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Hereditary Influences. Dr. Mays, superintendent of the Slo kton Insane Asylum, California, Baya that onc-third of the population (fin: forelgn born), prodooe two-thirds of the insane. and vet the proportion of insana in California is not in excess of that in many states - about ono to evorv 360 inhabitants. The doctor thinks that the prime causes of insanily are intemperanoe and neglect of the ïaws of hcalth. "It is in the second genera tions that thcevil works its most harm Oae-half of the insane, and perhaps more, owc tlieir derangement to heredl tiiry influences, indieating au ancestral taint or predisposition. The families of intemperate parcuts furnish the recruiting pTonnds for insane asylums. These unfortunate ehildren, if not idiots, or epiléptica are liable to grow i;p witli explorare tempera! feeble powers of self-guidance, weak in temptation. unstable.self-indulgent, vicioua, hysterical. They form the bulk of wbat are knows as the detective classes " - Dr. Fcolu's Health Monthly. Gold Medal W.nner. If you are interested in liuht draft binders, mention this paper, in 1 receive !y return mail our 1NS7 cataldüo Adaress Aultman, Miller & Co., Akron, Uhio. Dr. Austin Flint in a paper prepared for the British Medical association, which he did not live to deliver before that body, iooks back over half a enturvoí medical history, and rom the past predicts the future. II is expectations Lnclude not only continued progress in the scienees all ed to medicine, and new discoveries of instrumenta to aid in diagnosis. IiliI also a revival of blooi-letting. lic never was rcally re onciled to the discontinuante of that mode of treatment and only yielded it because he was obliged so to do in deference to a ven general popular sentiment against it, but witb the ruling passion strong in death ho b;is given it nigh recommendation in h's last paper. - ïT. Foote's Health Monthly. It has beon discovered how the wholesale milk poisoning occurred at Long Hranch last summer. Jt bas been conelusively shown for the first time that ii.ilk warm from tiie ow, when placed intiglitcans nndf.r conditions which greatly retard the dispersión of its heat. will underjro chango, w th the developmint in the conxae of fivc hours of i poison palled tyrotoxicon, l'ortunately il i.s customary among milkmen to cool down milk befóte transportation ana novv it appears that it is dangeruus to deviate trom this wisecustom, Boiling milk dissipates even tyrotoxicon and as' boiling nl8O des roys the genus of aid fermentation it is a gnod precaution for the surumer time. - Dr Foote's Health Monihly A New York bookkeeper has succeeded in writing mi one side of a postal cani seven poema, eontalntng 8,180 words. It look liim ninc hours to accomplish the task. The letters ure about the size of "diamond" type. Am old-tlme Montana frelghter, and for manj yeara In r-harge of one of the largesl buil irains In i lic northwest, says it is a fan lliat durluga hard winter living cattle wlll eai the dead ones. He luis geen them inany times. The work performed by the human body in a day In circulatlng the blood, in breathing and in other proceaajes is equai to tliat of 32 horse-power f or one minute, or suffleieut to light a three-candle Incandeseenl lamp contlnuonsly. Jnnina 8. Morgan, tlie London and New York banker, has again remembered Trinltj college, Hartford, Conn., in a gifl of 96,000 towards the (50.000 aecessar.v for the proposed acientlflc building. Mr. Morgan is a gradúate of Trini! . Dyiiifí at the age of 103 years, Uncle Sam Matney of Jess Valley, Cal., tnrned to his frienda and said: "I haven 't 1ccm a very bad man. 1 never did anytblng worse Hum kill Indiana, and I dont belleve that wlll be held againat me. 1 had todoit. "' Diadwood