture to Osage, Kan., and a large invoice to New York oity and Brooklyn. The followingofficers were elected and will be installed uext Tuesday evening, of Ann Arbor, No. 320, 1. O. G. T. : C. T. C. J. Conrad; V. T. Miss Edith Dodge ; treas., J. S. Ross; sec, G. G. Crozier; P. C. T., E. "E. Miller ; chap., C. M. Brown ; marshal, J. H. Boudish ; I. G., Miss M. Beeman ; O. G., F. Strickler; S. H. S., M.Theurer; R.H. S., A. Herbert. South Lyon Picket: The T. A. A. N. M. Co. have re-opened their station at this place and placed in charge Mr. M. Ij. Jones, a fine appearing gentleman who says he has come to stay. He aleo informa us that the company are to change their train service between this point and Toledo, Monday, but what trains will be run we are unable to find out. A large amount of transfer between the D. L. fe N. and T. & A. A. roads is being done here, several of the men who moved to Hamburg have been ordered back here and we are informed by good authority that the entire transfer business will be brought back to t his place within a few weeks.


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