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A bilí fctrii'tly regulating marrine'. bus passed botli es, nnd only requires tbe governor's siguature to become a law. It requires nll i arties iutendmg to marry to secure a 1 cense trom the county clerk. A certifícate ol consent írom the pnrents or guardián niust be Üled with tbe clerk if c-itheroí the cout.acting partes is a minor. Magistrales and ministers are compelled to m .ke returns of all performed by them, in order that systeniullc records may be kept The house has passed a bilí for tho appointment ot' a inining inspector by the supeivisors in each county having mines. The oflicial is to examine into tie safety of n)acliinery aud shal't. aud is ompovvered to order ehauges. Tbe senate liquor trafHc committee reports a substituto for the recently passed house high Ícense bil, but it rctains all tbe stringent íeatures of tho houe bilí nnd ftdds more. Tile same high licenso and f jrfeiture fentures are retaiuo 1. Two sectitms are added inuuiu snlooni.sts a iui bondsmen Hable for ni ;uries resultingfrom tbe sale of lijuor anI prohibían;? the establishment of saloon or sale of licuor uour public educational íiistitution-. Tlie ren'ite rote 1 to approprlate $20,000 for tbe re ief of the suílerers by the Lake Lmckn lire. üf the umount $5,000 is to be tra:isinilteii at once aad the rcii-.niuiU'i' as th governor niay direct. The bilí for tho maintenance of the univer.-ity has been agreed to by the house mmittee of the wnole. lt appropriates 1113,116 84 for 17 and $3,1,450 for 1,-8-=. 'Ihe items are as follows: Repairs, íiO.O 0: contingent expenses, $10,000; library, $ 0,000; liomeopatbic college, $!2,-IOÜ: hospita!, $10,D00; dental college. $lli, 0J appm atu i, í4.XX); Hogers collction, $1,973; Chinóse ■ hibit, $i,í!t3: storagevault chemica'.s. tiV: forge and foundry, $9,' 5); engineering laboratory, 16,750; building for suientitic laboratory nud e luipnient of the sniue, $75,0 '0; boiler house and heat ing apparatus $ S,nu; additional salaries, 3 10,UC0. The coernor has approved the büls to provide for the better protection of the Uves of passengers and employés on railroad trains. to amend sectious 107, 109, 111, of chapter 10 of the complie 1 laws of 1S71. being sectious6.'(), (i28, (;0, of Howell, re!ative to the appointment and qualification of notarles public and thedutiesof eounty clerks relativo thereto: to autlrorize suits to be brought at luw or in enuity ngaiu-t navigation cornpaniei or(tanied under tho laws of the state; amending section l. Hovve 1, relativo to olfense against persons; authorizing trustees, eto., to re ceive gifts or bequests for the support of tors, etc; appropriating nioupy for the school for the blind; amending law of 1í81 relativo to delivery of gram: a!so cbanging time of torminatiou of fiscal y e ar. Legislatures are expenslve necessities An inspection of the records of the auditor geueral's ollice shows the present session bus already eost the state $1(0.0 . As r;00 law have been framed, this makes an avprage cost of $51 per liw. It is likely that tbe total cost to tho state will reach $150,300 before members stop drawing their [er diem and mileage. The exact figures .i ij to the close of business in the auditor general's oiike on tbe night of May 21st are as lollows: l'av to members and employés, mileage, etc $73,914 90 Expenses of inyetia;ating committces and niiscellaneyus 9,133 C7 Printing and binding the legislative Journal 7.S05 15 Total todata $10,948 72 But evon these figures are considera! ly short of tbe actual cost, formanv members have an aceumulation of pay and miieage, and this of course, does not sbow on the auditor general's books. Tbere are, too, innumerable incidental expenses which ollow legislativo sessions. The state ofticersare all piven a large amount ot 3tra wnrU re :niring extra clerks. Alto?ether the amount will exeeed $100,000. There is now fear that this session may eclipse all former ones for lengtb. That of i-ted until June 20, which was the lonsest up to that time. Tha record of vljourumcnts for the last '0 yeais is as follows : 1865 Aprjl 5 1877 