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Flve boys whose ages ranged trom 9 to L6, wen1 drowued iu the Maquoketa rlver, even ihíIl". (;:; of Maquoketa, Iowa, the tther day. Three of them wliile swiraming plunged off a miihí bar Into water beyond fchelr depth. When another boy jan thej were drownlng plunged in to rescue them. Another boy who had lus ióthes on, notklng the fallure of the Drsi boy, als plunged In, and all were drowned together. Another boy, however, belng undressed bj this time, plunged in after tbem, luit fnlled to reseue them. None of che bodiea bave been recovereil. The tish and store boat of Ilenry Muer. live i i i i ; above the mouth of Wabash rlver, and lylng by the Skinmore farm near Shawneetown, UI., was caught in a .vhirlwliid, torn loose trom the shore, upM-t. and wrecked in ten feet of water, lrowntng James Smttb, aged in years of :ilsn a daughter of Jolin Muer, agi'd 6 ,ears, amia ciiild of Jiilni Muer, aged i year. Tbree men who were in the boal ind thrown into the rlver were reseued. Near Boston, Crawford county, Ind.', Walter and Charles Davla, brothers; visited the home of John Flannlgan, took his ii-year o'd daughter to the woods, tled her ti a tic;', and (ter OUtraglng her person nat lier almost to death with a stick of wood. The Davises were captured and lianged to trees, after which thelr bodlee nrere rlddled wlth búllete. Prof. E. S. Clark, superintendent of ihe public schools of Henderaon, Ky., w:is simt and killed the other afternoon l)j Prof. Thos. l'osey, principal of the liigh School. The two men havlng had a long standing enmlty, got into a qnarrel i. the 1 1 í xli School room whon Pose] ilrcw a revolver au d flred at Clark. Fosey nirrended himself. A severe earthquake rocked portions of uorthern California and western Nevada early ihc other mornlng. Fissures formed In the earth and in some Instances piaster feil from walla. The disturbance was lieavj ai Sacramento and Canon City, and reporta are current thal the hot springs weré drted üp. A great labor demonstretlon was held in N'ew Vork the other day in honor of Editor William O'Brien. O'Brlen, however, rteclined lo appear, alleglng tliat it was a George-McGIynn affalr, and because he belleved that by partlelpatlng he would do greal Injury to the Irlsh canse. The wlfe of Wiley Moore, living on the plantation of CoL S. KI more, near Grcenwood, S. C, looki'd her chlldren, aged respectlvely 1 and :l years, in lier house .uut went to spend the day wlth a neighbor. During lier absence the two chlldren perishéd in the llames. Six years agO burglars held lighted canilles to Allau Falrbaaks' feet at Whcaton. 111., and made him give up $10,000 In bonds. Wm. Murray, Chicago saloon keeper, has been arrested for complicity while trying to sell one of the bonds. Spiie of alj preeauiions, the yellovv fever is galning al Key West. Florida, has no state board (.f healtli, but the local physlcians and the staif of the Marine hospital are dolng all in theli power t prevent the spread of the pestilence. A statement prepared at the trcasnry depart inent shows that there was a oei decrease of $4,781,800 in the circul&tion iluring the month of May. and a net increase of $10,980,789 In the cash in the Ireasury during the same perlod. A dreadful explosión occurred In a stone 'itiarry at Uirniingham, Pa., the Other morning, while a nomber of men were drllliug a hole into a rock. Eight mem were killed instantly, and severa] others ierlously if not fatally Injured. CJIlieial report has been made to the executive board of theknlghts of lab:r declaring tlie strike in the Fcnnsylvania coke región Ilegal, recommending tliat the kniihts return to work. and sustainlng the award of the umpire. The treasury department has been informed throngh the state department that Uussia lias ralsed Import duty on iron :iiid steel, and on articles maniifaetured in whole or In part from those metáis, from 36 to 3(1 per cent. Plnkertou's three men, Patrlck Sheehy, Aiorliiner Moriarity and Samuel A. Neff, liave been acquitted of shooiina and killing the li-ycars-old b iy. Thos. Elogañ on January 20, during the coal strike at Jersey