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Puck: Grent shakes - Carpet beate rs. Puck : A good thing to try on a dog- Carbo'.ic fioap. BurünEton Kroe Press: Locked horiis- closed saloons. Boston Post : 11. Gob'.et provea to have leen a tumbler. New Haven News: No, m-idnin, amanuen is is nol. alwuys a male. Penitenti ry Bulletin: Tt is easior to [ive for men tuan witb men. The Ceneral Posseneer Agent of the St Paul, Minneapoü-i & Manitobar.ii way, at St. Pau!, has recently issu-;il a very ne-u circular gi vine an accurate anJ co;nplt ■ de%cription of thu vacant Government lands now to bo found in enen townshlp on the line of rai wny reoently constructe.l by that compnny throngh the Mous river district. Itcontains iifoim:itiou of great value for thus i intending to -ettle in that country. Arkan-awTraveler: The man who is too busv to be a gentleman during bis activo businoï if generallv Bndn it impossib e to be one when be retires from trade. ('en'l Samuel!. Given, Ex-Cli:ef of PoHce Phüadelphi i. l'a , wriie;: e:irs ago I was permanently cured by St. Jacobs Oil. 1 have had no occasion to use it sinee. Mv fMinily keep it on hand. lts hea ing qualities are wonderful." Sold by Druggists and L'ealerj everywhere. Wi'mington Star : An optimist is awora nn with a n;'w spring suit. A pessimist is a woman without a new spring suit. Lowell Courier: The name of Chicago íhouid he chanxed to Dublin. Thore wer 2 tí pairs of twius born in that city in 1886. Fretels Weekly: Limburger cheese und his friond gariie dond find their allinity in der smeU of der rose bnd. Dotjyoostder sarae like vicketness und virtue. The proprietor of the "P!ain Dealer,"' Fort Madison, Iowa, Mr. J. A. Duffus, writes: uTvo jTcarg ugo I was cured o rheumatism in rny knee-: by Kt. Jacobs 011; have had no return; two rppiication did tho work.' Glasgow Herald: Once in peopVs mouths, 'fis hard to f et out of t!iem. Boston Beacon: Motto of tho massage doctor- 1 knead thee every hour. l.ife: Mrs. Malaprop says Harper's Magazine is "neat but notGodey." A Eemarkable Care Which is Awakening Oreat Interest in and Al out JacVson, Jaikson, May 28, 1886. Kheumatic Sj rup Co. : Uentleinen- lor t -n ycars I have been a great sdiTerer dyspepsia and neur .1 gia. Atout. tweve yo irs ago my kidneys and liver ueoame dissaaed, my whole system deranged, my stoinarh be ame woak, and 1 was attacked with the worst form oí dyspejisia, whith lasted until iiito recentiy- Ab 'Ut tho same time dygpgpgia took so firm a ho!d on me neuralgia set in. ometiu.e. ttacing me in the liead about the temples, then 10 the back of my n c ! nd shoulder.--, then in my stmach 'Ihe sulïtring and extrem pain which 1 have ondureil the past twelve y. ara ia m re iliftn 1 ciin describe. I have taken nearly every medicine 1 could le rn ho r of ; have employed the most killfr.l physi cians. Dr. Slenou, one of' the be t and able8t doctors in ovlt city, ofïice 125 Main strret do;'tored me for a time, and can testify as to tlie severity of my disease. 1 neversucceeded in Ketting any permanent re'.ief until 1 had ussd Hibbard's Kheumatic Svrup. I have gained ten pounds of f!e.ih In si'ven vee';s. 