claims to be the greatest Chinese town In the country. The Mongol? have drowned outopposltion in the washe ■ business, they compete Buccessfully in the silk, W:i and other lines, run restaurante, ral e piga and chickens and patronizt opium divea and Jota housea. Near wnitehead, T. T., on a ranch, a man nauied Poster sa w amouse comeup through a hole in the Boor of his house. Securing a pisto! he fired severa) times a the mouse. One Mint stnick a can of powder, wliicli exploded, instantly kllling iii-, two-years-old son, mortally wouudUis a ten-year-old glrl, serlously injuring Mr. and Mra. Poster and wreeklug the house. The celebrated staillon Bnccaueer, who bad been sire to 18 noted raclng ii who together have won L350,000, has been shot al Vienna. Se was B0 years old, and was bought by the Austrlan governmeni by the cari of ronsmonlli in I8d5 for 1,000 guineas. Three years later England offered ü guineas for him, but thistremendous price was refnsed. Buccaneer's hiele will be stnffed and placed in the museum at l'esth. From PhUipaburg, Fa., Mr. S. M. Cros--. writes, luie'lv and pointedly tlius: "Your St. Jacob Olí hascured meof neura'gia of tho face and hoad." Price Fifty cents. New Haven News: The paoker lives by the golden ru'e; the printer by the brass ru'e; and the teacher by the ferule. Th Judge: Roal poverty is never eloquent; the most plausible beggar is always tbc greatest imposter. ew York Journal: Tlie Queen of the Free Lunch Wamls his her troojis mustard once a year. Whiteha'l Times: A lie well told may outrun tbe Iruth poorly told, in the flrst heat, but truih is sure to take the main stakes in the end of the race. Mr. H. Cari, i:.9 Fourth St-eet, Troy. N. Y., says: "My danghter had a sprained ankle; St. Jacobs Oil cnred her In a day or twe. My son had rheumatisni abont nine years ago, St. Jacobs Oil cured him : he has not been afllicted since." l'iice Fifty cents. ______ Life: A winner on Wall street is apt to foei bully; but il he loses hu wcars a bare-ish aspect. For descriptivo puinphlet an.t lare map ot ; Kebraika aml Co'oraao, free, send name and I address to 1'. S. l'.nstiw. Ornaba, Nebraska. Whitohall Tini's: A ni n can outlivo a '■ slandor quicker than he can overtake it. Take one of Carter's Jjittle Llver Pflll aftüi' eating. It will relieve dyspepsia, aid digestión, givo tono nud vigor to the systeni. They make one feel en though life was woi'tli living. ' A'bany Argus: 'Assignee" is the man who has tho deal and gives him elf fout aces. If acough disturbsyour sleep, take l'iso'j Cur fur Consumiitio'u and rest well. During the uait winter uo less than on# hundrudehildren have bumed to deathIf affllotod with ore cves u-e Ur. (saac Tl oaipsun's Eye Water. DruggUts sell u '.'Oc. ' A Remar'able Core which Ís Awakening Great Interest in and about Jackson. Jacksox, May 88, 1S86. l;ht i fíyrup Co,: ' . 1 1 1 emen. Forten years l hnve been ft great suüerer f om Dyspe;si:i and Neuralgia. About twelve jTears ago niy kidneys and liver 1 ecunu dlseased. niy who'.o system clerange.l. uiv stomach became weak, nnd i wasattaoked witb the wor.t forni of l)vsj ],si i. wbich lasted until (iiite recentlv. About the same timo Dyspepsia took so firni a hold on me Neuralgia set in. sometime; uttrxeking 1H3 in lbo henil about tlie temp'es, theu in tho back of my iteckatidshoutders, thenin my [ stomach. The sulferin ; anJ extreme pain which I have endured the past twelvo v';irs ig moro thiin X cao describe. I have t iken nearlv every medicine I could leam or hear of; lmve employed the most ski 1ful physicmn-;. Dr. Klenou. one of the 1 est and ahlcst doctors In out city, office li") Main gtreet, doctored me fora time, and eau te (fy aa to the .'everity of my dii-oa'e. I never sucoedsd In gettint; any poruianentie ief until 1 hd ued Uibbard s KhenmaticSyrup. I havogainedten pounds of flesli in 'even wouks. The BaUowfieas which so disgured my oomp'exion and rauseil me earsof sorro'w has beenentirely removed, and my general hcalth is iietter (lintit has been in (hirteea years. The severity of t:e .Neuralgia pains had caused a oontractton of the inu-rU.'