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Uourt June 13. Judge Cooley was home over Sunday. There was another refreshing rain Sunday. F. Pistorious will remove his lamily to Ann Arbor in July. A change of ad this week for E. Wagner, the grocer. W. G. Burchfield sports a new tile, the gift of his employees. Germán Workingmen's convention in Ypsilanti June 14-15 . H. D. Platt, as oil inspector, will enter upon his duties July 1. Monday occurred the lOth anniversary of the VV. O. T. U., of Chelsea. There is some talk of couverting the rink ioto a oarriage repository. It will be well for our citizens to be on the look out to-day for thieves. Cari Edmunds is acting towu clerk during the sickness of L. Da vis. J. E. Wyman, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his Ann Arbor frieuds. Christina Hieber, of Freedom, aged 16 years, died Monday, of diphtheriii. Postmaner Duffy has been notified to get ready for free delivery July 1. Chris. Llaeger has purchased of the widow Volz 4(3 acres of land in Scio for 12,400. Jno . C. Bird, of this township, died suddenly Sunday morning, of heart disease. The Messrs. Smith, of the Clifton house, will give a 4th of July dance at the lake. Eugene B. and Louis Hall'were the guests of Judge Douglas at Grosse Isle, last week. Hon. Geo. Eemick, of Detroit, was the guest of J. F. Lawreuce Friday and Satarday last. George, nine year old Bon of Wm. Aprill, died Thursday night of last week of diphtheria. Large quantities of strawbernes grown in this vicinity, are in the market. Only Bots per quart. F. Rettich, jrs picked nine defeated the Scio club by 12 to nothing, the flrst part of the week. The senior high school classhold their class supper at Whitmore Lake, at the Clifton house, June 22. The Ann Arbor high school nine defeated the Detroit high school club Saturday by a scorcof 8 to 6. The ;g5,000 voted the Michigan Cen tral toward the bridge, was drawn Monday in favor of the company. The chief of pólice says he will scalp every person to the amount of $5 each for playing ball in the streets. Mrs. Brown, mother of Mrs. Levi D . Wines, is to erect a residence on the corner of Huron and Ingalls streets. The frame for Wm. C. Latson's $5,000 farm residence in Webster is up. Win. Jacobus is doing the carpenter work. Henry Richards has aold out to Dan Amsden, who will continue the wood and coal, and liour and feed business. Jno. Feiner is the happiest painter in town just now. He is the father of a 11 pound girl just one week old to-day. Deputy Imus will prosecute those persons who are killing robins and red birds. There is $5 flne for each ofiense. Prof. Lorenzo Davis, of Berkley, Cal., is in the city, having been cal led home on aocount of the sickness of his father. Chas. Buss, late of Freedom, has moved on to the Fletcher farm in Lima, oonsisting of 120 acres for which he paid $10,200. Deacon Brown offers one-half of the $2,700 that he was swindlad out of, to the officers who will arrest the conüdenco men. Mrs. J. Willard Babbitt and daughtcr, of Ypsilauti, have been spendiug several days at the Clifton house, Whitmore Lake. As we go to presa farmers are coming to the city in large numbers to witness the parade of 4-Paw's circus and memagerie. The business card of C. W. Vogel, whose meat market is on Ann street, opposite the court houe, will be found on flrst page. Jno. Beahan has purchased a $150 roadster, of postmaster Cook, of Dexter. He will pull a 8100 carriage, maiiufactured by Walker Bros The sheeney f rom the M'hite office, ano the Singer f-ewing-machine man, indulged in a fistic encounter in front ol the opera house Monday morning. Wesley Harris, of the town of Ypsilanti, was committed to Pontiac Saturday on the testimony of Drs. Oakley anc O wen, of Ypsilanti,. who found Harris ins&ne. High school commencoment Judo 2t Fred. T. Stinisom has a telophone No 109. Chris. Brenner was in Manchestor Tuesday. Miss Nora O'Brion is visiting friends in Chicago. Mrs. Callnguan returne d to Chicago Suuday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stono spout Sunday at Strawberry lake. Young Mahany is pitching for the Alpena base ball club. Washed wool is bringiug froin 25 to 30 cents in