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During a debate ta the house of commotiH tbe othei mght, Col. Klng-Harman, parliamentary under-seeretary lor Ireland, said in reference to the rémarkable increase of emlgratlOD from Irclaml, that t should be attrlbuted partly tothe growing want of employment in Ireland, partly to the fear entertalned by the masses that the new crimes act wonld enable the authorit it-s to punish persons for past violulious of the Jaw, and partly to the fact that Qumbeis of liish people were forced to leave the country beeause of a dlslnclinali.iii lojoin secret societies. Quoen yictorla is in a very delicate state of health. and very gertons fears art; entertained as to whetlier sho will live tlirough the year. She lias becomeexceedingly enfegbled and resembles her ancle, King George, IV.. in her aversión to.any kind of exercise, and in lier intense dislike ti) appear in public. She has lost miich oí tiie nerve for which she formeiiy was remarkable, and is altogetheï dl&playing painful symptoms of breaking up. The latcst Russlan ukase, pTohiblting foreigners holding ptoperty in the western provinces, and gompelllng them to sell thelr landcd property to Russlans and clear out, has aroused an intense antiHussian feellng in Berlín, and popular indignation is likely to put a decislve check on the employment oí Germán nioney in Knssla. (hailcs Dilke lias created a sensation by asseiting tliat England's defeuses are defectlve and she would be utterly powerless to prevent invasión of London by Ffance or (ierniany. He advises éxtenslve refonns in the naval and military systems. The English governmeni has Instructor the pólice to assist the United States legatation in ascertalning the whereabouts of Mis. Sarah Sfontgomery, a wealthy lady who lias been travellng In Europe for two years and was last heard of at Berlin. The Marquis of l.ansdowne says he has no fear tbat the attacks made apon lnm will prejudlce his position in Canada, and expresses the hope that dlfferences whlch exist oo only a sinall portion of his lrish estates will not prove permanent. Lord Lansdowne will be invlted to partlclpate in the queen'8 jubilee celebration al Montreal on June 21, bnt an offlcer of the St. Patrlck's society says the goverrior general will be rottou-egged if he shows his face there. A ncw Krench cabinet has been formed. The politica! sltuatlon In thait country is strained and it Is fearecl that graat and important events, even revolution, must osoii follow. The chamber of deputles at Madrid is biquirlng into a claim for 83,000,000 made by an Anierioan citien for damages arising froni the Cuban insurrection. Five thousand Chinese left Hong Kong for America during Marcb and April, fearIng the new treaty would deprlve them of some of their privileges. The Yatiean expJatne that it can only make peace wilh the ltalian governmcnt on the basis of the restoration of the temporal power. It is oflicially announced that the Crown Prince of Germany will attend the coming jubilee ceremonies at London. The liussian government is proventing a large number of Germán Jews from doing business in Voland. The first train on the Canadian Pacific reached the Vancouver ocean terminus on the iGth uit. A destractlve cyclone swept over Calcutta on the 2sth inst. The loss of Ufe is very great. President Grevy donated 10,000 francs for tbc suiTerers by the Opera Comlque fire. Gladstoíie has gone to Hawarden to spend the Whitsuntide vaoation. Mount -itna is again "erupting. " The llow is very great.


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Ann Arbor Democrat