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Memorial day aext Monday. The spring fair May 31 and June 1-2. Judge Joslyn is holding cour t in Monroe. A number of our oíd regidents are very sick. Mrs . Libbie Colé was in Detroit last week. Mre. James Gott Las returned from Detroit. Misa J. Canuon visited in Ypsilanti Sunday. Darius Pierce aged 80 years died in Lima last week. The board of review for tuis city, have c ompleted their labors . Alanson J. Taylor, of this city, has had au increase of pension. Excursión trains will commence run- ning to Whitmore Lake Sunday. Emory Leiand is named as executor of the estáte of Catharine McCarthy. John M. Wiedemeyer, of Chelsea, will remove to this city in a few weeks. Prof. Ben D'Ooge, of Ypsilanti, has purchaBed a cottage at Charlevoix. The strawberry erop is expected to be a large one in this part of the couatry. .t'resh vegetables are coming rapidly into market, but the prices still keep up. J. W. Mam is expectinar a visit from his son, Jno. F., of Litchfield, next weekt Misa K. Clarey, of Denver, has ourthanks for copies of the Denver city papers. Miss Anna Donnelly is to be married next VVedneaday, to Mr. Ghas. Callahan, of Chicago. Chas. Brown, of Bryan, O., has been in the city for several days He is an old school teacher. Davison & Anderson, of Toledo, are the contractors for the art museum to be erected in Detroit. The annnal convention of the W. C. T. U., of Michigan, will meet in Port Huron May 31 and June 1-3. Mrs. Ann Belding, who has sold her home on N. University ave , has gone back to the lower town to live. Jno. Mclntyre, one of the solid men of Grand Kapids, has been the guest of his brother William for several days. Mrs. Anna Straw has returned to her home in Logansport, I tul., accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Wm. Walker. It is said that a citizen of Northfield had his mother-in-law insured for $6,000, in a grave-yard insurance company. A business men's assooiation has been organized in YpBilanti. We think we have a hke organizatiou in this city. Evart H. Scott has purohased several lots of the Hogers estáte on Ann street, and will put up a number of cottages. Mra. Anna Gifford, who died in Ypsilanti last week, was a student in the homoeopathio college for two years, '79 and '80. Jas. M. Marshall, general agent of the Singer se wing-machine company, of Chicago, was in the city Monday on his way to Toledo, Ohio. Dr. W. H. Ryder was elected one of the board of trustees for home missions, at the Congregational associaiion in Lansing, last week. One pound of Paris green or London purple, to two barrels or 100 gallons of water, is snre death for spraying apple trees for the codlin? motli Kev. W. W. Kamsey will deliver a special sermón appropriate to memorial day, at the M. E. church Sunday morning at 10}4 o'clock, local time. The sidewalks on West Huron street are in a horrible shape. What is the sidewulk committee doing? Let them walk out and see for themselves. Mrs. Clements, president of the W. C. T. U., and Miss Matilda S. Brown are delegates from this city to the district convention in session in Hillsdale this week. Mr. Alford Acton, of the town of York, has jnst had a well bored, by Chas. Lañe, of Mooreville, whicb now throws water six feet and a half above the surfaoe of tbe ground. Prof. Lodemann, of the state normal school, gave a reception Saturday night to some 40 of his f rienda at the Follett house. Wm. H. Lewis, as usual, spread himself, and the banquet was pronounced A. No. 1. James Kitson ia uow living in De troit. The long needed ram carne iïondny night. Forepaugh will be ready for the stu denta June 10. The street Bcrapera are doing their an nual clean ing. F. L. Mallory and wife have gone to Mancelona to live. Sunday the mercury ran up to 93 de grees in the shade. The Japanese studente apent Saturday at Whitmore lake. H. O. Mills the evangelist, has been holding forth at Dundee. The gaa and oil excitement has reached many of our neighboring cities, The Kt. Rev. Bishop Harria, will apend the summer at Maokinac Ialand. Wm. H. Willings has been appointed postmaster at Newcomb, this oounty. Qeo. Most, the colored barber, feil down stairs Monday and broke kis leg. The case of Jno. Fogarty against F . Stofflet has baen adjourned to Juue 21. Mr. J. M. Wheeler and little granddaughter are visiting in Jeffersonville, Ind. The oorreoted time oard of the T. A. A. & N. M. K. R., will be found in to-day's paper. Margaret L. Skinner was granted a divoroe Saturday, from Edward N. Skinner. At the dog show in Detroit, Jno. Broas, Dexter won first and second pnzes on lis Beagles. Bobina are in the crow business pullng up oorn,- but they sidr so muoh- et 