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Sir Arlliur Sullivan ha3 paid a recont vi it to Berlín. He called on Bismarck and a cordially received. 1 ismarck is said tj be Tery fond of the uiusic of 'The Mikado.' and i uite taken with the charau ter of Poob-i'ah. Gen'l Samuel I Givon, Ex-Chief of Pólice, Puiladelphii, Fa., write: Years ago 1 was permanent' v cured by St. Jacobs Oil. I have had no occasion to use it since. My family keep it on htnd. Jt3 healing quahties are wonderful." Sfold by Druggigts and Dealer everywhere. The Montana AVool Grower cstimates that thero will bo nearly a ruillion sheep sheared In that territory this year, pro during at least S.O!X),000 pounds of wool- l.(XW,üüO pounds more tban the product in 1S86. One of the most munificent reeent gift-i to burchos is thnt of the Rockafeller brothers. John D. and William- S7-S0U0 in all to the Tabernacle Baptist church of New Vork. Henry M. Stanley, the explorer, takes =nuff when traveling in Tery hot regions. He sayg that it helps to preserve his eyesight, Daniel Manning occupies one of the handsomest villas in Bourneraouth, on the -otith ost of Eneland. It is called "Meriy Vale IIsll,'1 and ij close to the beach. The r.ame of the new secretary of the treasmy appears in the Harvard catalogue ai Carolas fcstebbin Fairchild, class of '!. Harvard is now rejoioing n the fact that shé can boast of two graduates in the present cabiuet. The late prinoess of Syn-Wfttgenst? in, the favorite mistress of Liszt, was fond of drinldng Leer, smoking Btroag igars, and talldng metaphysics in half a dozen languages. The proprietor of the "Plain Cealei-,1' Fort liadiion. iowa, Mr. J. H. Uulfus, write; "Two years ago I was cnred of rheuinutism in my kne by St. Jacob g 01 : h'ive had no return; two applications (lid the work." Permanent cure. John G. Saxe was six feet two in higlit and broad in proportion. Ke had a ma? niiieent head, which woi flnelv poised upon broad and ■ talwart shoulders. Nervous .nd Dype,tic Sufferers find Sure relief in Carter's Little Nerve Pilis. 25c. Tho Emperor of Rus ia has revised the diaries he has kept f"r 10 or l"yea s. and they are to be pnbüshed nest autiimn, witn illu.strations by a Hnngarian artifct. Is Death Painlessi A Phiiadelphia doctor, ai ter ycars of '■areful observation, says that our demise is iis pain!o.-8 as our advent to the world. Thli la eertainly re suring; yet notwiih standing the e groat indu'-ements, we sti 1 d notconrt dcath r.n 1 sliail continue to use Dr. Fierce s infullible remedy, the "y -o1 den Medical Dis.'overy," for consumpion, spitling oL blood of breath, weak lung:. coughs, bronchitis, snd kindred afïections oL the tliroat and ehet. It is unequaled. By drnggists. Uuena 'ii,ta John, h Piute Wiggins, says: "'.lalilio lieap hot pretty soon. Sage hen heap dance now and s ui' rel come out his hole. Mabbe so no inore col I, no more i-now." A POor, Weak Sister, who is Buffering f rom ailments peculiar to her sex, dre iding to go t a pbysician, but knowing sin1 neèds medical help will flnd. in Dr. Pierce'a "Pavorite Prascription," a preparation which will pive her strength ana new life tlnough the restorition of all ! er orfians to theirn .tural and healthy action. It ú the resnlt of many vears óf stiidy and practice by a thoroughly scientifie pbysician, who has made these t ouMes a fpecialty. To be had of all druggi.sts. The St. Louia gas company recently discovered that they had not coüected a gas biil from Archbishop Kondjckior 1U years. The archblshop gave bis check for $00. Tobrek up colds and fi-vers, use early Dr. Pierce's hxtract of Smart-VVeed. The king of Siam has conferred one of the highest dignities of his kiugdora on nis denlist, deseribed as "an Amertoan by the name of Schwertzendori'. ' " Mi;sias's Peptoxized Bbbf Tonic, only preparation of beef containing its entire nutritious proporties. It contains bloodmaking. force generating. inva'uable