'l'he saliowness which so disfigured my complexión and cansad me yoais of sorrow bas been entire 1 ly removed, and my general health is bet ter than it has been in tuirteen j'enrs The severity of tho neuralgia pains had caucd' a contraction of the muscles or ñervos on the riglit side of my face to such anextent as tq partiully ciose my right eye, wliich yonr Syrup bas ontiely cured. Mv face and oye are re3tored to their n rturul stnt. I most, cheerfaUy recommend it to any alüeted in lüte manner, or :or general débillty. Very respectfu'ly, Mi:s. A. D. NoiiLB, Cor. Meohanic and Mason streets. Texas Hifting. : The painter who fel f 10 ni a ladder went down with colora liying. What Would tbe World Dj without womenl a ks the essayist who ' starts out to say something new on thi o!t tr ated s'ib'e "t. Of course, the human ! element oí the wor.d would not oxi :.t i %ut woman. so the question ia grututitous. t Would havo leen far more sensible to 1 ask: What would the wor.d do without the salvationof woman, witbontapanaeaa for her phybic il i 1 1 s and cure íor her j liar alteases. In a word. wh-tt woul.l the ivor d o withiiut Dr. I ierce's "Favorita : Pre criptiön" thogrp itreuedv forfemale weakfae ses'l 1 is lndlspeo al!o for the i ís of womankind. Vhitehall Times : 1 iagön .1 cloth eoat-lepve; are quite tony al.ouc a lady'g waitt. ' ' Nightmare, sloK-heada -he. depression oV spirits and want of ambition are symj)toins of a dis eased liver. The lnngs, htomuch, and bowels are áll in sympathy. Afo i only a living death. r. Pier e's '(olden Medü-.l ; fscoyery" acs upon the torpid i Ijver, and cvk tu :iy removes all tlu o dillkultj 's : lid disarderg. Nervoiis fee!Ing8, Klonmy torel.odings and (rpitabllity of temper ail disappear. Peoría Cali: Positlye, walt; toupana tivo. w liter: su erlatlv, d) it ymir elf if you wanl it d ne. Young or niidd e nged men sufferin? from nervo s d.'b lty an I kiiulrvtl weaknesses shoold sul IU euti in stamps tor large il ust:-at:ed tre.'itise sugg..-stiug sure meam of oure. World s Dispunsary .Mui. cal Aoooci ilion, Búllalo, N. Sf. Tid Bits; Sunday in New York is be' coming known as Thirst day. American Commercial Traveler: A poli 'eman ahvays looks blue. Kansas Cit7 Times: Moro have suffcred by ta king th i n by silem. Whitehall Times: The n ost fashionable ihingin WaH street- stock i For descrlptlve pampblet mil a-e map oí I Nfs'i;'sk:i aiul (. oonulo, free, seutl Mine and i address tij 1'. . 1 ustis. Omai.a, Nebraska. Pomeroy'a Democrat: Quit wishins and KO to work. and you will soou Lave les- to wish for aud more to enjoy. Heart Palpitatioas, Nervousmss, Tremblings, cold hands and feet cured by Carer s Iron Pilis. Pittslurg Dispatch: The min who is roliiouson Sundaysonly ii a'.wayg honest i;1 welt watchedi Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is agreeable to use. It is not aliquid or snuff. 