'em pull. Paul Sipley, of Reed City. bas been dsiting hiB father and brother of West ïuron street. P. G. Molntyre, of Northfield, has a 8 year old colt for which he has refused hii offer of $325. Mrs. Sager has reoeived a telegram announcing the death of her son William in Colorado. Jno. Benwiok, dy operator at the Michigan central depot, is taking a lay off for a few weeks. It is now two vears since we have had circus in our city and Forepaugh will lave a crowd June 10. There will be a go-as-you-please tempranee meeting in Cropsey's hall at 3 'clook Sunday afternoon. Lorenzo Davis, one of the oldest pioneers of this county, had a severe stroke f paralysis Tuesday morning. The infant class, of the Methodist hurch held a picnic on the lawn of Rev. '. Bourns, Saturday afternoon. Fred Wnster, a carver, formerly in the mploy of Jno. Keek & Co., died Saturay, of consumption, aged 36 years. A change of ad for Jno. Burg, who arries the largest stock of carpeta in the ity, and a f uil line of boots and shoes. Miss Imogen Royce has returned from ïew York City, where she has been laking lessons in drawing, the past ear. Geo. Laubengayer, on bis way home with his team Monday night, lost his way and wandered about until dayght. Rev. W. H. Ryder is a member of the oard of trustees for home missions of ie Congregational association of this ;ate. Mrs. Lena Berger died Saturday of lood poisoning in the 24th year of her ge. Sne was a sister of Mrs. Gotleib chneider. Stimson Bros., grocere, have dissolved artnership. Fred will continue the msiness, and Phil. will go to Petoskey or his health . The thirteenth annual meeting of the :ate pioneer society will be held in Lanng, at the Plymouth Congregational liurch , June 1-2. N. G. Butts, general superintendent of ie Spring fair association, will be on i fair grounds to-morrow at 2 p. m., to assign stalls for stock and for renting ooths. Daniel Murphy, living some two miles rom Milán, had three horses killed by ightning Saturday, one of them being alued at $1,000. Insured in the Washnsw mutual. Jno. Karcher, aged !)0 years, for many ears a resident of Scio, died Sunday of ancer. The funeral Tuesday, took place rom the Soio Germán church, and was argely attended Dr. R. C. Olin was m the city Saturay to make arrangements for the anual meeting of the homoeopathic alumni f the umversity. The Dr. is president f the association. Mrs. Doag, of West Huron strent, who was severely injured by being thrown rom her carriage a week ago, while gong into the country, was able to return o har home Tuesday. The excursión train on the Toledo oad leaves for Whitmore Lake, Sunday, t 84 There will also be a large lumber of sight seers from Howeü at be lake the same day. The lady who holds service at the ail found only one prisoner to compnse he congregation when she went Sabath morning to hol.l the meeting. This ertainly speaks weü for law and order n this city. The item published in the Detroit Svening News to the effect that A. W. tammer, of Ypsilanti, had been conicted and fined in the Oakland county ircuit court for swindling, now turus ut to have been untrue. A stock company has been organized i Manchester to bore for gas, oil, etc. 'he etockholders are O. Lehn, Wm. Burtless, L. S. Hulbert, T. J. Farrell, N. ohmid, of Manchester an dj. Heinzman 2. K. Frueauff, of this city. Memorial day will be observed next [onday with appropriate exerciaes. 'here will be decoration of soldier's raves in the morning, and literary exrcisüs in university hall in the afterloon. Capt. Allen will dehve r the oraïon. The funeral of Mrs. Haskell, wife of ie Baptist clergyman, of this city, was leid Wednesday morning from ber late lome on Tliompson street. She was a lost estimable woman, and the family ïavo the sincere sympathies of the communitv. Michael KI ais is in jail on a 30 days, entence for assaulting and battering bis wife. If at the expiratiou of the 30 days ie is unable to give $200 bonds for his ood behavior for a year, the sen ten ce f the court is that he hnger in jail for 0 days longer. The carpenters, union will be addressed liis evening by W. ,F. Abrams, of Deroit. The meeting will be held at 7:30 'olock sharp, at their hall over Stimson & Bros., store. All carpenters, bosses, nd journeymen are invited to attend his opening meeting of the uniop. The Dbmocbat published the report of a wrestling match, last spring, at Jacksonville, Fla., Charles MoMahon, of Manchester, being the suocessful contestant. His brother John MoMahon iï to wrestle, cornisa style, for $1,000 a side, with James Pascoe, at Baker city, Oregon, June tí. 1 Miss Mollie Wood, who has been visiting relatives in Milwaukee, W'- gave a piano recital in that city while