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At Beber. I, county, Cal., residos Mr. Thomas P. r'ord, who wrltej: "i can truthfu 1 siy I have u ed Bt. Jacobs Oil in my family foi' years, nul find it a nevcr fuiling remeiiy for all painful complainta." ! Henry M. Stanley, the explorer, tal;es ' ■ nul' when travel. ug n very hot regions. He -ays t.iat it he'p; to preserve hls . sight. Priness Valeria, secrind ''aughter of the j eni] eror of Austria, has taken to writlng verses, which are hijjhly praised by tLe crltii 8. Lieut. Jopson, author of tho popular novel, ''.he Girl J Left Bebind Me." is amoncr the Englishmen inH. M. Stanlcy's exploring oxpedition. ïlie (úeen regent of Spain has co íferred the order ol' Isabella tlie Cathoic upon the writer of a lullaby poem dedicated to the infant king of ipain. Tiioa Boucioault soys thaf one reason whv he retains his yonth is because i "drink writes 110 wrinkles1' on his brow. He never was tipsy in his life. The pre ent cashier of tlie National traders' bank f Portland, líe., is ! dward ('ould. Ho h s been cashler continuously for 5U years, and i. over 8U yeara old. Mr. T. E. Hush, Adrián, N. Y„ says: "My was vory laniJ with rheumatism. Xow aCter nsing St. Jncobs Oil he is no lamer tuin lam. He was cured." Price Ki'ty cents. The ma iv uis of Buttti is breeding goats on his Bcotch estáte-. Mms. Patti freqnently slceps so:mdly while out driving for p e isure. Gall Hrmilton has temporarily lnjured her eyesipht frora over-reading. BufTa'.o has ft oití en who taegers under tho nume of ' Cartolic C. Maginnis." A now "champton" has r.rl-on Ín Sonta Rosa, Cal. He ate 40 raw eggs in 15 minutes. Einperor Willinm has given I)r. Von Lauer. his physician, a preent of 175,00 in cash. The Princess Beatric o writes music nnd plays the piano and org.m with niarked ability. S. ;:. Cox is hard at work on his new book in W ashinton, and will not go home un il next moiitb. A Kentucky candid.ite for school direct or was e'ectedl ec;iusehiopponentspelled horse with an 'T." Ez-Prestdent Have-; has qnite recovered his hen't!i, and now takes long walks, aocumpnnie 1 by his devoted wite. Bonnat. tlie artist. rezards Prince Eugeno of Rwetlen, who is s'udying ai his atelier, as his uio-t inon.i-ing pupil. Tho grHnMau;íhti.'r Of Charle' l'ickens has atarted a type-writlng office in I.on don for copylng theatrlcal prompt books. Queén Marguerita of italy. at a recent coui't re:eption. took sorne of ihe reporters asido, it is said, and dict ited to them descriiitions of some of the handsome dresses. The People of Oakland Ccnnty Wild With Exciten: ent Pontiac, Mich., March 10, 1SS7. On the 11,'th of December, ]s-(, I carne from Orion to Pontiac, to vi-it iny ]nr ents. and was taken sud'leuly ill. Dr. Galbreith of this place was Va led and after making a carefnl examinatiou of my case, de ired council, and named as coun cilior, Dr. llcüraw of Detroit. They met in conncil December 15th, made a rare. ui examination. and pronounced my di ease as (J :'n er of the Uver, and stated that the:e was no hope for me, as it was im possible to curóme The pji i w s very Bevere and Dr. öalbreith coutlnued his visits, administerlng uieting powdeiv A B welling o' bunch had formeil andi r my i í -rli t i aimost as largo as my he d, an' I bad given op all hopes of recovery. liut haring heard of Hibbaid's Rheamatic Byrnp.l aentKebruary lst is-r, andixiught ' a Lottle of the syrup from ilr. Peter I Schmit. a druggist of this place, and took it as directed. About Maren lst ometiiing broke and the Bwelling commenced to go down, utitil it had almot disappt'.ii d. Vp to this date I have taken two and onohalf bütt:es of the syrup and have so f ir recovered as to Le able f o Tlsit my neigh , hors. nnd I am t 'uly rejoicing that lam : fust lii'ing relievetl ff om such ter ïble pain, i and deslrlng to acknowledge the benofit 1 i have received In using your syrup, I send vou tliis statement, hoping you wlll use it So thát othera who are afilictcd muy be Vienetited and relieved from pain as 1 have been. Very Trulv, "CHARLES A. SPIER, (if Orion. Michigan. Povtiac, Mich., Mar.'h lfith Uit This is to oertify that Sir. Ch r es A. Bpier, my sin. his "made a correct tatement of his case, as I have watcheJ by his ! bedside during his cn'.ire illness. JOHN SPIER. The undersigned rertify that they are well acnuainted with L'harles A. bpier, 1 whose siijnature ap]keurs above, and we : have no he itatiou in xaying that any ! f-tatement made by him can bo reliwd upon as beingtrue in evéry particular. BERRIDGE& BERRIDOR. Druggists, Orion, Mich. J. A. NEAL. Editor Weekly Review and Justlce of the Peace, Orion. Mich. J. S. K1TCHER. Postmaner. ORION, Mich.. Man-li Ultb, 18S7. For descriptive pamphlet and larc;e map oT Ne'iraska and Co orado. Cree sen 1 name and ddrt'ss ti 1'. . Kustis. Uinaiia. Ni'braska A swimming school in Frankfor!.-on the : Main announces lnEnglish: "Swimnating i instructiom given by a teacher ot bo"" seies." That tired languid fee'in.; and dull h ■ :1 ache ís very disasiveable. Tako t.voof Carter's Littïe Liver Pilis before reti in,', i and they will find reliof. They no e:' fail to do good Miss Mary Green of Paducali. Ky., claims t') le W5 years old. A-sheiscutting her thir.l set of teeth, her story is generally cred i ti. d. Health Harks. A bright eye.clear skin, glowing feature-i aniiuatud expres ion. and a qtflok, flrm step. Thesd rd all secured by u-ing Dr. i! artei 's lron Tonic. A tree w is liii.l luw by the woodmao's j ax at Bowersville, Ohiu, ro, enMy, and 4) Cence post audicordiOf =tovj wood were cut Irom it.


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