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Sallo X Skin and Pimples on the Tace cured by Carter's Little Liver Piils. 2octs. The cluke of Beira, infant prince of Fortngal, has Keven era lies. vu. i h he occu pies ii daily rotation by in truction of ihe court physiuian. J AY EYE !3LE'S Driver, Edwin T). Bither, usos Coi; Vctri-iii-.ii-y CarbolisAlTe and s tlioroui'h trial enablea him to endorse lt as the best reu 'i tiat he ever Baw forgi . ai ñOc and $1.00. ; Miss Nr. B. Cumtning, now tho librarían of the departini'nt of ja tice at Washinflton, is regar.!ecl a; one ot tlie best ' ties on luw books in tlie country. Kor Pya?-Ttox, deprenton of Spirits. C:eneral debility in their various forras; also preventivo ajainst Fever i and Ague, otber interraittent Fevers, '■Ferro Pho-ihornted I lix.r of Calisaya,1' ma'ie l.y Hazard, Hazard cv Co., N. Y., j sold by all driiKglsts; best tonic ■ tienta reeovering frota lover or otijer sickne.-i, ít ba noequaj. Emseror Francia Jos "ph of Austria, is reported to tale tho part of 1 is daaehterin law in her quarrela with her husband, Crowu Frince Rndolph. Ttry B -fan Natural Color to chee!; and Ups. Carters Iron Pilis. SirTVi'liiim Armstrong's new gun to r - aUt torpe lo attack-i is a 30-poun Ier. and ik-velops a muzzle velucity of 1,9 0 feet per second. Pa 's Anica 0 1. The best s.i've in the world for Hurm, Wonnda :n' . re 01 all . inds. üoils. Kei ons. chilblaiiiM. Krozen "eet. Piles, i arber'a Itoh, ore ' yes. (.'bapped 1 ands. tore : Thro:.t Scald Head, Piaple8 ou the Face, and all skin dise ses. For I.ivpr Compli i:t, Sio'i Headache, Conotipatlon ue Fa e's Mand rke Pilis, i Above remedies ut d bj drngeists or sent by mnil for '5 eents ly C. W.JSnow & Co., j ra. u e, N. Y. ! RHEUMATISM AND CATARRH CAN BE CUELD. Canandaigüa, N. Y., May 28, ISjJ. Pardee Medicine Co., Gbktlbmj s: - Ifearly all wiuler I was coiifined to my room with inüaniin itory rheum-itism. I coniniened uinf; Dr. Pardee 's Hheumatic Kemedy, but after tukinp it for a time the ]ain became more intenso, nnJ I was a'armeJ nnd feared the remedy was ma in? tno worse bntcontlnued it; usa an.l ;oon t'no pain 1 ft me, and I graduu'.y tmproved, the sorenes.-i leuving my arme and shoulders and seem nL to p.iFs out at my toes, lt bas comii etelv cui-Rd me. At the time 1 coinmenoed uin? the reme ly I had a thruat clifflenlty and the catarrh, whicb ! found to be b tter nftertaking it, and Itocoarred to me to uso it as a Rc.rV, whiohldidi ani to mv great satisfuction I improved rapidly. nu to day sm free froio 1 oth riieunuttisïn -nil catarrh. I con ider it ' 'ndisp 'n afi'.e a-s a family m-Iicine. I tike one teaspoonful after brealifast nni! ünd it a splendid tonio. I v.ould adviso y ou to reoommend it asagaigleforthroat troul-les and catarrh. for I know it will cure, t have seen some rdmarkable cures rom the use of this riined , and it is one lean rivo.i.mend to all. I ani. very truly yours. E. H. M.CALL. Lots ThaaOno-Hslf the Amoant Curel ! John C. Il' ron of 4 Mthtreet. Kofhe t-r. has been tro.ib e l for yeara with rheumatlsm n the shouldera and about tiie hourt. i'v : i a physidan ten doUara for an examinatiou ;.n.l he merely ini'ormeil him thac he had -hcumatism of th h art was cured by J r. ee s Khenmatio ■ ly, and for jes : tb d one-ha f tl.e uioiiu ]'.iid for Uie exaniination. Ask your druggist for Dr. Pardee's Pemedy.and tuko noother. Prlce ilperbottle; six bott f8 Pardee ' edicine Co., üochester.'N, Y. Klr M Unl home, senil Tor iiculor oí iustructiuus. 