there, and was warmly received by the music loving citizens. She has decided to make that city her home for the prosent, and with her mother will remove there after the June commencement. The Woman's Christian tempe ranee unión will furnish meals during tiie spring fair on the fair grounds in this city May 31 and June 1-2. All friends of the cause are requested to contribute either provisionn or money. The same can be left at Warner'a grooery on State street, or at B. Brown's residence 13 South State street. Persons from the country can bring their contributions to the stage buildiug or grand stand on the air grounds. Mrs. Dr. Smitli is visiting friends in Detroit. Six saloons in Dexter, one lees than last year. Dr. and Mrs. Breakey give a reception tbis evening. TheChelsea Herald is now a seven oolumn folio. The bicyclists will be out in full force memorial day. Dr. Kapp, of Manchester, was in the city Wednesday. Gen. O. B. Wilcox and family, will spend the summer in Europe. Robt. McCarthy, of this city, was granted a pension Monday. Round trip tickets from this city to Whitmore Lake Sunday 50 ets. Stimson & Son are to have their store improved by a new píate glass front. Mrs. Henry Baxter is visiting her daughter Mrs. Dr. Inglis, of Detroit. Allie Jenkins, of Detroit, attended the wedding of hia brother Orman, Wetlnesday evening. A stone walk is being laid in front of Hobart hall, and along the east side of the building. Our sidewalks get but little benefit from the electric light, the shade trees are so dense. Aaron Long moved in and took possession of his new residence on Miller ave., Monday last. NextThursday evening Elmer P. Cary, M. D., and Mrs. Kittie Lindley are to be united in matrimony. Geo. Collins now goes it alone, having purchased Dun AmBden's interest in the wood and lime business. A new beverage on State st., is California orange eider, it is perfectly de[icious - good for tempe ranee people - no drunk in it. C. Eberbach has the contract for building the iron fence uow being put around Hobart hall and the iron grates at the windows. Company A, M. S. T. will turn out for services Sunday moming, and Monday afternoon will take part in the exercises of memorial day. Mrs. Jos. Whitlark, as we sfritod last week, did not leave for Washington, D. j., on Wednesday as she ïntended, but started Monday evening last. ïhe threats by some lawless persons will not deter Mr. Jas Imus f rom perorming his duty and enforcing the law, is deputy fish and game warden for this district. A member of the board of directora of Company A is to be elected June 6 to ill the vacancy caused by the resigua;ion of Jno. B. Dawson, who uas gone to California. Dr. John Chase, n former Ann Arbor Ky and Mr. Pettis, his brother-in-law, a gradúate of our university, have a cattle anch of 2,600 acres in the vioinity of Denver, Col. We give space this week to the new advertisement of Jas. W. Kobison, whose alace livery on South Fourth street tontains some very handsome turnouts, no flner in the state. The Ann Arbor Browns, wishing to mrchase uniforma for the members. are lirculating a subscription paper for the mrpose of raising funds. The boys ihould li encouraged. blowers for decoration day should be rought to the court house basement next Monday mormng as early as 8 i'clock. Joe J. Jacobs, chairman on lowers makes this request. ïhe Yp8ilanti aldermen are hale felows well met, and when they take a Irive to a neighboring city to look at he electric ligkt, they feel that they ought to light up a little themselves. Peter Baaaler and Geo. Kalmbach aught in Osborn's dam, last Friday ifteruoon, nine pickerel and four black )ass, aggregating 73 pounds. The largest, a pickerel, weighing 11% pounds. This s a true fish story. The Bohemian oat, and red line wheat windlers, and tramps are not bothering ;he farmers to any great extent this seaon. The grangers have had their eyes opened. The Democrat exposes all rauds that come to its knowledge. S. A. H Smytlie informs us that he las not returned to Ann Arbor to stay, mt as soon as he concludes some ïmortant business transactions here, he will return to Al pena, and intends to make that city his permanent home. Mr. C. G. Lidell, canvassing agent for iennett & Co., manufactnrers and wholesale dealers in spices, baking powder, and fancy toilet soaps, Jackson, Mioh., speut Sundav and Monday ut his home Ann Arbor, "üakview," Gorham road. Dr. O. C Jenkins and Miss Eva Payne, )oth of this city, were marned Wedneslay evening at the residence of the ride's parents. The young couple left on the midnight train, and will be absent some three weeks, visiting places of inrest on the laken. It is singular that people will go away rom home to