for indigestión, dyspep-ia. nerv u; prostratlon, all forms of general Öeblllty: all enfeebled coiuiitions. whether result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork. or acute disesses: ])articularly if resultinjr from pulnrmary eomp'.amts. Haaid, Hazard & Co., Props., Ñew York. Sold by druggists. A bald eag'e killed re ently near Santa Rosa, Cal., measured 78 inches from tip to tip of his wings, and his talons, when oponed, measured 74' inche-. Gold Field, that pan out richly, aro not so abundunt as in the early California days, but those who write to Hallett & Co., Portland. Maine, will, by return mail, receive tree, full information al, out our work whieh they can do, and live at home wherever they are located, that will pay them from iö to 5v5 per duVj and upwavds. Either sel. young or ola. Capital not required; you are started"in business free. Thos? who start at once are absolutely sure of snug little fortunes. At Bergen. Norway, is a church constructed entircly of papior-mache. It is octagonal in sha po, and will accommodate 1,000 persons. Fordcscriptive pimphlet au I 'a-ire map of eliraska aud Co orado, fice, sen 1 name and address to 1'. S. Eustis, Uníala, Nelraska. Piute Indians in Nevada name their obildren after white people in the expec tation that tbe latter will take an interest in the little lol'.;s, as they usually do. The Blo?d is Enriched And improved by the use of Carter's Iron Pilis. If affll ted with sore eyes, usa Dr. Isaac Thomi.'sun'e Kye Water. D'ruggists peil it. :i5e . jtfjÏÏjfifo, For ItïAGTIVE MtSM DIS0RDERED ' É IRREGULAR Whon fiitioumcsB comes like a foe, To ent tlic strength trm Ïiikii tn 1 low, By Oav the trunget i e. yes to stiake, By nlph5 to keep the brain awafee; I.ètnu man pine away mrlt-t. For TA KKiM'S HKLTZKR brlnfc i ttoiilL. PINKHAM'S JSm' VEGETABLE fe COMPOUND, rT 5r ' V IsaPositlte Curo ft MK jpor oi thos Patnfu lt-LÜ 'iÈStr delicate Complaint and ■HE'i' ''' SfiUL Complicated troubles and mHHU' jËjSJrx) Weaknesses 60 common L. .. ■,. jjnfflniüt nnong our Wives, Mothers, CSffVLMMR -" w" f"r entirrJy foËbm0'EËRS&sSs?S allovnrian or vaginal Á l Wy trotiJ'es' I'rfto m m a' f The Woman'a Sure Fnend Chang of lift. , jjrlr is jl bi.i:ssisu to ov:kworksi womks. It rekoti r.MïrrKKss, ïtatulenct, ai.l QBUmra K stdh.xast8, LSD RRI.IXTIIS WAIN-ïM Oí T1TE STOMiCIL CX'BZS LXU' CORRHOtA. MBSHTKT7AL PEIUOD9 PAS8KD ICÜhoXit TADT. LTfc?old by Vxuuglatm l'rice 9 1 per bótele. You can get free a five hundred page Hook of origiml and thorouhly tested recipes, il' you ïend ten (10) two (2) ' i ent ítnmr.s (8C0.) to pay postage and 15 ; top covers of Warner's Safe Yeast pnekuges, to Wurm r's Safe Yeast Co., lio hester. X. '. The l "!;, in c oth. will be sent, postpa'd. for Si. 15. The piper bound : books, wiil not be old, they can only be had ns above c!e crlbed. It is a wonder fully fiiic lio k. - -Kvery woraan will want ; it," says Harper's Bazar. An atomizer to inoiston the air of any room, particularly for ue in milis, is the invention of Prof. Fisher of Lowell. ■Vitality of Oreat Men U not always innate or bom in them, bnt ! many instances are known where it has been acquirëd by the persistent and judicious use of Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic. Ras Ahila, tho great eeneral of Kinz ' .Tohn oE Abys inia, ncver latighs, and horse-whipg his servantfl if there is the I slightuot delay in the execut:on of his i orders. To get re'ief from indigestión bilious ne";, constip ition or torpid livr without distiirbiiig the -btomach or purging the ; bowelu, take a few doses of Carter's J.ittie i Liver Pilis; they will pleaso you. Italy has the largest gun in the world. It is -Ui f eet long and weighs 110 tons. A Sore Throat or Cough, if suffered to progress, often resuits in an incurable throat or lii"i troublc. Hrown's Bronchial Troches give instant relief. Price SS CtB, A PITIABLB SIGHT. A Little Cbild Scarcoly