May 22 1867 March 28 1879 May 31 1671 April IS 1S81 June 11 1S73 Mayl 1883 June 8 IS75 May 4 1885 June 20 Tlio house has passed a bilí to protest and regúlate flshing. It prohibits the tikingof speckleil trout or land lock salmón írom foeptember lst to May lst; grayling aud California trout írom .November lst to June lst, aud prohibits buying and 3el!ing such fith during the closed soason. The use of explosives or stupef ving powlers to take fish is made unla wfuï. bpearing fish is forbidden in March, April May and June in any waters except those of Che great lake. and no fishing with seines, pound nets, gillnets, or any species of continuou- nets, except in the great lakes tho St. Clair, St. Mary and Detroit rivera. Sp?ckled and brook trout and grayling san lawfully be taken by hook andjline. The destruction of minnows or small fiy flsh, for any purpose except bait. is un lawful. Othior provisions make the inland streams free for the passage of fish by prohibitingnets, weirs. etc.. in the chánne!s or near dams. Muskallonge, black, strawberry, green and white bass are protected everywhere from the lst of March to the !5th of June. A re olution has been introduced fixing Júnelas the dte of adjournment, and was laid over under the rules. Clerk Urossmansavs it will be impossible to get through by that date. In his opinión the scssii.ii will l.iHt until June 11 at least, and probably until Juna 1. The st:(te homeopathie society has sent to the senate a categorical protest agaíust the pissage of a bilí of Mr. Uardwell of ! ene;ee to regulnte the practica of medí oine. This bilí has already pased the house and is uow pending in the seni'.te. t is of an arbitraiy natu e and bears unu tly upon tha homeopathie and other schools of medicine At the time of its pis age some niombers mveighed again3t it as c'ais legislation, but tbe objection iid not seem to iufluence the house. The bill of Mr. Bettingor to supp'y at the expense of the taxpayersall tne pupiis in the pub ie scboos of Detroit with schooi i.ooks, va-, defeated in the house tho other morning. 'j hi? rather angerod tbe aulhor of the bill. and he proceeded to do some obbynig. in whi' h undertaking he succeded so well that when the bill was again brought up in the alternoon of the samo day it passed by a strong vote. The bill is to take effect Jauuary 1, 18ÜS. The next move showed a reprehensible want of consistency in the members- most of thi-m the identical members who votod to saddlo a book tax upon the peopleof J'e'.roit. The bill of Mr. Manly to próvido school books free forall the public schools ot the state was rejected - yeas 20: nays 40. Deputy Railroad Commissioner KaDsom c-ertified to the auditor-general tho amount assossod as taxex ngainst Michigan railroads. On account of tbe extensión of railroads and their increised business there is an inerease over last year. The figures are iis follows: Railroad taxes for 1885, $559,519.50; for 188(5, $!il4,3i2.40; incn-ase, 114,872.90. The house commlttee on the lirjuor trafCc has reported favorably the bill of Mr. Burr of Is:ibella, for local option by couuties on tbe liquor que tion. The bill is a conglomoi'iition of the Georgia and übiu act-i on the sume subject. It piovklei for a special e eHiou in every county, to be hold in November of this year. Tiie docision re .ched at that e'.ection i= to stand for tbroe j'ears at lea t, or louter, uu ess ono tenth of tbe electors of uny particular cour.ty .-hall petition the board of iupervlsora tor a new e'ection prohiliiting tho saie of liquor, in whioh ca e an eloction Bhall Le ordered. The sonate has passed a bill making tbe circuit courtstenograpbera public otllcial, somewhat similar to the county clerk. All stenographer's notes tire berenfter to be public records to Ie furnisbed to applicauts at eight cents per folio. The governor appo nts the stenographers on tue recomniendation of the circuit judges and the salaries of the oflice may be froni $1,000 to 11,500, but the boards of supervisors of Wayue county board of lu.diturs may authorize a salary of $3,030.


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