50c Vermont has ten living ex-governora, of whom four are each over 80 years oíd. Plrk Cod Livf.r On. made from selected liv i--, on sea -l.ore. by Ha-ard, Hazard & o. N. Y. Abolutely pure and sweet. Patients preer it to all otbers. Physicians have de.cided it superior to any other oils iu market. CnrPEr Haxhs, Face, Pimples and roiigh skin cure 1 bv using Juniper Tar tioap made by Hazard, Hazard & Co., New York. St. Paul Hera'd: Woman is mortally nfr.iid of a mouse, they say, but a mousetache '.lou't scare her a bit. Pa e' 3 Árnica 0:1. The best salve in the world for Burns, Wounds ond sores of all kinds. Boils, Felons, C hilVjlains. Krozen leot, Piles, Barber' Jtch. Sore ICyes, Chapped Hands, Sora Tbroat. Srald Head, Pimples on the Face, ar.d alt skin diseases. For l.iver Compleint, Sick Headache, Constipation. use l'ate's Mandrake Pilis. Above remedies so'd bv druggists or sent by mail for 26 cents by C. W. Snow & Co., tsyracuse, N. Y. Pomeroy's Democr;it: Doubt other more and yourself less, and you will have more back-bone to sell. To Begulate tto Stomach, Liver and Bowols tako Carter's Littlo Liver Pilis; one pill a dose. Yoükcr's 'tatesman: The blue laws preveDt the use of re.d paint on Kew York for decoralh e purpoi s. Coroiis and Those who are suffering from L'oughs, Colds, Poie Tbroat, etc., should try Brown'sBrcnchial Troches. Öold only m boxes. Price 25 tts. Arkansaw Traveler: Truth loses half of lts virtue when it is told with an eflort. You hirdly realizo that it is medicine wben tuking Carter's Little Liver Pilis they a e very small; no bad effects; all troubles from torpid liver are relieved by theiruse. New Orleans Picayune: If any of Shakespeare belongs to Bacon it is the 'Hamlet' portion. " ƒ ARBOLISALVE cures itchlngs and lrrl tations of the Skin and Scalp, Polsons, Pf leu and Uloen. Cura Burittand Scaldswithout a Scar. 25 and 50 ets. at Druggistn. MORE WOKDS 0FPBAIE. liheumat'usm a Jilood Disease enürely Cured. Rochesteb, April 1, 18S6. To the Parare Medicine Co., Gents: - Allow me to say a few words in prai-e of Dr. Pardee's Kheumatic Kemedy ; and if what I havo to say will induce others who are afnicted with neuralgia or rheumatism to use it, I shall feel that 1 have been the means of doing som little good to my fellow men. l)ecember 27, lböo, while at work in tuo shop, 1 was taken suddenly with sharp. piercing, pains, and was compelled to luave the shop. The next morning I was unable to rise, and I grew worse daily although I was under the best medical treatment. Kut I obtained no relief until I began using Dr. Pardee's Remedy, wbichl did Maren 17th, and after using it tliree daya. I could walk about the hou.-e. I continued to us it and improved rapidljr everj' day. I am now at work and entirely free froio pain, and have gained fivo pounds in weight, luit Iihall continne the remedy until I fee sure tho poison is out of my blood, 1 am certain that rheiunatism is a blood disease. You are at liberty to use niy name or refer any one to me, for I sliall only be too glad to reeoromend it to auy one whois suiïering as I was. I know it will cure any case of rheumatism, if used asdirected. I am, very truly youri, GEOROE DOANE. Foreman at Goodger & Nayloy's shoe faetory, 05 South St. Paul stroet; rsidence, 6 Grillith St. Forty Years a SufTererMr. E. W. Howell, of No.2 College street, writea that ht ha? suffered wilh rheumatism in hls hips, knees and arnis, for forty years, and that he has not known what it was to 1)5 free from pain until he began the use of Dr. Pardee's Remedy. He has used ten bottles and has not feit any rueumatic pains or