-. or nérvea, on i he riht side of my face tosnch an ext.fiit fis to partial y close my rigliL eyp, wlncli yonr öyrop bas entirely c.ire 1. My fa"p an'l eyeare restored to tbelr natural state. I most cheerfully re oninicnd it to any aftlieted in like inunner, or for general do bility. Very respeitfully, Mks. a. I). NOBLE, Cor. Mechan o nnd -Masón Streets. Life: Achimera: a personal qnality o( chaim. resuiting from tlie u e of toilet soap. Bacachs, lame Back. Rl.enmatism. Use Cnrter's Smart Weüd an 1 lielladona Piasters. Merchant Traveler: High rollers- the plinets. The 8tronpro3t Man in Ohio Is said to George C. Arno d of C'eveland, O, who lesa thao one year ago, nwing tochronic liver troüble hu1 Brigbt's di ease ot the kidneys. wei.'hed le-l tban ninetv-five poun Is, bnt by Using Ur. Harter's IronTonic h isgained lo strentb and we'ght unt 1 ue i; ado Itted to be th.glunt of (Jhio. Burlington Free Pres: Mo.t farmera like to nnoki', and still they are not fond of the west. Weak hing-!, spittin? of bloo 1 consumplion, and kindred a'ieittions. cnred witbout phT-iclan. Addrssa fort ea:i e, vit!L two stamps World's Dispensar medica Association. liuilalo, N. V. Life: Ilap"iness: Th ■ co'icio asneas of oxcitingenvy in the mindi ui otc era. The ' Fa?orits Prescription ." Dr. R. V. Flerce ofHuffalo X. V.. who;e name Iris te -ome Knowno'-er the world throagh his success as a phy ician, and especiaüy through the repntat on of his "Golden Medical Discovery, : bas done a good work ii preparing an e ial remedy for the many distrass:ng troubl s '■si a-i 'fenia!ii weaknesies." It ii known as the '"iavorile Prescription " Unier its admini liation alt the pelvic óre&ns are streng; hened, and the woman becomes th t embodiment of health and leauty which Bod in tended oer to r. Tid Bit: Never strain your eyos intry ;n; tu sea the gjod yon liave done in thi wórld. Greite,t Dijcorer .---2For cougns, co'ds ore throat, bronchitis, laryngitli, and oonsumption in it-; sariv atage , notbing equala Dr. l'ierce s "Golden Medical Ui covei'y.iT It is a'so a great bloo 1 pnriSef nd strength restorer, or tonic. and for liver complalnt, and costWe condition of the bovvels it has no squnl. í-oM by dnigists. 1 irakés Magazine: It Is permissible to cali Wo'.i h newspapers "The Prints of Wales ': S nall Si c. Small Doia Small Price. Strong roints in favor oí Carter s Littlo Liver Pilis. New Haven News: Bills for spring suits are getüng ripe. Mbxsmah's Pbptonizso Bkei T .mi , only preparation of beef eontainiii}; its entiro nutritloua proporties. It contatos bloodmaking. force generatlng, Inva'uable' for Indigestión, dypepia, nerv, u-. prostration. all forma of general debihty. all onfeebleJ conHitions. whether result of exhaustiou. nervoua prostr&tion, overwork. or hc .te i:i.-e isi1-;: particularly if resultin'r froni pnlmooary comp'.aints. Ha Bfd, Hazard & Co., Prop., New York. (Sokl by drupgLsts. Merehant Traeler: Mnny are tho men who would rather dye than have gray whiskers. e's Árnica 01. The best salve in the world for Burns, Wounds and sores of all kinds. lioils, Felons. Chilblains. l'rozen Teet, Files, Harbcr'a Itoh. Sore Kyes, Chapped Hands, Sore StaldHead, Pimples on tho Face, and all skin diséases. For I,iver Conipluint, Sick Headache, Contipation. u.-e Pae's Mandrake Filis. Abo vu remedies ■O■' d by druggists orsent by mail for ::5 cents by C. W. now & Co., Syracuse, N. Y. For Good Parposes. Mrs. M. A. Dauphin of Philadelphia. Is well known to theladies of that rity from the gruat good she has done by mcans of Lydïa ). Finl:ham's VTegetable Comjiound. Who writes Mi's. Finkham of a reoent interesting case. "A young married lady camo to me suffering witli a suvere case of l'rolapsus npJ Ulceration. KI; commonced taking tho Coinpound and in two montlis watuUyn torcd. In proof of this she soon found oereeli in an nteresting condition. Inflnenced by foollsh frienda she attempted to evade the rexponslblllties of maturity. Alter ton or twelve days sho came to me again and she was indeed in a mot al ar ml ng state and suffering terribly. 1 gave her a table-spoonful of tho componml every honr for cight hours until sho foll asleep, sho awoko ïnncli relieved and evidently better. She cocitinued taking the Compound. and in due soason she became the niother of n fme healthy boy. Hut íor tho tiuiely use of the medicine she belicves her life would have been lost. Your druggist has the compound, $1 per bottlo. ly p RPIInRIP lllT.lRRAXT'S SF.LTZER y .u behold certafn cure tor gounff Bnd old; Por ConstipaUon wfll depart, Ami fndltrtotton quickly Btftrti Stek lleatiache. too. wilïsoitii Bubslde, Wii. n 'i' A 11 RA.T'88EI.TZE8 has been trlld. LO C At Ë In a Live Town. Cash bonus paid to al! kimls of manufacturing enterprigea. ' Live men in uil kimlá" of business wantod. Address 1Snk of V alle v, Valley, Douglas Co.. Nebraska. [STERBROOK8;! Leading Nos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBRÓOK STEEL PEN CO., 7orks: Camdeu, N. J. 26 John St„ New York. Dr.Pardee's Remedy, The Grcatest Bloed Purifier in the World. A SPECIFIC FOR -fRHEUMATISM,- Serofula, Salt-Rheum, Neuralg-ia, Ring Worm, And all Othrr Skin and Blood Diseases. It Regulates the LIVER AND KIDNEYS Cures Indigestión and all diseases arising Iroin ui enfeebled condition of the system. 1 Sl-mJ ' ouf pamphiet of testimoniáis and read of thoso ho have Dcon permanentiy cured by t3 use. Ask your druggist for DR. PARDEE'S REMSDY arul tukt; nu othcr Pricc, $x per bottlc, r six boules for $5. ?ard3e Medicine Co. Rocbester.N.Y ROCHESTEK, N. Y. Gbstr: - For the pnst winter 1 havo beeu very badly affllcted with rheumatism. About six weeks L was confinad to mV bed, :'ii I whenever I vraat ab!eto pet around wiiB ohligeil 10 use crutcues. All the time I li .1 tli i best med cal attendance. Liter one week'i ob ":' lr. ParJee's idy I was abic to walk with a eane. I co tlnu )d lts use and c anno w move around without ns istanee of any kind. and am botter in h..'a'.th thanJ havo bpi n for yeais. lt luis 6 fected a permanent cure, and I takc pleasure in reo.ommending it. O. B, l-'l'WKOAN. Siipt. FireA'arm Telep-aph, City Bttlld ing, l'rout Street. Bendfor pamphlet to Pardeo Medicine Co' NHAT AILS YOU? Do you tvel dul). hmguld, low-gplrfted, lifcless, a'iul Indeecribably miserable, bolb pliysically and mcntally; experlenoe a sense of fullness or bloatinp; aftcr cating1, or of "goncneas," or etnptlness of atomacb In tho morninp;, tonffUO COAted, bitter OT bad tasto in mouth, irregular appetitï?, dizzincss, frequent bcadacbes, blurroil eyesight, " Hoatlng specks" before the cyca, nervottfi proetration or exhaustion, imtability of temper, heit llushes, altornatlng witb chilly si:iis:rti(ins, sharn, bitiiij.1:. transient píiins lien-" and there. cold feet, drowsinesa after moals, wakefulness, or diBturbed and nnretreehing sleep, constant, indescribablo icoliiïg of dread, or of imjcndinir calamity ? If you have all, or any considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffeiintr l'rom that most oommon of American inaladies- lïilious Dyspepsia, or 'J'orpiil Livor, associated witli Dyspepsia, or (ndlgfeatlon. The moro oompllcatèd your diseasu fias become, tlio greater the number and dlvcrsity of sinptinns. x matter what statro 11 bas reached, Dr. Piercc's Jolden Medical Oiscovery vill eiibduo it, if takon aocordtn to directlons for a reasonable lensth of time If not cui-ed, oomplicatlons multiply unl Consumptionof tho Lunjís, Skin Di.