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Mrs. Franela Trudean, OOyeais ol age, was attemptlng to cross the track at s:. 'fherese, near Montreal, when s!n; was Btruck iy i traía coming at f uil speed and , hurled near twenty feet In the air, ïaüin back upon Btones and gravel and beinjj partiftlly cul In to by the cars. The j fortúnate women dled short ly aftenvards. The Berlín pólice authoritlea have prohibüed the clrculatton of a New STork publlcatlon cal led the International Bibliothek because of au offensive SoMalistie , art ,ic entltLed "The Heil of Blackwell'a lsland, " whlch appean thereln. The final estímate of viethns ot tlif victima df the bnrning of the Opera Com me at l'aris places the mimi r t L80, I cludlng the remalns of 40 persona round In the rnins so badly burned as to be uurecognizable. A cage in one uf the coal pits at Mother well, Lanarshire, Scotland, feil S00 feel the othor day. Slx persons were In th iage. Three were killed and the Othen badly injnred. A prominent Mexlcao paper claims theil 5 some foundation for the reporta of a i onsplrecy to ovcrthrow the republlc and place Don Carlos on the Mexlean throne. madstone says that as the Unlorilst-Llberala asslsted in passing Ue ■. d reading of the permanent coerción bilí, the irisii questlon is settled for the presentí Advices received from Wlnnlpeg tit that If the Dominion governinent Inferferes with Manitoba's railroad project, there Wlll be war. There are grave fears that an attempl ■ will be made to kill Quecn Victoria on jubilee day. The queen herself Is constdi-rably alarmed, Stated that the pope has ordered the priests throughout Ireland to advise their üocks to obey the civil laws of the kingdom. After a protracted debate the senate al j Ottawa has decided that aUivoneobtaineJ I iu the United States Is of no effect In (.'anuda. A Vlenna paper says a Bcheme is os foot to make the pope king of Palestiiie, under the protection of the Cathollc poweis. H'gh mass and the "Te Detim"' wlll 1)6 sung In all Cathollc churches of England in honor of the Queen 's jubilee. The Dominion parliament has voted an approprlaúon of Si,00O,0üO for the ne Sault bte. Marie canal. The Kusslan government Is preventlng .i large number of Germán Jews from don; Imsini'ss in Poland. The Freneh gorernnxent denles that New ('aledonia convicta are being shipped to the Dnited States. St. Petoreburg press says England is mistaken in not conciliatlng Russifl on the Afglian question. Several million dollars worth of shlpping property were burned in Hamburg on the lst inst. Sir John Macdonald favors reclprocal trade relations bet ween the United States and Canada. Ten persons were killed and a numbei lnjured by a land slide in Switzerland on the lst inst. The flrst train on the Canadlan Pacific reached the Vancouver oeean terminus on the 26th uit. "Hostlllty to Gladstone, '' has hecome the rallylng cry of the Llberal-Unionlats. None n( the Parnellites will attend the jubilee services in Westmlnster Abbey. Sir Alexander Campbell has been BWOrn in as Lieutenant-Governot of Ontario. Clause threeof the coerción blll has been adopted by the house of commons. A terrible plague of locusts has Islted the central provinces of Spain. Gladstone has gone to Hawarden tö spend the Whitsuntide vacatlon. Queen Kapiolani and suite anived In Liverpool on the "2(1 inst. Mimiit Etna Is ngain 'ternptlng." The ftow is very great. The half breeds In the northwest are n great dlstress.


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Ann Arbor Democrat