'MM üroudwuy, Utivr ïwi-JSi Mr. Maokay frenuently senda his wifo frorn America a dozen or more eans o tarrapin, with which slie delights her fjue ts in Puris and Loiidou. 3 montlis' treatment for 50e. Piso's Rem edy for Caterrh. Sold by druggists. Princess Dolgoroukl, wldow of the late Czar, was ome a Spanish a. t ress. -SÍk LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S IKM VEGETABLE ♦ COIWPOUND yË ANY WOMAN Q&éys ease or from troubles pe 'vï y culiarto horsex. lis Purgóse is soïc?yfi-r the legitímate heaUngof dheaseandthe relirc frdnJa:dthat it does a Hit claims io do)tJiouui;uix oladies can gladly testify, 1 1 has stood the test of twen tyycarsm rcHcvingperiodical pain, promoiii'.g Kgularity oí bensons, and b;miihing wcakness, backaclic and co!tsc;;ucnï nervous distress. Probably no otber womaa i:i tbc world receives so many "letters of thaaks" as LyJia E. Pinkham, of Lynn, Ms. Mrs. C of Enfield, N. H., &ays: ul will siiTipíy say that your Vegetable Compound ís all you recomraend it to bc, It has done me Worïds oj food." Anotherlady writes from Ottawa as follows: "I h.ive just to-day bonghtthc seventh bottle of your Vegetable Compound, have used two boxes of Pilis and scveral packages of your Sanatíve Wash, and thhik it buï t jht to tel! you how mucli good I derived from your medicines. They are a regular Godsend. Alltïie pains ind iiches have olmost dippcarccl, my stomach is mucb ironrer too and I feel myself improred even way," Trico 1. Üvl'd br U brutftUU. 01RON mT_. J Will purifj the BLOOt) reRulatt 1BH the LlVER i-a KICNEY8 nd tfft OR of YOUTH l;)imia,Wait ';-,' Br of ippotlte, lii1ifotion.I,ocit of jHRBk 8tr:-n,iib unl 'J i i cd I-eeliogal x Sr soltttely QUrtd: Eone. niui■L olas and oerv receiv new SB. for e. Knlivens the mina Bi. ar.d suppli lírain Power. LADIES"S'A-S4í?4" TONIC tuafe nil ciir. Gi. taclenr, helthr complexión. Frequent tlcmiils n' ".interiwiinionlrn.l.l (o the : oiiularicy of the oriLinnl. Do not experiment- rel t!io ÜrioiNíi. am Bebt. ta„te„.%eniïïW-aS?lJ'nItLiS.S ■ Hedaehe. Hámulo Poso Rnd IJream Boon mallad oa rocolpt of two oenta in postige. F Addres DR. HARTEB MEDICINE CO., Bt. Louü, MP. OIL Have been enjoyod by the cltizens of nearlv erery towo and city lD tho t. S , umi tliou:uiflrt of people can teBtity to the wonderful hcalintf piwer ol Hamlin's f izard Oil. It Cures Neuralgia, Toolhache, Keadache, Catarrh, Croup. Sore Throal, RHEUMAf ISM., Lame Back, Stïff Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, 0!d Sores and All Aches and Pains. Tlie many tflctlmontata reccivod by ua more than provo uil" we claitn i'r thi valuable remedy. It not only relieves tho mot sevcre pains, but It Cures You. That's the Idea! For buIo '?y all Drnfnrista. Prtoo, 5O cents por bottle. Our Poso Büok muilert free to everybody. Address WIZARD OIL COMPANV. CHICAGO IflSi CURES WHEBE ML LLSE f AiLSrTgi M est Omeh Syrup. Tastos gnml. Use PW M in time. sttliï hv dniptrlsts. HA BADWAYfl PILLSilk The CREAT LIVER - STOMACH ÜEMEDY LP Kor me oiiiA of all dl LordertoftbeStomaoii. biTr . liidii.'vs, Bladder, Nervous Disertes, Lost of Appetite, Headaolie, CosÜTeneas, Indigestión, BilioMsiitsM, Fever, Inflsmmattoi. of the Bowela, PÜM, and all derrtDge.nontsoftheinlenuilviHeera. Purely vegetable, contaiaing nu mercury.