this market. E. M. Southard will opeu a barber shop at Whitmore Lake. Hay fever subjects are getting ready for their pilgrimago north. Bev. Dr. Earp is attending the diocesan conveution in Detroit. H. D. Platt, of Pittsfield, state oil inspector, was in Lansing Tuesday. D. W. Haviland and wife, of Concord, are the guests of Geo. H. Bhodes. W. G. Uieterle sold a large load of furniture to Chelsea parties Moniay. Among the pensions granted Tuesday was one to Chas. M. Hicks, of Dextor. Aid. Kearns, of the third ward is thinking seriously of resigning his position . Mr. and Mrs. C. Baylifl and Mr. and Mre. Ed Walker, Sundayed at Zukey lake. No addition to the high school will, from the present ontlook, be built this year. Rev. Dr. Earp held a pastors recep:ion, last evening at Hobart guild, from 8 to 10. A daughter, weight 7 pounds, is the atest arrival at the home of Fred T. 3timson. G. C. G. Doty was in Northville Tues. day and assisted in instituting a K. Tcommandery. Clair Durand, the hard working clerk of the Am. Ex. office, spent Sundny at lis home in Chelsea. St. Andrew's ladies, missionary society, will meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock in Hobart hall. Mrs. Sarah Hallock will soon leave Michigan to reside in the future with her son at Emporia Kansas. Mrs. W. W. Witlark, of Montreal, Ont.,-it spenning the summer witli her mother, Mrs. L. D. Gates. Miss Maggie Donovan has returned rom a several months, visit with her brother in Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Torrans has purchased a lot of iev. 8. Clements, adjoining bis residence n the sixth ward, and will build a house. Will Cadwell, of Beaver Lake, is yisitng bis ?rand-mother and hig sister irace will aocompany him on his return lome. Gus. Sinke is building a residence on ;he corner of Madison and West Second treets. Lraick Bros. contractors ; price !l,60(). , The board of managers of the spring 'air have a meeting to-morrow afternoon it 2 o'clock in the basement of the coui t louse. Harry R. Hawley, one of the prorietors of the Minneapolis Journal, was in the city Monday and Tucsday on his way east. The lovers of the luscious strawberry can have their fill this year, as an immense erop it just beginning to oome on the market. One Lane, oharged with forgery, waived examination before justice Frenaufl ruesday, and will be tried at the next term of court. The Exchange is doing a good business ;he house being nearly full, the proprie;ors expecting more this week of the M. 3. R. JLi. repairing gang. The closing concert of the season will be given next Tuesday evening by the Beethoven society at their hall. After the concert there will be a social. The annual state Jonvention of the Arbeiter bunJ will be held in Ypsüanti June 14-10. The Great Western band, of Detroit, will f urnish the musio. The wool buyers in the city are Mack fc Schmid, Jno. Ueinzmann and A. Herz. The first clip of uuwashed wool, 600 pounds, was purchased of Fred. Maser. All members of the carpenter and oiners, union are requested to meet at :heir hall, Monday evening, June 13th, at 7.;iO sharp. Important business to ;ransact. F. G. Osgood was arrested Wednesday od the charge of sending obscene natter through tho mails, and was taken ;o Detroit in charge of a deputy U. S marshal. Judge Lyman D. Follett, of Grand liapids, who absconded last week, leavng debts to the amount of several thousand dollars, was bom and raised in Ypsilanti. J. W. BoBman, M. D., of Kalamazoo, and Miss Stella Runion, of this city, were married Monday evening by the Liev. W. W. Ramsey, at the residence of Chas. Gibson, Miller avenue. Luke W. Bodwell, a resident of this city for 43 yearn, died Tuesday night in the 81st year of his age. The f uueral was held yesterday from the residence of liis son-in-law, Edward Eberbaoh . Burglara went through Rev. Belser's reeideuce Monday night and carried off somej. The clothing of the reverend and liis son were carried into an adjoining lot and deposited in a tub of water. The seige of Vicksburg, an oil painting by Rhen, of this city, and which has been on exhibilion in Detroit for several weeks, is very much admirad by the thousands of persons who have inspected