get their lauudrying done, when such an establishment as that carried on by Martin Seabolt on Fourth itreet. opposite the court house, is capa)le of turning out just as good, if not jetter work than is dono in eitlier Deiroit or Toledo. Reduced rates on the Michigan Ceniral to those who attend the spring fair, May 31 and June 1-2. On the Toledo road tickets at excursión rates with a coupon attached admitting the holder, o the fair will.also be issued. Next Wednesday will be children's day, the admission beingt only lOcts. The pulpit of the Presbyterian church was adorned with wild flowers Suoday morning. Kev. Dr. Steele referred to hem in his sermón as illustrative of the lerfect work of God in the formation of dl things, so that verily "there is no new hing under the sun" the roses of to-day not outnumbering the rose of Sharen. The Detroit Evening Journal says: Augusta Kasker has petitioned the probate court to appoint her administratrix of the estáte of the late Frank Kasker, who died October 29, 1886. The most valuible portion of the estáte is a right of actioD against the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern railrqad company, through whose carelessness, it is alleged, the deceased was killed. The Sebasticating club held their regular meeting with the following result : Jno. Lindenechmidt, O. X ; Geo. Apfel, IX; A. C. Schumaoher, IX; Will Kennedy would have got IX providing ;he session had lasted until 12 o'clock, i. m. G. A. clnimed two house plays for J. L., and A. C. 8. supported kim, but W. K. having nothing to say about it an adjournment was taken. The following jurorg were returned 'rom Ann Arbor town Monday: Petit urors - ffm Burke, Henry Braun, N. S. jrarliughouse, Geo. D. Mowerson, Jno. Keppler, Jno. O'Hara, Augustus Savage, Jno. C. Mead, and Jno. F. Fuller. Grand Jurors- Wm. F. Bird, J. M. Wheeler, I. N. S. Foster, S. W. Shurtleff, Evan Popkins, Andrew 8mith, li. Bilby, Emil Bauer, Wm. Taylor. Probably the smallest dog of its age in the stat is owned by Mrs. Geo. B. Shetterly, of Ann Arbor town. "Trinket" is of the black and tan breed, three years old, and weighs two pounds 914 ounces. He is pronounced by expert authority to be the tinest bred do gof his kind, and perfect in all points. Mrs. S. bas refused $100 for him. "Trinket" is a southern production, being bom at Jackson ville, Florida, May l'Jth, 1884. Thore should be a full attendance of farmers and others at the Spring fair. It is something new, and the more articlea exhibited the greater snccess it can be made. While the ofttcers are doing verything in their power, oitizens generally should put their ehoulders to the wheel and keep it rolling. As we said last week good premiums will be offered for horses, cattle, sheeD, swine, poultry, etc. Thursday, June 2, will be sales day. Premium books can be had at any store inthe city, hotels, or f rom otllcers of the fair. P. E. Yale left for Bay Port, Wednesday. F. Pistorius has opened an office over P. Schau's barber shop, in tüe building so long oacupied by Geo. F. Lutz . Hrs. O. E. Fuller, of Ypsilanti, visited friends in the city Wednesday and Thureday. Her husband, Rev. O. E. Fuller is now rector of the Episcopal church at Caro, and that village will hereafter be their home. Jacob Werner, for a long time in the eraploy of W. H. Mclntyre, and stil! later with Emanuel Wagner, and Chris. Brenner, turnkey and deputy sheriff, under sheriff Walsh, have rented the Vanderwaker store on South Main et., and will embark in the grocery business. They ex peet to be able to open Wednesday next, with an entire new stock of dry and wet groceries. Messrs. Werner and Brenner are young men with a large acquaintance, not only here but throughout the oounty, who will wish them well in their new venture. The will of the late Lucy W. S. Morgan covers seven paes of legal cap paper, and is in her own hand wnting. Otis C. Johnson, Franklin L. Parker, and E . D. Kinne are named as excutors and trustees. The will is dated June 2, 1886, and is witnessed by O. 11. Millen, Geo. Jacobus and Anno McCann, all residents of this city. To her husband, E. W. Morgan, Bhe gives the use of the homestead and household furniture, and the income f rom two stores on South Main street, or so rauch thereof as may be neceesary for his support, and that is all. Mrs. F. L. Parker gets 4-15 of the ■ net profits and income of the estáte, for a period of ten years, and the balance of the income during the same period is distributed among relativos. The residue of the estáte not otherwise disposed of is given to Mrs. Parker and the other relatives in the same shares as the net inoome above referred to.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat