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City Locáis. Stddents t Stüdents ! ! Stüdknts! ! ! ahd all others, The bighest price paid tor all second hand Clothing und Furniture, by the old, kind, second hand dealBr, Wm. Exinger, opposite the Michigan Central Depot, second door fron the Lxohange Hotel, corner of Fuller and North Slate strects. Special Sale. Fine Turkish Qoods, at Iiandall's Art Store, on Saturday and Monday next, June llth and lüth. I shall offer these goods much below the usual prices. Genuine Turkish Rugs, Draperiea, Scarfs, Tidies, Table and Stand Covers, Fezes, &c. They aro new goods, juat reueived. Flease oall and see them and oblige. Yours truly, B. T. SlMONtAW, Student at U. of M. D. F. Almendinger ha8 three fine PianoB, one of them his own make, to which he wants the attention of those desiring to purchase a First-class instrument. O. Bliss & Son, appear to have the inside track on the Silk Umbrella trade. They have just received another fine assortment and they ■would make an excellent graduating present. Loanino. - Money to loan on first-cliuw Real Estáte Mortgage at Ourrent rates of Interest. Satisfactory arrangements made with capitalista desiring such investments. Every conveyance and transaction in abstracts of titles oarcf ally examimed as to legal effect . Z. P. K.INH, Ann Arbor Special Sai.e. The undersigned, (special administrator o( the estáte of the late Wm. H. Wagner, of Scio, will, during the next four weeks sell at private sale the following property. 1 span bay horeca, 8 years old and weighing 1,400 each; one 1 year old colt; 5 good milch cows, and several head of young cattle; also 90 good sheep. To be sold for cash or approved notes, payable in 9 months. Inquire at my farm % miles west of Ann Arbor, on the Dexter road. Israel Kuehnle, Adminiatrator. Joe T. Jacobs & Co., have the best assortment of Boys' Flannel and Ootton Waists and Kilt Siüts to be found in Washtenaw county. Neckwear of all kinds. Our overalls have no equal. Schiapacasse & Co., at their new store on North Main street, have a f uil stock of everything m the Candy line, Tobacco and Cigars. All kinds of Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, etc. Ice Cream parlors in the rear of the store. We keep for drinks, such as Ginger Ale, Pop, and California Grape Cream. Peanuts by the pint and buahel. A. SCHIAPAOASSE & Co. Fob Sale Cheap. - A Small Soda Fountain. See H. Granger, State st. The people of Washtenaw county snouia rememoer tnat we carry a larger stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings than can be found in any other store in the county. J. T. Jacobs & Co. Fob Sale.- A 5 year old mare. Inquire of Frank Hendereon, at his farm in Pittefield. Grossman & Schlenker keep extras for the Deering Machine, and plenty of Twina for Binders. No. 7 West Liberty street, Ann Arbor. Cali on Doty & Femer, -who have just received one of the largest and most complete stooks of Boots and Shoes for spring trade, ever brought to Ann Arbor. Sell eheap and the people will buy. C. F. Burkdardt has just received a large stock of Trunks, Vahses, and Shawl Straps, whioh will be sold at a bargain. Also a fine line of Harneases and Bridles. I Carry the Biggest Stock of Harnesses in the County. C. F. BüRKHARDT. Good Work Horse for sale, lnquire of Wm. Walsh, sheriff, or at önow's livery barn. See ItEiu: ! I sharpen and repair Bazors, Shears and Knives on short notice, at my barber shop, North Main street, one door from Acton Schiappacasse's. Habein qton E . Johnson. Ten Thousand Men WantedI To try Frank Minnis' Stylographic Writing Ink. For sale at Yale's postoffice news depot. Farm Fob Sale. The Albert Oase Farm of 140 acres, adjoining the village of Manchester, will be sold at a bargain. Long time given. Easy payments. The place is well watered and has good buildings. For full particulars inquire of Mrs. Halph Whiting, Ann Arbor, Mich. Fob Sale. - The property on Miller avenue, known as the Bower homestead. One in need of a desirable home can purchase this real estáte at a remarkably low figure. Inquire of O. L. Matthews. Fob Sale. Three hundred and fifty acres of land in the northern portion of Waahtenaw county, to be sold for $13 per acre, altogether or in seperate paroles. For partioulars address P. ü. box 1035, Ann Arbor Michigan. To Kent. - Inquire of Wm. Burke. Claibvoint Physioian. Dr. L. D. White is still in tho Duffy block, opposite the pqstofiïce, where he has an extensivo business. He can be found in his office at all hours. Buy your Beer at the Central Bottling Work, oorner Detroit and Catherine-sts. Fabm por 'Sale - 70 acres on Washtenaw avenue, adjoining city. House, two barns, large apple and peach orchards, nine acres of small fruits. Will sell 10 or 30 acres if desired. Will exchange in part for Ann Arbor city property, if well located. Address J. Ferdon, A-un Arbor, Mich. All Goods warranted to give fair wear and satisfaction, at Dotv & Finer's Boot and Shoe House. Mrs. Fitch has Ladies' Crimps, Frizzes, Switches, etc., for sale, over Alaynard's grocery store. First ülass Hair Work done at Mrs. Fitoh's. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank is open every Saturday evening from 7 'till 8 o'cloek, for savings department business only. Ladies' Hair Goods at Mrs. Fitch's Hair Emporium, over J. W. Maynard's. D. W. AMSDEN, (Successor to Henry Richards.) - DEALER IN - HARD AND SOFT ÏÏOOD - AND - COAL. - A1SO - Flo-ar and Feedi YARD adjoinine Fireman's Hall. Oíd f rienda are iuvited to cal), and others in waat of any thing in niy line. D W. AMSDEN. CEO. OLP ! PROPIUETOR OF THE New Livery Stable Boarding and Farmers' Fend Barn. A.t. Baxter's Old. Stand, Corner Huron and Second Streets. TURNOUTS ALL NEW AND NEAT. Charges Reasouable. Telephono Counection.


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