-.a-. . ihuvL Disease, Rheumatism, Kidney Dlseaso, or other grave maladiea are quite llable i set in aud, sooner or iater, induce a fatal tenuination. Dr. Pierce'f Jolden ifledlcal Discovcry acts powerfully ui"i tho Liver, and throutfh that jrreat blood-purlfylng; orgnn, cleanses the system of all bl l-taintsand lmpuritios, froin whatt'cr causo aiiáinr. It is equally etlicaeious In acüng upon the Kidneys, aud other exoretory orsans. oloansing, strenfiftbenfngr, and beoling thoir dbeases. As an appetiziiiK", restorative tonio, it. proinotes digestión and nutrition, thereby buudintr up both flosh and Bferenffth. In inahirial ilistricte, this wonderful mealolne bas gauied srrcat eclebrity in ouring Feverand Asue, Chillsand Fever, Dwmb As:ue. and kindroil diseases. Dr. Piorce'g Cioldcn medical Discovcry CURES ALL HUMORS, from a ooimnon Rloth. or lauption, to the worst Serofula. Salt-rbeum, " iVrvor-Borea' ScnJy or Uoufffa Skint ia sliort, uil disoases causcd by bad blood are coïiquered by this powerful, purifyinír, and Invitroratintr medicine. Great Eütirijf Dloerfl rapioly hoal under its bt!nii,'n influencc. Ëspeolally luis it ruunifcKtod its potoncy ia ouiing Tettv Eczema, Ery si pelas, BoUb Carbunoles, Boro Kyt-s, Scroiuloue Sores and Svvellinjrs, Hip-joiDt Disease, II White SweJHnirs," Goitro, or Thiok Xeck, and Knlargcd Glands. 8end ten centa in etiinips lor a laríre Trcatisc, ith coJored phiics. on Skin Uisca-Rcs, or the B&mo aniount for a Xrc'atiae on Scrofulous AfTfutions. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." TtaoroOffbJy olnantti it bv ushiff Dr. Pierce'.s Moldea IUcdUal Dfvcovery, and good diostion, a fair Hkin, buoyanl .iirit8, vital strengtli aud bodily beult h will be cstabli&hed. CONSUMPTION, whleh is Serofula ortlic I.uiii;, is arrosted and cured by this remedy, il1 taken in tho earlior stages of the diseaao. ProD it-s marvolous power over Hiis terrlbly fatal disease, wben flrst offerins this now world-fsmed rem edy to the public, Dr. Pieroe tboug;ht seriously of ealliny it hls "CONSUMPTION CritK," but abandonrl that name as t restrlotíve for a medicine whieh, from its wonderful combinatlonof tonto, or strona thentng, alterative. or blood-oleansiiur, antl-billous, pectoral, ana nutritivo irtportii -. Is unequafed, not only ns a remedy for Consumptlon, but for all Chronlc iMneases of tho Liver, Blood, and Lungs. Kor Weak Luiijts, of Tllood, Shortness of Breatb, Chronlo Naaal Catarrh, Iironchltis. Astbma, Severa Coutfhs, and kindrcd affecnons, it ia an efficiënt remedy. Sold by Drugglsts, at $1.00, or' Btx Itottles for$5.00. {Sr"Sond ton cents in stainpsforDr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, CG3 Main St., Blt'FALO, N. Y. A New Yorker has rcreived from MI!?. Rosa Bonheur au inU-restin; photograph of herself, taken recently al Nice. The ulshed nrtlsi wears a jacket much resembllng ;i man 's sack-coat, and her brea il ta de orated with several me Her luir la Iron-gray, cut short, and hor features are maseullnely stn og. To the ulier ol S1ÓO d ade by the direct or of the mint tor :i new design for the sllver dollar the Macon Telegraph turna in tlils aii8wer: "On one .sMe tiie rising Min, nucopla rampant and tlic legend; 'Honesty i best pollcy. ' On the other, in long primer, Turn the ráscala out.' Between the two, 91 worth of Blijer." PATEIÏTS oot ainetl by TjOulsBatrger L■ Co. , A S tormys, Wasliiiiijti.ii, Ü.C. EstM 1801. Advict free. tfP totSaOajf. Samples worth $1.'AFKETC. Lines fj mt linilcrtbo Iioi-m''.. feet. Writo llrcicstcr'ê f B itder Co., ih.ihj, Uich. nnlllll Mondiliu Ilnbrt Currrt In 1 II III Hl ' Nopay 1111 (iind. flïO"" Ths ivlli tart o i In a well-pay%pxjJJ n niai.uf;! turiiu' business, pro t"clod Itv puii-n!. At Cle r -'luirfd evcrvwIuTO 'II 1 1 (iliiiUK IIUIITZ, l'.fl silui I' t ... LlNCuI.Ii, Sv.v.. U I I U B I U Ef ana cure at vuur ■ ■VI ■ W ■■ ■■ Dr.J.A. siiorman 'J irculof oL IuLtrucciuu4. vj ücuoUwu, 2tow YorJh ■fiCHCmUC Ofieer' pi y. bounty proenréd, HfCRdlÜRO) deaerten lelleved. 