City, N. J. The Rev. Greenvllle Moody, the famous oliio chaplain known as "The Fightlng Parson," died in Moant Vernon. Iowa, on the 5tb inst.. from injurio ree ived in a runaway accident. He was re, years old. Gen. Sheridan was so imieh pleased wlth the national drill that he says he will recommend to congress an appropriatlon for an annual drill in Washington, all exl(ciises to be paid by the government. An explosión in a cement quarry near Rondouti N. V.. on the line of the Wallkill railroad, resulted in the deatli of three men. Several others were injured. The men were engaged in blasting. The Sunday school convention at Chir cago resolved that the evils of inteniperance should be laughl. and that io,noo per year sliould be ralaed to bc expended by the executive coiiiniittec. The shlp Hamburg colllded with the steamer Tern, as the latter was crosslng the Knglish channel. lier captain and four others were drowned. The accident happened In a dense fog. Charles Lamb. county }udge of Maverick county, Ti'xas. shot and killed his brother, Joieph Lamb, a weallhy ranchman. The brothers had qqarreled Qver the división of property. Two car loada of Texas ponies were shipped to liangor, Me., by mistake, and were 18 dayson the oars without food. Several weie dead When the cars were opeued. John l.yons, aged 75, died at Erle, I'a., while drunk, and the coroner f d his wiie lylng by him in adnmkeu stupor and als child dying of poison. when he carne. The purchaslug commltee of the Wabash will protest in couit sgainst the payment of the big fees recently allowed reoeivere. The feo were $112,500. The grand jury of (he quarter gession of Philadelpbla, in lts last report, rocoms Diended the establishment of the whipping si for wife beaters. hief Justlce Mercer of the supreme cour) of l'eimsylvaiiia, and llon. William Murray, Judge of the New Vork supreme court, died on the ïth lust. A Butler club lias beon formed in Boston. Hen butler was present, and said that he was with them aocially, but that lic was out of politics, Damage sults aggregatinjí S400.000 have been brought against the Boston a rrovidence railroad on account of the Bussey bridge disaster. One man was Instantly killed and severa! others seriously injured by the l.uisting of a locomotiva boiler in Chester, I'a.. the other day. The collector at San Franolsoo has been Instracted by Assisiant Secretary Mayiianl, to prevent the landing of foreign convicts. J. J. llartlgan of Tracy, Miun., starled a bank with a stranger named Powell, who put in no monoy, but swindlcd him out of M 1,000. The calaboose at Mackinaw, 111., burned the other nigiit and Edward Lahart, the only prisoner, perishéd in the llames. Brittsh settleinents in África have been invaded by hostile chiefs, who tortured and killed the natlves and took 300 prisners. In West Chester county, N. Y., 200 cattl were killed to stamp out pleuro-pneumonia. The state paid the owners. The coinage nt the mint during May aniounted to $4,802,575, of whlch S'2,900,000 were standard silver dollars. Investlgatlon of affairs of th lusane asylum at Fanktun, D. T., disclose r shortage of over $2ü,ooo. The veln of gold discovered a few days ago at Mattawa turns out to be even ricber than first reported. A hospital named for Oliver Wendell Holmes is dedlcated at Iludson, Wis., 011 tllO "til HSt. It is estimated at the penston oflioe that the nnmber of MezXcan pensiona will nol exceed ÜO.OOO. Au earthqoake gave iiortheru California and western Nevada a terrible shock the other day. President Cleveland denlos that be is going to iuako a trip to the Pacific this sumtqer. Judge Hilton makes a denial of umlue influence in the Mrs. Stewart will at X. Y. I'our pvnons were killed in a railrottd colusión near ('alera, Ala., on the Sd inst. A cyelone passed over western Georgia on tlie : : 1 1 inst. doing considerable damage. Mr. Blalne, liis wlfe and two daughters sailed for Europe on ïth inst. The tire loases for May in the United States amount to 8iü,63G,50ü. Yellow fever is on tlie increase at Key West, Florida. Editor U'Urien sailed for home on tlie Ttli list.


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