symotomssinca. Ask your druggist for Dr. Pardea's Remedy, and take no other. l'rice $i per bottle; six bottles. $5. Uedtclne Co., Rochester, N. Y. _ $V& tt . jjfÉ- k LYDIA E' PINKHAM'S Z VEGETABLE n j V O compounU jQmS 0FFEE8 THE JPF SUREST REMEDY ' FOB. THE PA1NFUL ILLS AND DISORDERS SUFFERED BY WOMEN EVERYWHERE. It relieves pain. promotos a regular and hcalthy rccurrcnce of periods and is a great help to youii;' girls and to women paet maturity. It strengthene the back and the pelvic organs, bringing relief and comfort to tired woiucn wbo itaudallda li. liomo, shop and factory. leucorrhoca, Inflammation, Clceration and Bis. pïacements of the Vtcni9 have bcci corcd by f.s women eTerywbere gmtef ully testify, {Cególa physicians often prescribe it, SoldliyallPruggists, TriceLOO. JIrs. Pinkham's "Guidc to TTpalth" maileö to au lady seudiag stamp to the Litborutory. Lyuu, ÏIa. CThe oMefef medictne tn the wortfl ti proTiíflfy w Dr. Isaac Thomnson's U KMiitKiii: i;if; wamII This artlrle ft carefulïy propareü Physfctim's pre ecriptton, aimI bas been tncoqttantUB nearly centiiry, anti Botwlihtnndlnji thd Tnanv othor nrepftrattom that havo tirrn tn;roiliirftt lnto the market. the sale of tlilH art ;- Ie Is constan f 1? Incroasin, If the dlrections f, liowtnl tt wlU iicvcr fa)it We partlcuiarly lavitf ilic hm mi Ion of iliyi"íí"[niiR to itsmtrltB. JOHN L, THOMPSÓN, BON8A CÜ.. ïliÜY, N. Y. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-I878. THE. MOST PERFECT OF PENS (f P toptadaij. Sample worthtl.fiOFnEK. Line Tk"l fcet. Write Jlreictur't f tíqfeii Hein Holder Co., Holly, Mlch. Gï OT (ir Ie wlll tart oj In n wcll-par iD%JJJ ing manufa -tiiri n _; baMneM, pro tTted by patent. Ar Iele rn.iiurMd cvcrvwliero. Ad In-a 'rilluimni. lll lirz, ï.tj und P Kt-., LNO.'l.N, NEB. niin'PIIIïP iryon want relief ■ ■VI B fcf BB &■ l)r..V.,.T„mnJ ireular or lnatructloiu. 291 liroulwuy, Ken Yutkt _ _ relic"r AStllfflfli KIDDER S PA8TILLE3.1;rwÍM',bII?íiu DREPARED PRESCRIPTIOHS ! „T,; I Xfiton. Doi.i.liv, JL-. Trial l'ncknse nd (M imgc boot vt iiMnictiuns, tree on ivceipt ut 83 cents pustage. A' ■wt. ai TUE PJERV CIIF.MIOAI. ■., v Mllwimkire, WUcuualn. I 4T"f"líTTÍ 1: feftf experteoce 1 4yan' r" i I f" N I 'XaiiilnTtntJ.S.PatentOflIH I n I bil I (J Sent! model or sketch forl ren opinión wiicther patent can ! ■ secared. New iolc on patent-s frt'c. Rpf''r'nfTR:OimiïilRsloncr of Pat ents or anv otber official "f the L'. s. Patent Oflice. E. B. STOCKIXU, Attraney 811FS!;, Washington, D. C. H( CURtS WHEUE U [LSSlLSTTr BI BcstCuURliSyrup. Tiusips good. ÜBe B in time. Sold by 'lriictiisus. _Hl_ " WMIl I LU nu. On u muist Iit I wilt fi 1 - iltn-.k. orrf in h;m t'i UlMM f mj piperty wblak MlilUüoi IQ,O iD(frnmiiibun.t8 -ud tifthc uanai.iln imlMiilii No tn'.!k-and-tut BUMMaMwtr.rtc. -y-sJ I": nlnr Tur llualritfl rr p-iMitif üw ftbertvlraliKOMDI (COMrirul wd fioOiimriAr" u otiu Publisher CLIMAX, Chicago. CHICHESTER'S ENGL1SH PENNYROYAL PILLS The Original and Only Genuine. Rafu and aiwiijM Rellabte. Beware of ortliW-i imiUItous. Lmiit-s n-k yoUT IruKKIt ior "C'tillunter EifluB aiid tak; no othet', or LdcIom ie. Uuuium tö uh for nartirulirH in letter lv n-lurn mail. S'aui PAPtft. CHirHKSTER CHKMICAÏ t;o . . . , 2BtS MJÍ l.