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Ten Million Acres More

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There aro over 10 fWi.fl X) nev i ef the fln est grazing ;i ik! farming iands in Dakota lying wttt nnfl uonh of Devfl'i hike, wbloo h-ive been withhel 1 from iba opera tions of the homustaad and piv-emptiou Iawa becanse of the (uestionable claim of a sniall bami of Turtle .Vouutam Cbippe ! was t i the 1 lul. in Janu iry, IS88, Kurvevor (Jene.-al Taylor, of Dakota, coiitracted tor the surveys of 1.5 0.0U0 of tlies; Iands in with exMing regulationi, luit. in lew than I a inonth with charaeteristic ignorance i and perversity. CommUsloner BparksU-l sned on orier indeliuitily postponlne; the i íUrTeys, and even went o faras t :de"'ine to plai e on lile plats of severa! townhips i surveyo 1 under contracts approvod prior (o tha at ton suspendiug surveys, after thoir exaniiniition in tlio tiold, and tlieir correctneis wa ailirme 1. Mr. H. U. llrren hs rontractor fov thene surveys, appesled to the Recretarv of tlie interior, who has recently overruled the land commissinner's action nndordered that the suspended contr.icts be aiiprovtd. nnd Oats of surveys already made I e ti'e 1 in the proper local lanil oBlces l'or dUposal under the land laws. 'J'lm survevor general has in structed tlie contiactors to procead with the Burveo as rapidly a postlb'e. This action oauesgreat rejoicing among the setters in tlie i evi's Lake [and ilisiriot. hundreda of whom settird opon nnsi rvoved Innda after the rover-al, in 1S85, by Becretary Teller of the order of So. reretary Bohnrz made two yoars prsvious, withboldinK tlio lauds from occupancy. Becretary ïeller. In lm opini n now affirmed by So rotary Lamar, says: "I am of the opitiion tliat the claim is not well fonndeil, yet if it sh uld appear on a carcfnl oxamimtion of the facts that suc.h a claim does ex st it will bi the duty of tho eovernment to make proper rom 1 -en-ation to the Indians. 1 do not think nearlv 10,00 00.i ares of valuable on wh'ch u ureat mimi or of settlers a e nowloc, ited should be wlthheld from the operntioiis of the homeste id and t'.iepreeaiption !aws bocause a qaestlon lias tieen raised whetber the small band of Indinns, not exceeding thre bundred, liave a claim on thi Luid or not. It is not ( ontented by anv onethat the eovern nn-iit has recogniiü tliis claim of tli Indians by tratv with them.and tlie Indiana make no usr of the land except to roam over it, not rultivating, I think, any of it." The vast tract of land now open to settlement po sesees natural ndv;intafces nnsurp .s od by any other pnrt of Dakota lts land ; are oxceedingly fertile, a'!'or ling the choicest pasturage i.n 1 p olucing wheat of tho finest qual ty, and rivuHng that of the famous Saskat'hewan country, There is an alundancc oi' wood ulon? the itieuns, providim; cheap liimi. r as well fuel for the eariy tettler. The extensivo coal depo its of the Tl r!U mountains and in the Mouso river valley insure i-heip fuel for the futuie, and invite raanuiactorlng Industries. The removal of all bariirs to the I ment nd develo) mentof the country will basten the ompletion an-1 extensión of tha liando, Bottitva", and proiocted brsneht's of the Manltoba railroal comppny. With is free Iands. w atii and diversitv' of nitu:'a! re-onr o. snd ' resent and prospecti ve for renchin;? the primary mai kets, we know of no re. -ion oíl'erings many indiicements to intending emigivmts. i)uring the nexttwo or throe vears we shall witnt'sa tide of iran .i;rntion into the extreme northe n part of ilak ta and a trinsfurmatiin of v rgin praii-ies into fine farms, and homes oí pros; erons and happy p op o, gcarcely e ualcl in thi history of Üakota. and which impos pib'e in the settlemcnt of other states and territorios.


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Ann Arbor Democrat