&iin&nüff or detoterionfl drugs. Pricc, L" fnta per box. Sold by all druggisU. DYSPEPS.A! UU. RADAVa S PHAj are a curo for thia complsint. They restore Btrengtli to the stomach and enabie it tn preforin ite ftmtions. The Bytnptomi of Dyiepnia dlsappear, and with thoin thefiabilit] ï Kbeaystem tooontractdlseaMft Take ttxe modiclue nocording to diroctions, inct observe wliat we say in " Falsaand Xrur " respect intï di' ■!. JKS-Sendalottcrwtanip to HU. RAD WAV A CO.. No. 34 Warren Street, Nw Vorlc. for'Talse and Truo." % Bc Hiire to get RADWA Y'S. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT BuilOs up thfl brnlccn-down conatitutlon, puriflo the bldi, restoring health anrt vtjjor. öold bj druggists, êl bi.ttl.-. lUTirrBQT RELIËF For the relief and onre of ftl] putns, Congwtfeot and Inflanunatlons. 50 cis. n bottly. W SAIWAT 4 CO., 32 TaSEEH STHEST, HffíT TÍSt CaTADDU Jsly's gjupl , ijw ' 'K KA M BA LM ■ PSSSSSiEffloOLD in HEAD [wEVERpiJ'J CAÏABRH S &■" y Fever Apiirtioie la applled Into c'h n" rl1 a-ui isxrrse. i'le M U5i. Prk-i! a i-cnts, br mH or at drrgfisM. Seuil fur '.ui ,i. Ki.V UftO'PIlBRS, UruKKitU, Oirego, N. (Tndi ifark.) IMPERIAI.KOO KOOlíwllllnreeiTllKTPai 1 gpprotUictlon.strenthen weflitiid(lroptnfrri'"l ethetaealtb; gr Ui umi developeniOTt oí all Taiietlen of poul rv nmi ennure ttir' romliiion uootb pluro&ge. Tfau no I tí; n,' nrocens; ply Kivo th.'in t!ie chein 0' to m:iku enijt, t n eortof lm timn ono i-.iv a 1 f 1 tor ■ f""l. ■ w mui il paokajrei for50o andil. 6 lt. 1 1 ib an i 2'Ib oncVRgcsileiiTprort to fi-ciaht or exprej,Co. fr w.oo,' and W.2S respoc:lv-ly. Ask 7 o ti r . l-ca 1 1 vadetH SÍ or writo to F.C.STI;KTMAX1. OnoAKent(MorchantOnly)wan ea tnevery townfor Tho t'i1 -i ' ■ ■ ■■■■■ c oi the pupi liritj u: your Tanslira l'i n U" ta, thut ;tor the tus. trial, I have ü periuflueiit ■ ustomftr. i ba1 o -"id nu 'in for mor than tbree years,and the laait tiiatmyeustornera tin) with ttim is. Dial t ley can'i Mnuko any ï ■ uiar with sui Israction. Km-i 1: H f'oWhHBY, PTT. G., flliaffO. Address K. W. TAXSILL fc CO., Chlcnffo. IJDSEPHCILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-I87B. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS JA I rM I exámlnt'rlnCr.3.PiitentOmc Hl Uil I W Senil iiunlolorskctcli for free opinión whotherpatent oaabeteourad. Ni w hnk 011 patent fre. Rpfereniies:CiimrnlsslolH'r of Fat euts or mm v orhiT oULjíjiI of (he U. 8. Patent OfflM. DREPARED PRESCRIPTIONS ! A ..'%; ■ Kervoua Dehlllly, ilt. Trini l'arkauí nd ftt pune iKiok of intructlona, lree 011 receiDt of33 cents iioxlnge. AiHircsi. ïllï PK III' (IIEMKVI, CO-,, iirmiila, SS fiSHBHHBH9HHBB(-'uuici"ai(u 'íiQíi Or 'e!is ui" """■' ya ln a wellwÜy w payinji iiuiniituclurjiig busincaa, r protected iiy pntent. Artlcle reutrfd overywhere. Aliares IjINCOLN STONB iNDUAiiBLtcu.. ïaimn 1 i" sta,, Lnrcour, nib rinilC0"'l""ltivl'r' v-' iflarel I"H K Ifl ' lony. lillutrattd Circular Fret. I HlllllWj.y. MAM'IU Claremont, Ytt. TrklTP '" I.EI1SIANN, Solidtw #1 I Uil I_O I. ('. ti nil for Circular. f r toptaariy. Pnmplewonh JI..WFREK. Linea Tl not undertïie horse'a fpet. Wrlte BrcU'Ster'ê %l Harén, Hein Polder Co., HoUii. Mtch. w.n. u. D.--5--2TH m AOIIIU ■W""-'il" II, ,l,lt Curad la 1 II ril il !■ No uil Cara.


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