Three Years Oíd Drawn out of Shaps by Inílammatcry Rheuma'ismROCHBBTBB, N. Y., May 18, 18S6. Pardee Mtdiciné lo., Qkktlehbn: - We desiro to expross our feeliugs of ur.ititude for the great blesiiig recaived at your hands in restoring to us in perfect hoaltli. our little turee year-old son, nho {i.r weeks lia becn a very great suffereí' witfa inflammatorj rheumatism. His little banda and urras were badly in flamed and so drawn out of simpo that wè foared he would never again have the use of them; but thanks lo Dr. Paidee's excellent remeil y, he is now entirely free from pain and has free use of hij hands and arniB; in fact is in botter health than ever betore. We feel that your reniedy has performed a'most a miracle, and believe it to be the best on enrth, and recomraend it to any utllicted with rheumati. m. We are very truly yours, Mr. & Mrs. H. KXEEHIMER. Inflammatory ltheumatism Cured. Rome, N. Y. Gentlemen: - I wllllngly give the following testimonial: [have used Dr. Pardee's Rheuniatio Remedy and I oan trutufully say it is the best n e.lic nn that 1 have ever taken. 1 tried doctora and many prepnrations. but thoy liil me no good. Tliis is the reniedy that has cuivd me of inflammatory rheumatisiu. 1 would like to teU those whu are troubled with it, that this is the surest and chenpect cure for them to buy. Yours regpeetfuUy, BEJ. J. BASENFELDER. John Adnms of Engine Houso No. 8, Rocbester, N. Y., was conflned to his bed with inflammatory rheumatism. He used three bottles o: Dr. Pardee'a Kemedy and is now ftble to be about. Can walk without crulch or cano. He hays: "it is the be.-t remedy OU earth. lam recommeuding it to every one 1 see that is alllicted with rheumatism." Ak your druggist for Dr. Pardee's Remedy. and tike no other. Frico $1 per bottle, slxbottle, $5. Pardee Medicine, Co., Rochester, N. Y. The treatment of many thousands of cases of those chronio weaknesees and distressintr ailraents peculiar to fcinalos, at the Invalida' Hotel and Surgical Instituto, Búllalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast expfiience in nlcely adapting and thorouphly tcsting remedies ior the cure of woiiian's peculiar maladirs. Dr. Piertc' Favorito PrcBcription is the outgrowth, or result, of this grcat and valuable cxpeiioncc. Thousanda of testimoniáis, reoelved from patients and from physicians Who have teated it in the moro apvri'avated and obstinate cases vrhich had balllcd their skill, prove it to bo the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and euro of sufferinsr women. It is not recommemled as a "oure-all," but as a most perfect Spceifle for woman's peculiar ailments. As a iHiwcrl'ul, invigorating tonlc, it imparta strvusrtd to tlie whole system, and to the womb nnd its appendages in particular. For overworked, worn - out," "run-down," debilitated teachers, müliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-piils," housekoepers, uursingr mothers, and feeble women tfenerally, Dr. Pierce's Favoritó Prescriptlon is the gfeatest earthly boon, bting unequalcd asKnapiJrtiziiiï: cordial and restorative tonic. As a soutlilu and ti-oiitheiiiiif; uervlne, " Favorito Prescription " is uncqualed nnd is iuvalimbli! in allaying and subduingr nervous excitability, irritability, exhaustion, prostration, hysteria, epasnis and other distressing-, nervous symptoma commonly attendant upon functional and orgunic disease of tho womb. It induces rcfreshing sleep and relieve mental anxiety and despondenpr. Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescriptiou I a lcKitimato medicine, carefully compounded by an expericneed and skillfuJ physician, aud adapted to woman's delicate uiyanizfltion. It is purcly vrpetnble In its composition and i)erf(;ctly haVmloss in ita effeets iu any couuition of the system. For morninp: sicknoss, or nausea, from tvliatever cause aiisitijr. wuak stomach, indigestión, dyspepsia and kindred symptoms, its use, in small doses, will prove very beneürial. " Favorite Prescriptiou " is a positlve cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of Icucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or lallinir of the womb, weak back, "témalo weaknesB antaverafon. retrÖTarslou, beariug-down st'iisations, chronic congestión, inflamïnation and ulceration of the womb, Infiammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompaniod with "internal heat." As a regulator and promotor of functional action, at thut critical period of chango from girlhood to womauhood, "Favorite Preecription" is a perfectly safe remedial ageut. and can produce only good resulte. It is enually efncucious and vaiuable in its effeets when taken for those disorders and derangements incident to that later and moet criüca) lerio(], known as " The Cihange of Life." "Favorite Prescription." when tsken in oonneotton with the use or lir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. and sinall laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgativo Pellets (Little Livor Pilis), cures Livor, Xidney and Bladder (liBoases. Thcir coinbined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and gcrofulous humors from the System. "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicino forwomen, sold bj' drnggists, nnder a poMitivo guaranteC) from the manufacturen!, that it will give satisfactlnn in every case, or money will be refundod. This guarantce has baan printed on thc bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Large bottles (100 doses) $1.00, or six bottle lor $5.00. For large, illnstrated Treatise on Diseases of Wonten (ifiO pages, paper-covered), send ten cents in stamps. Aildrcss, World's Dispensary Medical flssociation, 663 Main St, BITFFAXO, N. Y. No Opium in Piso's Cure for Consumption. Cures where other remedies fail. 25c. Kign in a Sew York resort: "No excuM if fouud witli another man'K hat." Pa-o's Árnica Oil. The best salve in the world for Biirns, Woonde and ■ore of uil Linda. Eoils. l'elons. C hilblains, Krozen Keet. Viles, Bartx r'% Itch, iore Kyes, Chapped Iiamla. üoro Throat Scald Ueail, I'iuiples on tho !■'- and all skin diseases. For Liver Cumplaint, Bick Hcadneh, Constipation. u .o Pae's Mandrake Pilis. Abore remedies eo'd by druggists or sent by mail for '5 cents by 'C. W. Bnow & Co., Syracuse.Jy. Patti's liotel bill In New York is 8110 a day. FATEtfTSoota!nertbyTiOUislSa:r;5rrLro.,Attoruejrs, Wiubingtou.D.l.'. El'd 1864. Advi free. unuc STl'DT. BaonreaBudneaBlSducstlonbT nWmC mail f rum BBYT'sCoiXKOKBunalo,N.r. &r totsaaay. Samplet wortb U.M KURB. Une Tk notuiKiertbehone'fl tVet. Wnt-: Brc xter't f Co., flolly, M ra I rN I X 'r Patent, Wasiiinutoh ABIIIU MornMne ll.l.H Cni'H tn ! IK II IM 'o .IrjV Koimj HIK ii. 4. VI I V Hl Pa. J. alumina, Laitwa, Oma. #♦L■.L"? MOMlIforO KEI.ÏABti U9STP '"" M-n O nr I.ndlc. T r r Tenclu'i oi-stu ici t Ineaoh county. P. W. ZIEGLKK .V '., Cni::ik'(., UI. ■%CCSftUC OïKeers' l: y. bonnty proenred, leFdldiUnw} deserti ■ . 1:: vmr! i I prnciire. Baccem ornpf#. w rit _ fordroular aiul neT la-TS. A. "V. .Uoi'oraiick A Snn, WiiMhlngtoii, 1. Oi iiikI ('luclitnatl, Uhlo. ÍQ (ir ;"S will start ïim in wellU)Oi w j)iyin menufactuiing biuloeM, pruti't'tpd . iili 1( rft LN S'lliNB ANDmARBÏECO., 12th nJ P s;-., Ll.vcoLX, Neb ELS ■ n ö n E and cure at yoür nllr B Mi Cl I home, end for IIVI I W9 B 1 ■■ Dr. .1. A. Shernmn'f alxoulor oL lluUUCtiuul. 2H Bruiulwui , Kew ïuc, KIDDEirS MSTlLlEsHli ÜHHiBHHHB9BHHcuxkiuwii,üüu. ESTAB.I8S8. W H, FAY&CO.Camden.N, J, o AlwSt. LOt. MUfNEAPOIJg. OMAHA. SB UKK. V, IMI. LICHTMN 1'ltOOF ÏEON ROOF1NC tor ny kind of C'ltr or Fans llullilinc. P REPARED PRESCRIPTIOHS ! V;;:,; Servotu Uehllllv, trc. Trial P.uka.e jiurt C4 page bonk uf inlructions, froo on receiul uí 23 certs postnct'. Afidroxs, THE PJBKU IIF.MICAI. GO,, Mllwaukce, WUcunsIn. P A i r W I Fxniinui-r in Ü.8. 