it. Mrs. Wm. Clute, formerly of this city, who was injured in a smash up on the Toledo road April 8, 18y5, ñas compromised with the company, receiving 8800. ü. Cramer was attorney for complainant. By the will of Wm. L. Mitchell, of New York, Missea Hannah and Sophia Gregory.and Mrs. Jennie C. DeForest, all of this city receive $833.81 each, and Sam Gregory $549.83, aad the other nephews and nieces a like amount. The man Campbell, governor luce's private secretary, gave the lie to representativo Manly in the hall of the house of representativos Tuesday night, and the captain retaliated by giving the inuiting puppy a blow on the aide of the head. J. E Wyman, of Detroit, was in the city Saturday, with partios looking at the rink with a view of purchasing it for an agricultural and carriago repository on a large scalé. Manufacturing will be a special feature of the enterprises. The progress made in educating the negroea of the south will be set forth in The American Magazine for July. The liev. S. VV. Oul ver, President of Bishop Ooilege, Texas., describes the methods of instruction and the measure of auccess attained. Jno. N. Bailey has sold his interest in the Saginaw Telegram, to E. S. Crawford. Bailey ia undoubtedly thankfulthat he was able to unload, for it is aaid the paper has been an elephant; not enough in it for two. Crawford will probably make it pay. Early Sunday morning Sanford Lane and Solomon Zeebs, both colored, were baptized in the Huron river near the flrst railroad bridge west. They took an early start, as they did not wish to be immersed in the presence of a crowd. The morning waa pleasant and the bath is said to have done them good. The labor organizations are making arrapgements for celebrating, in a becotning manner, the 4th of July. It is proposed to celébrate ou Saturday as it is thought a bigger crowd can be got together on that day than on the following Monday, and that mora money can be raised for the purpose. There will be a meeting at K. of L. hall Sunday afternoon at 3 o'olock for the purpoae of perfecting plana. Tho Omega is cxpected to be issuec about Juue '23. Tho oíd directora of the tííiviiigs bank were re-elected Alonday. Mrs. Oeo. W. Haviland expeets to leave to-day for Gogebic. Mrs. J. C. Knowlton held a ladies' reception Weduesday afternoon, Wm. Merrithew has broken ground for bis residence on Ingalls street. Ann Arbor cominandery of K. T., will celébrate St. John 's day June 21. Mrs. Oondon, of South University avenue, holds a reception this afternoon. Ohester Parsous, a highly respected citizen of Saline, died Tuesday, aged 90 years . There will be a special train run on the Toledo road next Sunday to Detroit via Milan. Mrs. Jno. Byruns bas purchased the old Brennan place on Ingalla street, and will put up a dweiling adjoining. John C. Bird is the fourth one of his fatuily to die of heart disease, and the deaths in each case occurrcd on Sunday. 11 rs. A. J. Wilcox, sister of Mrs. W. K. Childs, died suddenly of heart disease, Tuesday in Bancroft, Shiawasse county. Several hundred wbeelmen are expacted to atteud the Michigan división of the league to be held in this city July 8. Old "Scotty" years ago janitor of the liigh school building, but now a resident of Grass Lake, is visiting old friends in the city. Mrs. Geo. Kingsley and son Thomas, of Paola, Kansas, arnved in the city Wednesday niht. Mre. Kisdon accompanied them. A. S. Polhemuo, Millman & Collins ind Exinger & Boes, paid their saloon license $300 eaoh into the county ireasury Tuesday. No trace has y et been found of Jno. E. Jones, father of l)r. S. A. Jones, who disappeared f rom tho latter's residen ce Monda y afternoon. The Courier warma it to Gov. Luce and his private secretary, Campbell, and asks pardon for imp osing such upon tho aeople as governor. The Ann Arbor gas and fuel co., ought ;o be encouraged, and there should be no trouble about leasing all the ground required around this city . Wm. Frank, of the Gemianía house, jas fltted up some fine rooms over Stailer's agricultural ware house, and he aas now ampie accommodations for guests. The second annual exhibition by the irt club will be given in the ladies, lijrary building Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. An admission fee of L0 cents will be eharged. Postmaster Dnffy has the names of IGO Dersons who have applied for the position of mail carriers. As there are only four to be appointed there will bo some tall growling when the appointments are made. County treasurer Belser turned over to the city, Tuesday, $7,974.45 license money, and to this should be added j891 not yet paid, makiug the total amount received from the saloons $8,805.45 or f2,301.75 less thau the city realized one year ago. The high school alumni association will meet in the high school hall June 14. An oration will be delivered by H. i. Todd, afterwards a business meeting and social entertainment. It is quite robable that the building will be ighted by electricity. There will be an excursión over the Toledo road next Thursday June 16 to Presque Isle Park, six miles from Toedo. Fair for the round trip only $1. fhe train will leave the depot foot of ÏVilIiams street at 7:40 a. m., Jeaving Toledo at 6:20 p. m., and arriving in this city between 8 and 9 o'clock. The number of strangere who will atend tho commencement week is likely o be greater than ever before ; and argely to exceed the capacity of the ïofcels. Any, therefore, who can offer ooms or board or both for that week at easonable pnces are requested to inorm steward J. H. Wade or Prof. E. L. VV alter of that fact, that srrangers niay e helped in ünding quarters. The beadquarters of Asbley's engineers have been located at Cadillac and vill remain until the extensión of the .'., A. A. & C. K. 11. is completed to that )lace. Work will be pushed from Cadllac southward and from Mt. Pleasant ;o tho north, and supplies and steel rails will be brought in over the G. li. & I. K. 11. .'he route adopted makes directly from Tarwell to Cadillac, running through Clare and Wexford and northeast corner of Osceola counties. The second annual exhibit of drawings, lone in the public schools, will be made at the Tappnn school building on Fridy and Saturday the I7th and 18th nst. The exhibit will consist of drawugs from objects, working urawings, riginal designs, and blaekboard sketches. ?here will also be a small collectiou of objects modeled in clay, and other kinlergarten work, from the primary grades. .'he public are cordially invited to inepect the exhibit. While at charming Wbitmore Lake Monday, we noticed varioua improvements. Wm. Kane bas built a neat addition to nis store, Chas. Kaïn; bas his new store completed and ready for business, and several new cottages are being erected. We were shown about the 'lifton house by the genial proprietors, and we saw niany and varied improvements made during the past winter. L'his popular house is now ready for )usiness and they already have several rooms engaged for the season. They ïave added largely to their list of boats, amoug them a two mast sailor, and they now have as fine a lot of boats as eau e found anywhere. The Lake house s being repairod, and although it was adly wrecked by lightuiug it will soou e as good as new. Wheu you want a day or week of recreation and rest, go to Wbitmore, you will find ampie accomodationsand be royally entertained at very ittle expense. - South Lyon Picket. In speaking of the piano forte recital recently given in Detroit by Julius V. Seyler, the Free Presa paid the young musician tho followiug complement: The instrumental numbers included the sonata, op. 53 (Waldstein), by Beethoven; Spiuulied, by Joseify; Serenata, )y Aloszkowski; etude in F sharp, by lerselt; gavotte m G minor, by Neemann; Rhapeodie Hongroise, Ño. 12, jy Liszt, and the first movement of the A minor concerto, by Grieg. The eutire jrogramme was given from memory and n a manner highy artistic. .Mr. Seyler a a bold, vigorous and incieive pianist. Wnile in delicate passages bis touch is mellow and reflned. it is in brilliant, ma8sive work that his playing is most effective, and in which particular it will jear with soine of the best that bas jeen heard hero this Beason. His iechniquo ia well-nigh infalliblo and ully equal to the demanda of the dillicult and exacting programme.


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Ann Arbor Democrat