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President Cleveland lias pardoncd Ceplias Junes (colored), convlcted of rape in tlie District oí ('olumbia, on the gruund "Uiat a careful Rxanilnation Impressea me Wltb llie belief tliat the COnvlct'8 gnilt is UOt satisfaotorily established." Jones was tried three times for the crime, and on the tliiril trial convlcted, and sentenced to the penitentiary for 20 years. After his arrest, and whik' he was in jail awaiting trial three other outrages of a preeisely similar charactei were commltted, which gave to the opinión that all of the OUtrages were commltted by the same person. A suit for L2.000,000 has been liled in the United States court in Si Louis agalnst Ehe recelrers of the Wabash railroad. The claim is in the shape of an intervenlnff petltlon, and is based apon rentáis and inslallnients due lipón equipnient and ose Of rolling stook of the Wabash during the periodo! the tecelyershlp, datlng trom 1884 to April 1 of the present year. The total amount is 10,035,860, and the eourt is askedto order lts payinent and to declare it a Hen superior to all mortgagea on the Wabash property. A glgantlc scheme to consolídate all the raltlt1 interpsls Of the nOrtllWfcit and tOrin a coinpany Whlcb shall control Slo. 000, 000 wiirth of cattle and grazing lands, has been con-iniiiiiated. The plan is to imite the Wyomlng, eastern Utah, western NeSraska, souibern Montana and sonthern D&kota owners int tme gigantlc company, eadi absolutely Burrenderlng lus individual berd and ranch, and recelvlng a proportlouate aniount of stock in return. The inter-state commerce eomihlssion has recelved a complalnt trom William II. Councll (colored), dlrected against the Western & Atlantic rallroad éompany, in Whlcta he avers that on account of his color, he was foreibly ejected from a firstclaS8 ar afler bavlng paid for a first-class ticket He asks that the. eonimi-Mon ttward him L25. uuo damages and such other relief as it may deern proper. Sir John Macdonald is credited with sayingtbat Canada desires the v.idest possible extradition treaty between Bngland and the United States, and, s.'i lar as he knew. the respoastbiluy for not having sik h an me lay with the United States. The premier spoke of "diplomatic tics" whieh sto(xl in the way of tin1 adoption of a treaty 0Í uider scope, but did not care to sav wh&4 they were. On the subject of immigration of Irish erofters, whose transportation expenses, it s currently reported, are met by the Knglisli government, in answer to Inquirios by the British minister as to wbetbei the government intends to take any actipn in the premiseg, Secretary Bayard states, tliat he cannot give a general reply, bot tliat each case wlll bc considerad upon its ïncrits. l'lre liroke out in front of tlif Slxth District Of the old City of Jefferson, La., oñ tbe 29th uit., and the best part of four blocki was deatroyed. Thirty tenementa, a schiiiil heuse and factory were burned and a great deal of othei property ruined. Thé itiss amounta to $500. ooo, dhidd amoofl thirty families, somt' of w-hom owjieit thcir own homes and lost everything. A sclieme is being perfected for the organlzatlon of the Wyorolng, Colorado, Eastern Utah, Western Nebraska, .Southern Montana, anl Southern Dakota cattlemen into one glgantlc Corporation, which wlll have control oí L15,000,000 worth of stock and grazing lands. Capltallsts of New York, Boston, Philadelphla, London, and Edinburgh are interested in the project. ■ Fire destroycd the south end of the belt line stables on Tenth avenue between Kifly-third and Fifty fmirth streets New York. on the Í27th uit. The building as entlrely destroyed, wlth 1,1500 iiorses and nearly all the cara in the building. A nuniber of tenement liouses in the vicinity ere burned. The loss is about $1,000,000. The General Council of the Keformed Episcopal church lias adopted resolutions recognizing adultery as the only scrlptura] grounds for dlvorce, and forbidding the marrlage of divorced persons, excepting only when the decree was awarded for violation of the seventh commandment Attorncy General Garland has directed Mr. Kwlng, United States district attorney at Chicago, to brlng snit against the Illinois Central and Chicago, Burlington & Quincj rallroads to determine the rights of the United States in the lake front question. A wreek Óccurred on the Pennsylvania road neal Altoona, l'a., May 27. Four passengen were instantty killed and several seiïously injured. Among the injureil are Clara AlK-rt of Flint, and Rev. R. II. l'orter (colored) of Detroit. At Scottdale, Pa., an attempt to blow up a coal shaft wlth dynamite was made. Four men were in the shaft at the time, but none were injured, the bomb proving of Insufflcient power to do any damage. Tlio perpetrators ave not known. Many Chicago foundrias have been compelled to simt down in consequence of the building trades lock-out, The ron masters of the city have adopted resolutions Indorslng the acüóu of the builders. John Thompson of Ilamilton. Ont., In company with his wife. his wife's sister, Miss Vincent, and three chlldren, went out for a ride in a smáll skiir. Theboaj was capsized and the ent re party drowned. The sale of the crown Jewels of France is ended and the pTOceedS ainounted to 6,804.000 francs. r $1,834,752. 'I'illany of .-w Ytiik. bought more than one-thirU of the jewels, paying $464,730, Itischarged at Raclne, WÍ3., tliat the JRov. Olympla Brown Willis, leader of the woman suff ragists of Wlsconsln, attempted to stuit' a ballot-box, and legal proceedïnga have been conimeneed her. A large elght-story brlcb storage warehouse in New Vork, filled with cotton, rags, wlne and general merchandlse, was destroyed by fire on the lst inst. Loss ttbout S30Ü.OOO, The sheet hou manufacturen of this country are nnich exeicised over the increaseil nipoilation of tliat product and its alleged undervaluation at the custom houses. Mr. Asbury (colored) has been elected commonwealth's attorney at Norfolk, 'a. - the first fme in the htstory of the state that a Negro has been elected to the position. The exoeutive board of the knights of labor is sald to be opposed to the coke stt'ike. Two meuiliers of the board are in the ook e región trylng tusettle the trouble. Business property and suburban realdences In San Angelo, Texas, damaged to tho extent ofí?oO,OOOby a wind storm the other day, The national brewers' iissociation approprlated sö.oou toward defraying tho expenses óf Michigan brewera in the fight against prohlbition. About 10,000 earpet weavers fn New York, rhiladelphia, Yonkers and Amsterdam have been expelled trom tlio Kuights of Labor. A terrible gas explosión oceurred in the town of New Cumberland, W. Va., the Other day, and 12 persons were seriously injured. A lamp explosión set lire to Mrs. O'Brien's house in Ctewego, . V., and two of her little ones burned to death. The Fargo Insurance company of Dakota, is bankrupt. Secretary Lowell of Cliicago, is chargud with liaviug stolen $100,000, The United States supremu court has adjourned until October next. No decistou was rendered in the teltphone cases. I A destructivo fir Tislted Falrmount, Ind., on the 89th ult. Tlie file tire was eaused by nn explosión is tlie gas di. The Loren M. Parker cooperage at V.'illianisburg, U. Y., was burned the other day, diiiiK '250,000 worth oí damage. A boardlng house at McDonaUl. P WS8 stnick by liglitniíig and Abel Arqutn and Ferdlnasd Pourbln were killed. The business porlion of tlie village of Sycamore, Wyandotte cuunty, Oblo, wis destroyed by fire. on the lst inst. A prohlbltlon has beeii placed upon the lmportation of cattle from Scotland on account of the iileuro-iiiieuiiionia. AU reports to the contrary, Mr. Blalne says: "1 am goiiig abroad, and cxpect to be absent about a year. " (íov. Jlill of New York has permitted tlie pool-selling bilí to become a law without liis signature. Major Ben. Terley Toore, the wel! kiiDwn journalist, died in Washington on the 2Jth uit. John W.Davisof Pawtucket was Inangnrated Governor of Khode Island ou the Sist lust. Cholera and the droughtare carrytng oii cattle and swine by the thousands in Mexico. 1. W. Reld of Virginia has been ap pointcd assistant register of the trcasiny. Fourmlllion feet of lamber at Keatlng Sunimit, Pa., were burned on th lst. inst A schenie is on foot to place John Jarrett at the head of tlie Enlghts of Labor. A distinct shock of earthiuake was feit at Jainestown, N. Y., on the lst inst. Amy Avant, eolored, died in Columbus, S. C, on the 27th uit,, aged 182 years. The Haddock mufder case is agaln on trial at Siuux City, lowa.


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