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The Liquor Question

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The bil to revise, consolídate and umend tlie litiuor Iav8 was talen up in the 'e:iuto the other afternoon. Mr. Holbrook of Ingham in tho chfiir. Mr. Hnbbellsent upa brief in writinir objecting to :t ns uuconstitutional, and quoting Judge Coo ey.and various other decisión of tlie eourts of Mainc, Massachnsett-i. Khode lsland, New York and Michigan, to show the uncoustitutionality of tho provisión in bection 1 of the liiil which niakos the tax a lien on tho stock and fixturesiu any saloon, bar-room, brewery or distillery at any time after the tax is due and unpnid for a period of ten d3". 'Jlie arguniont had its ofl'ect- the uñconstitutional linea were struck out- no one di scntiug. Mr. Hubbell moved to strike out 'fivo years" and inserf'one year"a üxing the penalty n druspi-.t ühall bo under for sellinp; liq'uor In violation of tho terms of the bilí- which is to dobar hira from soüing liquor for aperiod of five ycars alter convi, tion. IIp siiid that the pen ilty wat excessive, as was ulso the provisión tluit a "drug olerk" shou'.d besubject to the same penalties as his aAplovar. "ouid tho senate dejirive a man of ïollovfing bis pro fession foï such a letigth of timo for stioh nn ollense! He thougut all laws shonld be reasonable and have reasonable penaltiea - othei wise tliey could not be enforced. Mo-srs. Kdwnrds. Habcock, and othera t'uloweil in argument, and the motion of Mr. HulibeH pruvuiled. The hou-e committee of tho whole has agreod to the bill of Mr. Koeers of isarry, makin it tho duty of city and village iiiarshiils, constables, sheritt's and other ollicers bo íaku particular notk-e of violations of the linuor law aud to Diake plaintd accordingly - f ailing in wruch uy perron of maturo iiprO can uave the aforesaid ollicers brought to book. nrrested, t.riiil. and ii found j. uilt y puní hed ly a fine of not le-s than $f0 and iuiprisonmeat for not loss than ten days. The billof Mr. Lakoy oí Kalama oo, that persons charged upon information or indietment wlth a-s lt wlth inent to commit murder, rape or robbery, and . ciuitled of these crimes Int convictedof assault and battery roerely, h,-iil bepnnighed with imprisoiiincnt in tho state pri ou not exceediug ftve years or bv fino not excecdiiiK $■", or imprisonment in the connty jail not exceeding o;:e year, in the discretion of the court, has passeil the house committee oL the who!e. The bill to inake elcction days legal ho!ldays and subject to tho provisi ns of the law wliich doses banks, etc., on hoHdava and maket noto and bilis of exchange payable the prevlong day, is DOW on tho order of third reading. The houso had a warm di . ussion over Mr. Hosford's bill to carry into effoct section 12 of article 15 of lbo constitulion, relativo to the holding of real estnte by Corporation-. A motion w:s made to strike out all after the enatt'ng c'ause whioh was defeated Sonie of the gre it landed oorporatlons and land grant rallrop.d couipanies snch as tho Portage Lake tV Kake Miperior ship canal co.npany and otbers havo kt pt attorneys at work hevo all the session making g ound aainst tho bill. lts were uot discnssed today; the del. ate will como vvhen tne bi;l is ön its third readfng and tho house is full. There is a feeling that the public landa onght not to be held i tliis way, but should be oirered for sale at reatonnble piiceü and this fceüng will win niauy votes for the bill. Tho senate has passed a bill apprppriating Í57,ÜOO lor the state school lor girls. Tbe preruiling sentiment n the houso in favor of stringent raiiroad logislat on has resulted in pussing the Hogers bill. This afleets freight ratos as r..dically as the two cent 1 ill affeets pa-senger ratos, lt is iub-tantially an application of tho interstate commeroe law to the Michigan roid-;. Diserimination favoring lrcalllieg or shippers is prohibited and nindj punishable by fines apto Í16.OJ0, The towns or individuáis nggrieyed may hive.