21 yeari I prncttco. SnecO8B or nu fp-, Wnic fordrculu UHl . W. Ii oiml k A S.m, W mil Ingi 1Mlj I). . . aiul "iiuilin;l í , (Hilo. ftalE"? A MOVTH lor O RVI.IABI.E 2KB53h ïnuiw Men 0 ,r l.a.M... f Tfc TcachiT oïStii lentft In t'itchcouiity. I. v. ZIKOIaER -t CO., Chicago, 111. "best R00FINBr'tT;S" estab. i86. W. H. FAY&CO.Camden-N. J. o i SI. l.iil'IS. MlNVKAI'ül.IS. OM.VIIA. 3S PREPARED PRESCRIPTIONS ! A„r;r Jií-iv.iii. Ueblllty, .!■. Trini Packas and Mpwebookol instriictiona, iree on recelvt of Ü5 cents parUKe. !.hc. " THE PERU CHIMICAL CO., Mllwuuket', W'UcunsIn. KIKK. MIMI. WATKKuikI L1UIITMNU I1ÍOOHRO ROOFING lor ai. y loul of t'lty oi Furm !uI1i1Iik. writ.r for tettmonmlB from your Stut. Addreaa l'OKTEIt IKOX ROOfl.NH CO.. 'In., Okl„ JA Tril'iTf ' '■' ' xpcrteuc6 : 4 3 & I f 1 M ' V examlner !n O.& Fatent Offloa 1 n I Uil 1 J Si-n.lin.iili'lürsk.-u-li rorfree pi iiïon whether patent can he Becared. New tmolc ent tref. RefeivncesiCom nlsstoner f Pat anv other offlplal oí the D. h. Patent Office. E. U. STOCK INÜ.Attnrne.T, 11 FSt., VVaahiuïtou, D. C. DETECTIVES Wmted in every Conntjc fhrewi) men tn art under oiar msirurtionsin our Ser rel Service, Kiperience not naoetsarr. CRANNAW DETECTIVE BUREAU. i Arcade, Ciocianaii. O. aÜÖÖ AhiO ÏÏ5bJfrKS4 TX3L ' WANTED LlZLSLt&Sgl t hmtMWd ti 0r in eub, hn-l n tt U.ít, if wc are uil )i,in toccthir. Dl mtk otrr ta l.itn ih 1m1uc of raí pnpifty vUgfe ooi.,l.'i of 10.1Kj4 a (0,eriin-ntl-.i. i-i.i.l MMIbM unnantin rW,Ut.. Ko milk-tad-waur :na mrd wnr.M J-'r 1 Ufa i.l,r fM .tlowd pir pnnUo th 1T fta,fIÜKUlBt (COar.-rr V.'l 800 iT..':r rfrr i m.nn. A4Jnt Publisher CLIMAX, Chicago. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the B H Bvst, Kasküt to Uso, and I Bold bv (Irnssrists or Kont by muil. I J 50c. E. T. Hazoltino, Warren, i'a. CHICHESTER'S ENCLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS The Original and Only Cenuine. Safe an il iihvay. Bailable. líeware of uurlhic Jmitatons. I.!,il;.-. Kak vuur lfniKgNt iur "4'IiI'Iieilt.-i'a Knicllh'( nnd tako no other, or In uhpb) to ua for partlcolors in letter to retura muil. nam C1IIOMESTEII CIIKMICAL CO. SKI:; Mn.ll-on Nguurt-. I'IiMhiIh. Vn. Rolil by IJnnnffUt" ererywlire Aa for "Chichea ter KiiiLllii" IVniirmviil I'III. Titke HO ullitr. Cures Neuralgia, Toothachc, Headache, Caiarrh. Croup, Sore Throal, RHEUMATiSM, Lame Back, Stift Joints. Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, 0!d Sores and All Aches and Pains. The mnny testimoniáis roeeived by us more than prove all we claim for thin vnhiiiblo remedy. It not only relieves the most Bevnre pains, but It Cures You. That's the Idea ! FoHi by Dmwriptr. HO ot. SONG Mimik mailmi ireo, Address W1ZAR0 01L COMPANY CHICAGO. Ül TTj áJJFI' ii ■■■rS 1MPEBÏAL KOO FOOD wiinarffelyluorMie f (i(iproiiuction,strit,'th'n w(üik anddrooptngfowifl. nromote thebealth; jrr wth mul ieviilo.tMiiLMit of all vorteties oí ponltry and ensure BM (-MvUtion nn1 smooth plnniAgo. This l no foroin? prooessi vdu siniply nive turril tïio chemoftis to nikn e.'R, r h costof lees tlmn one cent a week for Baobtfowt v mail packnffea for 50c and 6 lojb and 2". lö nnrfcappsdeiivertfrlto freigüt or ixpre44 o. fot R.00, repectlTely. Ask y_or ipoaj f;idc■ TREATED FREE. Haretrcftted Dropy and it:' oompUcatlona ththfl moei wonderfol itncoeM use l.■c■t;l]' remedias ntire ly hannleës. 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