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Liver, Blood And Lung Diseases

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üvERDisEASE &S4SL%S3L!B FiSn wf uutsa gan to Improve onder the use of your medicine, and my Btrength KL n?en tóelf n mot exíeMcnt modi cine to ? wiS. ?m i Samo back. My diiheulties have all disappeared. 1 can work hard Hhaa been 2fa mítoiíS excellent rSniTL Iemaleauday.orwalkfourorftveniilesaday, and stand itweU; and when "sca m my w WJU1 excellent resulte. I began using tiio medicino I could scarcely walk aeross tho room, Oyspepsia.- James L. Colbt, Esq., of Yucatán, Houston Co.. most of the time, and I dld not think I could ever fcel well acain. Minn., writes: "I was troubled with indigestión, and would eat I havo a little baby girl eight months old. Although he ia alittle bcartily and grow poor at the same time. I experieneed heartburn. delicate )n sizo and ap pea raneo, ehe is hcalthy. 1 give your remesour stomach, and many other disagreeable symptoms common dies all tho credit for curing me, as I took no other treatment after piMiti) that disorder. I commeneed taking your beginning their use. I arn vpry grateful for your kindness, and lumnnnirro 'Golden Medical Discovery' and 'Pellets,' and thank God and thauk you tbat I a:n os well as I am aftór years IrillöUrui to am "ow entirely fres froin the dyspepsia, and of sufrering." _ am, in fact, biilthkr tl:an I have been for ■ i i Mrs. I. V. Wbbber, of Yorteiliire, Cattaravaut Co., f Bt oYSTEH nvo 1 woish one hundred and seventyI ..... Ar. 1"., writos : " X wish to say a few words in praise miwiwiw. ono an(1 one-balf pounds, and bave done ai LIlLn of your 'Golden Medical Dfseovery ' and 'Picasant ■""M""=' umch work the past summer as I have ever _ Purgativo Pellets.' For fivo years previuua to done in the same lcngrth of tiuie in my lile. I neVcr took a flltiCAOC taking thein I was a great suffcrer; I had a medicine that seemtd to tone up tho museles and invlgorate uiülsül. gcvcro pnin m my right gide continually: was the whola system equal to your 'Diacovcry ' aud ' Pelleta. " mmmmmmaK UnublO tO do my OWn WOrk. I aiïl happy tO Say nrcnpndr1 Tinroval A Ckea nt 2vrtnne1,r rn (toa. I am now well and strong, tbanks to your medicines.'''1 I wïtïou'bïcd o wttcrooWyífej?ÍSlí ChroiHc Dlarrliea Cnr4.-D. Lakarkk. TSuq., ia and 77 slceplessncsa, but your 'Golden Medical Discovery' cured me.", Itecatur Street, Xe.iv (trlmna. La., writes: "I ustd tbree bottles of Cliill and Fercr.-Rev. II. E. Mosley, Montmnrenci, S. C, the Oolden Medical Ducovery," and ït haa cured mo of chronic writea : " Iaat Auust r thougtit I would die with cliill;) and fever. aiarrliea. My bovrel oro now regular. ' i toot ' Discovery ' and it stopped them ín a very short time." "THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Tboroughly cloanso the blood, which ia tho fountain of hpalth, by using Dr. Picrce's Golden Medical Discovery, and gooi digestión, a fair skin, buoynnt spirits, and bodily health and vigor wil! le ORtalilished. Golden Medical üiscovery cures all limnoi-s, from the coramon pimplo, blotcb, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or bloodpoison. Especially has it proven ïtg c-Olcacy in curing Salt-rheum or ïetter, I'ever-sores, Hip-jolut Disease, Bcrofulous Sores and Swelllngfl, Eularged Glands, and Eating Ulcera. l I Eev. V. .As;ttrt Howell, Pasor o the M. F., and can walk with the help of cnitches. He does not suffer any INHIBES IIGh Church, nf Xilvcrton, N. J., Bays: ''I wss nfpain. and can eat and sleep as wrll as any one. It has only been 1 JÍ" flicted with entarrh nnd indigestión. Boils and about tbree niontlis sinee he comniencvd using your medicine. Hnil S blotchos began to ariso on the surface of the 1 ""' Und with whieh ti expresa luy gratitude fur the n ! skin, and 1 experieneed a tlred and bencíit he has received through you." KI flTGHr"S dullness. 1 besan tbo use of Dr. Pferce's ULUII.IH.J. Ooiden Medical Discorery as directed by PmmmBmmmmi Skin Dieae-T!o"DcTnocnitnndNews," 1"""" "" ""■■ him for sneu eompluints, and iu one"week's A TrnniDIC CamttrMgt, Maruland, suya: "Jtrs. Eijza. time I besran to feel llkoanow man, and am nowfoiind and wcll. ItfliiiDLt Ass Poom, wifo ot Leonard PooU?, of WilThe 'PlcKsantPunrative Pellets 'aro the be.-.t ruracdy for billoiss or namtburg, Xtorchegtar Co., ild., lias been cured slck headache. or tiifhtness about tho chest, and '..d taste in the firf ION of n bad casl' "f '■' vt"a ljy uing Dr. Pierce'ï mouth, thot I have ever used. My wife could not walk across tho ran____ GoUlrn Medical Discovery. The disenso apfloor wlien siio began to take your 'Golden Medical Diseovery.' """1"" pcarcd flrst iu lier f et. extended to the knees, Now alio can walk quito a little ways, and do sooio light work. coverinsr the whole of the lower limbn from feet to knees, then _awHalnHa_ attacken tho elbows and becïimo so gevere as to prostrzto her. Dm .,„, Mrs. Ida M. Strono, of Ainstriirtft, Inri., writs: A. ■ated ly eoverul physicii'.ns for a year or two sho nlr'ÜOlnT "My Httlo boy had boen trouhled with liip-ioint comir.eiicca the use of the medicino naniid nbove. Slie soon discaso for two ycars. When he commeneed tho bf.fran to mend and is now well and bearty. Mrs. Poolo thinka niCCICC uso of your 'Golden Medical Disco vory' and tbe medicine has siiverl her lilo and prolonged her days." UIQLnOL. 'Pellets, he was confined to his bed, ond could Mr. T. A. Avbes, of Au Marku, Vvrcltcslcr Cöunly, MX„ mÊÊmmÊmÊmt not be moved without snffering grent. i):iin. But vouehes for tho above lacts. now, thanks to your Discovery,' ho is ablo to be up all the time, CONSUffiPTION, WEAK LUNGS, SP8TTINO OF BLOOD. Golden Mkdtoal Discovert cures ConsumpHon (which ig Serofulaof the Lung-s), by its wonderful blood-purifying, inigoratlng and nutritivo properties. For Wenk Lunprs, Spittir.g of Blood, Shortness of Breatb, Bronchitis, Bevere ('o'uglis, Asthnia, and kludrcd atfections, it Is a sovereign remt-dy. While It promptly cures the severc-st Coughs it strengthens the syttem and purifica the blood. It rapidly builds up the systera, and increases tbe flesh and weight of those rcduccd below the usual standard of health by wa8tiii(i diseases." Consmupttoii.- Mi-s. Edwakd Niïwtot, of Harroumnüh, cnl DiSTiverj-' lms cured my daughterof arery bad ulccrlocated Out., writua: " You will ever bc praised by mo ior the remarkan the thigh. Alter ti-ying almost everythlng without succcsg, we blo cuto in my oase. I was so rcduced that my flienda had all procured tbree bottles of yonr 'Discovery,' whieli healed it up given me up, and I had alao been given up by two doctors. I then perfectly. Mr. Downs continúes: went to tho best doctor in theso parta, lic told me thut medicine , __ was only a punishraont In ny e:ih-.-. umi v.-mild not uiulertako to Consuiuption and Heart Disoase.- "I also wish to anaaaKMmq treat me. He said I miarht tiy Cod Uver oil f I thank you for the reinarkable curo yon have eiTeeted in my case. ir.„-„ ln Itked. ns that was the oniy thing that could poesiL ' ] rr three years I hu.l suffered from that terriB VEN U? bly have any otuative power over oonBumptfon 80 U,CTn Tl) ble disease, consumption, and heurt diseaso. " far advanced. I tried the Cod liver oil as a lost RSoltU IU Ucforo conaulting you I had wHstod away to Tfl fl'F treatment, but I was so wenk I eould not keep it. „_, _„„ a skeleton : could not sleep nor rest, and many lu ''■ on my stomacb. My husband, not sati-Ü! -d fl hïELETDS times wished to dio to be out of my misery. I ""J to glve me up yet, though he had bouirR for me then consultcd you, and you told me you had ererything he saw advertised for my eomplalnt, procure, a quan, „ ., hopes of euriug me. but it would take time. I tity of your' Goldtm Medical Discovery.' I took only four botl les, took liv, months' treatment in all. The flwt two months I was and. to tho surprise of everybody, am to-dav doinir my own work, nlmnst discouraged: could not perceive any favorable symptoms, and am entirely free frora tiir.t ti'rrible conch which harrassed me bnt th! lhlrd ionth I be.enn to plok up in flesh and stre-ngth. I nightandday. Ihavebeen afSIcted with rhcumntism forn number cannot now recite how, stop by step, tuo siens and reaiities of of years, and now fcel so nmeh bettr-r thal; I belinve, with il conretiir.ün.jr hoaitb. gradually but f-urely developed tbemselves. tinuattoo oC your "Golden Medical Discovery,' I will be restored q - '"'' l t-'f the scalcs at one hundred and sixty, and am well to perfect health. I would smv io those who aro fiilllnfr aprey to ni stvonp-. _ ■ that terrible disease eonsumpHon, do not do as I did, takoevèry_u'; "il'lf11 rfiltance In curing Mr. Downs' teiTiblo desease thitií? els.; flrst; but tnku the 'Ooiden Medical DtoooVery' in the was tho tolden Medical Discovery." early staqr'S of tlio disease, and thereby save a great deal of sufwanoaaMa T .,..,.. „ ,,„-,, _ _ ... _ ferinpr and ho restored to henkh at onoe. Any pereon who ís PirrT.iMft -?SEP?.,, J, {"H"11' Athenu, La., stlll in doubt, need but wrife me. inelosinsr á ïtamped, selfbLEEDÍi'O f; "My wife had fr.-qivi.t bleed Ing from addresand enrelone for reply, when the foregoing ttatement will , Jo„mI?iÈSS bEI!J!'!. "" vouï lm fililí iihafnníi!itil liir nip ' " nny ! liHfïQ iiolden Mcdieíil Discovcry.' bho has not uo iuiiy suDstantlatea Dy me. „na UUBbo. had any lnee its use. For lome six months Ulcer Carod.- Isíac E. Doww. Esq., of Spring Tdüev, ' ■ she has been feeüng so well that she haa Roehland Co., N. Y. (P. O. Box: 23), writes: "The 'Golden Medidiscontinued It." Golden Medical Discorcry is Sold by Droggists. Trice $1.00 per Bottle, or S!x Bottles for $5.00. WORLD'S GISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOO1ATION, Proprietors, No. 6C,% Tain Rirppf, BI'FFAIO. 'T. - .


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