-n investigation bv the raiiroad commissioner, who etablishos tho rutes which must thereafter rule. A greater ra te cïnnot Ie charged for a short distance over the Fame line thau for a long dist nee. This provisión i nimed a!iaiii-t the diserimination which rural looalities cl i in is mdo in favor of large cities haudling through Jreight. I'ooling botween compoting linea is prohibited. 'i uo bill pnssed by 77 to 18, indicatinf; the prevailing sentiment against ral'roads. Th s bill and the twocent fare bill now go to the seuate. Tho bill to aboli-.h the upper house of the eomnion council of Detroit has passed both house?, and now awaits the governor's signature. lt wipes the board of councilmen out of exitleiice 90 days affer the adjournmeut of the legülature, und rreates in its a board of estímate which meet" orno a year and consistí of two niembera (rooi each word and five memLers at large. Th house has unexpeetedly defeated the appropriation of,0 W for the lake Linden tire sul'erers. lt requires a twothirds vote and feil seven short of the necessaiy n mber. EffortJ aro beiug made to reoonsidsr nnd pass the btll. Tha opposition was on the groimd that the time had expired for introduciug new bilis. . The señóte has passed the bill amendino; the general banking law and estubishing the bureau of banking. Senator Crosby's tax Ml was the special order in the 1 enate thcother afternoon. t is framed to revise the who'.G tnx methods so as to substituí e thecounty for theate system of eollecting delinquent taxes. lt was detoinniu-d to debato and settJe this general principie beforereading the bill or going into its details, -enator Cro by opened the discussiqn with a well considered argument in favor of tbe county system, fortifled with statistics showing the inequalities of the present system. ide was supported by Senators iharp, Hovvell, O'Bellly and Oorman, .-enaiors (J. W. Babcoek and Hubboll spoue against the principie of the bill. At tho end of the discusion a motion to strike out all after the enacting clause was adopted by voto of li to 10, and the stnato concuried in thisiu'üon. The Clrenell bill to purify elections by secret balloting has Ijeen favorably reported to the house with uiuendnients making the proposed system applv to tl:o rntire state intead of to cities 01 over 10,(XXJ inhabitants, as origiually framed. The house bas passed a bill conso'.idating the two Sngin'iws, tho nnlon to go into ell'ect April 1, ÏS'JÜ. The senate has also passed ths Herrington bill, desi-ned to stop the who'esalo granting of divorce-i. lt luis paw-ed the house and now goes to the eovemor. The bill providea for the restriction of nonresiaents from coming to Michigan for divorces, and also requires prosecuting attorneys to defend all uncontested divorce sujts. The bill of Mr. Post of Midan '. to punían by death those convicted of tho crime of murdor In the flrst degreo, the pen.lty to be iiilüoto.l by electriHtv. h:is been deieated in the senáte. After the enacting cl iusb was struck out yeas, 17; nays. ('. Those who voted against striking out wore Senators J. W. Babcopk, W. T. Babcpok, Crosby, Moon, Post, Koof, Sharp, fctark and Weetgate. The sonate passed the bill of Slr. Hollbrook making buckot shop or similar speculative operationa in train or produce unlawful, '1 hr linu is 60u or more for tha iirst olfence. six montba in the connty iail for the sevond, with ciual reponsiijiüty of the owner of the building nfter the un lawfiil eonduct of Iiis tenants is proved in co art. The bil annexing territory to Marine City, wliich was vetoed by tho governor, cune np in the houe tho olher day, the quention leing: shiill the bill jiass over the governor's veto; Tho vote was taken and the veto sustained. Gov. Luce has sent to the sánate a spoe ial mossage coinniinding t::e a tion ui the lègislature in striking out the appropriution of (18,000 desiroil for a hospital at tho soldiers' home. He. however, recommends that au appropriation of 13,500 be maile for iittiiig up liosit '1 room-i in the iourth story of the home, aud $."iü() for power to run the eleva tor, Huis a'lording Bre prptection. There is also a floating ilebt of $7,8X) for which no provisión lias been made in thi appropriation, ond wbicli the governor cpmn:ends for consideration.


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Ann Arbor Democrat