■"r(■, IMilladu. . SI1 by lnnfïil e er] wlu-rr. Ask for CliU-hcster Knitllth" PeaByroyw 1111. Tukp 110 othcr. ASK YOÜR DEALER FOK THE "JEWEL RËFRIGERATQR." MAxrKAcii'ü.vn k 'Cí.usitei.y nv tuk BiTOWick-Balke-ColieMerCo.Cliicap Bc ' Faitilly ilrfrlfcerator In tlteMttrkct. CatHioffuc ami Prloe List furnUhed ou applIcittloB. OneAüeriKMerehautOnlyJwan ea Inovary town for A [!..[óii ftrammer saya that thtslotjof your "T:inslli'tt Punch" i only n lutif and tUat ICaD tít'l no ntorfl ofthebanie quality for the prio for n( iqu..tiiiK hlm) d - d house thls ftlde oí Masón íl IM.xoh'h line can put sueh btock iiuo a 5u cigar and live. "Lonjf Uvcth TanMI's l'unrh!' " i,y.K il. Hatxvs. Wtnn. Malne. Address . W. TAiTII.I b CO.. Chicago. l„itmmto. Cara " Pnratt rgy couis, ■ i44v Coughs, ■jVvjjk SoroThroat, BPM4I 3g Hoarseness, ll. . Stiff Neck, ■ NB ' ' IV ifJ'Wi'ifcs. Bronchitis, ■P iwiFYiniyJCi Catarrh, B i J iï ) i flaS' Heaclache, H-1TrtfrTi Toothacho, BÍ44UA tt Rheumatisrr ■ ■■BSB Neuralgia, Asthma, Bruises, 11 Sprains, qulcker than any known remedy. It wils the iNt and Is the ímly l'nlii remedy thatlnstantlygtopatlid most sxoractating pnins. allavs Inflammation and cures CpngesttODa, w het her of theLungs, stomucu, Bowels.orutherjílrtnclAnr orean;'. No nmttt'r bow violent t.r exoruciatlnir the pain tho Rhenniatic. Bedridden. Inltriii. ('ripph'd, NerV0U8. Nenrulgic, or prostruted with diyeaaes may sufler. RADWAYS READY RELIEF wlll uffortl Instant eaae. BOWEL COMPLAINTS Thirty to sixty drops in half n timiMer of water wil! In a few minuies cure Crainps, SpuMiis, Sour Stomacli. X.uiseu, Vniultini:, Jfalpitatinn of the ïieart, Paintnosa, Heaittrarn. Blok Headacbet Diarrht'ïi. Dysontery, Colic, Wind in tho Bowols, and uil interna! pa lus. There Is not a remedial agent In the worldthat wtll euro rever and Aune, and all uther Malarious, BilioiiA and uthor teven, alded by Etadway'a I'üls, ■oaolokaa Radiray's Boády iielief. Klfty cents per Iïottle. SoUl by clrujítíístS' DR. RADWAY & CO., N. Y. Proprietora of Radway's Sarsaparilhan Resolvent and Dr. Radway's Pilis. B MP uno J' Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throat, RHEUMAT ISM.T Lame Back, Stiff Joints. Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. The ïURny testimnniala rooelved by (is more thaq prove all we claim for tbla valnahly remedj. It not only relieves tbO niost severo rain?, bul It Cures You. That's the Idea ! Sold by DniKKlits. O ctn. S(isi; Boon ninllcrt fre& Address WIZARD PIL COIWPAWY CH I C AG 0. THE tíKAND KAPIDS HERD Holstein-Friesians. About 100 IIKAn of hoth ücxes and aU agros. Several Head of BULLS READY for SEKVICE Up to two years old, Choice Cows aid Hejlers bred o my prííe lervícc bulls Prina Midlum and Jonge Carrc, Who have no superior. A sprcíalty of younc pairs '.■i „kin for foundation stock. Every ITead Kegfrtered and Guaranteed Pure-Bred. Writc for Catalogue and prices, and st;ic agc and sex desired, nr come and sec the herd. M. L. SWKKT, láreciler and Importar, :HNTioNTHisrAí'EK.] Graud Bapld, Mich W.N. U. D.--5--23 nninu Mo.-i.hiii iibi r.urfd i i Si il HlOcluji. Xo lili Curad. U 1 I U lll .- J Srirui. L. non. ,!-


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat