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■111111)71 d iiK' ith SUCCC35 re AU f til I (E quires .. knowledge ol ih value of newspapcrs, anti a correelly displaycd advl. To secure such inforniation limiPlitlICI V aswillenablc ynu I . I 'I (fUfcllU ?Uïf dL I consult LORD - THOMAS NEWSPAPER ADVERT1SING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PENSION & CLAIM ACENCY 0. L. MATÏHEWS ! Ann Arbok, Mich. AH applications proporly made. Thousanrls of dollars have beou lose bficause Applications were not correctly mode. No charges uuless successful. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescription of n. physician who hasliadalifo lon,7 experience in treating female discases. Is uscd monthly wiih perfect success by over 10,000 ladus. Pleasant, safe, effcctual. Iaiies askyourdrug pist for Pennyroyal wafers aru: talie r.o substituto, or inclose postare f orsealodparticulars. SoWln all dniirprists, 1 per box. A. THE EUREKA. CTIKMlCAIj CO.. DsiBOIT, Míen. t& Sold in Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Son. Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGKNT, No. 4 South Jlain Street, Ann Arbor. The oldest aponcy in the city. Estatjüshed a quarter of a ceutury ago. Bepresenttng the foMmving flrstclnss eompftnleSi with over $.'JO,CMX),0Oii assets. Home Ins. Co., of N. Y. ; Continental Ins. Co., of N. Y.; Miagara Ins. Co., of N. Y.: Uirard Ins. Co., of l'hila ; Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford; Commercial Union of I .uiiduii; Liverpool and Londou and Qlobe. l& Kaie. low. Losses liberally adjusted and prompt ly paid. O. II. MILLEN. HENRY MATTHEWS Keips a First-class MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats( One Door East of FranHin House. Priees Bcasonablo. Tliankinpr those who have so liberallv patronKed me iu the past, I a!so cordially solicittrade rom uew patroiu. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich_ Diilntü, S outli Süore & A tlantic RAILWAY. '"The Zoo-Mackinaw Short Line." Only Direct Route to Marquette and the Iron and Copper Kegions of tho Upper Península of Michigan. Two Through Trnins each way daily, making close conneotions in Union Depots at all Points. The territory traversed is famous for ts Unexcelled Huntingand Fishing Tickets for Rile I all points via thls route. JTor Mips, Folders, Rates and Information, address, F. W, ALLEN, Geni Pass. and Ticket Agt., Marquette, Mich. MACKINAC. Tho Moet Deliehtful SUMMER TOUR Palaoe Steamers. Low Bates. Pour Trips p9r Weelt Betweeu DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated, Contain3 Pull Partioulara. Mailcd Frcc. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, Gen. Pass. Act., DETROIT. MICH. Ain Arüor flrp WorRs D. F. Alimentar Manufacturer and dealer in Pianos, Oíais, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. Anyone calling at the works foot of Washington street, can examine goods and prices. I can couvince you of the Great Bargains ! I am offering. D, F. ALLMEND1NGKH, ANN ARBOR Fred. Brown ! At C'laiíken's Old Place. FI WINES ! Xjq_-cLox's SbD-dL Oiars. HOT LDNCH EYEBY DAY. EBERBACH & SON. DIUÍ0 0ISTS AND PB ARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DEALEE8 IN - BJCcdicincs, Chemicals, Dye StuOW, Artist's and Wax Flowcr Materials, Toilet A rticles, Trusses, Etc. Pure Wines and Lionors ! Special attentlon paid to the furnishine of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with phllouophical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Olassware, l'orcelain Ware, Pure Eeagents, etc. Physicians' Frescriptiens Carefully Prepared at all hours. EBERBACH & SON.


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