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Ex-Dcputy Collector A. L. Bláke of Port Townsend, W. T., whorecently went to Washington to back up charges he liad made ag&inst Collector Beecher if tliat place, was found at the uuiou depot In Chicago the other day, broken down physIcally and evidently insane. He has been placed in an insane departmeut of the county Jall. General Land Comiuissiimer Sparks expresses the opinión that 25,000,000 acres oí public land will be thrown open t Bettlement as a result of carning out the pollcy Lndlcated in Secretary Lamar's letter to the president in refeience to the rcvocation of the orders of withdrawal made trom time to time by hls predecessors. Sheriff .!o:ies of Chicago has retunied from Kay cuunty, Mo., with Willlatn Bebout, Indicted in August, lSüü, lor the morder of Richard BUL Bebout escaped from jail in üctober, 1SG9, and has been at large ever sinee. All the wltnessés to the murder havo either dled or left the country. The secrotary of the navy lias appointeil a court of inquiry to investígate the charges against Capt. Selfirldge of the Omaha 'm regard to the accident on the coast of Japan, in which several persons were killed by the explosión of a shell lired from the Omalia. Secretary Lámar has written the president ontlining a plan by which railroad indemnity lands shall be restored to the public doniain. The president endorses the seeretary 's plans, and the latter will lmmedlately take steps to carry imo effect the policy lndlcated. Michael Train, a messenger in thetreasury, feil from the fourthfloorof that buildIng hito tlie cellar, a dlstance of over 60 i'eet, the other morning, and was killed Instantly. He was a soklier in the late war umi had beenamessenger inanv yeara. A terrible eyclone swept over Blue Spriiifcs. Neb., and blew down the school house. The janitor was fatally injured. The same day lightnlng struck Emanuel Basori's residence, kllling lus ilaughter Minnie. aged 20, A sawmill tlnrly mlleseast of AlbuciueriUe, N. M., was the scène oí' a terrible explosión the other day, by thebnrsting of the boiler. The entire property was destroyed and six men were instantly killed. Oil producers in the Lima (Ohio) fields aro organlzing against the standard oil company, and intend to forman exehange. Ii is. Intimated that pipe linos will be built and relineries erected. Wm. Andereon, an amateur balluonistof Oskaloosa, la., feil 700 feet from hls balloon and was killed. The balloon had eanght tire from the hot air with which it had been inflated. First Comptroller Durham has rejocted the claim o)' W. K. Speare, a Washington undertaker, for 91,800 for services at the funeral of the late President Garfleld. In an autograph letter President Cleveland has dedlned to attend the dedicatlon services on June 17 of the soldier ' and Ballons' monument at New Haven. (race l.eslie, an actress, was instantly killed near Sedalia, Mo., the other nlght, the sleeper in which she was traveüng baving been derailed. The President and Mrs. Cleveland and Secretary and Mrs. Lamont will leave Washington fog the Adirondaeks the latter part of the month. Chas. B. Kpynolds of Morristown, N. J., has been found guilty of blasphemy, and lïned Siö. He was defended by Kobert G. Ingersoll. The Nickel Píate railroad was sold the other day for $1(5,000,000. The road was purchased by a representativo of the bondholders. Thenew law of New York providlng for Saturday half-holtdays went Into effect on the 21st inst., and was very generally observed. Secretary Lamar is out with a letter in which he says he proposes to carry out the new land pollcy with vigor and dispath. The frlends of ex-Gov. Moses of South Carolina are trying to get liim pardoned by Governor Ames of Massaehnsetts. J. P. McCabe, who was sentenced to be hanged May 20 at Ilonesdale. Pa., made his escape from jail the other day. The pólice of Minneapolis have ordered all the gambllng dens in that city closed onder penalty of being pulled. The president has accepted an invitation to vislt St. Louis during the grand anny eneampment next September. William H. Sanford of Washington, tod., mistook his son hamlet, aged 10, for a burglar, and shot him dead. A bank in the City of Mexico has been robbed of 8300,000, but the pólice can find no cine to the burglars. Maj. T. J. Rathbone of California has been appointed United States Consul-General at Paris. A train robbery occurred near Port Austin, Texas, the other day. One passenger was killed. Snosv and hall storms prevalled throughout the lake dlstricts of Bcotland on the 21st inst. Ex-President Hayes is be-lng to accept the presidency of the university of ühio. Mr. Ilyatt, recently appointed United States treasurer, filed his bond on the Sist inst. Cholera and the droughtare carrylng otl cattle and swine by the thousands in Mexico. Building operators in Chicago, to the nuniber of 18,000, are on a strike. Cannon Falls, Minn., was destroyed by lire on the. X.oss $300,000. Gen. Paseo has been nominated as United States senator from Florida. Milwaukee pólice are waging war on gambllng dens in that city. Forest (res are burning in several counties in Massachusetts. The hop erop in Xew York is a failure this year. Ex-Cov. William Smith of Virginia, is dead.


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