1 I f) I L:: I U Sc-nd model or sketch for fice opinión whether patent r 1. Kewbook on patpnts frre. ItefprHTt ■ .nerof Pat ents or any oiher nfflolal of the U. s. Patent Oftlco. E. Ji. STOCKIXU, Attorney. llfSU WanhiiiKtou, V. C. DETECTIVES Wanted fn Tery CoTmty. fhrewd men to act under o instructionsin ourSur.ret Service, Fiperienccnot nfxtrt rr. ündtaniTforparticularii. CRANNAN DETKC TIVE BUREAU, 44 AieiUe, Ouciiumlj. o. Pisn's Keracdy for Cntnrrh is Uie I BH Bobt, EadiosC to Uso, and Cheapeat. H H Sold bvdrnRRistsorRPntbyinüil. ■ g 50c. E. T. Hazcltino, Warren, l'a. Por Salí-híB cf 1750 km. Sitnated In tho Rtïpnb.iciin Vullov, in WobsterCö., Xeljnikiu vu the line of the Buillnuton & Missouri Kivorlt. H. in Nebraska. 2X1 in i le from KansasCltj, ?flO miles from Ouiaba. and 3T0 miles from Denver. ery lartrely improvca and in a high state of cultl VHtion; furoprly uueM a Iwmm rtinrh for a otutle and í-heei) omfli. WUlsll rhoap ai abont the vhIuv Of' the raw lnnd in the vieinily and on libera! terms Vur forther parttculara and dfisorlptlTG circular ad' drcssP.O. boxlti, KodCloud, Wo'jstort-o, Xc!)ra3ka FSTERBROOKlf, leadingNos. : 14,048, 130, 135, 333, 161. Tor Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., 7orkn: Camden, N. J. 26 John St., New York. CHICHESTER'S ENCL1SH PENNYROYAL PILLS The Original and Only Cenuine. Safe and ahvays K'-lmbk. lïeware of worllil Jniitaitons. I..kK i.-, u-k your lrnj:trll for "Cbiohett-r'i Knjeltli" and take no other, or inclose 1c. (stamt1 to us for partieulais in letter by return mail. Najik papbb. riii m i i.i; CHEMICAL oo., Sul Mnliuii Hgtiure. l' '. evefywher. Ask fr ' lil.heters Enzlt-h' ltm rovul I'1U. Take no other. ppyMrfjrjjyv É&f$B i-jwjnnTjHHi' IMPERIAT F.OO POOD wnnireelTlncreA Kppproduction.sTcriL'then weaknnddnmpinsfiwls. rroinote tho heilthy gr wth and dcvoloi cmopt of all varieties of pt'u'rrv and ensure fine rondltion oii f' smOoto plimiïiiio. Tiiis is no foroiiui Pi yousimply (ve tlicin tiie ohamioais to m.ike eau, i t fl oost of lo, tlimi one ernt a '■■ for ei':h fnwl. We mail packaeea fr SOo and IL c tb, i" lb anti !b T)íictaizesdeiívered to frelght orexproa - Cu. for R.60, nncanciyn.-rj re-neet IvpW. Ask y(ur,loil t.-;tdeWrnorwriteto F.cmriKV ■Fthe only trüb IRON BTONIC _ JÉ Will purlfj the BLOOD rrnltj ■Hl tl.e LlVER nnct KIDNEVS ajl Va OR of YOUTK. I! iH.Vn V W of Appetite, IndisMtion,I.ckof Xik HIl 8trDKth and Tired pehnB abJ k goliitelj cured: Bon, muNC' BBL cles and ntirrs ruceivo nw ■k torre. EnliTon themtnt Qj an aapplies Brain Power. LADIES SloisfesiS inon]Trti to thr. roinlariu oL the oricinol. D Bot eiperiment-get the Obioinal AND BlT. AddreiB DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., St. Loula, U. Tl-.o Cra Nursery of PERCHERONJORSES. jjjBs. Of Clioiccst Familie. j#9 BL LABfili M'MBERS, jXQ HKW All Ages, botli Sexes, F' ' Vv IN stock300 to 400 I.III'OKTEI) ANMJALI.Y irom France. all recortled with extetidpd petliffroos In th Ferchrron Stml Books. ThPorchiTntsthoonly draf bred of Franc-e vosseninir a tud boolc that hn the Bupport and endoi-ptuitjut of the French Govermuont. Bend for 120'P&tfO CntalOKue, Hustrations by & B.uour. M. w. DUNHAM, Wayno, DuPniio Co., Illinois VV.N. U. D.-5--2O _ WIZARD OIL Have been enjoyed by the eltlzen of ncarly etwi town and city In the V. S, anü tlioux.-indB of pcoplo ran testlfy to tho womteriul hcalinx power or Hamlin's Wizard Oil. II Cures Neuralgia, Toolhachc, Headache, Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throal, RHEUMATISM, Lame Back, Stift Joints. Sprains, Bruises, Burns, 'ounds, 0!d Sores and All Ac es and Pains. The many tettimontali rwclreil by us more tkira prove all we claim fr thl viiluable reniedy. II ïot only relieven the most overe patiis, bot It Cuns You. That's the Idea! Por Bale by all Druftcfsts. Prlce, O cent nr bottle. Üur SONÓ BtíOK inatled free to eTorytMKly. Mitin WIZARD 011 COMPANY, QHICAQO.


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