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Fact And Fancy

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Coal is acaree at $G3 a ton in Fort Ben ton Montana. Patrulles are worth only 1Ü ceuts a dozim in inany toiviis in the south. Three men ncar Dextcr, Mass., roJe au ! boat sil miles In live minutes the uther day. There are cight persons in Antrim, N. 11., who were bom in the eighteenth century. They are uearly lüü years old. A board of trade was receutly organ'zcd b} the Freneh Cnnadian inerchants at Montreal None but Frenchiiien will be admltted. There are sixtcen thousand colored teachers In this country. The schools ín the south are attended by oue milliou colored pupila. It costs San Bcrnardiiio, Cal., $2,000amonth to take care of tramps. This does not include the value ol the property stolen by them. The water used in the white house for drinkiiK puiposes 8 conveved to the mansion by pipes from a spring In Frankliu Iirk, suveral squares distaut Experimenta by throwing corks in the turrents of the north Atlautic mude by Admiral Grye indícate a daily ratc of motiou oí from tivo to siz miles. Hallan astronomers place the age of the world at not less than 80,000,000 yoant, and are afreed that it hag beeu peopled for about 50,000,000 years. Severa! joung men In Reidsville, Ga.,thought to frighten a youug lady the other nlght by going about the house dresseJ in long white eheets, but the stern parent of the young noman spoiled the seheme by letUn loóse the buli dog. In the words of The IC iterpiia ono spook hal to go home and chauge his panU, after he Jompad the fence and got away,whilo auother was seen in the vaciuity of the house Bt-xt day lookiug for his hat and one oí his chum's shoei. Among thé crowd which pu9hed its way aiong the line of pictures at the Paint and Clay club reception, says The Jlustou Journal, It wasiuteresting and spmctiuies staitliüg to see aces whlcb had been reproduced on the canvas. The models were evldently out In force, probably to see wuat the public thought of ' 'one" picture. As two young Udres were iooklng at a painting one said: "What plaln young woman. She must have been aa only child, or her parents would uot havi ordered her portraitl" A quiet yomiar lady ia front turned around and looked at the crltlciser witu calin superlority. She was ths modul 1 In Kingston, New York, the other nL'ht, ieveral young ladlcs wtio had taken part In a rehearsal of the cantata of "Esther,'" laughingly asked a man who was drlvlng along in a 8leigh for a ride, whlch, to the surprise of the women, was granted. After goiag a short dlstance one of the ladie told the mun that wheu he got ro the corner of Elmendorf street to stop and let them out. ''Begorra, divil a sthop will I make till I get home," said the man, at the same time whipping his horses into a brisk trot. Oue by oue the young womeu tumbled out of the back end of the sleigil, vhile the driver lauj;hed heartily at thetr dicomflture. Capt Nathanlel Fish, who is otei 60 jearf Ola, walks uto Tatalequab, Indiau Territory, trom bis farm, Beven miles away, once or twice a week. He recently cut two teeth. Sam Jonen liavinï returuedto C'incinnati, TIn Commercial Gazttte welcotnes him as "a hurricane of righteousness, a tornado of trutü, and a blizzard uf sanctimonious Earcasm." One of the inmates of the House of lïefuge in Bamtlton, Canada, was bom In 1731. Last year be was In the institution in Dundas, but not liking il be set out and walked to Ilaiuilton, a distaneeof live miles. Many dweilen on tbc Pacific coast are asking that a bounty be put on scaU bicause they are so terribly destructiva to salmón. 'fbey rob many of the net of every Üsh, killing them in mere wantonness. Sistfir Mary Innis, an lnmate of Mercy con rent, Pittsburgb, l'a., basdonated $100,OJO to Ihe sisterbood of whlch sbe is a membcr. ïbe wlll-be used iu the erecilon oL uu liilustrlal home for girls anda chapeL One oi the anecdotes wlth whicli Boston club talk is enüveued nowadays is the tale of a well-knowa South-end man wbose name U prominent in sportin;; circles ana concerning all wbom all sorts of advcntures are related. He bas recently fouud hlmsclf somewhat straitened in hls purse, too fond a devotion to the poker-table having depleted hii bis fortune. He thousht over the situatlon, and at lcnffth concluded to dUcOH it wlth his wife, who had more than once remonstrat! ed with blm for his disslpated habits, and who was especially bitter in regard to hi habit of beii'K out every night untll the hours were of the smallest. "Whr, dear," he sa!d, j I think we ought to get soraethins out of tbis Rreat house. It is too Jarge for just you , and me, and I tbink we had better take in a few lodders."' Yes," she returned, with a cold and awfnl glitter ia her eye, "we will take in a lot of milkmen. It will be so conventent to have men who will be gol nu to their day'8 work just as you get home trom yours." Jaeob JieCall, an englneer, and Terrence McManus, a brakeman, were employed on a Bwitch-eogiae in the yards of the Pennsylvania railroad at Pbiladclphia. Last Wednesday, wbile making up a train, McCall was In the cab and his brakeman on the little step which serves as a pilot. As tbe englne neared the cara McManni waved hls hand back to the eagnleer and tbe latter put on tbe biake. The brake did not work. In a moment sbltter and fret.üht car carne together, not as usual with a tbump. but with a slckenlng bulFi;t of human fiesh and blood between wood and iron. Brakeman McManus, caught at the groin, was Mattencd into a shapeless mata against the end of the car. A track hand Ifitped iuto the cab and shoutod to Eugineer AfcCall, who stood stock still witb his hand n the lever: "Reverse you ! reverse !" Engineer McCall made no response. The track hand shook bim and found he was dead. The railroad men fouud wlien they took liis body to hls home that he had been subject for a long time to heart disease, and the doctor sa'd that tbe brakeman's awful dcath before his eyes waa the cause of his sudden taking-ofiE. Both mea were ruarried.


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Ann Arbor Democrat